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The story of Rose ( OR156B )

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 1:19 am
by haremlover
One of the most real of doll figures inspired a story that grew out of a photography project with ... y-project/ , Sian working on the photos and the dolls themselves writing a narrative. I was just the observer, and many of my photos were taken only on my mobile phone. It's another saga inspired by the magic lantern slide stories of old.

As an example of what a good doll can inspire perhaps when the thread is finished mods might consider making the thread a sticky.

Rose, an OR156B is very much a treasured toy lady.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rose is a lady who to outward appearances
lives a comfortable life.

But the reality is that there's a lot to do, cleaning the windows

having to climb ladders

doing the polishing

the hoovering,

and the washing up
and everything else there is to do in the house. She tried running a bed and breakfast but got bored of obnoxious guests who
expect to be treated like royalty.

Whilst engaged on her dishes she looked out of the window
and mused that perhaps there were other things she could do with her life.

So she thought she'd go into town and see if she could get a job. Anything would be easier than all the things she had to do at home and without pay.

She arrived at the railway station

where the ticket office was padlocked shut

and instead of a kind man behind the counter to help her and give her the right ticket

she had to cope with one of those infernal machines.

She managed to make the right choices on the screen

and retrieved her tickets

and went down to the tracks to wait for the train.

It was rather an offputting place with frequent announcements that if anyone saw any suspicious activity they should report it to the police.

She sat there for what seemed like forever

but the train didn't come so she went outside to check the indicator board.

Everything seemed fine and she waited

and no train came.

Eventually a train did come, but
it was in the other direction.

So she decided to go to the information point and ask for some help.

Best wishes


Re: The story of Rose ( OR15

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 3:14 am
by Sexy Sex Doll
wow you bought he to train station!

Re: The story of Rose ( OR15

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 5:43 pm
by haremlover
She pressed the button to speak to someone

and they helpfully told her
that the drivers of Southern Region had called a lightning strike so there wouldn't be any more trains that day. They told her that she'd have to find a bus.

So she went to the bus stop

where she waited

and waited

with much expectation

but no bus came.

So she decided she'd have to hitch a lift

and stood further out into the pavement to be noticed more

and finally a car stopped in answer to her prayer . . .

Best wishes


Re: The story of Rose ( OR15

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:04 am
by haremlover
It was a kind lady in the car who was offering the lift

So Rose told her where she wanted to go

She got in, and she explained that she was going to town to try to find a job

and putting her seatbelt on securely
they drove off.

In town Rose found a clothes shop with a special promotion sale
and asked if they'd like some help.

Best wishes


Re: The story of Rose ( OR15

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:14 am
by apliz2005
This is a nice story of Rose. It looks like it was tons of work, but well worth the effort. Keep them coming ;)

Re: The story of Rose ( OR15

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:21 am
by optical delusion
holy crap dude. this is awesome. you must have put some serious time into doing this.

Re: The story of Rose ( OR15

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:49 am
by stacy718

Do the wrists on the OR dolls rotate?

Re: The story of Rose ( OR15

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:57 am
by haremlover
Yes - OR dolls have hinged wrists which rotate.

Best wishes


Re: The story of Rose ( OR15

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:28 pm
by The Doll Laboratory
Hello haremlover,

Fantastic series of photos!

How did people in the street react to the Dolls?

Von Rubber

Re: The story of Rose ( OR15

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:42 pm
by haremlover
Oh. At the railway station people just walked past. At the bus stop we were near a roundabout and a few cars drove twice around the roundabout to see what was happening. And
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there were some local Council groundsmen mowing the grass, who took no notice at all.

In the shop customers came in thinking that there were more people in the shop than there were . . .

Best wishes


Re: The story of Rose ( OR15

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:50 pm
by jackgrad45
Great storry more

Re: The story of Rose ( OR15

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:08 pm
by bobbydoll
I was genuinely entertained. I have my new 156 ORdoll arriving today. Great photography and storyboard!

Re: The story of Rose ( OR15

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 11:03 am
by haremlover
The manager of the shop, although a strange lady,
was genuinely nice and said she was rushed off her feet.

So Rose's help was really welcome

Later in the afternoon business was a bit slow
so the manager suggested that Rose might grab some attention

and gave her the job of
mannequin in the shop window.

Sure enough, it drew the customers

and it was the lady who'd given Rose the lift, together with a friend
who'd seen her in the shop window.

They came into the shop
and the manager was very pleased - suddenly she had customers.

The friend bought a dress there and then

And the lady who'd given Rose the lift was tempted

and had to go and try it on. . .

But these new customers were very sorry for Rose. They sat her down,
and asked her why she'd got a job only to get stuck, stuck as a mannequin in the shop window.

How many people do you know who get a job and get stuck?

The manager said that there was no need to get stuck . . . and that she'd show them how . . .

Best wishes


(And thanks to Sian for her photos ... y-project/ better than mine)

Re: The story of Rose ( OR15

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 1:36 pm
by Forb
Wow, so neat that you get out and about with your dolls like that Harem. I bet that's loads of fun when you know you won't be harassed.
haremlover wrote: (And thanks to Sian for her photos ... y-project/ better than mine)
Wow, Everyone needs to see those.

Thanks Haremlover!

Re: The story of Rose ( OR15

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 2:01 pm
by haremlover
Forb wrote:Wow, so neat that you get out and about with your dolls like that Harem.
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Well this is the fun of dolls who pass as natural figures, sculptures of real people rather than porn stars or sexbombs. This is why I really enthuse about Rose and the OR156 B-cup figure. Rose is a star. I really could not have contemplated this series of photos with larger chested dolls, although I did have a role for a larger lady.

And when one's wife isn't around and a physical presence in her absence is nice next to one in bed the currently fashionable unnaturally large sculptures' assets rather get in the way. They might have their attractions, but they're artificial. ;-)

Rose hasn't been to bed with me - I don't take a photographic TPE doll to bed as their fingers always suffer but from my experience of other dolls I know that the B-cup really more real than most.

Best wishes
