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Simple stance modifier

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:50 am
by Mechwizard
This was done by another member last year. I couldn't remember who or when so I went back and looked at the problem from a fresh perspective. I used 1/4" aluminium instead of steel but otherwise its little different.


The more complex stance modifiers looked too scary to me. They put a lot of stress on the base of the doll's neck and basically force the doll to stand straight.

With a spacer (in this case a nut) to allow for the thickness of the doll's skin, it bolts up as close as possible to back of the neck. Two bends basically follow the line of the lower neck. All this does is move the hanging point for the suspension strap up 3.5" and forward about 1.25 - 1.5", or for the metrically inclined, up 85mm and forward 40mm.


And this is all it takes to make her stand straight without the RealDoll crouch that everyone is used to. A back or butt support will push her forward, but for photos this is so much easier. It also allows her to wear high necked clothing without having to cut a hole for the neckbolt.


She can be spun about to take photos from any angle without having to move the camera. We had hours of fun snapping her new wardrobe.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:17 am
by RuzzleDarling

How the hell did you figure out how THAT would work, mate??? :!:

Well done!

I'm off to town tomorrow for some 6mm aluminium! :D :D :D

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:37 am
by Keithallen
:D Bravo Mechwizard!!!
Simple and effective, great job :thumbs_up:

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:33 am
by mahtek
Way too cool!

Simple, elegant, efficient. And yes, it would eliminate the torque of the more elaborate stance modifiers.

I'll need to make a couple of these!

Thanks, Mechwizard, and your faithful assistant Zara! :wink:

Mahtek & his Ladies

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:51 am
by muzza
Good One MW,

It may have been fabin you were thinking of. Beautiful Doll. Don't hear much from him.
Third, fifth and sixth posts down on page. ... ht=#217244
I did try, but without a vice and tools was not very successful.


Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:08 am
by Perry

When you can, could you tell us how you made it, and what a guy with a simple set of tools could do to make one? Including dimensions.

Does it interfere much with head posing?

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:00 am
by Mechwizard

Fabin was the member I was thinking of. I remembered his idea although I found I didn't need as much angle on the hanger that he used. The more angle, the closer the hanger will get to the doll's neck.

Perry wrote:Excellent!

When you can, could you tell us how you made it, and what a guy with a simple set of tools could do to make one? Including dimensions.

Does it interfere much with head posing?
Here you go, just a quick scribble in photoshop but it should give you the idea. After cutting to shape and drilling the holes slam each end in a vice in turn and bash with hammer to bend. The offset on mine is 15 mm but this could vary b/n dolls depending on size, weight etc. You shouldn't need more than 20 mm offset. If you have a fixed height doll stand this will drop the hanging height of the doll so you need to take this into account. With it attached she won't be able to tilt her head back, but otherwise there is no restriction. You could use 6mm aluminium or 3 mm steel should also be fine.


Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 11:10 am
by fabin
It's a nice tool I think.

Hi, Muzza.
Thank you for introducing my post. ... ht=#217244

Hi, all friends.
I've been using my own one(steel plate) for four years. There is no damages around the original neck nut nor her skin. So I think it's more effective bending the plate more tight to close up to her neck skin. No troubles. And the method of bending the 3mm thickness steel plate was using hammer and anvil. Good luck.!

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:04 pm
by Perry
Thank you, Mech!!!

And Fabin, thanks to you too.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:58 pm
by mytime

IMO one word, Excellent!
Finally an elegant solution for this problem.
I need to find a bolt I can use to make this (withworth thread is rare in Europe).

Mytime & Helen & Carmen

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:47 pm
by Knighthorse
I am constantly amazed by the wonderful innovations that come up here from members. This was simply an ingenious idea. It is a simple fix to the problem of the doll hanging forward and I just wanted to let you know how great I think it is. You guys are a source of inspiration for me as a manufacturer and things like this are what make this Doll Forum a special place. This is one of those things that we ( the manufacturers ) may have never gotten to as we make the dolls and ship them but dont have the same interaction as you, the customers do. Therefore we may not even realize that there is a fix required until you post something like this. Thanks for sharing

Matt K.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:34 am
by muzza
Manufacturers might even like to consider, as an optional extra, a suitable sized stance modifier to include with their doll.

Just a thought.

And fabin, you are welcome, and your doll IS very beautiful, trust she is well.


Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:51 am
by fabin
Now,I took a movie in which I show you how my stance modifier works. Please watch my STEREO movie on YouTube.
In this movie you may see my doll is turning. It's my pleasure watching her turning in various fashion.


Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:15 pm
by kharn
Amazing!!! :D Just one other question to Fabin. How did you get your Realdolls legs to go together so perfectly, it really makes her rear end look awesome when the stance modifier is also used?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:09 pm
by welcool
Hi Fabin,

I really like that idea of your tuning device. Would you mind and sharing us the top tuning and bottom device, a parts list that you used.
Even more detailed pictures would help me much.

I wanted to make the same thing for turning my doll, I looked at some bearings and was afraid those bearings will pull out of each other and the doll will fall down, there is a lot of force on that part.

Would be great if you would share your info.
