Meet Vanessa - Starpery 151cm Rong - DOLLAVIDALOCA

Starpery mission is that"Let robot service to people, and protect people!". We are the manufacturer of TPE doll and silicone doll, based on Huizhou city, China. We are devoting ourself to improve doll apery ability of appearance and movement so that she or he can help more the unable, or the loneliness, or other fans. Wish our doll can bring the funny, service and protection to all human being in future. Website:
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Meet Vanessa - Starpery 151cm Rong - DOLLAVIDALOCA

Post by RJAce1014 »

Today's Doll
RONG 151cm

(Obtained on 11/09/2020)

Whew!! Well guys, I have posted a review about this a week ago but wasn't feeling sure about posting it because of wrong codes and bunch of wrong text so an admin
was able to help me and sort of try to provide me better codes for post I wanted. Thanks Slew for the help. Now I was able to finally post this again.

Hi everyone, RJ here and I'm a doll collector 30+ and doll enthusiast with knowledge of doll care and handling and other dolls in general from BJD dolls to life size.
I do doll reviews as a perspective of consumer and but also as a collector, what you expect and also to help manufacturers improve the imperfection necessary to make their dolls stands out out there.
Before I begin explaining my return on TDF and sudden come back, I would like to do the review ahead of things. I'll be giving that brief explanation below if you continue reading.
I want to get the review topic ahead with pros and cons about the doll, my ratings, will I recommend it, what improvements I say it needed and most important of all, is it the doll of the year.

So today's doll will be 151cm Rong.
Well seeing I'm the first one to create a review topic of her and detailed one on that meaning I was ahead of the others who ordered her 3 or 2 months earlier than I do which is a month ago.
This is a good reason as well to get others who is thinking of getting the doll to see it within their eyes the info they need before they buy the doll.
This doll has caught my eye the first time I saw her. I was first browsing through images of RRS Sino Miyou until this unknown doll pops out.
This is where I google search the image to find a very skeptical website called starpery. The only way I can confirm the legitimacy of the site is via
TDF so the moment I saw Starpery from TDF, I knew I need to contact someone for some inquiry about the doll.
Evan was initially the guy I heard from TDF and iniatially me ignoring their really skeptic site at first, I went with TDF about info and gotten the email I need to contact this Evan person.
I was hook to what he told me. I even asked if I can buy the head seperately. He initially said yes for $700 although their dolls would not look good if used as hybrid which I will agree on review below.
But unlike Sino and other manufacturers out there who don't sell heads or only sell them if you bought from them first, I can confirm Starpery does sell head separately
although I wouldn't recommend hybrid and I'll review that a bit later below as to why it could be in pros and cons but hybrid sure can be done if you have the right adapter and tools.

So yada yada yada me, let's get the images rolling cause I don't want to bore you guys with me review shinanigans.

So more images of 151cm Rong below but let's cut to the chase of reading this boring stuffs and into the review. So I'll dissect this review in category to help get you to the right info you need.
Though do keep in mind, back in 2015-2016 when I do my doll reviews, I still have a house. I currently live on an apartment so my images could be limited.
It will be:
Timeline Review
Customer Service
Product Description
The Doll
Pros and Cons
Ratings Verdict

Keep in mind, I won't tackle the sexual function of the doll but I would mention some of it because I rarely use them for that. (Only select dolls)

Timeline Review Starts here...
You can skip my story experience from the timeline if you want to go ahead with reviews and pictures but for some reason, it might interest you how I found out about this doll and
I was clueless what kind of doll she is and who sell her so you would experience it with me my struggle of asking questions before I decide my purchase.


Don't worry, all pictures are in JPG and resized so you're only loading a total of 50mb estimate. No promises!!

Timeline:: Aug. 30, 2020 Discovery of Starpery Tech and eye catching Rong and Sarah.
I was browsing images of RRS Sino Miyou until an image from an unknown source in low resolution caught my eye. She looks every realistic to be a doll but mentioned the future of the dolls.
Back tracking the image saw Starpery came out as a result. Their website looks sketchy like I'm buying something from Taobao. I search throught TDF for info to confirm them.
To my surprise, they're legitimate manufacturer. Although there's not much a review about them seeing they're new, this review should be the first proof of interest and legitimacy
for the rest of the others who's going to buy starpery dolls in the future.

