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OMGChris2000 New Member.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 5:10 am
by OMGChris2000
Hi everyone.

I had been lurking here and there for about a month or so. I have owned my WM Doll 100cm model for about over a month now. (It was an impulse buy, more on that later.)

Here's my story.

I have always been curious about Love Dolls. I don't know what it is about them I find fascinating. I used to see dolls as creepy. Especially those scary ventriloquist dolls with the eyes that follow you. But after going to a lot of anime conventions a few of my artistic friends would carry around these "Ball joint dolls" that I found to be gorgeous and so finely crafted. That definitely gave me a higher respect for dolls in general. Not just as toys but as finely crafted art pieces.

I had been browsing love dolls every now and then out of morbid curiosity. Most of which appear prohibitively expensive to me. I've always wondered what it would be like to have one just to use as a cuddle buddy. I was browsing to see if there was one I could snag that I could just try out. I came across esexdolls. I only learned of this forum after my purchase. I'm glad to see esexdolls was vetted, I was starting to worry until my doll arrived. They had a few that were on sale, so I thought to myself, what the heck, I'll try one. I picked out one that would have all the features but be somewhat affordable to me. After all, I had never owned or knew anyone that did so I had no frame of reference. I wanted to get one that if I didn't like it, it wouldn't be a big impact on my wallet. And if I did like it, it would be able to hold me over until I decided to go all out on a future model.

So, one day, on impulse, I purchased the large busted 100cm "Kitty" configuration. The turn around was 4 weeks. So during that whole time I was pacing, second guessing, stressing out over what for me was quite a major purchase. Sure it was the Fun-sized, Travel-sized, compact econo model, but I was still anxious. I keep waiting and expecting an email, a knock at the door, or a phone call from a delivery person. Then, a month later, on a Wednesday, I get a call from my apartment leasing office telling me there is a big heavy package that's been there since Monday. Holy crap! My doll had been sitting in an office for 2 days! I quickly head over, with my dolly, and pick up my doll (Package).

Finally, I set up the package and get ready to open it. For some reason I feel really nervous. I slowly and carefully unpack it. I unwrap the head and look into the eyes. They're so green and my heart just sinks and I fall in love. And her head was soooo soft and squishy! Yes, I dropped it a few times until I could set it on the body. She came with one wig, a care kit, and a pink nightie. I set her up and just spent the first few hours just staring at her. I couldn't believe I reached this point.

She was definitely fun to play with. The intimacy was incredible. I didn't know what to expect, it took different poses and positions to figure out what worked best for us. I really enjoyed it. For all of October, I was browsing Halloween stuff just for my doll. I was lucky that one of the Halloween stores had a $5 bargain bin, filled with wigs. So I bought about 4 wigs: Blonde, Amber, Black, and an off Red. The wigs are alright and kinda cheap but they work for what I need them for.

I found myself whispering, "Honey, I'm home!" when I come home from work. I do whisper around her a lot. I'm new to this and try to treat her delicately. She's had quite a few bumps and scrapes from falling over. So I've made good friends with super glue. Her wrists are all but useless since I read they were a bit of a joke. I anticipated them breaking easily and am not too bummed about it when it happened. But as I said before this is my first one.

I do like shopping around for her and finding a few outfits and mixing up things here and there. I'll do more with her, like get make up and such. The only major thing I'll do with her is add freckles some time in the future. I have a bunch of color markers I use for my artwork and maybe I'll use those. I do like to think of "Ginger" which is her new name, as my art assistant. So, I'll be taking on commissions to raise funds for my next doll. Which I'm looking into a full sized, more mature, Milf type. More on that another time.

I'm so glad this forum exists. Honestly I've had no where to turn to express my feelings and experiences on this. I know a lot of sexually open and fetish centric people. But I've never run into a love doll owner. I know furries, Pups, fetish community types, and more. But there is no one I can talk to about this or express, "Hey look at this cool new thing I got." I know not everyone wears their interests or hobbies on their sleeves or have to openly express everything. But it's nice to talk to others in a hobby.

