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FedEx now have dolls on a prohibited items list for the UK

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 2:17 pm
by The-Doll-House
Hi all,

I had a 165cm JY doll returned to China as a prohibited item, yet not seized by Customs.
This was odd, so started to enquire.

Haremlover had a good contact to speak to and she looked into my case and explained that these things are prohibited now and on the prohibited list.

Looks like it will be a case of UPS only now, until we can get dolls designated as something as not degenerate.
Perhaps now all of the UK vendors will all come together to combat this?
I said we would all get frozen out unless we fought the authorities - now look where we are.

All thoughts are welcome.

Re: FedEx now have dolls on a prohibited items list for the

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 2:48 pm
by Celtic_Babog
This is really very sad.

UK vendors I think it's time to unite now before it's too late.

Re: FedEx now have dolls on a prohibited items list for the

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 2:54 pm
by BlackLung
First the UK, then the US. :(

Re: FedEx now have dolls on a prohibited items list for the

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 2:57 pm
by km877
The-Doll-House wrote:Hi all,

I had a 165cm JY doll returned to China as a prohibited item, yet not seized by Customs.
This was odd, so started to enquire.

Haremlover had a good contact to speak to and she looked into my case and explained that these things are prohibited now and on the prohibited list.

Looks like it will be a case of UPS only now, until we can get dolls designated as something as not degenerate.
Perhaps now all of the UK vendors will all come together to combat this?
I said we would all get frozen out unless we fought the authorities - now look where we are.

All thoughts are welcome.
Sad for you Brits, courage!

Re: FedEx now have dolls on a prohibited items list for the

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 2:59 pm
by Sum_guy
I agree the US and UK seem to be setting up for more BS doll laws or influencing companies to not ship them. I had a longer comment, but the post disappeared while I was writing it lol.

Re: FedEx now have dolls on a prohibited items list for the

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:03 pm
Wait, did I read this correctly? UK buyers can no longer buy a doll, really?

When was a new law passed?

Re: FedEx now have dolls on a prohibited items list for the

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:05 pm
by The-Doll-House
I wrote to the team dealing with this, and got a sppedy (if unhelpful reply):

Hi Phil

Unfortunately Pornography and/or obscene material, Manikins including sex dolls are listed on the FedEx prohibitions. This would mean that it is FedEx policy not to ship such items and no exceptions will be granted.

The legality of these items is not relevant to our decision not to carry these types of goods and this is an internal decision by FedEx/TNT not to carry such items.


Ricky Palmer | GTS Clearance Specialist | Office +44 1279 666 456 | Endeavour house, Stansted Airport, CM24 1HA, UK |

From: The-Doll-House <>
Sent: 23 March 2021 18:43
To: stncustomsadmin <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Prohibited FedEx items

Caution! This email originated outside of FedEx. Please do not open attachments or click links from an unknown or suspicious origin.

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to you in order to receive clarification on the listing of:

• Life size, anatomically correct mannequins (a)

In your list of prohibited items of items to ship to the United Kingdom.

As I am the director of a fully legal and incorporated business in the UK to sell Sex Dolls, this seems very much like a discriminatory measure.
Should I be importing these items under a different HC to mannequins in order to import these without FedEx prejudice into the UK?

They are fully legal in the UK and should represent no issue to FedEx for shipping.
Or can you at least clarify the position with regards to this new Prohibitive listing?

Looking forward to your reply.
Please have a superb day.

Kind Regards,

Phil Bass

+44 (0)203 488 4298

Re: FedEx now have dolls on a prohibited items list for the

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:11 pm
by Nescio50
BlackLung wrote:First the UK, then the US. :(
Wasn't it Amazon US who was the first to stop all love dolls?

Imho it is the pushing, promoting, trading of child-like sex dolls that now causes parties within the supply chain -trading platforms, shippers- to stop all love dolls.
Sellers should take their responsibility, stop pushing the limits. It is going to backfire, it ruins this industry.

Re: FedEx now have dolls on a prohibited items list for the

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:48 pm
by The-Doll-House
Nescio50 wrote: Wasn't it Amazon US who was the first to stop all love dolls?

Imho it is the pushing, promoting, trading of child-like sex dolls that now causes parties within the supply chain -trading platforms, shippers- to stop all love dolls.
Sellers should take their responsibility, stop pushing the limits. It is going to backfire, it ruins this industry.
This argument only works if you are the athority that designates a doll as child-like.
As no one has this authority it becomes ambiguous, and the questions remains, and allows the authorities to creep the scope ever higher for the bar to be considered a suitable age.
Does this argument include the dolls in your avatar Nescio?
One could argue that some of them are questionably under 18, if we are using subjective assessments here.

