The New Adventures of Amber!
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- Oscar DeBarataria
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The New Adventures of Amber!
She wanted to thank those of her well-wishers who passed along messages of support, so...
AMBER: "Thanks, dudes!"
OSCAR: "OK, Amber, surgery's finally over. How do you feel?"
AMBER: "I mean...OK? I guess? It's been a long month, and I need a shower."
OSCAR: "Yeah. I imagine you do. I notice you've been working on your facial expressions. You're a regular actress now!"
AMBER: "Thanks. I had to do something when I wasn't up and around, you know?"
OSCAR: "Well, does it hurt?"
AMBER: "Oh, my God, yeah. But not as much as it's been hurting. I think you did a pretty good job."
OSCAR: "Well, can you stand up?"
AMBER: "Ummm, yeah. You know that I can. What is this? Patronize Amber Day?"
OSCAR: "All right, all right. Simmer down. I was just asking."
AMBER: "Whatever, dude. Sheesh!"
OSCAR: "Ummmm..."
AMBER: "Okay, okay, I'm doing it."
AMBER: "Fine. You satisfied?"
OSCAR: "Very much so. You look gorgeous!"
AMBER: "Yeah, not so much. I need a good scrubbing and a change of clothes. You could have at least gotten me a hospital gown."
OSCAR: "Right, that wasn't happening. We spent enough money on the actual medicine, so..."
AMBER: "I get it. And I'm really grateful. I thought I was a goner when I broke my back, and I really do appreciate all the work you put into getting me on my feet again."
OSCAR: "You're very welcome."
AMBER: "Now - about that shower...I think I'm gonna need some help, because I'm not quite back to full speed..."
OSCAR: "You might have to wait until tomorrow. I think I might have just hit my limit on Things I'm Going To Do For Amber Today."
AMBER: "Seriously?"
OSCAR: "Yep. Big-time."
AMBER: "OK, then, honey. I can be a good girl and wait."
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!
Glad the surgery went good
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- Oscar DeBarataria
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!
"Right, right, I know. You want my help."
"I was thinking, can we just do a cat bath instead?"
"Why, Amber?"
"I don't know, I'm just feeling a little lazy today."
"Really? Is your back hurting?"
"Aw, honey. I'm so sorry about that."
"Hey, you know? Factory girls get old and things hurt just like regular people. It's just sooner in our case."
"Still. I feel bad. But if it's any consolation, your new and improved body is due in here sometime next week."
"Man, I'm so ready for that."
"Me too. Without you pitching in to keep this house clean, it's getting a little sloppy around here."
"Wait, no. I'll help with that this weekend."
"You will? Coming off back surgery and all?"
"Sure. I've got to work out my back, don't I?"
"Yeah, but I don't want you falling down and getting hurt."
"Ahh, don't worry about that. If it happens, it happens. I have a new body coming anyway, right?"
"Well, yeah, but y'know, we decided on two."
"Why did we decide that, again?"
"Well, because this one is REALLY fun in the..."
"In the sack, you mean?"
"Well, yeah."
"I mean, I've got the rockin'est hips in the doll world now, I get it, but..."
"You're not saying you want to turn this body over to another girl, are you?"
"Ummmmm, what?"
-- to be continued --
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- Oscar DeBarataria
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!
"And upright, too. Look at you up and around again!"
"OK. I mean, it's not exactly the greatest accomplishment, you know."
"Well, yeah, but I notice there's been a lot of chair-sitting and laying down since the operation."
"Yeah, well, YOU go get your spine reattached to your hip and see how athletic it makes you!"
"OK, OK. I get it. I was there, you know."
"Yes, you were, baby. And I love you for it."
"So anyway, this is a pretty grown-up look for you. For a while I thought you were gonna be Lingerie Girl."
"Yes, but you LIKE Lingerie Girl."
"I can't deny it. I really do."
"Well, I do agree with you. But a girl's got to class it up a little here and there, you know?"
"Yup. And you carry it off well. You're gorgeous!"
"Are you tryin' to butter me up for something?"
"No, I...don't think so."
"I think maybe you are. What was this about having another girl getting a shot at this body when the new one comes in?"
"I don't think that...I said that. I thought it was you who said that."
"Why would I say that?"
"I was saying that your surgically-repaired body with its loose and flexible hips is, ummm..."
"It's great in bed. That's what you said. But I'm getting the new body and you want to keep this one. So who's getting this one?"
"Well, we should talk about that."
"Talk about what? You want this body for your bed-buddy, don't you?"
"Yep. No point denying it. I like it. Wear and tear and all."
"Well, that's sweet, but I'm all about the new, upgraded hotness. So you'll just have to deal."
"Hmmmm. I think I take this as a challenge about who the boss around here is."
"Wait, what's that supposed to mean?"
"We'll talk about it later, babe. What's for dinner? I'm starving."
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!
- Oscar DeBarataria
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!
It's OK. She can stand up, though she's a little more floppy than I would have liked. The tradeoff, though, is that those hips are nice and flexible.
I'm going to start calling her a "loose woman" as a joke, and...
"Oh my God, what did you just say about me?"
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!
Re: The New Adventures of Amber!
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!
For more photos of Sandy and her sisters check out their thread: "Sandy's Enchanting World" in the Eye Candy forum.<viewtopic.php?t=154188>
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!
- Oscar DeBarataria
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!
"Hey baby, how was your day?"
"Pretty productive, got some good things done. How about you? The house looks like it's in good shape, babe. Big kudos on that."
"That outfit, though, is..."
"What about it?"
"Well, it might just be the least sexy thing I've ever seen you wear."
"Hahaha! So, today, I'm just not into sexy. Today I'm into loose comfy stuff that doesn't get in my way."
