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LoveDolls is a British company based inside the Jinsan Factory. They create the world's most customizable sex dolls and specialize in innovation. LoveDolls also sell WM, YL and OR dolls at the guaranteed lowest prices including all their exclusive customizations free of charge. LoveDolls have their own exclusive collection of sex dolls and porn star dolls. With a passion for honest photography, LoveDolls are the only company never to use any photoshop or digital images on any of their doll's images. Find them as: lovedolls.com
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Post by bcoleman »

There is no way this site can be real. Wayyyy too many bonuses including a free head, free shopping, no taxes etc etc. You’re even given the option to pay for shipping/taxes if you want. Just seems like a joke not a business. Plus they have every single WM doll I’ve ever seen available and in stock. I’ve yet to see a review that confirms the validity of it...

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Re: Seriously?

Post by Slew »

Hi buddy, sure they are pretty new around here and maybe they have some wild deals on the site.. I don't know.

But here's a couple of happy people so far:
https://www.dollforum.com/forum/viewtop ... 2&t=130169
https://www.dollforum.com/forum/viewtop ... 2&t=131883
https://www.dollforum.com/forum/viewtop ... 2&t=131538

Also, TDF management and owners do carefully vet each vendor we list here, we don't just let anyone open a business account.

So although they are newer here, and haven't built up many reviews yet, I don't think it's fair to accuse them of not being real.

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Re: Seriously?

Post by Ffydd »

bcoleman wrote:There is no way this site can be real. Wayyyy too many bonuses including a free head, free shopping, no taxes etc etc. You’re even given the option to pay for shipping/taxes if you want. Just seems like a joke not a business. Plus they have every single WM doll I’ve ever seen available and in stock. I’ve yet to see a review that confirms the validity of it...
I haven't done my review yet... but rest assured I vetted the hell out of Lovedolls, and then I worked closely with them for the last 6 months to create my doll. I'm gonna go ahead and confirm the validity of their business for you, as best as I can. These guys have bent over backwards and worked very hard to help me make the doll I wanted, and when we've met challenges we couldn't overcome together, they've even facilitated and accommodated my unusual requests to allow me to accomplish certain goals using alternate methods. Let me put it to you this way... I'm almost positive I've been a nightmare customer (not on purpose), even though they haven't complained once to me about how pedantic I am.

I'm not privy to Lovedoll's operations, but I think it's pretty safe for us to make some of our own deductions about how they operate. These are/were my speculations, as I too raised the same questions you have, in my own research process... but I don't think I'm too far off in my conclusions and assertions: The free head is a pretty standard value-added inclusion that most renowned vendors do from what I've seen. International shipping/taxes/customs paperwork can be daunting for some customers in some countries, so it's prudent for a seller to manage the full process since they must do most of it anyway... that's just smart salesmanship. I'm not sure where you get the idea that they have every doll "in stock"... I don't think they even have "stock", I think they have access to whatever doll model you want made, and then they make it for you... there's a big difference, that benefits you the customer in multiple ways with the exception for a modest difference in production time vs pre-made. You can't customize something that's "pre-made", however... so what advantage is there in ordering a doll from a company that specializes in customizations, if you're ordering something pre-made from stock? Not having a warehouse full of stock, reduces overhead and allows a vendor to save them (and you) money in other areas, hence some of the bonuses. The vendor has on-site access to the manufacturing process, allowing them to participate in various phases of the process, and that's why you see some of these "bonuses" and unique customizations that they offer. Also, being on-site obviously means they are interacting with the manufacturer and probably have a good personal working relationship with them, and there is probably some camaraderie between their staff. If you've ever worked in any kind of environment that has different departments, or branches or a client/vendor relationship... you probably don't need me to explain to you the benefits of having good interpersonal relationships with the people you work in close proximity to.

It's good that you want to exercise caution and are using critical thinking to discern scammers from legit vendors. Absolutely! You can't be faulted for that, at all... so props to you for that. That's the first, important thing, that a lot of people don't do properly. And you've obviously done that here, and in general (as I can tell by your statements/questions you've researched beyond just this vendor).

