Mold lips Clean TPE

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Mold lips Clean TPE

Post by Luiskjr »

I did a search for both words together in title "mold" and "clean" "lips" and was surprised zero results

So I am making with those specific words in title in case someone needs similar help in future.

My doll lips have brown points (too much kissing) like mold...

how can I clean or even perform a heat gun surgery ? I once extracted a mold from the inner mouth lip with a needle, it came off good

but for external lip, any ideas?
AF84EBD6-4D0B-4D1A-A72E-7174D0FB5A06.jpeg (3 MiB) Viewed 500 times
Im kind of like Larry David, speak my mind and that offends some but thats how I am
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Re: Mold lips Clean TPE

Post by Wheezer »

Mold should be no problem ....
First apply water based mold killer liquid of choice (bathroom cleaner, etc.). Let it sit to kill the nasties and spores. Rinse off with water than alcohol. Dry well.
Then if there are any remaining color spots from the dead mold apply acne cream to remove the final stains.
Redo the lip makeup as you see fit and you are all done.

Avoid heat unless you are careful and good at it. It is a small soft area and can go from lips to a goofy gape very quickly.

... W ...
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Re: Mold lips Clean TPE

Post by FCD94 »

This does not look like mold. It looks like dirt and grime. The spots you are seeing look like caked dust and oil and grime and old makeup and powder and gunk that has dislodged mixed together and reset. Looking elsewhere on the face as pictured, there is a heavy build up of dust, lint, hair, things(?), and grimy residue from skin contact all over the face. Before you do anything or rush out to buy chemicals, clean the head properly with paper towel and mineral oil. If you have never done this, here is how:

Original post viewtopic.php?p=2164067#p2164067
FCD94 wrote: Fri Jul 29, 2022 9:33 pm
Kissbandit wrote: Fri Jul 29, 2022 8:18 pm Does anybody know how to safely remove factory make up from Tpe dolls? Especially removing painted on eyebrows?

From post here viewtopic.php?p=2164067#p2164067

-> have a stand of some kind you can use to keep the head secure and stable even if bumped when it is not either in your hand or on the doll. I used a very solid plastic cup upturned like a pedestal for a long time.

-> with clean hands remove the head from the doll.

-> remove the eyes and any packing material. Set these aside.

-> take a square of quality paper towel. Fold it several times until you have a straight edge that will hold its shape and that you can control with your hand like a brush.

-> place some mineral oil in a small bowl. Soak the end of the folded paper towel in the oil until about half of it is covered. Wipe any excess off so it does not drip.

-> wipe the oiled paper towel over the area of the TPE you wish to clean. Do NOT wipe across anything you do NOT wish to remove, such as eyebrows.

-> do not scrub. Several gentle yet firm passes is better than hard scrubbing which will damage the TPE.

-> use fresh towel as needed as the one in your hand becomes dirty. Once all required areas are clean, set the doll head aside for at least several hours on a secure stand placed on a clean surface out of the way.

-> you do not need to powder the head at this stage.

AVNDoll wrote: Sun Jun 12, 2022 4:29 pmremove and glue new lashes
Do this step AFTER removing the cosmetics from the doll using paper towel and mineral oil. The oil will help loosen the lashes and make removal MUCH easier with less chance of tearing the eyelid. Do this step gently and slowly, do not yank the lash off you can tear the eyelid. You can use a toothpick or similar to gently push the TPE of the eyelid away from the lash as you hold it, a little at a time. If the lash is not peeling away easily, stop and apply a little more oil to the eyelid and leave it for a short while.


Note that more vendors tend to have far more options for lower lashes now. Search terms like 'clear band lashes' or 'japanese lashes clear band' will give more results of higher quality. These are in fact mainly upper lashes but can be used as lower lashes if trimmed and fitted correctly.

