The 2018 TDF Doll Awards – rules and regulations

The Annual TDF Doll Awards take place here.
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The 2018 TDF Doll Awards – rules and regulations

Post by Nescio50 »

TDF is organizing The First Annual TDF Doll Awards. There are awards for the following categories:

  • Best Doll Manufacturer
  • Best Doll Vendor
  • Best Sex Doll
  • Best Doll Supermodel
  • Best Doll Head
  • Best New Doll of 2018
  • Best New Doll Invention

Members of TDF are invited to nominate the best for each category. Next a Panel will decide on the final nominees, but this is based on your input -those being nominated most are definitely on the final nominee list. The Panel is just there to check everything, do the counting, and maybe assign one or two wildcards per category. This will result in 10 final nominees per category. Then there will be a poll in which the members of TDF decide who will win the 2018 TDF Doll Award in each category.

How to nominate your best
For each category we started a sticky thread in the TDF Doll Awards section. The first post in each thread describes the category and gives instructions to enter your nominee.
Please follow those instructions. The basics are:

  • Each member is allowed to enter one nominee per category, to be posted in the thread for that category.
  • Nominations should be clear, following the instructions of that thread.
  • Off-topic posts and posts not following the instructions are removed without notice.
  • If you post a second nominee in the same thread, it is removed without notice. Only your first nomination is valid.
  • Only members are allowed to do a nomination, sorry but doll accounts, manufacturers, vendors, and affiliates are not allowed to enter. Members of TDF Staff are allowed to enter their nominee as they are just members.
  • If you want to talk about this event, please post in the TDF Doll Awards section, but not in one of the sticky threads. You may start your own thread.
  • The Rules of Conduct of TDF do apply.

What is the Panel about
The Panel is basically just processing all nominations. Checking them and doing the counting. For each category the Panel selects ten final nominees. These are the ones that were nominated most, but the Panel is allowed to assign one or two wildcards for each category, replacing number 10 and 9 in that category. If needed the panel also decides on tie-situations to get the ten final nominees listed.
The Panel: Anung Un Rama, Mondoon, Slew, Swan, Nescio50, Kharn, Vivid Design.

There is a Jury just in case
We want these awards to be by the members. We don’t want any doubt about that. So we invited some well-known members, not being part of TDF staff and not affiliated to any seller, to join the Jury. This Jury will receive all relevant information from the panel to check that all is done as described in this post. In case of doubt or dispute the Jury has the final say (disclaimer: in case it is not just about the Awards, Owners and Management of TDF reserve the right to make the final decision based on the Rules of Conduct and Terms of Use of TDF).
The Jury: hollows+fentiman, Broven, Sofos.

What more do you need to know
Nothing else! Just join the fun! Go to the nomination threads, check the instructions and post your nominee.

What’s next
Nominations can be entered until Monday 3rd of December, 20:00 CET. Next the panel is going to check and count all nomination.
The final nominations will be announced on Sunday 9th of December. We will post a poll for each category having the final nominees in there. For each category every member of TDF will have one vote. We will run these polls for 8 days and after that we will announce the winners -in case of a tie the Jury will decide based on the number of nominations.

Are you allowed to campaign for your favourites
Yes, but with moderation and keep it friendly, and only within TDF's Rules of Conduct. Please check Rule 3, 7, 11, 12. We will be strict on this.
In your nomination post you may explain why you nominate this one. Also feel free to start a thread in this section, or join a discussion. Please be careful when doing promotional posts in other sections, comply to the Rules. For instance don't use your signature for campaigning.
Most important, The TDF Doll Awards should be fun for all.

And the winner is ...
What prize will each of the winners receive? Fame! They can tell everyone they won a TDF Doll Award 2018 in a specific category.

Are there any questions? All above should be clear! Still having a question? We started a thread for your questions: viewtopic.php?f=448&t=108734

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Re: The 2018 TDF Doll Awards – rules and regulations

Post by Nescio50 »

Discussion? Yes we do allow discussion, you may start your discussion thread in this forum section.

We removed the threads about runner-up nominations. We received quite some complaints about this and we agree that this was not in line with the idea that everyone can nominate one for each category.
