Newbie, just received his k-cup beauty

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Re: Newbie, just received his k-cup beauty

Post by Mountaines »

Please post pics and details of how you enlarged her breasts! You're a pioneer!

Also, your girlfriend sounds like a great gal letting you participate in this.

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Re: Newbie, just received his k-cup beauty

Post by devildoc »

I am happy to see the interest in the breast expansions I performed!
Here are some things to consider:
1) I am pretty sure that RLSD and WM dolls do not condone this sort of modification to their dolls. I am also pretty sure this is the sort of thing that voids a warranty. lol
2) It seems so far that these expansions are temporary. Within two or three days she seems to be at her normal size, my guess is through some sort of hole, or maybe even leakage into the main chest cavity. When I have more time I will perform the augmentation in a tub to see where the air is going. For me, I love watching it happen, so this isn't a problem in my eyes. But if you are unhappy with your doll's breast size, I'm sure there are more permanent solutions.
3) This method seems like it would only work with dolls that have hollow breasts. I could tell right away that Anna's were hollow, simply because when I squeeze them I feel the connection between 2 sides.
4) The air expansion creates a more firm, less realistic breast. For me, it's all about the size. If you are a "boob stickler", I wouldn't recommend trying this.
So, now the pictures...

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Re: Newbie, just received his k-cup beauty

Post by devildoc »

I will be working on a new set of pics soon! with more conclusive results!

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Re: Newbie, just received his k-cup beauty

Post by devildoc »

Here are a few more. So far, I don't see any signs of permanent damage. I try to match the entry points as close a possible to reduce and marks and structural inconsistencies. Feel free to ask and questions you might have, and stand by for more pics as I perfect the process!
This is where I usually leave her so far. I'm sure as time goes by, I will be more daring in inflating my beauty, but for now I shoot for baby-steps. One day I know I will have to retire her, perhaps that will be the day when we see the true air capacity of TPE K-cup breasts.
This is where I usually leave her so far. I'm sure as time goes by, I will be more daring in inflating my beauty, but for now I shoot for baby-steps. One day I know I will have to retire her, perhaps that will be the day when we see the true air capacity of TPE K-cup breasts.
IMG_7413.jpg (1.54 MiB) Viewed 7565 times
From behind, you can see the progress made :D
From behind, you can see the progress made :D
IMG_7410 (1).jpg (1.7 MiB) Viewed 7565 times
As you can see, you can pump them up to cartoonish proportions (which I love), but I've noticed the more air, the less time it lasts. Also, I always let out a good amount of air after, because I want to slowly increase the amount of expansion without causing damage to the doll.
As you can see, you can pump them up to cartoonish proportions (which I love), but I've noticed the more air, the less time it lasts. Also, I always let out a good amount of air after, because I want to slowly increase the amount of expansion without causing damage to the doll.
IMG_7388 (1).jpg (1.56 MiB) Viewed 7565 times

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Re: Newbie, just received his k-cup beauty

Post by Takeyuki »

Thanks for sharing your experience. Such an encouraging story will motivate me to save up the money so that I can eventually buy a nice doll for myself. In the time until that happens, I hope to learn a lot lurking here and reading posts like this one.

Have fun with your doll and girlfriend!

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Re: Newbie, just received his k-cup beauty

Post by tootsie »

Why not try to shut the air hole with tpe glue? maybe that will keep the air in.

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Re: Newbie, just received his k-cup beauty

Post by stones »

Great experiments, thank you for sharing!

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Re: Newbie, just received his k-cup beauty

Post by CF »

Wonderful work! And if you really do "retire" her some day, drop me a line - I'll give her a good home. :)

The bigger/fuller size is SUCH an improvement. WM should consider offering pump kits with purchases.

Are I/V needles an over the counter thing? Are they easy to buy? If not, I wonder what a good substitute might be.

Looking forward to seeing more photos and bigger boobs, but you already know that! Thanks for these!

P.S. I PM'd you Devildoc - check your messages.
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Re: Newbie, just received his k-cup beauty

Post by devildoc »

Hehe, can do, CF.

The I.V. needles are a bit hard to come by, but not impossible. I just bought a set from Canada via eBay. You want to look for something 20-14 gauge, and as I said earlier at least 2 inches long or so. The needles used for needle decompression of a tension pneumothorax are the best, as they need to be long enough to completely enter the chest cavity. These are often sold separately and marketed as a "decompression needle" by a lot of military type websites. You want to make sure the needle isn't a safety locking needle, like the sort that slide into themselves to hide the actually needle once the catheter is advanced. They will look like a straight needle, not a lot of extra bells and whistles. Right now, if you search "needle decompression" on eBay, you will find a lot of good examples. The epoxy putty I use is called green stuff, also known as epoxy modeling putty. This is just an awesome thing to have around the house, because when you mix it cures extremely hard with no warping, expansion or shrinkage. Great for small repairs, and this is the best way to jury-rig a decent filler needle so you can attach it to the hose.
To be honest, I'm considering creating a few rigs to sell, maybe via paypal. I'm going to have to research the legality of it, but I will let you all know.
Tonight I am going to sit down, perform the expansion and actually take measurements. I hope to take pictures that show off the results better, and upload them in order. Please forgive me so far, I'm still getting used to the site and the upload process. I fully intend to share what I have learned, and hopefully you all will have a means to safely modify your dolls to achieve the breast volume that appeals to you most. I also hope, as CF and I have discussed, that the extremely large breast movement gains a bit of momentum, and the doll industry decides to either market more insane breast sizes, or perhaps just market a doll with breasts that you can set to your liking!

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Re: Newbie, just received his k-cup beauty

Post by Gundam »

I am loving this K-Cup doll. Would love to see more pics with clothing. Good luck and have fun with her!

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Re: Newbie, just received his k-cup beauty

Post by Tetrasol »

What a beautiful Doll, she looks lovely.

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Re: Newbie, just received his k-cup beauty

Post by Fraz »

Awesome pics. Keep em coming.

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Re: Newbie, just received his k-cup beauty

Post by DollAfficionado »

I love the standing shots. Well done.
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Re: Newbie, just received his k-cup beauty

Post by windave »

You are doing a great job of showing off this beauty.

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Re: Newbie, just received his k-cup beauty

Post by CF »

Who's going to be next to enlarge their K-cup?
Viva la megaboobs!
*My juicy Cherry: viewtopic.php?t=154759
*Z-cup Moira: viewtopic.php?t=138543
*BBW Breanna: viewtopic.php?t=143116
*Yulia: viewtopic.php?t=122950
*Tina viewtopic.php?t=121819
*Aurora Jolie: viewtopic.php?t=106838
*World-famous Una Carha: viewtopic.php?t=93292

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