Because it may take you several attempts to get the cosmetic result you want, I would recommend applying the lashes AFTER doing any cosmetics. If you are having trouble applying lashes because you're slopping glue everywhere and your hands are shaking all over the place, stop and re-think what you're doing. Whether it's lashes or applying cosmetics to the doll, don't do this with the head in one hand and a brush in the other held in in mid air. Sit down and brace your arms against a solid surface you can comfortably work at. Put clean paper towel down under the doll head while you work.

AVNDoll wrote: Sun Jun 12, 2022 4:29 pmeye shadow
This is easier with the eyes installed. To not damage the eyes, cut small pieces of oven paper and slide these between the eye and the eyelids, glossy side up.

Less is more to start with. Once you have a result you like you can always leave it at that, or you can add more for a more dramatic effect. Several light layers will give a better result and more control than one heavy layer poorly applied. Test the materials first on a piece of scrap TPE - a little goes a long way, especially on lighter skin tones. Apply powder controlled strokes using the tip of the brush and the front end, with the brush held at an angle. Do not drag the sides of the bristles across the face. Do not forget to apply a dark eyeliner to the water lines along the eyelid and a little dark pink to the lacrimals.

If you mess up some, it's not the end of the world. Just clean that area and start again. Remember to clean around areas such as the mouth and areas of eyeshadow to remove any excess and neaten any mistakes - if you are using the folded towel and mineral oil, you can use this like a brush or eraser tool to produce straight controlled lines.

AVNDoll wrote: Sun Jun 12, 2022 4:29 pmlip coloring
If you have no lip makeup you can always use eyeshadow powder mixed with a little vaseline to make a paste and apply this with a brush. Teeth can be done with the same method using white powder or a white pencil dipped in a little oil. There are also liquid white eyeliner materials but I have not tried these. The factories use something to seal the lips but I don't know what.

Once you are done and you're happy with the result, set the head aside for a while or overnight - this step was why I bought a second head. When it has set, take a large makeup brush and some cornstarch and gently powder the head. Powder carefully around areas like the eyes and mouth, do not swipe the brush across them. Carefully dust of any excess and you're done.

This will also be a good chance to clean and comb the wig, which also looks like it has accumulated dust and debris and is tangled. Here is how to do this:
FCD94 wrote: Fri Jun 11, 2021 4:48 am WIG CARE BASIC 101

:idea: With a lace-front wig, you need to trim the lace. There are tutorials for this on YouTube. For a doll, trim the lace right back to the hairline - this is trimming it back further than for people. Do this right out of the packet before washing.

With any wig, when you first get it & take it out of the pack, you need to wash it. For a lace wig do this step after you have trimmed the lace. Again there are video tutorials for this, but here is what I do:

> Fill a clean basin with warm-to-hot water, add a generous splash of white vinegar & some conditioner for damaged hair from the store. Immerse the wig in the water & gently swirl it a little using a slow circular motion.

> Leave the wig in this for 8-12hrs.

> To remove the wig from the water, place the back of your hand inside the cap & extend your fingers so that the crown of the wig is supported. Move the wig through the water in a straight line to allow the hair to fall into place a little better, and lift the wig out of the water.

> Drain the basin (do NOT empty the basin with the wig still in it), and with your hand still inside the wig as above, rinse the wig gently but thoroughly under warm water from the tap. Allow the water to run through the hair, which will pull it down into place & clean any soap residue away from the cap & down the hairs. Do NOT run your fingers or a comb through the wig at this point, you will damage the wig.

> Turn off the tap. With your hand still inside the wig as above, gently but firmly squeeze (do not wring) the wig starting at the top & moving downward a couple of inches at a time to remove excess water. Do not pull the hair.

> Spread the wig cap side down over a dry towel on a large flat surface. Do this by gently holding the wig with both hands at the 'front' - your fingers under the front of the cap should be enough. Gently drag the wig across the towel away from you and leave it for a few hrs.

> Every few hrs gently run a wig comb through the hair while it is laying on the towel (example: it will look like this), starting from the TIPS & slowly working upward to the cap an inch or two at a time. Keep the prongs of the comb angled slightly backward (so, angled away from the direction you're dragging the comb). Make sure you work your way over the whole of the wig. This will remove any excess hairs which may have fallen out during manufacture/shipping/washing.