Emotionally, I'm very happy with my purchase. I don't feel weird, icky, desperate or perverse. I'm single right now, and I'm ok with that. But having this doll does fill a tiny void for release. I actually find myself happier. Hell, I don't feel awkward talking to girls or just saying "Hello" with a warm smile to a passing pretty woman in the grocery store. Like you'd expect from a nerd/geek.
When I do get to dating, Doll ownership will be a huddle when I come to it. One of the things I love about the doll is that I can dress her however I like. One of the many frustrations on previous girlfriends was the whole, "This looks cute, would you wear this for me?" And the girlfriend was like, "No!" Provided I find the right size. My Doll can be that Sexy Secretary or Hot Teacher the girlfriend wouldn't be. I'll find myself a girlfriend sometime in the future, but there is no rush at the moment.

Album of outfits and fun.

Re: OMGChris2000 New Member.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 11:40 am
by Elle
Welcome to both of you :D

I added Ginger to the Doll Matrix but i've no idea what #head is the kitty combo :?
So for the moment her profile shows "kitty" as the head, let me know if you are sure of the number or head's name :)


Re: OMGChris2000 New Member.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 12:43 pm
by tman2016
Welcome to the forum, cute girl!

Re: OMGChris2000 New Member.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 2:16 pm
by 3D2D
Grats! Cute girl you got. The 100 is my first doll too. It was/is a learning experience, but one that convinced me to get a second bigger model down the road. There are posts about clothes, wigs and such all here so enjoy the journey. If you have questions feel free to ask.

May peace/the force/long life and prosperity be with you

Re: OMGChris2000 New Member.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 2:43 pm
by haremlover
Congrats and welcome to the joys that dolls can bring

Best wishes


Re: OMGChris2000 New Member.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 6:45 pm
by stones
Sounds like you're very satisfied, that is great!

Re: OMGChris2000 New Member.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 6:54 pm
by Lemminkainen
Welcome to TDF OMGChris2000.
Happy to hear you enjoyed the opening have a good honeymoon. :glou:
May your desires come true with you doll companion.

Re: OMGChris2000 New Member.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 7:15 pm
by jibjibjub
Grats on the new doll! It's good to here you were not disappointed.

Re: OMGChris2000 New Member.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:43 am
by samara78
Riley is a fun doll! Welcome and enjoy your honeymoon

Re: OMGChris2000 New Member.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 2:45 am
by Anung Un Rama
Ginger is 100 CM Rhia says Hi and welcome to her sista!

Re: OMGChris2000 New Member.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 4:13 am
by OMGChris2000
Elle wrote:Welcome to both of you :D

I added Ginger to the Doll Matrix but i've no idea what #head is the kitty combo :?
So for the moment her profile shows "kitty" as the head, let me know if you are sure of the number or head's name :)

I'll have to look up their catalog. I believe the head is "#103" on the WM website. It's so hard to keep up with as re-sellers often have their own configuration names.
3D2D wrote:Grats! Cute girl you got. The 100 is my first doll too. It was/is a learning experience, but one that convinced me to get a second bigger model down the road. There are posts about clothes, wigs and such all here so enjoy the journey. If you have questions feel free to ask.

May peace/the force/long life and prosperity be with you
Thanks, I guess the 100's are the unofficial "Starter kit" Ha Ha!

And thank you everyone else for chiming in. I'll come back with more photos, updates, amusing stories.

Later on, I would like to upload my photo album to appropriate space in "doll album" once I've resized everything for easy browsing.

And I also do cartoon artwork I'll set up a price sheet that'll be forum friendly and post it up in the "Eye Candy" section. If anyone would be interested in commissions I'll be open to it. You'll get art for your doll and I'll help fund my next one.

I'll try to be active and contribute to the community. Thanks again for making me feel welcome.

Re: OMGChris2000 New Member.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:56 am
by OMGChris2000
Alright, New to my collection.
Lyn. A WM 140 D-Cup #149 head.

I've had Ginger for almost a year now. And she's suffered heavy damage. Just from me learning what these dolls can and can't do. And what does and doesn't work on them. I'll try to take better care of Lyn. I love using short wigs on her and have had a lot of fun. She has standing feet, removable vagina insert, and enhanced mouth option on the head.