Timeline:: Sept. 18, 2020 Still skeptic without reviews nor pictures of their doll lineup, contacting Evan.
If there's a news about new upcoming doll, I should be the first one to here them right? Why you ask? I followed major doll followings on twitter from China, Japan, etc. to get me the first insight
yet Starpery skipped my info tentacles. Still undecided whether the doll will only look good in picture and not as they delivered like most doll companies this day promised to look like picture but not... (I'm looking at you JY.)
I contacted Evan's email who I found on TDF and asked for sample pictures, videos, etc. of the doll to finally convinced. He doesn't have much at that time but linked me a youtube video of Rong head in a head stand.

Timeline:: Sept. 20, 2020 I put all-in on both Rong and extra head Sarah.
I told Evan the same thing I told other doll companies that failed my photo reality expectation except OI, DS, and DH168 who btw is almost always accurate, that I wanted my doll to look like the one in the picture the
I fallen in love with and update me with photos. He did just that. I did also asked them if they can make it to my birthday on Oct. 14. He told me he's trying his best to rush them to just do that but we all
know that is just not possible for a full silicone beauty.

Timeline:: Oct. 19, 2020 Update from Evan, Delay, Paypal forcing them to ship the doll
Evan updated me on this date that there was a delay and paypal forcing them to ship the doll. I also believe this could be the day they announce on their website about paypal usage because of that.

Timeline:: Nov. 1, 2020 Factory photos and date to be shipped.
This month wait finally ends with a relief after seeing Rong's video and photo from the factory. Although the images of the factory photo got me suspicious, I was just excited to get her as soon as possible.

Timeline:: Nov. 4, 2020 Shipped via to USA via FEDEX
I got my tracking from Paypal themselves and not from Evan. This is something new but if I'm honest, Evan is the only one that doesn't mind me paying Paypal fees. Other transaction ended up as friend trade on paypal which I heavily don't recommend unless you really trust someone but still won't condone. This is the first time seeing the tracking via paypal.

Timeline:: Nov. 9, 2020 Ahead of the shipment date which is Nov. 10.
I was surprised that the shipping went too fast. They got airlifted and also beyond expectation. Thanks to FEDEX, my waiting pain is over. Time to unbox my princess.

The heads of Rong and Sarah are properly wrapped to protect from shipping. 10 point to gryffindor Starpery.


Doll Accessories

The connector type they used. I've seen one before. That's right, my lifesize anime doll from Aotume uses one.

You insert this on the head first or you might ended up...

...getting the bolt stuck in there. Don't panic just yet and don't use the head to pull it out. Just get a vice grip and pull it out.
I made this mistake on purpose just to know why it's necessary to put the screw to the head first.
But don't worry, Starpery already installed it for you but just in case you change head and connector in the future.

Veteran doll owners and collectors would probably suggest you, the first rule of doing stuff around your doll outside the box is powder them heavily.
This can also help get those stinking hair unstuck from your doll.

The body is new so it's very difficult to adjust the joints but see how Sarah even looks nicer on 151cm despite having bigger head.

Starpery's 151cm Vagina. This is what comes when you asked same as picture.

Enjoy the feet!!

I heard you like ass. I'm having a hard time posing the standing pose atm cause my room is a mess right now. Sorry for that.
BUTT... you get the idea.

Vanessa or should I say Starpery Rong looks very pretty in person. I think she's even better than the photos.

Body details again. She have small little mole over there hehe.

Very detailed eyes, nose, and brows are hair plant. Excellent realism Starpery.

Sarah in 151cm. She's stunning as well.

Details on her finger. The length of her fingers will turn you off. I think 2cm shorter would make it look natural. If it bothers you, wear her a gloves. It's winter anyways.

She looks fantastic as always.

She's my princess, she didn't fail to stun me. I just can't help but to hug her each shot.

She's like a model, a girl of my dreams. Her face shifts at time. She looks latina at particular angle. Perfect!!

I can't stop looking at her. Vanessa you're a gift I needed.

She's a perfect girlfriend. I love her. This won't be possible without you Starpery. Thanks Starpery.


