Summer 135 $999 New Review + Pics. Video soon.

Sili Doll is a USA Manufacturer of lifelike sex dolls & body parts (breast, booty, torso & legs). Main material used is Korean TPE. All Sili Dolls are in stock in Los Angeles or Hong Kong and fast-shipped for free with UPS, FedEx or DHL. Amazing dolls and toys from $39 only! Open to negotiate price! Frequent catalog updates with HD video reviews! Buyer Support!
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Summer 135 $999 New Review + Pics. Video soon.

Post by randyb100 »

Greetings fellow DollForumers,

I just received a Summer 135 today about 2 hours ago and promised Silidoll I'd do a review. I will be editing and updating this review in the future to add video, product updates, and more photos when I have time. I have already done a few quick videos but am refamiliarizing myself with video editing software because it was taken with a cellphone. I must mention that the doll is much tanner and more detailed than my phone is showing.

I will be addressing random points on my experience with it and doing a short promotion of the outfit I bought separately because I like it so much.

Laying down (FaceApp edit)
Laying down (FaceApp edit)
laying down.jpg (1.09 MiB) Viewed 5379 times
The review:

Ordering (4 out of 5) - Silidoll's website is great and it's easy to place an order. Comparing it to other manufacturers isn't fair, but there are no customization options besides the doll type. This is fine, as the price is great and so is the quality. I think the site is a little plain and I accidentally ordered the wrong doll at first, but overall it's very easy to use. I had to call my bank and get them to approve the purchase through Paypal, though.

Shipping (4.5 out of 5) - My particular situation is going to be a bit different than most for a few reasons. I had to cancel an order and reorder, then Easter happened. The day I ordered Summer was March 31st. Today is April the 8th. They used UPS Super Saver and I could track the package on UPS' website on the 2nd. It was very fast shipping and much faster than any other doll I've ordered. The doll shipped from Shenzen, China, and got here in less than a week. That's super fast and faster than anything I've ever bought from AliExpress. It's often faster than Amazon purchases. The box did arrive damaged on one side. It was about 1/3 of the way open and stuff was falling out. They dropped it off at the office despite my request to bring it to my door, but it was a large 60 lb. box. There was no US Customs tape so somebody got nosy. I would have given this a 5 star review except for the opened box. The doll had no damage and nothing was missing.
open box.jpg (1.79 MiB) Viewed 5379 times
Customer service (5 out of 5) - I emailed them several times and they were always quick to respond, and always within a day.

Accessories (5 out of 5) - This doll came with a shitload of stuff. I got 4 wigs, 3 outfits, a heating rod, body hanger, stockings, a pink blanket, and more I can't think of. I have only purchased one other doll new and it didn't come with even half of that. The details of other company's dolls don't list half of that, either, but they may be of higher quality. This isn't the best quality stuff, but it's about what you'd get from going to an adult store and buying some lingerie. I purchased my own already when buying the doll from Amazon.

Appearance (4 out of 5) - I have owned a WM Doll, a Realdoll torso, and an unbranded TPE doll I bought from AliExpress. The head on this doll has a good amount of detail. The eyebrows, for instance, looked drawn on and feathered instead of painted on. The Realdoll had a bit more detail but was uglier. The corners of the mouth are missing a little bit of lipstick, and it looks like there's teeth with the mouth closed when in reality there aren't any. It's just a white spot that looks like front teeth. The eyes look great for a doll and don't look like they quickly glued on some eyelashes. It does have a cartoonish face overall, though.

Here are some photos and FaceApp touchups:
Using FaceApp for Android
Using FaceApp for Android
FaceApp_1617912929705.jpg (1.23 MiB) Viewed 5379 times
Using FaceApp for Android
Using FaceApp for Android
FaceApp_1617912545399.jpg (1.07 MiB) Viewed 5379 times
There are detailed lines across the stomach and back, and where the thighs and butt meet look realistic thanks to the curves. The tops of the hands and feet are smooth, but the bottoms have creases like a real person. The fingernails and toenails came painted and glued on.

The wig I put on could have been nicer. You can see the net underneath it pretty easily. I will probably get an upgraded wig from Amazon at some point.

