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Booty Call Dolls
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Post by Booty Call Dolls »

So i started talking to jeff just to get an idea of what a nice doll was going to set me back. Just to see his process on how he goes about selling vs just useing a website.

The guy is smart. I wouldnt have though of seeing a blank canvas of the doll. Without makeup or cloths. He was very quick to show other models that was close to what i was going for and some of the potential issues that could arise from said models. He was customer service forst and a salesman second. Rare in my line work so i appriciate that. Any question i had he would answer. We emailed back and forth for about a week and about half way through tjat i was already set on a path that this wasnt just a price check anymore.

To anyone wondering who to use as a vendor. Use someone that will take time and talk about the models. A flashy website can bring buyers remorse. Jeff was upfront about the weight of my girl and the potential anatomical correctness. He was spot on with the weight. Shes a girthy girl and i love it.

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Post by Booty Call Dolls »

Over One year ago I decided on purchasing a sex doll. Something to fill a gap in my marriage. I was researching for a good vendor since the site I was checking out would not respond to my questions. I stumbled onto The Doll Forum. I will admit, at first the community was very different than I imagined. I didn't know what to think about it. Never thought of an attachment to a doll. Then I contacted Jeff @ BCD. I kept seeing his name pop up, awesome reviews, and posts from him all over the site. Between Jeff at BCD and looking at the joy they bring to many people, my opinion changed.

Through the many emails and a phone call (Over 70 emails including pics from the factory of a doll I have not yet purchased) Jeff was fine with getting me the doll I originally wanted, but then took the time to explain that I may be happier with a smaller doll. He sent pics of dolls from all the quality manufacturers with details of what I may like about each one. I have never had an experience like this with a "vendor" before. He was more like a friend than a vendor in my case. All said and done, the finances were not there.

I contacted him about a month ago and was able to purchase Ruali's passport. There were a total of 92 emails back and forth at this point and 3 or 4 phone conversations. I was emailed pics of my Ruali before she received her plane ticket. After Jeff was positive I was happy, her reservation was set!!
I was expecting at least a month of waiting but in less than 3 weeks, Ruali was waiting for me when I came home from work.

Ruali is beautiful and I was instantly attached, enthralled, and excited. All the thanks goes to Jeff at BCD. He really puts his heart into what he does. My girl is here and Jeff had the right questions to ask, the knowledge to explain, and the drive to deliver more than what you pay for. This is no minor expense to anyone, at least within my income bracket, and I feel I received way more than I paid for.

If you want a knowledgeable, respectable, and trustworthy "vendor" (in quotes because Jeff is not a vendor to me) than BCD is the way to go!!!

Ruali has been home now for 5 days. Following all the steps for the first days, I had to take a break so it took 3 days to complete her total clean, oil, and powder. Here are a few pics of Ruali after the initial 4 days of getting her "comfy" to meet the community". She is stunning :D


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Post by Booty Call Dolls »

Sooo glad to have met and done business with Jeff of bootycalldolls. He is the first doll comrade I have spoken with, thoroughly answering all my questions with professionalism and without prejudice. He has his doctorate in dolls. I learned quickly, there is ALOT to learn and consider, especially when purchasing your first doll. I will continue to rely on Jeff, for all my future purchases. He also saved me quite a bit of money and numerous potential disappointments.


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Post by ritekota »

thanks for your job! your girls help me

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Post by Booty Call Dolls »

Ok first and fomost. Jeff is a GOD!!!!

So after a month and a half of emails inquiring about a sino 155 that cought my eye. Even longer if u count me txting him asking about them when this doll launched...

He kept in touch and made a hell of a deal for me. I wont go into to to many details on here. But holy fuck. ...

Pros. He was up front about everything. Every minor detail that would catch my attention and up front about any blemish. Granted i got 1 of his displays or trial dolls. So i appreciate the honestly. His packing again holy shit. He beats ever manufactor out there. Dude had chemical made foam bags thats fit zoey percectly. Reminded me of working for a shipping company. "Which i have" sp kudos there man.

Cons. I have none. I realistically have none. Zoey is my perfect shy anime girl that is in every anime harem. She fits my harem perfectly. Is there issues beyond that.... Yeah im sure i can nit pick. But at a hudge ass discount for a doll that lived with my vendor of choice and passed his inspection. Nah.

Anyone on the fence. Ill always say. Go through jeff. Get a BCD doll. No one goes above and beyond like him. No one brings you the girl that your truly searching for. If i ever buy new i will always ask him first. Price check all you want. Hes honest with what options are worth it and what are not. And even with a super sale on websites he had beat them with a pervious girl. Dude makes dreams come true without killing your wallet.

Check him out. Weather you go new or his dolls needing new homes he wont bullshit you.
- Kitejr


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Post by bedofina »

registered to thank you guys. your dolls help me live with my complexes more comfortably
best regards :thumbs_up:

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Post by Booty Call Dolls »

Review for Booty Call Dolls (February 2020)

This wasn't my first buying experience and i already knew exactly what i wanted. That said i have chosen to stick with Jeff out of loyalty as a BCD family member, and because he has been great to do business with in the past.
I didn't have many questions this time around so the ordering process was rather straightforward, but it should be mentioned that I have exchanged with Jeff extensively in the past, and know that he is one of the most knowledgeable resources
when it comes to love dolls on this forum. He constantly keeps up to date with the industry's advancements, and knows exactly what he's talking about. He's also a seasoned doll owner himself first and foremost, and truly has his customer's best interests in mind.
On TDF, he's been known for having the guts to stick his neck out for his customers, even at his own expense... because that's exactly the kind of person that Jeff is.