On the flip-side of the coin, you also want to recognize that the world is changing, business is changing (as it gets more competitive), and companies are working harder and harder to build good relationships with their consumers. Lovedolls have positioned themselves to be a leader in this area. I think if you do more background digging into their story and on their website, you'll find a little more clarity, and you'll take comfort in knowing your doll will be in very good hands if you go the Lovedoll's route.

I took the time to write all of this, not because I know you or because I like you and I want to help you. I took the time to write all this because I myself faced the very same concerns you have, I did my due diligence, and then I took the leap and ordered from Lovedolls, and that was successful for me... and now that I know them, I want to help THEM help you... because I believe in, and support what they are doing—creating quality products and providing outstanding support to customers who are making a large one-time personal and financial investment when they buy a doll... in a marketplace that is fraught with undesirable practices and products.

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Re: Seriously?

Post by haremlover »

I've met Adam who runs the business and he's a serious and dedicated guy. I'm sure he won't let you down.

Best wishes

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Re: Seriously?

Post by oppai500 »

Yes, seriously.

I ordered a wonderful woman named Zora. All the promises and more have been met. She is perfect. I will post a review shortly.

I can only confirm what happy clients said: perfect customisation with outstanding extras.

Best, Oppai

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Re: Seriously?

Post by bcoleman »

I appreciate your responses and I do apologize for making some assumptions...but if what the site is offering is true it seems absurd that anyone would ever order from any other vendor. I mean just go act like you’re ordering a doll from the website. The first free offering makes you happy...then it just goes on and on and on an on to a point where it seems wildly unrealistic. I’ve seen a red flag or two in my day but this actually terrifies me. It also makes it extremely hard to buy from any other vendor because you’d be missing out on a literal boatload of extras...I can’t even imagine how big the box would be. Besides that, all the reviews I have seen other than the torso are pretty much “review to come”. And who is this Adam everyone seems to be referring to in this sub forum? If I order from the site right now is Adam going to reach out to me? I honestly can’t order from anywhere else at this point but I also feel like my order would never actually come to fruition...rock and a hard place.

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Re: Seriously?

Post by LoveDolls »

Thanks for all the kind words everybody.

Bcole - you are not the first person to question the business aspect of lovedolls.com. The original plan was to be like all the other vendors, meaning set up a drop shipping website, invest all my time and money in SEO, and once I had enough sales import the most common models to allow a quick delivery for customers. Our USP was going to be an exclusive line of porn star sex dolls. I lived in Los Angeles for 2 months at the beginning of last year meeting all the porn industry agents and we signed contracts with a lot of US porn stars.

Anybody who has done business with China from abroad knows even with best intentions on both sides how difficult communications are so I flew over to China expecting to just be there a week. Once I arrived I made great friends, was made to feel really welcome and fell in love with the creative side of the business. I kept saying ill leave next week but ended up moving to China permanently. The porn star angle never worked out and the vast majority of my time has been spent inventing new customizations, doing our crazy photo shoots and creating all the videos.

At this point it is far more of a passion project than a business for me. Most of my ideas fail and never make it to the website but the fun of the creative process makes it worth it. Short term profits are literally never given any consideration.

Behind the scenes I have developed some great customizations and designs with TDF members, especially the member Ffydd but I won't mention anything as I know he has a great unveiling coming soon. As I always say if anybody has an ideas for new designs please send me a PM to discuss it.

Best WIshes

FREE, EXCLUSIVE and CRAZY customisations for all WM Dolls, YL Dolls SE Doll and many other brands. We also have porn stars.

Currently over 50 customisation options with including FREE different oral, vagina and anal textures and FREE implanted pubic hair designs.

We do not drop ship, LoveDolls are a British company in China and personally perform all customisations before shipping.


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Re: Seriously?

