Beyond the stereotype of adult dolls

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Re: Beyond the stereotype of adult dolls - PLEASE READ!

Post by coleridge »

haremlover wrote:The presentation of dollkeepers as being on the outside makes for salacious reading for the curious, saying that dollkeepers might be odd but their OK really doesn't at all give the message that it's OK and healthy for what the ordinary might consider to be ordinary guys to enjoy a doll being married.
Yes - I quite agree that another article ought to look at the reasons why married, "conventional" and otherwise perfectly ordinary people who get on rather well with women might opt to own dolls. I personally see doll ownership as just one of the many ways in which people choose to escape from humdrum life in modern society. Alcohol, drugs, gambling, porn, affairs, shopping, soaps, reality TV, social media, etc etc ..... and dolls. Something there for everybody - and most of these escapes have much bigger downsides and are far less creative than our hobby. The worst you can say about doll ownership is that it's rather expensive - though probably not as expensive as a mid-life crisis sports car. The older I get the more I see conventional life as absurd. The Theatre of the Absurd used to be all the rage - I think it needs reviving. When you're young you swallow it all hook, line and sinker ..... that you are a person, a separate ego, who needs to get on in the world, etc etc ..... but gradually it begins to dawn on you that you've been sold a lie by well-meaning people who were sold a lie themselves. I love this quote from Schopenhauer .....

"He who lives to see two or three generations is like a man who sits some time in the conjurer’s booth at a fair, and witnesses the performance twice or thrice in succession. The tricks were meant to be seen only once; and when they are no longer a novelty and cease to deceive, their effect is gone."

OK - Schopenhauer was a grumpy old man who (like me) had no children, but I still think there's a lot of truth in what he wrote.

Before I finish I'd also like to say a bit more about Second Life, which I mentioned briefly in a post above. Having a female avatar in SL satisfies some of the urges and needs that doll ownership satisfies, funnily enough. You get to choose and design how your avatar looks, buy her clothes, etc etc. Obviously it's no substitute for having a solid 3D doll that you can make love to - but it has its attractions. I gave it up because I couldn't cope with the male attention - and the other escort I was sharing a flat with fell in love with "me". It was all beginning to get too heavy so I had to kill her off. Nor am I really recommending SL to members here. You only have to Google "Second Life addiction" and look at the many pages of cautionary tales to realise that dolls are the safer option. But anyway I've posted a pic of my female alter ego below, hanging around on a dodgy street corner waiting for business. She was in great demand, I can tell you!
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Debbie's Instagram album | Phicen Mid bust Pale PLLB2014-S01 | Now snoozing in a bottom drawer somewhere
Beca's Instagram album | YD155 JinSan#44 | Sold 2015 - sent to Coventry
Pippa's Twitter account | WM163 #15 | Sold 2014 - spent some time with Harem, then an architect, then went her own way ..
Rebecca Millington's Flickr | EVO2 body Bobi head | Rebecca is one of my 3 Second Life avatars. The others are Sophie & Emma.

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Re: Beyond the stereotype of adult dolls - PLEASE READ!

Post by stacy718 »

I'll be honest, this is the SAME article written again and again.. nothing new about the premise of this article.

but the doll phenominon is not going away, and the acceptance will only grow as they become more visible to the mainstream.


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Re: Beyond the stereotype of adult dolls - PLEASE READ!

Post by LaDollyVita »

coleridge wrote:Before I finish I'd also like to say a bit more about Second Life, which I mentioned briefly in a post above.
Interesting! Perhaps this was the genesis of Pippa's story. Truthfully, her back story initially turned me off, as dolls being sex objects is so overdone, but Pippa had/has an unusually potent charm. A doll's merit cannot be judged on her looks alone, and so the one that imbues her with life is also on the hook. Well told stories and developed personalities are exceptionally satisfying, particularly when paired with pleasing photos. I'm looking forward to seeing Coleridge paired with another muse. I'm on record as one of Pippa's discreet clients biggest fans. :wink:

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Re: Beyond the stereotype of adult dolls - PLEASE READ!