The vagina has a great amount of detail and is a separate color from the rest of the doll. It pushes out like an aroused woman and you can clearly make out an enlarged clit with the labia opening and showing the entrance. The anus is just a hole with no detail at all. Update: I inserted the heating rod and tore the bottom part of the labia already. I haven't used the doll yet.

The breasts have a good appearance to them but are smooth besides the nipples. They are larger than a quarter in size and are a different color than the rest of the doll. They have a few hair follicles raised and a decent amount of detail.
Nipple size compared to a quarter
Nipple size compared to a quarter
nipple size.jpg (617.5 KiB) Viewed 5379 times
The ass has great curvature. The thighs thicken up and then taper off just a little bit to make the booty on this doll look even curvier. It's my favorite part.
doggy.jpg (1.08 MiB) Viewed 5379 times
The hole placement is off, in my opinion. The vagina is in a good place for missionary style but the anus is very low. It's about an inch away from the vagina and doesn't rest in the cheeks at all. The crack starts past the anus. The butt does look great, though, especially with clothes on.
Hole placement
Hole placement
hole placement.jpg (883.32 KiB) Viewed 5379 times
Softness (4 out of 5) - All of the doll is soft to the touch. The breasts are amazingly real and would have felt almost natural had they been the right temperature. They jiggle very easily. The butt is also soft, but not nearly as jiggly. If they had added another half inch or so in depth then they'd jiggle like the breasts would. It's still nice and squeezable, like an athletic girl's ass with better curves. You can get a little jiggle out of it, and a lot more than most dolls. The off-brand Chinese TPE doll I had before was honestly the softest I had, but it didn't have a donk like this one to compare it to. This one is a lot softer than the WM and the Realdoll, with the Realdoll being the hardest.

Sex (Not rated) - I haven't used the doll yet. I will review later. I have tried getting into a few positions with it and see how hard it is to do so. Her hips are tiny and a great contrast to that nice, full ass. Someone with large hands could touch their fingers together, probably, and the ass is almost full size in comparison. Holding her ass while on top was also great. She is short and that is the main problem. I can rest my chin on her head with her sitting on my lap, so you couldn't kiss her and fuck her at the same time unless you're super flexible. I'm 5'8" and can't.

Weight (2 out of 5) - Maybe it's just me, but this doll feels like it weighs a lot more than just 55 lbs. I kinda feel sorry for anyone who buys one of the bigger ones, especially with dealing with the big ass box it comes in.

Price (4 out of 5) - Compared to its competitors, it's on the budget level in price. You might be able to find a doll in the $1500 range on sale, and can definitely find a used one that cheap. But $999 for a new doll is great. My unknown Chinese doll was only $400 but with $350 shipping and was smaller than this one. It also took over a month to get.


I have a few other things to mention in my review, though they're not about Silidoll. Summer is wearing an outfit I bought from Amazon from a store called Little for Big. I did a short review in one of the videos and can definitely recommend their products. Besides Amazon, you can find them at
Little for Big
Little for Big
lfb.jpg (41.58 KiB) Viewed 5267 times
I also want to give a shoutout to a video game. This would go great with any doll, not just Summer. The game is called Fallen Doll: Operation Lovecraft, available in demo form. It's being funded on Patreon and will be released on Steam. Fallen Doll: Origin is what I play and what the screenshot is from.
Fallendoll POV mode
Fallendoll POV mode
fallendoll.png (3.09 MiB) Viewed 5379 times
The game demo allows for POV mode, and as you can see lets you get up close and personal with a 3D avatar of your creation. There are other games available with this feature like Koikatsu Party and VR Kanojo. Many Illusion games can. Combined with a VR headset or video headset (like a Vuzix iWear, which is what I have) and you can really have some fun. If the doll looked like my FaceApp photos then this wouldn't be necessary, but no doll does yet. Maybe Gynoid, but I'm not shelling out $10,000 for a piece of rubber unless it's a robot.

I have about 30 minutes of video I am editing and will post when I'm done. I will also do a jiggle video for the breasts and the butt.

In the dark.
In the dark.
IMG_20210408_180922_068~2.jpg (1.97 MiB) Viewed 5265 times
Glitched version (I made it in Photoshop)
Glitched version (I made it in Photoshop)
glitched.gif (5.69 MiB) Viewed 5260 times

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Re: Summer 135 $999 New Review + Pics. Video soon.