Post by Ffydd »

bcoleman wrote:I appreciate your responses and I do apologize for making some assumptions...but if what the site is offering is true it seems absurd that anyone would ever order from any other vendor. I mean just go act like you’re ordering a doll from the website. The first free offering makes you happy...then it just goes on and on and on an on to a point where it seems wildly unrealistic. I’ve seen a red flag or two in my day but this actually terrifies me. It also makes it extremely hard to buy from any other vendor because you’d be missing out on a literal boatload of extras...I can’t even imagine how big the box would be. Besides that, all the reviews I have seen other than the torso are pretty much “review to come”. And who is this Adam everyone seems to be referring to in this sub forum? If I order from the site right now is Adam going to reach out to me? I honestly can’t order from anywhere else at this point but I also feel like my order would never actually come to fruition...rock and a hard place.
Nothing wrong with making assumptions. That's part of the process of discerning what's what.

When you look at the free offerings closely, it's pretty logical to conclude that the areas of the doll the offerings are related to... have a lot to do with what's possible from a manufacturing point of view. Just my 2¢ here, and I don't speak for any factory, or for Lovedolls... but it seems to me that a factory's priority is to "produce"... and I would have to guess that a lot of a factory's success is measured in volume. This is why I concluded that someone like Lovedolls has the ability to offer a little extra TLC in the process (which was necessary for my doll) where they can take part in the manufacturing process and oversee specific aspects or features I wanted to customize that hasn't been done before, or isn't on the menu.

Not all of the bespoke features are free. There are some labour-intensive customizations you can request, and they do have an added cost.

If you're just ordering a doll from the menu and configuring your dream girl... and then pressing "buy"... then it's entirely possible it's a pretty straight-forward process and you don't need to reach out to Adam to communicate any special requests you may have. I dunno, I didn't go that route. I had a bunch of bespoke things I wanted to do... so I needed a lot of personal attention for my purchase. That's why I said I was probably a nightmare customer. Plus, I'm super fussy.

The reason I haven't put together a review yet is because the doll is still getting work done. It's also a very personal project for me, and I'm not super excited to show it off or anything. I wanted to do a review because I wanted to share my experience as a customer. I've started writing it, from the beginning of the process... but it's time-consuming to go back through all of my notes and communications and explain my experience at each step... and I'm super swamped at work right now. (80-100hrs per week)

Something I would do if I was in your shoes (actually I've done this, tbh)... is start reading different poster's post history... to see where they are coming from before they arrived at deciding to work with Lovedolls. I found it useful in discerning what is genuine or not. I think you will too.

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Re: Seriously?

Post by Grasso »

LoveDolls wrote:The porn star angle never worked out and the vast majority of my time has been spent inventing new customizations, doing our crazy photo shoots and creating all the videos.
Hi LoveDolls,

I was considering PMing these questions but figured while you're here maybe other people reading this thread would be interested in knowing as well.

I'm a bit confused about the love hole textures. They're only available for inserts, correct? It's just confusing seeing them for oral/anal. Also, do you or anyone else have any pictures for what typical built-in love hole textures look like?

Curious about the custom makeup. When people are asking for it custom, what do you commonly see for the means of request? Are people just explaining in detail what they like? Sending pictures of examples? I'm sure there are many people out there that don't exactly have the makeup knowledge base (no pun intended) to be describing what they have in mind. I'm just curious how that whole process works out.


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Re: Seriously?

Post by bcoleman »

Ok so at first thought I was being scammed by the website. You all have changed my mind. Now I’m convinced my money will be split by the lot of you lol. Anyway. I might just take the chance. Learn my lesson you know? I don’t know if I could bring myself to pass up the offer. You know how you know a pop up is fake...but sometimes you’re still like what if? So you enter a fake email address? Yeah...this is that...except with a real credit card lol.

All I really want is a photo identical doll. Some look more realistic than others and I want the most realistic. I think it usually comes down to eyes, proportions and skin complexion. Personally I like my girls as pale as possible, but when it comes to dolls it seems like the pale ones tend to look less realistic. I’d probably just order straight from the site. It would be my first doll so I don’t really know what more I would ask for.
Grasso wrote:
LoveDolls wrote:The porn star angle never worked out and the vast majority of my time has been spent inventing new customizations, doing our crazy photo shoots and creating all the videos.
Hi LoveDolls,

I was considering PMing these questions but figured while you're here maybe other people reading this thread would be interested in knowing as well.

