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Re: Body Pillow Beauty: A plush doll in progress

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 3:42 am
by xkingyox
I started a new oral-capable plush mask today. I put wire around the mouth so that it could accomidate oral but then close to avoid the O face, but unfortunately it didn't hold up and broke in the corner already :\ gonna brainstorm on that some more. The mouth will look better once I sew on some fuller stretch vinyl lips. The nose isn't too shabby though for my first attempt in my humble opinion :) gonna make some sexy anime eyes out of sculpey soon, and maybe try embroidering a pair on seperate fabric too just to see which one suits my fancy better. I'm not sure how this plush head thing is going to work for me though. I might have to give in and order a kelly head from candy8teen, but I'm having hard time justifying it because the O face isn't exactly "pretty" and my bocca Della veritas toy gives awesome blowjobs so I hope this turns out well so I can save $100


Re: Body Pillow Beauty: A plush doll in progress

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:19 pm
by xama4
Good job so far, those legs and panties look fantastic!

Re: Body Pillow Beauty: A plush doll in progress

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:05 am
by Ogre Magi
Great job! Excited to see more of the progress.

Re: Body Pillow Beauty: A plush doll in progress

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:35 am
by xkingyox
Started working on the arms today :D

So this is her spine/shoulder skeleton. Her arms are PVC with plushie armateur superglued inside. I ducted taped them between the strips of Romex that protrude from the sides of the t-joint at the top of her spine.

I put foam tube over the upper parts of her arm, and then duct taped strips of Romex to two pieces of PVC pipe each for the forearms, bent one out to make the elbow, and then duct taped them to the upper arms. They seem to be working great, I'm glad I had some of that plush armateur laying around.

Then I cut out the fabric and foam for the arms and got them sewn together, but I didn't have time to stuff or attach them before my family got home -_-;; maybe tonight.

Re: Body Pillow Beauty: A plush doll in progress

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:58 am
by xkingyox
I also replaced the wire around the mouth of my oral plush head and added pleather lips so the head doesn't get messed up or stained. Shes pretty ugly still, I think it will look a lot better once the chin is sewn and stuffed and those wrinkles are gone. Im having a hard time deciding how I want to do they eyes though :/ I can't wait to finish it and give it a proper testing though >:}


Re: Body Pillow Beauty: A plush doll in progress

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 5:16 pm
by williamwld33
That looks as if it will be an awesome doll. Please post more pictures when you have the time.

Re: Body Pillow Beauty: A plush doll in progress

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 5:19 pm
by williamwld33
She is looking good so far.

Re: Body Pillow Beauty: A plush doll in progress

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 11:29 am
by timetraveler1
a very interesting project and i see you have put plenty of time into it . to me to keeo the seams from showing you might think about using a full body spandex suit in tan skin color sold on e bay !
nice work on the doll by the way! :D

Re: Body Pillow Beauty: A plush doll in progress

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:11 pm
by xxdarkwolfrosexx
That head is fantastic! It's so damn hard to make a cloth doll with an open mouth that actually still looks good! Can you open and close it well?

Re: Body Pillow Beauty: A plush doll in progress

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:06 pm
by xkingyox
Thanks! I'm just glad everything has went smooth time-wise, I havent had a lot of setbacks and since I can only really work on her on my days off, I get lots of time to think and plan the parts I intend to work on during the week. I'll be using the same fabric that's on the head on her body. Its a layer of dark peach spandex under light flesh spandex, so the only visible seams should be down her back and hopefully just on the inner edge of the legs and around the arms like on the textiledoll plush dolls.

The mouth opens and shuts well and can even be posed into different expressions to a degree. The only downside is that wire only has so much give before it snaps, so I left the corners of the mouth on the base fabric unstitched in case I have to replace the wire again. Now I'm just struggling to decide what style of eyes will go well with the oversized cartoony lips haha it reminds me of a brats doll head. I'm going to order a candy8teen head as well so she will have a pretty face option.

Re: Body Pillow Beauty: A plush doll in progress

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:45 pm
by hotgirl
wow, you are so creative !

Re: Body Pillow Beauty: A plush doll in progress

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:02 pm
by xkingyox
Thank you so much hotgirl :) its taken a lot of planning and daydreaming to work out the details for this doll, I'm overjoyed that she's finally coming together. Even though she has no head or outer skin and all her seams are showing, I can't help but pop a boner every time I pull her out to work on her haha

Got off early today so I had just enough time to stuff her arms and sew one on before my family started getting home. The first pic is of the fabric and foam shell of the arm before I stuffed them. I wish I had made the forearms just a tiny bit larger around, they seem sort of thin to me. I might try and restuff them before I make the hands to get a smoother, fuller shape.


And thanks again to everyone who has viewed this thread, and especially the folks commenting. I'm glad I could share this process with other people who appreciate it, and I hope it motivates people to build their own companions as well. Seeing a new doll build in progress is always the highlight of my time on the forums!

Re: Body Pillow Beauty: A plush doll in progress

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:21 am
by Joe Bin
She is coming along great xkingyox. Great job :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:
What is that spinal like stuff you used for the shoulder joints ? it looks like the type of thing I have been trying to find for a neck spine for some of my doll mods.


Re: Body Pillow Beauty: A plush doll in progress

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:13 pm
by samara78
This is so very cool

Re: Body Pillow Beauty: A plush doll in progress

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:34 am
by xkingyox
The spine looking stuff is plastic doll/plushie armature ... hoffset=12

You can buy it online lots of places, I actually got mine from a horse plush at the goodwill. You will need a special tool to connect/disconnect the pieces, or strong thin rope and a heat gun which is what I used.