Post by Studio »

Congratulations on her arrival and thank you for the detailed review. I've always been a fan of Summer's shape. Looking forward to the videos.

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Re: Summer 135 $999 New Review + Pics. Video soon.

Post by randyb100 »

It's too late to edit the OP so I'll give another update here.

I haven't had time to work on the videos yet because I've been gaming and have to convert them from mp4 to work in Photoshop for some reason. It may be another few weeks before I get around to it, but I will post video reviews and jiggle videos since nobody else has, apparently.

My other update is for the doll's sexual function. As I mentioned in the original review, the doll's height does cause a few problems, but if you don't try to "romance" it then it should be fine. It's all about finding the right angle. There is a joint in the back to make the ass poke out a lot more, and you can get a great "from behind" angle using this.

I have finally tried the doll but just the vagina so far. I did tear the labia with the heating rod before using it, and finding the back joint helped with positioning. It's easy to play with her breasts at the same time since the body is so small.

I will go ahead and rate the sex as a 4 out of 5 due to the issues I've had, but overall it is good. All of the holes are textured and feel good, but it's getting them lined up correctly (on top of the bad hole placement) that is the main issue.


4/11/21 Edit: Today I have finally tried other positions and both loveholes. I decided not to use the mouth hole besides for kissing. Both holes feel similar, but the anus does feel tighter overall. Again, they're both textured through the entire orifice.

I think the feeling of the holes themselves is fairly similar to what an actual vagina and anus feel like, which is surprising. The vagina has that protruding entrance and has the texture to feel pretty close to a real woman. The anus has a bit of a "dryness" to it, even with lubricant, and ends up kind of preventing you from going further, even though there's more depth to it. If the doll was human temperature then it'd be very similar. I date outside of "doll life" and am in my early 30s now, so I know from experience how they all feel.

As for kissing the doll, well... it's a doll. It has a rubber smell to it still. There's no realistic teeth or tongue for this doll, and there's no way it feels real. What it does have, though, are slightly protruding lips and a little bit of suction to it, so it kinda feels like you're kissing a bad kisser who just ate some plastic. It's not bad, especially in the heat of the moment. Adding some flavored lipgloss or chapstick might work.

I tried several spooning positions and you can reach the doll's face in several of them. The back joint helps a lot. It's easier to just put it in and then start moving around yourself than positioning the doll because the LHP is off. I think the anus should be about 3 inches further up so it rests between the butt cheeks and you can get a nice visual from seeing it between those cheeks.

I rated this a 4 out of 5 for two specific reasons: The LHP and the height. As for the height, it's a 135cm doll so that's to be expected. I still like the doll but it just makes it a bit more difficult to get into positions than a larger doll. It doesn't weigh as much and is easier to store, though. I have to keep in the back of my mind I'm fucking an elf or something because it just feels different due to its small size. I will try carrying it during but the entrance to the vagina recesses between the legs and you have to really hike them up and then bend the back joint to position it directly above your crotch, which leads to the second reason.

The LHP is the main problem I have with the doll. The vagina is in a good spot when you're face to face, and I guess the anus is ok from the front, too. The problems are the doll's private parts don't align with yours when it's straddling you and in your lap. You have to adjust it quite a bit to be able to fuck it cowgirl. Again, I think the anus should be about 3 inches further up inside the ass crack, and the vagina should be positioned further back so when she straddles you it's directly above your crotch. It's still usable as is, but you'll have to adjust into positions that just feel off while you're using it. Doggystyle is also very hard. You absolutely have to bend the back joint and even then, the anus is the easiest hole to get into. The vagina is too low and at a bad angle without lifting the doll by the hips and doing it or sitting it up on something to adjust for that.

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Re: Summer 135 $999 New Review + Pics. Video soon.

Post by Studio »

4 out of 5 isn't bad even compared to some women. Sounds like a good honeymoon.

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Re: Summer 135 $999 New Review + Pics. Video soon.

