Re: NOTICE to all members of TDF regarding counterfeit dolls

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Re: Re: NOTICE to all members of TDF regarding counterfeit dolls

Post by DatDenverGuy »

So I have been looking at both the market place here, eBay, and Amazon.
I'm doing so both out of curiosity, but also because I have High class taste (and dreams) on a very working class budget.
I am sharing what I have found so you can make your own decisions. I have taken the time to look at numerous dolls across the entire spectrum.
While I haven't pulled the trigger yet, I have found a bunch of interesting information shared below (some of which I am not sharing because I don't want counterfeiters to know all the methods I use to find copied products).

First, eBay is the cheapest option, however eBay appears to only have a few body types and a few head types they interchange. They freely use stock photos from various vendors like WM Dolls, then when asked, they send a picture of a model with the same general bust size and wig to match the image on the site. If you look closely, the bodies appear to be all the same sculpt. They try to throw you off by showing the doll sitting or standing, but if you look closely, the body sculpts appear to be the same. There isn't a lot of detail on the body and appear to be a pretty generic shape and don't contain a lot of gel. So far I have found that there are about three or 4 faces/heads that they seem to swap. All are decent, but not to the level that they advertise in the pictures. eBay is HORRIBLE about counterfeit claims and will only remove a product if you have a specific court order enforcing against a specific manufacturer. Overall, it is pretty hard to get something pulled down because even with a court order, they change the name of the seller and open a new store and they are back in business.

A quick search on Amazon shows that they mostly sell heads and bodies separately. There is a pretty plentiful selection of various bodies, but I'm a little suspicious because some of the pictures appear to be very similar, if not the same as the legitimate manufacturers only without the head and face showing. There aren't a lot of pictures of the dolls without clothing so it is hard to really tell, but there is slightly more detail on the dolls that the eBay versions (they have more muscle definition and appear a little more life like). The weight is a little higher on some so there may be more of a gel content (plus the comments on neck bolt and storing in the hanging position). My guess is that the face and head aren't shown because it is pretty easy for the manufacturer to show the item is counterfeit if the face is the same. Amazon is a little better about counterfeit items in that you can provide a design patent and they will review it and possibly remove an item; hard to do on a body, but pretty easy to do on a face.

Overall I guess it comes down to what you want from the doll. If you are just looking for something to snuggle with and aren't really concerned about the face and true body style and want more of a booty call doll, eBay has plenty to choose from. If you are wanting something a little more life like (closer to the high end models) and want a head separately, Amazon might be the middle option. Of course (if you can afford it) the reputable manufacturers, like the ones listed on this forum, are the best option.

Now if I could just figure out how to discretely list a doll on my Christmas list for Santa...

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Re: NOTICE to all members of TDF regarding counterfeit dolls

Post by Astbnboyxxx »

I’m pretty sure no one here needs a lecture on who created the current iteration of sex dolls. While I believe there’s an argument the Chinese companies copied “RealDolls” because they could make the product cheaper to the end user. I also believe these companies have been innovators, which makes them competition and not copiers although, I don’t believe they started out that way.

I just think it’s peculiar that these manufacturers are now screaming about cheap copies of dolls in a culture that doesn’t really believe in intellectual property. And who I believe only came into this business because of the success of an American company. Of course, I’m stating my belief here and I can be swayed by reasonable argument to the contrary but here it is.

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Re: NOTICE to all members of TDF regarding counterfeit dolls

Post by Dollfriend »

My Golden Age of buying TPE and Silicone Sex Dolls has seemed to have passed, sadly due to my working man's funds most of the dolls were purchased from the three big budget online sources for dolls mentioned in this thread, from what I see nowadays from the one remaining source where you can still purchase budget dolls in the West, the selection has become very limited, in body size/shape and head sculps, most of my dolls purchased back in the day from these sources ( with a few exceptions) did not last long structurally, and the smell is another story altogether, if you can afford it definitely go the Vendor route.

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Re: Re: NOTICE to all members of TDF regarding counterfeit dolls

Post by TJDawg1 »

Well, as a complete newbie, this is all interesting. I just bought an eBay doll. 1st one ever. I did look on line at several name brand sites, but then I saw these for a much more affordable price and ordered one.
Then I see all this counterfeit and theft of intellectual property stuff. My eBay seller has a 100% rating, for what that’s worth. I guess I’ll see what I’ve got when I look in the box in a few days.

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