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Re: Ordered my first doll: WM 158 D-cup

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 9:58 pm
by rmcrom
Where did you get your replacement eyes?

Re: Ordered my first doll: WM 158 D-cup

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 3:52 pm
by avante
After the first phase of the hand fix there was some mess laying around...seemed only fair to have her clean it:
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Not a complete success, but still pretty nice I think :P

P.s. the eyes I got of Ebay. Seller stopped selling them tho.

Re: Ordered my first doll: WM 158 D-cup

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 4:11 pm
by avante
Got a few more tryouts anyways :P (1).gif (1).gif (4.43 MiB) Viewed 2768 times (1.98 MiB) Viewed 2768 times

Re: Ordered my first doll: WM 158 D-cup

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 10:28 am
by Dr Dollinger
Hey my friend,

Nice to see your skills always growing. :D Very creative again!
Braiding is very well done with that beautiful front lace wig
Some tips on how you do it, are really appreciated
Like the exciting finger/wire repair. Please more of that! And more details :thumbs_up:

Video and gifs are very useful to get an impression on how do you live :mrgreen:
No, its a good impression of the clothing and body shape
Keep 'em coming

Re: Ordered my first doll: WM 158 D-cup

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 1:39 pm
by avante
Dr Dollinger wrote:Hey my friend,

Nice to see your skills always growing. :D Very creative again!
Braiding is very well done with that beautiful front lace wig
Some tips on how you do it, are really appreciated
Like the exciting finger/wire repair. Please more of that! And more details :thumbs_up:

Video and gifs are very useful to get an impression on how do you live :mrgreen:
No, its a good impression of the clothing and body shape
Keep 'em coming

Hey Doc,

Thanks for noticing the growth :D haha after about 9 months now of ownership, gotta say I feel much more comfortable in all aspects of handling her.
The braiding especially was really fun (well at first a real pain in the ass). Also, really liked that look on her.
Hard to explain in words how to do it only, maybe I'll do some pic next time to explain a bit with.
When I'll get to do the new fingers I'll post them too for sure, but dunno when that will be...thinking of a couple of options for them.

Glad you watched / liked the gifs. The first video was a bit long, probably better should have done couple of shorter gifs.
But let me tell you, in that outfit it was real hard to take the pics in the first place ;)
Got a few of them here which I mend to do as sort of preview, but never got to.
Setting her up with the vacuum cleaner was really one of the most fun pics sessions I did actually.
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P.s. also a quick tip - for newer owners - from my experience:
If you wear a black skirt like that, and put her in sitting / legs forward position: watch out for the skirt getting stuck / folding in between the TPE of the leg and tummy (in the groin area, when you bend the leg towards the body). Often I make sure of this just after setting this pose / stance, but this time I forgot...and some black staining on ones side now. Alsp, I've learned to not totally freak out after staining: a lot of stains (well this one might last actually) get out after 1-2-3 days by themselves.

Re: Ordered my first doll: WM 158 D-cup

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 10:42 pm
by Scuba_Vercetti
Hi Avante,

I’ve read through every post in this thread and I want to congratulate you on making such an interesting, informative and enjoyable read. You’ve been on one hell of a journey and the way you’ve grown in confidence and creativity as a doll owner over the last 9 months is truly inspirational.

I’m just about to make my first doll purchase and have decided to go for the 158cm body as the measurements are the closest match I can find for the cosplay outfits I intend to dress her in.

I’ve got a few questions that I hope you can help me with if you don’t mind.
-You said a few posts ago that the 158cm dolls are older bodies. Do you know that for sure? As Phil from The Doll House assured me that the 158 I’ll be ordering will have the new skeleton with the shrugging shoulders and improved hands. Not really a deal breaker as it’s the only doll body with close to realistic proportions that isn’t too heavy.
-Did you go for the fixed tongue option on any of the heads? I heard the tongue is too back in the head. I think it was an old thread so I was wondering if this issue had been fixed as a human tongue should come to rest behind the bottom teeth.
-Are there different kinds of WM eyeballs? I’ve been told the type I’ll be getting are just hollow domes but I’ve also seen a YouTube video that had a more elaborate fixing. I was also wondering which is better and more common as I want to experiment with different shades. Do those luminous green eyes look as freaky in real life btw?

I’ve only just registered on TDF as I wanted some help identifying a particular head number for a doll I found on the WM shop website. I’ve not had any response so far, so can you or anyone else who’s reading this confirm whether the head here is #36 or not as to me she looks very different from the other shoots I’ve seen (sorry I couldn’t find a way to post any pics here)

Many thanks in advance

Btw the new pics with the front lace wigs look awesome. :)

Re: Ordered my first doll: WM 158 D-cup

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:58 pm
by avante
Scuba_Vercetti wrote:Hi Avante,

I’ve read through every post in this thread and I want to congratulate you on making such an interesting, informative and enjoyable read. You’ve been on one hell of a journey and the way you’ve grown in confidence and creativity as a doll owner over the last 9 months is truly inspirational.

I’m just about to make my first doll purchase and have decided to go for the 158cm body as the measurements are the closest match I can find for the cosplay outfits I intend to dress her in.

I’ve got a few questions that I hope you can help me with if you don’t mind.
-You said a few posts ago that the 158cm dolls are older bodies. Do you know that for sure? As Phil from The Doll House assured me that the 158 I’ll be ordering will have the new skeleton with the shrugging shoulders and improved hands. Not really a deal breaker as it’s the only doll body with close to realistic proportions that isn’t too heavy.
-Did you go for the fixed tongue option on any of the heads? I heard the tongue is too back in the head. I think it was an old thread so I was wondering if this issue had been fixed as a human tongue should come to rest behind the bottom teeth.
-Are there different kinds of WM eyeballs? I’ve been told the type I’ll be getting are just hollow domes but I’ve also seen a YouTube video that had a more elaborate fixing. I was also wondering which is better and more common as I want to experiment with different shades. Do those luminous green eyes look as freaky in real life btw?

I’ve only just registered on TDF as I wanted some help identifying a particular head number for a doll I found on the WM shop website. I’ve not had any response so far, so can you or anyone else who’s reading this confirm whether the head here is #36 or not as to me she looks very different from the other shoots I’ve seen (sorry I couldn’t find a way to post any pics here)

Many thanks in advance

Btw the new pics with the front lace wigs look awesome. :)
Hi Scuba,

I'm not going to lie: your kind words made me very happy. How you describe it; that is exactly what I hoped this thread would be. It's nice to get such feedback every once in a while!
Also I'm delighted to see you've read so much of it, and really hope it will help you avoid some of the errors I've made!

Congratulations on your choice for the 158 model! It's body is one of the older models, but it could definitely be that they change the skeleton , if the vendor says that. Regardless, I'd be very careful with the hands; that's a tip I'll definitely give you. When I got my doll the shrugging shoulders were not out yet, so was no option. Wonder tho about them what happens when you let her rest on a arm; for example in the vacuum cleaner picture series I have her at the table basically supporting (part of) her upper body via the arm at the table; I wonder what will happen in such setup if the doll has shrugging shoulders (now the shoulders re fixed, with ss will the shoulder move up?).

I do not have the fixed tongue. And from what I read off it it does indeed seem like the tongue is quite far back. That's why I've not really considered it. But I too read it is nice for kissing, so yeah I'm not ruling out I'll get one someday. One the eyeball questions: I think all are standard hollows. The extra ones I've got (not WM's) are all hollow too. The one with more behind it is probably MannequinFan's eyes. I don't have them, but you can easily switch iris colors on them, which is really awesome idea. You should look them up; might be something you'll like! I also have the eyelids of him, tho not used much jet they are for sure recommendable. Same goes for his feet bolt screws (if you have standing feet; best option imo). And yeah, the luminous green ones do look freaky :mrgreen: I sort of love/hate them equally.

Last thing: that does seem like the #38 head to me. I remember when I went shopping for heads I opened all pages of pics of the ones I liked, started clicking some away and ended up with 3x #56 LOL before I found out they were the same model; they looked totally different to me. You'll notice yourself if you change her appearance from for example blue eyed blonde to brown eyed brunette; it sometimes looks like a complete other head!

I think that is what happend with this #38 pic too. It's really fun btw to change her looks; the variety is so great, even with just one head and one body. But I'd definitely recommend getting some more heads asap :whistle: if you get into the doll thing :D I'm now like switching heads on a weekly bases and wigs/eyes every now an then, to be able to do that is kind of awesome to be honest.

If you have any more thing you wonder about, please feel free to ask.

I've gotten a couple of quick pics showing some of her new jewelry.
Also, finally named this head, called her Mya :razz:
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Re: Ordered my first doll: WM 158 D-cup

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:59 pm
by avante

Re: Ordered my first doll: WM 158 D-cup

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:06 pm
by Zippy81
Love your photos and adventures! Do you by chance have an #86 head or a #122? :)

Re: Ordered my first doll: WM 158 D-cup

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:25 pm
by Scuba_Vercetti
Hi Avante,

No need to thank me. I just hope you can continue to progress, and I hope that other potential doll buyers will find this blog and make good use of it.