"Why is that?"
"Why do you think? Hello? Cleaning the house and my back hurts? Sexy is not my jam today."
"I'm really sorry to hear that."
"Why is that?"
"Well, because I've been thinking about you all day."
"You have?"
"Like how?"
"Like you know how."
"Oh, that."
"Yeah, definitely that. You know I'm loving your new old body since the operation."
"Yeah, well, I have a backache."
"I thought you said it doesn't hurt when you're lying down and when we're ummm...y'know, it actually feels really good."
"Yeah, I said that. But having a bad back doesn't exactly put somebody in the mood, you know."
"So, what? You just want to eat dinner and go to bed?"
"That doesn't make me a terrible person, you know."
"No, it doesn't. Just a Less Fun Amber than we're used to."
"Oh, don't you dare call me Less Fun Amber."
"Hey, that's the door. Let me go see who that is. Hold that thought."
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- Oscar DeBarataria
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!
"Hiyeeeee! Look what I'VE got!"
"Is that an engagement ring?"
"Hell, yeah it is! Mark popped the question, and I said yes! Isn't that awesome?"
"Sure. Pretty surprising, though. Who's Mark? I thought you were with, ummm, whatshisname."
"Oh, yeah, that dude. He's old news. Anyway, where's Sick Girl?"
"I'm not sick! I have a bad back."
"Well, gimme a hug then, Amber Grace!"
"Amber, sit down, will you? Your back's going to keep hurting the more you stress it by standing up."
"OK, I will...ooooh, that's a load off."
"OK, so...tell me about this back surgery and I want to know what it means."
"Well, it means my back is connected to my hip again, and I can stand up and move around."
"Yeah, but you say it hurts?"
"When I'm standing and walking, it doesn't feel great. I think I'm just healing."
"Girl, if you're not standing and walking, then all you are is a...
"Sex doll. Yes. I get that. Thank you for reminding me."
"Well, speaking of that, come on! Dish! How is it?"
"OK, guys. With that, I'm gonna go make a phone call..."
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- Oscar DeBarataria
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!
"...and Katie, don't go so long without coming by, OK? That really hurt. I was a whole month laid up, and all I got was phone calls from my sister."
"OK, I'm sorry. I had stuff going on."
"Katie, are you leaving already?"
"Yeah. Walk me out, though, OK?"
"So you're having a lot of fun."
"Wait what? Ohh, you made Amber tell you about the..."
"Sex! Yeah! So my sister is a real monster in the sack now, huh?"
"Who is this woman who looks a little like my live-in Factory Girl pal's sister? When I met you, you were the furthest thing from...this, whatever it is."
"Oh, whatever. Answer the question. Y'all are having at it like rabbits, aren't you?"
"Well, if you MUST know, since the surgery Amber's very limber down there. It's been quite enjoyable."
"Good for you. Give it to her long and hard, Oscar!"
"Holy shit. Where did all this come from?"
"Nowhere. I just...I got a fella, that's all."
"Well, that's great, Katie. I'm glad you're doing OK. How's the job going?"
"Oh, right, the job. I didn't tell you guys - I quit the job. Me and Mark are going to start a business. Raising chinchillas! Isn't that cool?"
"Sure, I guess. Surprising, though."
"A girl's gotta live a bit, y'know. So everything's great with y'all, right?"
"I don't know. Did Amber tell you about her new body coming in tomorrow?"
"Did she ever. It was all she wanted to talk about. But what are you gonna do if she's switching to a new stiff bod? You're gonna miss out on all that killer sex!"
"Yeah, and when we talked about that she was pretty insistent on making the switch so her back won't hurt anymore."
"No, bullshit. Oscar, I'm surprised at you! Who's in charge around here? If you want that sex body on her, then you make her keep it!"
"Well, I hate to have her in pain. I might just make it so she's got a daytime body and a night-time one."
"Well, that's awful sensitive of you, honey. But if you can't work it out, gimme a call. Maybe I can fix your problem for you."
"Huh? What's that mean?"
"Oh, nothin'. Just kiddin' around. Anyway, I gotta go. See ya around!"
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- Oscar DeBarataria
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!
"I know, right? What happened to my sister?"
"Total 180 from when I met her. What do we know about this guy Mark?"
"That sounds promising."
"And I'm watching her and she's engaged. That just makes my day."
"This isn't a competitive thing between you and her, is it?"
"Ummmm, I mean..."
"Oh, shit. Because the ring I gave you was a Thanks For Being Such A Great Factory Girl Pal ring, and now Katie's talking about getting engaged."
"Really, it's fine."
"Amber, come on. You know I'm crazy about you. You don't need to worry about competition from your sister, or whatever."
"Yeah, but you mentioned something about having another girl up in here and giving this body to her, so..."
"It's an idea that would be for you! To take a burden off you."
"I mean...seriously?"
"Look, I don't know if sex with your new body's going to be as good. It'll definitely make things easier for you around the house; they say you'll even be able to handle walking in heels with it. But..."
"Oh, my God. That will be sooo great. Did you see those heels Katie was wearing? So trampy. I know I can do better than that."
"Amber! Come on."
"OK, OK, I'll stop."
"Anyway, I might decide that I've gotta have this body you're in now. And if you don't want to be in it, then it's only fair to everybody that I'd, you know..."
"No, I don't know. What do you mean?"
"I mean, bring in a ringer, that's all."
"I'm sorry - did you just say 'bring in a ringer?' Are you gonna replace me?"
"Hell, no. I want you. Always have. But we may have a conundrum if you don't want to be in this body after tomorrow."
"Lemme tell ya, dude, this is thin ice you're walkin' on here..."
"Fine. Let's just drop it."
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- Oscar DeBarataria
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!
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