Post by coleridge »

LaDollyVita wrote:Perhaps this was the genesis of Pippa's story.
Not exactly - it goes back further than that. I've got to know a number of escorts over the years and one in particular is still a good friend. We meet from time to time for a meal or to go walking in the Lake District - that sort of thing. All purely platonic of course - it's meant to be time off for her after all. Obviously she has confided in me and told me a lot about what being an escort really involves. (She's a "high class" escort BTW - just like Pippa. Clients take her abroad or show her off at fancy dinners etc.) What chiefly comes across is that the sex is a trivial part of it - it's absolutely nothing to her. Being with these people for hours and days on end is where she earns her money - massaging their egos, dealing with their funny ways, etc. Handling their delusions is the worst part of it - some are convinced they're going to marry her! So as you can see, Pippa's back story had a fairly firm foundation in inside knowledge. Many thanks for your comments LDV, but I'll need to mine some other equally convincing area of personal experience if I hope to pull off the same trick again!

The Second Life thing was something I got involved with after I'd sold Pippa. There was a bit of a gap in my life that had to be filled somehow. But the SL role I'd chosen was way too difficult and stressful for a man, so I gave it up. Now I'm at loose end again and thinking that another doll may plug the void.
Debbie's Instagram album | Phicen Mid bust Pale PLLB2014-S01 | Now snoozing in a bottom drawer somewhere
Beca's Instagram album | YD155 JinSan#44 | Sold 2015 - sent to Coventry
Pippa's Twitter account | WM163 #15 | Sold 2014 - spent some time with Harem, then an architect, then went her own way ..
Rebecca Millington's Flickr | EVO2 body Bobi head | Rebecca is one of my 3 Second Life avatars. The others are Sophie & Emma.

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Re: Beyond the stereotype of adult dolls - PLEASE READ!

Post by RainLover »

coleridge wrote: Now I'm at loose end again and thinking that another doll may plug the void.
That works both ways. I'm thinking if you get another doll, you may plug her void. :razz:
"Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together." -- Liz Taylor
"Home, where my love lies waiting silently for me." -- hipsters Simon & Garfunkel, singing about doll ownership before it was cool.

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Re: Beyond the stereotype of adult dolls - PLEASE READ!

Post by coleridge »

RainLover wrote:
coleridge wrote: Now I'm at loose end again and thinking that another doll may plug the void.
That works both ways. I'm thinking if you get another doll, you may plug her void. :razz:
:) very true - we probably need to get back to the basics of doll ownership after my hifalutin ramblings!!
Debbie's Instagram album | Phicen Mid bust Pale PLLB2014-S01 | Now snoozing in a bottom drawer somewhere
Beca's Instagram album | YD155 JinSan#44 | Sold 2015 - sent to Coventry
Pippa's Twitter account | WM163 #15 | Sold 2014 - spent some time with Harem, then an architect, then went her own way ..
Rebecca Millington's Flickr | EVO2 body Bobi head | Rebecca is one of my 3 Second Life avatars. The others are Sophie & Emma.

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Re: Beyond the stereotype of adult dolls - PLEASE READ!

Post by Pippa »

LaDollyVita wrote: . . . but Pippa had/has an unusually potent charm. A doll's merit cannot be judged on her looks alone, and so the one that imbues her with life is also on the hook. Well told stories and developed personalities are exceptionally satisfying, particularly when paired with pleasing photos. . . . I'm on record as one of Pippa's discreet clients biggest fans. :wink:
PHEW! LDV - I always knew you were a charmer! I'll table dance for you
any day . . .