I'm a bit confused about the love hole textures. They're only available for inserts, correct? It's just confusing seeing them for oral/anal. Also, do you or anyone else have any pictures for what typical built-in love hole textures look like?

Curious about the custom makeup. When people are asking for it custom, what do you commonly see for the means of request? Are people just explaining in detail what they like? Sending pictures of examples? I'm sure there are many people out there that don't exactly have the makeup knowledge base (no pun intended) to be describing what they have in mind. I'm just curious how that whole process works out.

I’m curious about this as well. It’s another thing that made me cautious. Why am I being offered a free insert if I’m getting my doll built in? How would that even work? Can you put the insert inside of the fixed one?

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Re: Seriously?

Post by NormalHuman »

Regarding your pale skin issue. agreed too pale looks not realistic. remember whatever skin colour your doll is, will be modified when you powder them depending on colour your powder is. cheapest most common powder is baby powder either talc or corn starch and will make your doll skin look lighter. you can also get other coloured powders which you could use to add some colour.

The offer of a free insert sounds like just a blanket offer that is programmed to the website and does not detect you selected built in. no the insert will not work with the built in.
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Re: Seriously?

Post by LoveDolls »

Grasso ---> The different texture options are available for all the orifices and for fixed or removable vaginas. I can only show you our designs, I am not sure what other brands are using. For the custom makeup customers send us a picture and we copy it. Also after a production we send the customer the image before shipping which allows them to make unlimited makeup and all other cosmetic edits before we ship. These edits also include things like wig, eyes, nails, labia color, nipple size and color etc

Bbcoleman ---> I am not sure how else to prove we are real lol. We have actually done a few video calls before from the office for this reason. Also don't forget you can pay via paypal so you are protected that way also. With the insert you cannot put it inside a fixed vagina, but you can use it like a handheld fleshlight to experience a new texture. Also everybody loves free. :D
FREE, EXCLUSIVE and CRAZY customisations for all WM Dolls, YL Dolls SE Doll and many other brands. We also have porn stars.

Currently over 50 customisation options with including FREE different oral, vagina and anal textures and FREE implanted pubic hair designs.

We do not drop ship, LoveDolls are a British company in China and personally perform all customisations before shipping.


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Re: Seriously?

Post by oppai500 »

"it seems absurd that anyone would ever order from any other vendor"

In deed. That´s why I choose Lovedolls.com. No vendor (and I checked many) has the same value for money.

Best, Oppai

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Re: Seriously?

Post by oppai500 »

bcoleman wrote:I appreciate your responses and I do apologize for making some assumptions...but if what the site is offering is true it seems absurd that anyone would ever order from any other vendor. I mean just go act like you’re ordering a doll from the website. The first free offering makes you happy...then it just goes on and on and on an on to a point where it seems wildly unrealistic. I’ve seen a red flag or two in my day but this actually terrifies me. It also makes it extremely hard to buy from any other vendor because you’d be missing out on a literal boatload of extras...I can’t even imagine how big the box would be. Besides that, all the reviews I have seen other than the torso are pretty much “review to come”. And who is this Adam everyone seems to be referring to in this sub forum? If I order from the site right now is Adam going to reach out to me? I honestly can’t order from anywhere else at this point but I also feel like my order would never actually come to fruition...rock and a hard place.
I had exactly the same concerns. Adam sent me unpublished videos of Zora´s sister and that trust credit made me trust him. I did not regret it.

I can wholeheartedly recommend doing business with Adam.

Best, Oppai
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Re: Seriously?

Post by bcoleman »

Adam, you don’t have to do anything else to prove it. Ffydd made a good point of checking the past posts of people before they jumped on the Love Dolls bandwagon. Makes sense. I have a few questions:

If I want something specific, would I have to tell you before or after I order?

If I want the second head I order to be WM #372 and it’s not an option, can I still do it? Or let’s say I want YL#286...am I able to request it without the elf ears? Either second head I end up with, I’d obviously want it to match the skin complexion of the doll I’m ordering.

And finally, is there any video showing off the voice option? I feel like it would be a hit or miss. If it sounds like a cheap voice box recording or not.

Maybe I’ll do a test purchase and buy something small first...

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