151cm Rong

Customer Service::
Well, the biggest positive for customer service for me is very informative, attentive, active, and also willingly to advertise their product. To me, if I were to grade it on those four alone,
Evan gets a 3/4 or 7.5/10 for informative and attentive. Although I understand there's a delay on communications to make them active much on updates, I also firmly believe waiting a month
long or so, you should get your buyers more updated with everything including the delay just so they don't get turn off easily. But there's more to it than that the boost their grade on my rating.
Evan is not only attentive and informative but also friendly, willingly, and also provide me source enought to convince me to buy their product. So I'd say, from a skeptical me to getting their
product, you know who much Evan put on to our conversation to help me convince to get the doll from Starpery.

Product Description::
On their website, the photos on which they advertise the doll doesn't match the doll they sell. For example Rong 151cm on their website images is full silicone but the customization and price is set
for head silicone and body TPE. Although they mentioned that the picture is full silicone, they should have images of TPE with silicone head instead for the TPE customization. This would help other
buyers make a comparison of the TPE and Silicone instead of curiousity looming. Again this is minor gripe but this is my first impression of them and others might get trap on misleading info if TDF
wasn't their case here. This is why it's important to check TDF first before buying any doll everywhere. If you just buy without looking much, you could have both a Silicone head, TPE body thinking,
those preset is the picture.

I really hate Wire Transfer. Just feel uncomfortable with it so Sino who ask this on their top doll should really start thinking of Paypal. Yes, anything with Paypal as a payment is smoother.
They handle all the tax and international fee for you and starpery offering this payment option is a must. Although they did have an issue about it, I hope it was fixed soon so I can order my next doll from them.

The Doll:
As I mentioned in the above unboxing, this is one of the realistic looking doll I've seen that has a model like feel next to Sino Miyou and OI. I believe if they keep going this route with positive,
Sino Miyou or even the OI could be obsolete doll of the past. But we can't ignore the starpery hasn't ironed out there cons yet as not many reviews yet to voice out about it to improve and also they
are very new to this. So I'll give them a few years and I'm sure, they're going to be bigger than any manufacturer out there. I just want to note that I don't know how other body size they have in
quality do but I've seen imperfection on anatomy in the past and I do hope what I talked about here is going to be fixed for the future of this doll. I'm seeing this doll company big.

Pros and Cons::
This one should weigh in before you buy the doll. Of course this is my opinion as a doll collector but I also include consumer perspective along it.
  • 1) Realistic head - The head is picture perfect. As a photographer, she's going to make someone have a crush on her. I know, I do. xD
    2) Easy to clean (Silicone)
    3) Implanted hair option make her easy to comb naturally without worries to stain her back head or wig falling down
    4) Eye movement - It's easy to pose her eyes
    5) Standing feet without bolts - It's time for dolls to stand up without the use of bolts and this doll simply mimic that of Sanhui that I wish DS has.
    6) Fair softness (Silicone) - Of course TPE is softer but this silicone of mine is fairly soft and smooth if you apply powder before even dressing her up.
    7) Ability to buy the head separately alone
    8) Payment with Paypal
    9) Close to picture perfection
    10) Great head protection from the box and professional protection for doll shipment.
    11) Skin texture is close to realism.
    12) No terrible odor (Silicone) although I might say differently about TPE. All my TPE dolls smells bad during the unboxing. All my silicone dolls smells similar to each other.
    13) The image online is close to real life - I need to get this out to skeptics like me before. i know we have manufacturer that heavily photoshop their images to sell. Starpery, heavily make up their doll to sell and I'm buying it.
    14) Medium weight - For a 151cm and a silicone, I'm surprise she is light. She has a similar weight of my DS 145 minus doll and not as heavy 152cm from WM
  • 1) Unable to Hybrid - this is unfortunate to those who has small apartment who has limited space but only want to hybrid the doll to save money and space. The hole on her neck can be slightly drilled to fit DS doll poles but I don't recommend it if you're first time or simply don't know anything about dolls in general.
    2) Hard to pose - Well this varies through time. Her being here for a day or so shouldn't be an issue as overtime those go lose but unlike DS joints that is posable at the beginning, I'll have a hard time posing her in future photos.
    3) Tentacle long fingers - This is an anatomy gone wrong to their part. I'd say it's close but their fingers, for the 151cm at least, should be shorter by 2cm.
    4) Finger joints look fragile - it folds really easily and bends weirdly. Sometimes I wish they have the DS style fingers then everything about this doll is perfect.
    5) Less clothes out of the box - I've seen better on some manufacturer but starpery supply similar standard clothes just like WM, DH, etc. (nice teddybear blanket though)
    6) Seams and shipment pierce through her skin - There's tiny minor white stuffs that is from the box that pierce through her out of the box. Removing it is easy. Just something to watch out before hugging her.
    7) No open mouth - This should be standard to all dolls these days. Many man loves oral, if not, the abilty to make their doll show tongue. I hope this is implemented in the future. It will always be a con for me for no open mouth doll.
    8) Head is too stiff - Well it's silicone but not wax. I expect that was the trade off for having almost realistic face. She isn't soft to kiss unlike DS and OI. I know I make comparison to these two because they are my highest grade silicone doll.
Grading:: (+) Positive / (-) Negative / (=) In between PosNeg