Post by randyb100 »

Studio wrote:4 out of 5 isn't bad even compared to some women. Sounds like a good honeymoon.
I should probably give my ratings for the other dolls I've owned so you can compare them. I did make several comparisons in the original review to them, namely about appearance and softness.

Silidoll Comparison
Appearance: My Realdoll torso had the most detail but was just not that attractive. Had I had a Boytoy or something, this category would have won. Out of the Sili, WM, and unknown Chinese doll I had, this doll wins for details.

The mold of the Silidoll is the best, in my opinion, due to the bimbo proportions.

Softness: This doll and the unknown Chinese doll are very similar in feeling. I bought it from AliExpress through a trusted seller and it felt very similar to the TPE used by Silidoll. They both shipped from China, but this one came in a week while the other took over a month. Those two dolls were much softer than the WM and the Realdoll, with the WM being the softer of those two.

Sex: The Silidoll's body "gets me going" but the LHP is off. The unknown Chinese doll I had was very close to this, but had better LHP and I could do cowgirl with it easily. It was also lighter and easier to use overall. The WM I remember barely being able to pick up sometimes, and I was glad to get rid of it. It was almost 80 lbs and a PITA to reposition when you're trying to "get intimate." The Realdoll was a torso and weighed about as much as Summer does, but had better LHP.

Overall, Sili wins because of how the doll feels. The small waistline is great, and having one of her huge tits press into you is very nice. You can adjust the back joint, again, to get a better angle, but it makes it more complicated than it should be. For actual sex, the unknown Aliexpress doll wins. Third place was Realdoll, with WM as the loser.

Weight: Weight is why I almost went with Elsababe and prefer smaller-in-height dolls. After having the WM, I did not want another lifesize doll to lug around. I'm not in bad shape but it just kills the mood. I would never get a full body Realdoll because of the weight, unless it was a robot that walked around. It's just too much for anyone but a bodybuilder to handle.

The thing about Summer is that all of the weight is centralized because of her huge ass and tits. If you're trying to do cowgirl with it, you have 50 of those 55 lbs right on your dick. The legs and arms are tiny and don't weigh anything. I would suggest that Silidoll starts using a lighter skeleton for the doll. Maybe an aluminum or an alloy that's thinner in diameter, even if the price has to go up. It'd make the doll much easier and more fun overall, especially with better LHP.

Price: Silidoll Summer wins for price. Yes, the unknown Chinese doll was cheaper, but it took over a month to get it. Had I ordered it with expedited shipping (which wasn't available) then it'd have cost more than the Silidoll. I also got a ton of clothes and accessories for the doll, including 4 wigs.

The WM and Realdoll torso I got used. Both dolls new would have been over double the Silidoll, and even used, the WM was more expensive and the Realdoll almost as much.

Suggestions: Ok, I have two suggestions to Silidoll to make Summer and their other dolls more competitive and much better overall: use a lighter skeleton and fix the LHP. If only one of those, fix the LHP.

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Re: Summer 135 $999 New Review + Pics. Video soon.

Post by Studio »

Great comparison info, thank you for adding it - and now I'm thinking about her on my lap doing cowgirl mmmm.

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Re: Summer 135 $999 New Review + Pics. Video soon.

Post by randyb100 »

Yeah, Silidoll Summer would be amazing with just a little more detail and a better LHP. You can see what this doll would look like with a little more work by looking at the FaceApp photos I did in the original review. If there were another plastic that would bond with TPE that they could use to do better facial features then they could compete with the top brands because of how good the rest of the doll is. Even if the face is hard but had more realistic features, I'd prefer it over a more expensive doll because of the material it's made with.

Here's a pic of how I think the LHP should look (with a similar booty as Summer's):
E5dypg-zYFtO61Da4j2p5EzCYXJVGwsbNLaXKNCdKlE.jpg (79.15 KiB) Viewed 5081 times
I've always wondered if any dolls out there actually use multiple layers in their manufacturing process. Say the internal layer was thinner then had a thin coat of a denser material that still bonded with it, so it was hard enough to contain the softer material on the inside. It might help with adding more detailed features because it's a denser material, holding more detail from the mold and from whatever is put on it.

I'm honestly considering repositioning its anal orifice or just drilling out a new one, but it'd be untextured.

