Flexible sensors for sexier dolls

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Re: Flexible sensors for sexier dolls

Post by AIMD »

Technician wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:11 am
AIMD wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2025 3:03 am
What PIC programmer do you use? The Pickit3 is really cheap but there are problems with it.
I have a mini pro TL866, I can't remember if mine's a "CS" or an "A", I honestly haven't used it in a while.
Have you used an ESP32? I noticed they have built in capacitive sensors.
Any ideas I may present, as long as they do not infringe on prior works, are open source and may not be encumbered/patented in any manner, nor be used for any military purposes whatsoever.
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Re: Flexible sensors for sexier dolls

Post by Technician »

Gyroscopes or accelerometers are neat, and I'd like to find some time to play with them. You should be aware that those sensors in general are going to have a serious learning curve from a coding perspective, not as bad in python. If you're looking at the ladder logic approach sensors that communicate in the earlier UART data are going to be simplest.

I have several esp modules, including esp32, and esp is actually a front runner for me in doll sensors because of the low current draw and low heat. I haven't really tried the touch input stuff for them because it didn't seem like it could be as effective as the purpose designed IC's.

If you're thinking about getting into coding maybe you should look into getting a raspberry pi, and then either make or buy something of a trainer board so you can work with GPIO while you learn.
I tried to learn C++ years ago and failed out of boredom, it wasn't until later when I got an SBC that it became interesting enough to stick with.
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Re: Flexible sensors for sexier dolls

Post by AIMD »

Technician wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 12:19 am Gyroscopes or accelerometers are neat, and I'd like to find some time to play with them. You should be aware that those sensors in general are going to have a serious learning curve from a coding perspective, not as bad in python. If you're looking at the ladder logic approach sensors that communicate in the earlier UART data are going to be simplest.

I have several esp modules, including esp32, and esp is actually a front runner for me in doll sensors because of the low current draw and low heat. I haven't really tried the touch input stuff for them because it didn't seem like it could be as effective as the purpose designed IC's.

If you're thinking about getting into coding maybe you should look into getting a raspberry pi, and then either make or buy something of a trainer board so you can work with GPIO while you learn.
I tried to learn C++ years ago and failed out of boredom, it wasn't until later when I got an SBC that it became interesting enough to stick with.
I've been programming in C++ for a lot of years although I'm still a hack. Took a Python course quite a few years back and they are almost like night and day. But at least knowing C++ helps with Object Orientated Programming. I first learned to program on the Radio Shack TRS-80 using Basic and tape drives. Can't stand Basic now.
I also have a book on neural net programming in C++ I should get to one of these days...
Been looking at the Raspberry Pi and Arduino boards, and I know they are different, but I will probably get into them and learn electronics along the way (I have a basic understanding). The sensors I'm trying to design, although clunky and not as precise, are supposed to be robust, easy to build and replace, and handle over voltage or electrical problems which would fry regular electronic components. But they need to communicate with something and that's where I'm hoping the Pi or Arduino come in. Plus, I develop by doing so instant feedback is really helpful.
Not sure if I should get a Pickit3 and a Usbasp, or just an Arduino Uno and program Pics, AVRs, and ESP32s that way.
Any ideas I may present, as long as they do not infringe on prior works, are open source and may not be encumbered/patented in any manner, nor be used for any military purposes whatsoever.
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Re: Flexible sensors for sexier dolls

Post by AIMD »

Vibration sensor/accelerometer

This sensor can have eight external contacts and a centre spring contact. The spring would necessarily be weak so it will move with vibration but strong enough to stand by itself when not moving.
On the left side of the picture is the full sensor, the centre is a frontal cutaway, and the right is almost a full cutaway to show the position of the spring in relation to the contact rails. Movement would be on the order of a millimetre or so, not much to send the spring swaying. As the spring moves it contacts one or two rails at a time and a control circuit could determine what these movements mean.
The sensor does not have an up and down movement so it is limited to side-side-vibration but two sensors could be placed 90 degrees to each other to give 360 degrees of sensing.
This sensor is in effect the same as the light up balls which light up when they hit a solid surface. There is a spring inside of them which makes a momentary contact and triggers internal LEDs.
To make this sensor more sensitive a small weight could also be added to the top of the spring

I was studying accelerometers and they are no more than capacitance sensing as the plates move back and forth. This sensor could also be used in that role by making the centre spring one plate and the outer rails other plates so in effect there are eight capacitors. Of course either the rails or the spring need to be coated with something in order there isn't a short as would normally be while used a vibration sensor.

A sensor such as this one would probably not be affected by static discharge nor voltages/amperages high enough to fry electronic circuity. It would be easier to replace an accessible central control board in case of failure instead of digging out faulty sensors and replacing them. If there is current high enough to melt this sensor then guaranteed all of the electronic circuity is a molten pool of parts.
vibration_sensor.jpg (97.05 KiB) Viewed 53 times
Any ideas I may present, as long as they do not infringe on prior works, are open source and may not be encumbered/patented in any manner, nor be used for any military purposes whatsoever.
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Re: Flexible sensors for sexier dolls

Post by AIMD »

Flex sensor

The same sensor can be configured as a flex sensor. When the spring is moved it can contact one of the eight rails so there is eight different possibilities or the rails could be connected in pairs, fours, all at once, in any combination, or certain rails could be left out. Could be used in nipples, as a position sensor for movement, a vaginal sensor, or other ideas.
flex_sensor.jpg (79.73 KiB) Viewed 49 times
Any ideas I may present, as long as they do not infringe on prior works, are open source and may not be encumbered/patented in any manner, nor be used for any military purposes whatsoever.
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Re: Flexible sensors for sexier dolls

Post by AIMD »

And here is a more sensitive version of the ball sensor. The rails have been shortened.
sensor.png (1.76 MiB) Viewed 47 times
Any ideas I may present, as long as they do not infringe on prior works, are open source and may not be encumbered/patented in any manner, nor be used for any military purposes whatsoever.
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Re: Flexible sensors for sexier dolls

Post by Technician »

AIMD wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 7:11 am I first learned to program on the Radio Shack TRS-80 using Basic and tape drives.
Holy Shit! I thought you were younger. I really think Raspberry Pi would be a good fit for you, the wiringpi library is easy to use and the community is very strong with python.

i2c is a lot more fun in python than C++, like, it's all already been done so there's nothing to figure out.

As far as C++ goes, I too am a hack. I'm self taught and most of what I do is conditional logic riddled with while loops and If statements. But working is working, even if the code is ugly.
100cm Sasy Amazon doll. Purchased: 11/27/2018, Measurements: I - cup / 25I - 16 - 24 @ 32.4 lbs
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