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Re: The Newest Released Doll--Sleeping Beauty

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:33 am
by Slew
ORdoll wrote:any suggestions?
I hope that the eyelids can be poseable, as well as the eyeballs. This makes for positions in between open and closed, adding to the possible expressions.

:thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:

Re: The Newest Released Doll--Sleeping Beauty

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:39 am
by ORdoll
Seattle Slew wrote:
ORdoll wrote:any suggestions?
I hope that the eyelids can be poseable, as well as the eyeballs. This makes for positions in between open and closed, adding to the possible expressions.

:thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:
I wrote it down.

Re: The Newest Released Doll--Sleeping Beauty

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 10:32 pm
by ORdoll
Seattle Slew wrote:
ORdoll wrote:any suggestions?
I hope that the eyelids can be poseable, as well as the eyeballs. This makes for positions in between open and closed, adding to the possible expressions.

:thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:
It turns out that impossible to make open and close eyelids for TPE doll in current technical. because TPE material is melt and put into the mold to make doll in the same time, since eyelids is very thin layer of TPE, if made them separately, it will not match perfectly.

Re: The Newest Released Doll--Sleeping Beauty

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 8:35 pm
by Obin
This sleeping beauty is a beauty and a tempting option.

Re: The Newest Released Doll--Sleeping Beauty

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 10:53 pm
by dollguy13
alex77 wrote:
Seattle Slew wrote:
ORdoll wrote:We like to hear your feedback.

She is so beautiful, I had some feelings about this face at the last minute, before I ordered. I'm glad I stuck with Rose, who I've admired all along, but this face is extremely tempting. Alex said the open eyes version still needs work, but "Sleepyhead" is gorgeous!

Slew, I strongly suggest you should take her up too if its still not too late. She's the best I ever owned. If pack with your Rose you'll save on future high cost postage for just an additional head
what a beautiful face to wake up and see. Rose is still my favorite

Re: The Newest Released Doll--Sleeping Beauty

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 11:10 am
by timetraveler1
Hey ORDOLL, what ever happened to the closing eyelids ?? is this still going to be done ? this way people could have the best of both worlds , eye lids that close when doll is laid down ( like toy dolls ) . maybe these could be sold as an option , or regular offering .
maybe a separate model or option for the adjustable eyes ?

Re: The Newest Released Doll--Sleeping Beauty

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 7:08 pm
by dollguy13
timetraveler1 wrote:Hey ORDOLL, what ever happened to the closing eyelids ?? is this still going to be done ? this way people could have the best of both worlds , eye lids that close when doll is laid down ( like toy dolls ) . maybe these could be sold as an option , or regular offering .
maybe a separate model or option for the adjustable eyes ?
Hey timetraveler1, they stated in the above post that this closing eyelids cannot be done. the way the doll is molded would not allow for it. Additionally; