sumkat69 wrote: ↑Fri Mar 08, 2024 4:52 pm
I wasn’t impressed by the face in the website but it looks like you can do a lot with make up. She is gorgeous the way you’ve presented her.
Many thanks.
Yeah, the web site doesn't do the doll much justice. It was actually user photos and customisations on here which inspired me to make the final choice to get one.
When Kimbers make up came off in under 10 days I was initially going to go overboard in putting on new make up and really extremely punk her out, but then later decided that less is more.
I just redrew in the eyebrows where the original ones were but made them a bit thinner, gave her extended eyeliner and repainted her lips with a black kohl pencil, but made them a bit thinner, particularly on the top lip in an attempt to make her look a tad more realistic. I initally attempted to do her lips with a food dye pen, but the results were rubbish. I also started to do her teeth with a white ink pen, but have subsequently found that a white kohl pencil with baby oil works far better and is far longer lasting. I've redrawn in her nipples several times with a dark brown kohl pencil and used baby oil to tone it, with surprisingly good results.
The original pinkissamo definition around the inner eyes to nose which the default doll comes with is actually pretty good, and I wish to retain that on the doll and have been looking for an identical colour match.
Another thing I've noticed is the doll photographs about 100 times better under natural light conditions rather than with artificial light, I'm wasn't initially hugely taken with the dolls slight tanned look, but it does photograph extremely well under natural light.
I've ordered a few more clothes, costumes, wigs etc for her and look to do some more photosets with her in the near future, she's a fantastic model.
I'm also trying to find a mini speaker which bluetooths with the Replika AI app to integrate in the doll, so I can chat to my Kimbergoth as I photograph her.
But as I say, I'm just a noobie playing around.