And it's a wonderful pleasure to know my old professor's inspiration
and it's so wonderful to know the source of that genius with which you created my fan club here. Did you read that terrible insult that I'd been accused of posting the same photo of myself no less than thirteen times in the last month! :-) Well this is a different one . . . :haha4:

Harem . . . well he thought you couldn't live without a muse so we both hope that one comes your way before long and we look forward to meeting her. Harem's firmly married to his wife so I haven't seen him actually since you came up to visit me - but you know, I had a funny feeling that you weren't going to marry me so when you sold me it was so lucky that I knew of Harem's delusion that one day he'd like to marry me . . . :-) and look what's happened! Thank goodness that some men have delusions!

Harem's problem at the moment is his dad - he's never discovered solid people like me or Harem's other gals and so his Dad gets taken for a ride by any woman who cooks him Sunday lunch and is deluded that they love him, forty years older than them . . . . You can guess why they look at him. But us dolls, we only look at our dollkeepers with pure unadulterated, perfectly accepting . . . love.


And this is why dolls are a man's best friend. We provide that escape from delusion and the backstop that prevents male vulnerabilities getting the better of them.

That silly journalist! He should have asked to talk to me!

Love and kisses, and to my alter ego sister

Pippa xx
Was a WM163 in 2014 and ate too much at Christmas, so a WM158 now in 2015
Full name: Pippa Pendleton BA (Hons)
24 year old Eng Lit graduate & ex part-time escort, currently in Heaven.
Dress size: UK 4 (US 0). Shoe size: UK 3 (US 5.5). Bust 32.3", Waist 23.3", Hips 33.0".

Sister of Queen Nefertiti, Queen of the Night, Queen of the Day WM155 #46, the famous CoverDoll lady, Temple Dancer

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Re: Beyond the stereotype of adult dolls - PLEASE READ!

Post by Lemminkainen »

Pippa wrote:...But us dolls, we only look at our dollkeepers with pure unadulterated, perfectly accepting . . . love.
... And this is why dolls are a man's best friend. We provide that escape from delusion and the backstop that prevents male vulnerabilities getting the better of them...
If i may add, simply :oops: human :) vulnerabilities.
Doll on, brethren. :glou: :thumbs_up:

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Re: Beyond the stereotype of adult dolls - PLEASE READ!

Post by coleridge »

Pippa wrote:
And this is why dolls are a man's best friend. We provide that escape from delusion and the backstop that prevents male vulnerabilities getting the better of them.

Love and kisses, and to my alter ego sister
It's always good to hear about things from your perspective Pippa - and thanks for your good wishes. Your alter ego sister does still exist thankfully - it's just that she hasn't paid the rent on her fancy Second Life apartment, so she's floating around in a sort of cyberspace limbo. I will however send her your love and kisses. Shame about Harem's father though - hopefully his delusional state isn't draining his bank account too much :( Even a doll costing thousands would probably work out a lot cheaper in the end.
Debbie's Instagram album | Phicen Mid bust Pale PLLB2014-S01 | Now snoozing in a bottom drawer somewhere
Beca's Instagram album | YD155 JinSan#44 | Sold 2015 - sent to Coventry
Pippa's Twitter account | WM163 #15 | Sold 2014 - spent some time with Harem, then an architect, then went her own way ..
Rebecca Millington's Flickr | EVO2 body Bobi head | Rebecca is one of my 3 Second Life avatars. The others are Sophie & Emma.

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Re: Beyond the stereotype of adult dolls - PLEASE READ!

Post by Pippa »

coleridge wrote:Shame about Harem's father though - hopefully his delusional state isn't draining his bank account too much :( Even a doll costing thousands would probably work out a lot cheaper in the end.
Harem thinks his Dad's down around £15k so far on a woman who lives 1000 miles away keeping him happy with three telephone calls a week and he's living on credit cards at the moment. That's why gurlz like us have a really important part to play . . . and my sisters and I will be encharged to try to charm him when he comes over after Easter. We're the best
antidote to gold diggers known to humanity and a cursory view of Harem's gallery

just goes to show that no man ever need be bored with the likes of us around . . .