+ Positive Customer Service
+ informative
= Communication
+ Payment
+ Fedex Air
+ No Fees/Tax/Duties
+ Variety Customer Choice
- Partially Active
+ Provides pictures and videos

+ Textured Skin
+ Detailed Makeup
+ Detailed Designs for body parts
+ Detailed Face design
+ Easy to manipulate eyes
+ Very life-like overall
+ Well proportioned
= Slight skin lumps
- No open mouth
- Stiff face (like dead body)

+ Flexible joints
- Force Movement
+ Realistic textured skin
+ Standing Feet without Screws showing out
+ Correct placement of Vagina
+ Fair Anatomy
+ Bit lighter
+ Smooth Glassfelt Skin
+ Soft Skin
- Fingers imperfection
= Fair Doll kits
+ Product is similar as advertised

+ Undamaged
+ Photo-perfect
+ Model
+ Companion
+ Partner

Score Total: 37.9/40 (86%/100%) or (9.5/10)



(9.5 - 10 gets my Doll of the Year Approval)

::Note to Starpery::
I'm seeing a very bright future for your company. Keep it up, please iron out this imperfection for the future of my orders and others who orders the doll.
I also wanted to see more heads upcoming and of course with open mouth option but that's the future of you and I hope it was as I've seen you have an
outstanding doll out there worth to buy. Although not I would recommend a doll of the year. Rong alone is easily my candidate for the doll of 2020 but
with this imperfection I've seen, she would stay on the quarter recommendation and future for starpery.

With this review, I hope you're not discourage to tryout the doll for yourselves. More pictures of Rong coming soon. I'll do a separate review and photostream for Sarah or her name was "Hailey."


Hailey's review soon.

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Re: Meet Vanessa - Starpery 151cm Rong - DOLLAVIDALOCA

Post by Itwasntmemate »

Thank you RJAce1014 for your great and honest review.
6YE TPE 165cm D cup Olivia
Starpery head & body silicone 151cm Rong (YUQING)

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Re: Meet Vanessa - Starpery 151cm Rong - DOLLAVIDALOCA

Post by Pip-Doll88 »

Gratz on the doll!
Great review, easy and fun to read and you made your points clear. Definitely will consider one in the future!

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Re: Meet Vanessa - Starpery 151cm Rong - DOLLAVIDALOCA

Post by HornedPear »

Great review, very informative and helpful. Vanessa has such a lovely face, one of my favorite doll faces available at the moment. Any doll will have cons but it's nice to see that Starpery is able to make a great doll despite being so new to the game.

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Re: Meet Vanessa - Starpery 151cm Rong - DOLLAVIDALOCA

Post by ninthwave83 »

Huge thanks for the review.

I got my factory photos last night for my 169cm Starpery and I have to say I couldn't be happier.

I'll post them in a separate thread.

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Re: Meet Vanessa - Starpery 151cm Rong - DOLLAVIDALOCA

Post by Kubrows »

Damn, fantastic review!
I feel like my review of Sarah was terrible compared to yours!
it has been a longgggg wait for me to get Rong in, should be in by Monday this coming week!

Amazing! thanks a bunch!
Starpery 151cm Rong --->> Enjoying the fruit!
Sarah 169cm <-- Enjoying the fruit!