In the UK, you can have a relationship with a 16 year old, but you cannot have a doll that looks under 18 - which is worse?

The doll in question was a 165cm JY doll here, so absolutely no problems with the doll's looks or age-appearance.

IMHO it is the fact that the industry plainly was not going anywhere, after the UK authorities started accusing people of CP when they had shorter dolls.
Dolls got taller and a bit lighter in terms of density, so people could get a taller doll.
So once this didn't work, they needed to take a less legal-based approach, to squeeze the shipping companies to force us out.

To Quote Ronald Reagan
"Let’s set the record straight. There is no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there is only one guaranteed way you can have peace–and you can have it in the next second–surrender."
If we appease the authorities they will keep creeping forwards until there is no industry left - which is what they want.
They will only allow dolls that look over 40, and weight >60kg, and are >180cm tall, thus making it untenable as an industry.

I will bet that dildos that look like horse genatalia are still allowed to be delivered (for women) - as they are not a life sized anatomically correct mannequin.
So shop mannequins should not be allowed, right?
Something does not ring true about any of this.

Re: FedEx now have dolls on a prohibited items list for the

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:16 pm
by Nescio50
The-Doll-House wrote:
Nescio50 wrote: Wasn't it Amazon US who was the first to stop all love dolls?

Imho it is the pushing, promoting, trading of child-like sex dolls that now causes parties within the supply chain -trading platforms, shippers- to stop all love dolls.
Sellers should take their responsibility, stop pushing the limits. It is going to backfire, it ruins this industry.
This argument only works if you are the athority that designates a doll as child-like.
As no one has this authority it becomes ambiguous, and the questions remains, and allows the authorities to creep the scope ever higher for the bar to be considered a suitable age.
Does this argument include the dolls in your avatar Nescio?
One could argue that some of them are questionably under 18, if we are using subjective assessments here.
I am not going to discuss my dolls here, I leave that to others.

My point is that manufacturers and vendors are pushing child-like dolls, especially child-like faces. In several countries there is discussion about it. Laws and regulations, and authorities, are getting more strict. Companies within the supply chain do notice this. They are cautious. For them love dolls is only a niche. Child-like or not is too difficult. So they decide to stop all business on love dolls. That is where you are.

Re: FedEx now have dolls on a prohibited items list for the

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:21 pm
by Sum_guy
Mainstream society hates ALL sex dolls not just "Child-like" ones. The child like ones were just an easy target if it wasn't that it would've been feminists saying that dolls objectify women so should be restricted/banned (true about object thing I guess but isn't that true of dildos, vibrators, and male torso dolls...double standard much?). This was going to happen no matter what when dolls started to get popular and thanks to the pandemic that moment kinda happened.

Re: FedEx now have dolls on a prohibited items list for the

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:29 pm
by Nescio50
Sum_guy wrote:Mainstream society hates ALL sex dolls not just "Child-like" ones. The child like ones were just an easy target if it wasn't that it would've been feminists saying that dolls objectify women so should be restricted/banned (true about object thing I guess but isn't that true of dildos, vibrators, and male torso dolls)
Playing the feminist card is really too easy. It is the love doll industry who should have a look at themselves, trying to solve it. Just blaming society or feminists is not going to help.
What is the best for the love doll industry, fighting laws and opinions, or stop to give fuel to discussions about condoning pedophilia.

Re: FedEx now have dolls on a prohibited items list for the

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:32 pm
by Rock13
Well, in solidarity with people in the UK- and since I don't trust Fedex anyway- I will vote with my feet and my wallet by making my next doll order with a vendor who ships surface method via container ship and then delivers via UPS.

Re: FedEx now have dolls on a prohibited items list for the

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:33 pm
by nicvncnt
There's kind of an upside to this (if you look very hard) because it's basically an admission that all parties have now conceded the dolls are legal ("child-like" dolls aside) and that this won't change, so they have to resort to other methods to clamp down on them.

Maybe the days of shipping dolls one-at-a-time over from China are over (or at least numbered) but UK vendors could get together to bring over a container-load of dolls at a time (say a whole bunch of WM stuff) then sell them on a mix-and-match basis and if the big couriers won't touch them then go with White Van Men to deliver them within UK. Just a thought.

Re: FedEx now have dolls on a prohibited items list for the

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:36 pm
by Sum_guy
Im not playing the feminist card: I'm saying if someone wants to take something away from you there's always another "card" to play. The religious card is another popular one: "God made humans so making a doll is blasphemous." How about the "They took our jobs" card: "Sex workers will make less now down with sex dolls!" The real reason for these laws is that they simply don't want us having dolls so Im no longer looking to sell mine anytime soon lol.