> The wig will take a couple of days to fully dry, so be patient - if done properly it is worth doing this at the outset and will make everything easier. :D

:idea: Lace-front wigs are MUCH thicker & fuller than non-lace wigs. You need to comb them now & again to make them look their best (think: look at some of the pics floating around where the doll owner doesn't do this, it looks REALLY wacky). You can professionally style & cut them, but this is hard - I don't do this part. The process for combing any wig is always the same - first, use your fingers. Start at the tips work around the wig & work your way up an inch or so at a time until you're near the top, then repeat this process with your wig comb. This takes maybe 2-5mins total for a long thick wig. Take more time & care & be VERY gentle with a wavy wig. You can use cheap hairspray to fix hair in place and to smooth out any stray short hairs. You can also use an electric hair straightener to restore a worn out straight wig, or straighten a wavy or curly wig (doing this can produce a straight wig with full body, especially with a high density wavy lace front).

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Re: Mold lips Clean TPE

Post by ariel_lover »

FCD94 wrote: Fri Oct 21, 2022 5:36 am This does not look like mold. It looks like dirt and grime. The spots you are seeing look like caked dust and oil and grime and old makeup and powder and gunk that has dislodged mixed together and reset. Looking elsewhere on the face as pictured, there is a heavy build up of dust, lint, hair, things(?), and grimy residue from skin contact all over the face. Before you do anything or rush out to buy chemicals, clean the head properly with paper towel and mineral oil. If you have never done this, here is how:
Agreed. This is not mold. Just a normal buildup of dirt, grime and "pilled" makeup spots from kissing your girl. Assuming this is a TPE head, remove the old makeup by wiping gently with the corner of a folded paper towel saturated with mineral oil, pat the lips dry, then reapply the makeup. This will be routine maintenance with a TPE head if you frequently smooch your girl. I have to do this for my Celia every month or so (she wears high quality lipstick and gets at least one kiss every morning and evening 💋) and her lips will look exactly like your photo before I remove the old lip makeup.

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Re: Mold lips Clean TPE

Post by Luiskjr »

Thanks guys
correct, it was just makeup leftovers and dirt
Very useful information

@FCD94 also appreciate the Wig cleaning tutorial
I suppose it applies only to good quality wigs of "similar to human hair"

I have a couple of good wigs but never used them
so far, keeping them for special occasions

For daily bed lovemaking I use cheap wigs, or party-wigs, some cost just 1.99 dont comb them, when they get too entangled just throw it away. So it can last like two months.

But will follow this tutorial for the good wigs
Im kind of like Larry David, speak my mind and that offends some but thats how I am
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Re: Mold lips Clean TPE

Post by FCD94 »

Luiskjr wrote: Sat Oct 22, 2022 1:33 am @FCD94 also appreciate the Wig cleaning tutorial
I suppose it applies only to good quality wigs of "similar to human hair"

I have a couple of good wigs but never used them
so far, keeping them for special occasions
No problem! No, it works just fine for all wigs above 'halloween/party' grade. It doesn't have to be a case of lace front or nothing. Here is something that might help - this is a gallery picture thread from a TDF member who does very well with very simple wigs:


This style of wig is very affordable, only marginally more (or often the same price) as the party type wigs you're using, but so much easier to use and maintain, and MUCH better value for money. I still have a couple of these type from when I bought my first doll, and they are still in very good condition after prolonged use. Here are some examples:





You would just need to check if these models have a black wig cap (the material underneath that the hair is attached to), and if so you would need to ask about an option with a lighter colored cap or check another vendor. You can also improve the fit of the wig by using a stocking cap packed with some tissues to add shape to the TPE head. A simple comb (example)is also cheap as dirt, and will last for years. These things will prevent tangles, and will help fix them when they do occur. A medium length wig like several of those linked above can also be plaited very easily as another option.

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