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Re: Meet Vanessa - Starpery 151cm Rong - DOLLAVIDALOCA

Post by Celtic_Babog »

Vanessa looks so beautiful, congratulations.
I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I realise, its a fucking comedy 🥲

👉 Review of Irontech 160cm silicone doll.👈

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Re: Meet Vanessa - Starpery 151cm Rong - DOLLAVIDALOCA

Post by pangolin »

Congratulations and thanks for the informative review!
Do you have the actual measurements?

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Re: Meet Vanessa - Starpery 151cm Rong - DOLLAVIDALOCA

Post by Melikecatwoman »

Thanks for the great review! Wondering if you could provide measurement for the feet. Their 169 and 171cm dolls are listed as a nice realistic 24cm, but I can't find info for the 151cm doll anywhere.

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Re: Meet Vanessa - Starpery 151cm Rong - DOLLAVIDALOCA

Post by newguy123 »

Thanks for the review awesome doll. Going to pick one up next year. All the owner photos I've seen look amazing.
I live in a Harem full of Beautiful Dolls.
Thanks Doll Forum :)

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Re: Meet Vanessa - Starpery 151cm Rong - DOLLAVIDALOCA

Post by jazzman »

and the question on many least on mine..Is the advertized height and weight correct? is this doll with head actually 151cm?

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Re: Meet Vanessa - Starpery 151cm Rong - DOLLAVIDALOCA

Post by Itwasntmemate »

jazzman wrote:and the question on many least on mine..Is the advertized height and weight correct? is this doll with head actually 151cm?
I just received mine last Friday and did a full body measurement weight was around 30kg (that was on my electronic scales) but I would say slightly less. They advertised the Doll that being full silicone at around 26-27kgs.
The height is actually 150cm.
6YE TPE 165cm D cup Olivia
Starpery head & body silicone 151cm Rong (YUQING)

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Re: Meet Vanessa - Starpery 151cm Rong - DOLLAVIDALOCA

Post by Itwasntmemate »

Ok everyone I have just also received my Rong 151cm doll and call her Yuqing, pronounced "You-king"
I read again RJAce1014 review and gentleman all I can say is "Ditto" to his review especially the fingers.
Another point was the ankle not able to turn the foot.
As it's my first experience with a silicone doll I wasn't sure what to expect but if you read RJAce1014 review carefully he's pretty much on the money with everything with softness and hardness....if your into deep passionate kissing, get a TPE Head :lol:

The only difference with my purchase was that I went through SEX DOLL AUSTRALIA with Andrew and fantastic service (my 2nd purchase with SDA) so Gentlemen if you a good experience in your purchase he's the guy to see.

So anyway after a few days over the weekend honey mooning I did as all good men do I introduced her to the kitchen

So gentlemen my rating as well is same same 9.5/10 you won't be disappointed
Going to learn how to make me a sandwich
Going to learn how to make me a sandwich
Yuqing kitchen 2.jpg (1.13 MiB) Viewed 7925 times
6YE TPE 165cm D cup Olivia
Starpery head & body silicone 151cm Rong (YUQING)

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Re: Meet Vanessa - Starpery 151cm Rong - DOLLAVIDALOCA

Post by Itwasntmemate »

To all you people that want to know her measurements so you can go Clothe shopping prior to her arrival
see the List below.
Clothes for her in Australian is a Girls size 8 fits perfectly
Shoe size 2
So for every other country if you do a conversion of those sizes you will be fairly safe.
Getting a comfy fitting Bra well that's something else :?:
Yuqing measurements.jpg
Yuqing measurements.jpg (463.07 KiB) Viewed 7924 times
6YE TPE 165cm D cup Olivia
Starpery head & body silicone 151cm Rong (YUQING)

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Re: Meet Vanessa - Starpery 151cm Rong - DOLLAVIDALOCA

Post by RJAce1014 »

Hello everyone! Sorry for not being able to reply fast enough. Also thanks "Itwasntmemate" for answering some question and providing your finds about 151cm Rong.
My roommate was tested positive so we have to quarantined for two weeks. I wasn't able to check on my Vanessa for sometime but I can say, she's built to stand as
she's been standing for two weeks straights. I'll be in touch soon with photos and possible more analysis and also how Sarah head looks like on 151cm as I did some
photo shoot for Sarah head on 151cm before I quarantined.

I'll be in touched.


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