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Re: Summer 135 $999 New Review + Pics. Video soon.

Post by randyb100 »

I don't want to make a new thread about this so I'll post it here:

Silidoll uses the standard M16 head connector, right? I thought I saw that in another thread. I'm asking because I'm thinking about buying an upgraded silicone head for the doll, even though I know there will be color matching problems.

I think having a super realistic head like from Starpery with implanted hair would make the doll awesome. The Summer head is nice by itself, and has a lot more detail than many other dolls like I said before, but there are some very detailed and lifelike heads out there nowadays. I've even seen some custom doll heads made that were then painted with a sealant that you can special order. I just can't find the site right now.

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Re: Summer 135 $999 New Review + Pics. Video soon.

Post by diego1983tv »

randyb100 wrote: Here's a pic of how I think the LHP should look (with a similar booty as Summer's):
WOW, what doll brand/model is this?
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Re: Summer 135 $999 New Review + Pics. Video soon.

Post by randyb100 »

diego1983tv wrote:
randyb100 wrote: Here's a pic of how I think the LHP should look (with a similar booty as Summer's):
WOW, what doll brand/model is this?
It's a 3D rendering. I don't know where it's from.

A lot of dolls have had owners complain about LHP. I believe the newer Silidolls have corrected this, but the original Summer still has the problem. I suppose I should have gotten the Summer XL but I don't like full-size dolls. I'm in my early 30s and not out of shape, but I just don't like having to lug around 100+ lbs. and then try to manipulate its body to try and screw it, often exhausting myself before I can finish.

Dolls really need to be lighter. I would go with a lighter skeleton and even an air pocket on the inside with the skin being maybe an inch thick over the body. I doubt the molding process would change if they did something like this.

This doll is ~60 lbs. at 4 foot 5.

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Re: Summer 135 $999 New Review + Pics. Video soon.

Post by randyb100 »

Just want to give an update on this post. I lost the videos I took after switching phones, so there will be no video review.

I also had the doll put away and moved, and got it out yesterday. I guess it dried out because everything broke. The toenails and fingernails melted off, the fingers are all cut, the vagina sealed itself shut, and the inner thighs split. The doll was extremely sticky as well. I'm about to toss it in the trash.

For what it's worth, the price was low and it was fun for a little while. I got bored of it and probably won't get another doll for quite a while. I did talk it up in my review but it really is good quality compared to other dolls I've had. Granted, I've mostly gone with lower end dolls besides an RD torso, but this is pretty decent, especially for the price.

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Re: Summer 135 $999 New Review + Pics. Video soon.

Post by Studio »

randyb100 wrote: I guess it dried out because everything broke.
That sounds terrible - how long was she in storage?

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Re: Summer 135 $999 New Review + Pics. Video soon.

Post by Barbarous »

randyb100, Sorry about the storage complications. For what is worth even out of storage the
first thing to go on my dolls are the fingernails, toenails, and eyelashes. I managed to keep them
a little longer by trimming the fingernails back to the fingertips and keeping socks on her feet.
I have had arms ,hands, legs, and vaginas stick together, But with powder, baby oil, and Gentle
persuasion they can be restored. Hope my suggestions arrive in time I just saw your post.
It is pretty freaky to find your lovely doll stuck together like that, like you first thought I had was out
to the dumpster.

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Re: Summer 135 $999 New Review + Pics. Video soon.

Post by randyb100 »

Barbarous wrote:randyb100, Sorry about the storage complications. For what is worth even out of storage the
first thing to go on my dolls are the fingernails, toenails, and eyelashes. I managed to keep them
a little longer by trimming the fingernails back to the fingertips and keeping socks on her feet.
I have had arms ,hands, legs, and vaginas stick together, But with powder, baby oil, and Gentle
persuasion they can be restored. Hope my suggestions arrive in time I just saw your post.
It is pretty freaky to find your lovely doll stuck together like that, like you first thought I had was out
to the dumpster.
I did end up trashing it. It had major thigh damage and I only had it a month or so. Once it started getting super oily it just got gross and I didn't want to use it. I tried cleaning it off but it didn't help. I also wanted to go back to regular chicks for a while and it never saw any use after the first few weeks.

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