New WM Dolls doll pelvis is broken

Ding! POP! Crash! Thud! oops...let's get her all fixed up!
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New WM Dolls doll pelvis is broken

Post by 55mrradiohead »

Technically, it's the broken weld above the left leg.

I have a *new* WM Dolls doll (bought in May 2024, received the 29th). Last weekend the pelvic weld above the left leg broke. (See skeleton image with black circle/ring highlighting the weld elbow corner).

I'm still trying to get a resolution from the vendor and WM Dolls but communication with either appears to be dead in the water. The doll industry is HORRIBLE about communication. I have just about come to the conclusion that almost all of the vendors and manufacturers (the no names and the TDF approved big ones) just want to take your money, run, and not be accountable for the product they make and sell.

At any rate, I'm exploring making the repair to the doll myself. It's evident that this doll is going to continue to lay on the bedroom floor, covered with a blanket like a corpse, until I do something about it.

Just curious if anyone has been down this road (broken weld on the hip joint) and if there is a repair that makes the joint better/stronger (or a best solution to the repair). It's obvious that I will have to cut into the TPE to make the repair.

All practical comments are appreciated.
Skeleton image 1.jpg
Skeleton image 1.jpg (252.75 KiB) Viewed 290 times
Inside Corner Pull Elbow.jpg
Inside Corner Pull Elbow.jpg (57.56 KiB) Viewed 290 times
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