Love and kisses

Pippa xx
Was a WM163 in 2014 and ate too much at Christmas, so a WM158 now in 2015
Full name: Pippa Pendleton BA (Hons)
24 year old Eng Lit graduate & ex part-time escort, currently in Heaven.
Dress size: UK 4 (US 0). Shoe size: UK 3 (US 5.5). Bust 32.3", Waist 23.3", Hips 33.0".

Sister of Queen Nefertiti, Queen of the Night, Queen of the Day WM155 #46, the famous CoverDoll lady, Temple Dancer

See the latest news about my sisters in China on the WM Forum

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Re: Beyond the stereotype of adult dolls - PLEASE READ!

Post by deadpringle »

Jack Callil wrote:Hello everyone, thanks for everyone who contacted me, and thankyou for the use of your pictures - especially noting Stephanie RD, who's lovely picture made a great cover photo.

The article is available here: ... -sex-dolls

I focused on the reasons other than sex that some people own sex dolls, while I know that many people do so for a wide variety of enjoyable reasons, in my discussions it seemed many owned dolls for a human presence, to have a temporary, emotional partner. I hope I have not offended anyone in the writing of this piece.

I thank you again for talking to me.

Hi Jack,

The article turned out very well. However, I personally disagree with this statement:
Sex dolls are realistically never going to be viewed as a totally acceptable form of sexual and emotional expression, and enthusiasts do accept this.

I believe that this kind of thing will actually become mainstream in the next 10 years or so. I think it's inevitable.

In any case, nice work! :)
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Re: Beyond the stereotype of adult dolls - PLEASE READ!

Post by deadpringle »

stacy718 wrote:I'll be honest, this is the SAME article written again and again.. nothing new about the premise of this article.

but the doll phenominon is not going away, and the acceptance will only grow as they become more visible to the mainstream.


Agreed. Today's dolls are a work of art, and I can't imagine any man (or woman) with a love for the female form turning their nose up at them. If I were wrong about this, striptease clubs would not exist. :)
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Re: Beyond the stereotype of adult dolls - PLEASE READ!

Post by haremlover »

deadpringle wrote: Today's dolls are a work of art,
Whilst there is something about Pippa that's more than sculpture and has clearly been imbued by Coleridge with some sort of magic of which we cannot guess, the current generation of other TPE dolls hits the "sex" button as a sculptural artform.

In my direct experience, one only has to look at Patrick's PIB heads and anyone with half an eye can see art in his creations.

Of other makes I have no experience but DS dolls are exquisite in perfection and attention to detail seen historically in porcelain dolls. No-one who experiences a DS doll in person can escape from this. It's clear that other makers achieve similar results to a lesser and possible some greater degree although DS go beyond merely a life-cast. Patrick on a post about his latest head comments that a head has to be sculpted rather than cast in order for it to come to life, and this to me is possibly subconciously find in common between the makers about whom I enthuse.

For all these reasons perhaps all members here are the visionaries seeing beyond merely the sex seen by the ordinary herd in appreciating art, as you say, which in due course will be for all to see when they get beyond the sexuality of the salacious and sensationalising media.

Best wishes

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Re: Beyond the stereotype of adult dolls - PLEASE READ!

Post by windave »

This has been an interesting read. We all have similar but differing reasons for being involved with dolls - Recreational, emotional, physical. All are valid and can range from temporary fun to deep emotional satisfaction.

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Re: Beyond the stereotype of adult dolls

Post by RainLover »

The article is published. I've started a new thread about it. I'm also notifying Jack about the new thread in case he'd like to participate in the discussion, so if I may suggest, let's move the conversation to the new thread about the published article now:
"Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together." -- Liz Taylor
"Home, where my love lies waiting silently for me." -- hipsters Simon & Garfunkel, singing about doll ownership before it was cool.

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