So if you've new to the doll world as i once was, Jeff is in a unique position to accurately identify and understand your specific needs thanks to his extensive knowledge and experience, and in turn help you towards identifying the product that will suit your needs.
And if like me you've already been completely immersed in this wonderful world for some time, then going with Jeff should already be a no brainer because... then you already know all that he does for doll owners around here every day :)

BCD score: 10/10

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Post by FutureIsRobots »

Hi Jeff,

I have read a lot of good things about your company. Because everyone sings your praises, I want to give you some honest feedback, which I hope will help.

It's your website, man. Before I opted for another vendor a while back, I was considering BCD, but that website is not what I would call "up to industry standard". It reminded me of a MySpace page, circa 1999. Just before posting this, I attempted a visit to see if you'd made updates, and the page wouldn't even load.

I strongly suggest getting a decent web designer to have a crack at updating your site. I don't want to shill for another vendor on this thread and break any rules or be seen as rude, but there are other vendors that are doing the website thing RIGHT. Just trying to help you out by pointing out something that is surely costing you some business.

Best wishes, sir.
I use dolls to bring my fantasy girls into 3D! <3
Lisa - Kiyori - Shinobu - Kari - Misty - Emily

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Post by Booty Call Dolls »

No offense taken and if people by pass us, it is what it is.....
but dolldesire,com loads for most people
I no longer consider my site to be a joke anymore like it use to be.

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Post by Booty Call Dolls »

My review starts when I contacted Jeff at bootie call dolls he is a matchmaker..
He didnt just sell me a doll he helped me buy one.
He asked me questions about what characteristics I was looking for then he made sugestions about what brand of doll suited my desires.
Then after the order was placed he answered all of my questions.
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Post by Booty Call Dolls »

We carry XY
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Post by Woody1616 »

Hello, I am writing you today in need of assistance. I purchased a TPE doll from aliexpres but did not recieve the doll that was advertised. I have disputed the purchase with both the retailer and my credit card company. In order to proceed with the dispute I need a professional letter/email from a distributor that sells similar dolls, stating how the doll I recieved is not as advertised. Can you assist me with this? Thank you for your time. 

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Post by Booty Call Dolls »

Please email us at yourdollusa@gmail.com
Please make print screens of where you got the doll from as evidence as well and send it to us.
. One vendor name kept coming up as being great at helping customers walk through the process, Booty Call Dolls. So I decided I would work with them on this first purchase, and did.
You could not of found a better person to help you with your first doll. Jeff /Booty call dolls, knows his stuff... One of the few members that is a vendor and a real lover of dolls. He owns quite a few dolls, and really understands the love we all share.
-Just in time

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Post by Booty Call Dolls »

So far I've purchased 8 dolls. 3 of them I ordered from Jeff, 2 from Aliexpress, 2 from Amazon, and 1 from Dolltochina.

I have to say, I've had the best experience by far ordering from Jeff. He works with you to help you decide what you need, which is very helpful when there are so many options to consider. I'm not sure if he personally oversees the construction of the dolls, but I can tell you the dolls I have received from him are the highest quality. I have one doll I ordered almost 2 years ago, and it is in much better shape than the 2 I ordered off of Aliexpress less than 6 months ago.

The only problem I ever had was a WM140a which had bad hip joints and a bad shoulder joint. He ended up just sending me a new doll, after I explained what happened to him. He's a good guy who truly cares about his customers, and he will work with you to make sure you get exactly what you need. I'll be doing all of my business through Jeff after this.

https://www.dollforum.com/forum/viewtop ... 5&t=127783

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Post by Booty Call Dolls »

Alright so about the customer service experience I had with Jeff at BCD.

Rating: 11/10

Wait, what xseria? You do know that an 11/10 rating is impossible right? Yes dear reader I am aware. The reason why I rate Jeff so highly is that he really offers a superior customer experience. I know it is my first time ordering a doll from any vendor, but I just have to say Jeff is the guy you should go to if its your FIRST doll. Reason? He owns dolls. He is a doll lover himself and therefore knows what its like for us newbies when we are considering our first dolls. He let me know well in advance what to expect when you enter the world of dolls. I already knew whch doll I wanted to go for when I contacted Jeff, but sometimes I would call to talk about doll things unrelated to my order. I consider Jeff a personal friend now, and I know he will always be there to answer any questions I have about my doll. His website is fine by the way. I am not even going to comment much on it because it does what it needs to do. There is a deliberate decision there to use manufacturer sites instead of making galleries and prettifying everything (I just made that word up). It is a functional website and of course if you have any questions he is lightning fast to reply to your emails. Man, Jeff is great. He has a good team of people assembled and I know for a fact that if there comes a time to order a companion for my companion then he is just a phone call away. Superior service. The first time my doll was made, Jeff and his affiliate caught the defect. Jeff informed me that he was not willing to take a discount on a defective doll, only a flawless one would do and he did all this in the background without any input from me. For me this was HUGE! As soon as I found out what had happened I contacted Jeff again and at this moment my trust in him was through the roof. I never would have settled on an arrangement like that, and from the brief time Jeff and I had been talking, he knew me well enough to make that decision for me. He told the manufacturer to do it again from scratch. Superior customer service.

Alright, Jeff is cool and all but how about that DOLL I ordered?


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