Well big news, I finally ordered my doll from The Doll House for £1500, a 158cm body with head #36 in natural skin tone. I was a bit reticent to go for the #36 at first as it’s the head that WM use in their promo video and is also their best selling head. Basically I didn’t want my doll to look like everyone else’s lol. Then I found a WM owners gallery here on TDF that included a photo of her dressed up like a Victorian goth and I was completely sold :D
It’s very true what you say about the variety of looks that can be achieved with some of these WM heads. I wanted to start off with a doll that could be as versatile in appearance as possible as I’m well into the idea of getting my girl hooked on cosplay :wink:
In the end after loads of research and deliberation I narrowed it down to 2 heads, the 36 and the 56 you chose. It could have easily gone either way but at present I’ve got into the Japanese Kawaii look thanks to discovering the group BABYMETAL and becoming instantly obsessed :mrgreen:
I read that you’re also a bit of a gamer like myself, ever considered making your doll up to be your favourite female protagonist?

So you got the closing eyelids off MannequinFan but the eyeballs from eBay right? I didn’t know you could have them separately off him. I’ll definitely be hitting him up about this but I gather there’s quite a long waiting list as well. So the lid system works well and looks good even close up then? On the YouTube vid of his I thought the top lid looked ok but I was a bit worried about the thick black line on the bottom which l think is supposed to be black eyeliner. As much as I want closeable eyelids, the trade off of having my doll look fake bothers me. Also how easy is it to remove the eyelashes?

I’ll definitely follow your advice about the hands. The thought of having to perform that open hand surgery you did terrifies me. I’m also aware of the dark colour staining the skin issue and will be buying a white ballet leotard and stockings to help combat that.

Well I’ve just got to play the waiting game now. How long from the time of ordering until arriving on your doorstep?


Re: Ordered my first doll: WM 158 D-cup

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 1:59 pm
by avante
Hey Scuba,

I'll be very interested to see some cosplay coming up :D Seems like a decent deal, and the #36 head is probably a very solid choice too!
That protagonist question is a really good hahaha it made me google and consider this for the first time actually.

So first thing I thought was Lara Croft, but to me best part of that really is Angelina Jolie in Tombraider :P man is she hot in there. My #82 head resembles Angelina to me, tho I'm not really into the whole tombraider outfit...tho tight tops are always good ;)

From games I played I immediately thought of this old ass game called Sin I believe. But that's more for the head look. She just had something really appealing to me:
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Thirst game chicks that came to my mind were from Mortal Kombat haha. Got some mates who played it like crazy, and I always liked Milena's look...
The mouth is kind of a turn of tho ;) But if maybe if I go shopping for a costume in the future, I'll try to get some like this:
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Other game that came to mind is DOA. Sort of loved playing with Cristie, and she was hot in some costumes; check it out :D
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*The eyeballs I've gotten were just 'normal' doll eyeballs. Not those from MF. But his did look good to me. Ones I've gotten are pretty nice tho too ;).
*Waited about 2 weeks, maybe few days more if remember correctly. It'll all be over soon ;)
*Surgery was kind off horrific at least the first few moments, drilling went pretty well tho.
*Those Japanese chicks made me laugh :P

EDIT: forgot to ask; do you have any girl/woman from a game you'd like to dress her as?

Re: Ordered my first doll: WM 158 D-cup

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 4:50 pm
by avante
Zippy81 wrote:Love your photos and adventures! Do you by chance have an #86 head or a #122? :)
Hey Zippy, I do have the #122 head just for a little while now. But have not put it on jet; in a couple of weeks I think man :D
I don't want to rush it, kind off see each head at least a couple of times before moving to the next :P

Re: Ordered my first doll: WM 158 D-cup

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 5:18 pm
by lover1
I forgot to appreciate sexy ass photos :thumbs_up:

Thank you.

Re: Ordered my first doll: WM 158 D-cup

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 12:01 am
by Zippy81
ALl righty! I totally hear ya there! haha. I have a 122 on order through 1am currently. i just haven't decided on a body yet..(very hard choices)which is why i am asking about the 122. I just want to know if the size seems like its going to look decent on the 158 body is all. :p Ive narrowed my choices down to the Madison body (168G). The Gwen Body (158D) And today i caught myself eyeing the Taylor Body .. haha so idk. I've read your whole thread thus far though and I have to say i love how calm and level headed you've remained through the misshaps and such since day three. And more yet how you've took the misshaps and still managed to make your model blossom and come alive. Pretty cool. Totally laughed at the fearlessness you portrayed in posting the happy face cowgirl "exercise" photo btw. Loved it. Overall though your thread has a " im having fun and totally enjoying this" air about it. Seems very fun and inspiring so thanks!

Re: Ordered my first doll: WM 158 D-cup

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 12:06 pm
by avante
Eyy Lover, you're welcome! You really like to see the ass with the 'dent' above the ass cheeks right?
* I totally messed that black wig up afterwards btw hahaha the pony was ridiculous long...tried to cut it...failed horribly...let's just say I've more respect for barbers now ;)

just got some tattoos and (really fast, just cuz I was curious) tried the first one...Doll Forum icon :D just noticed ;)
It did not hold at first, but then somehow all of a sudden it did :P
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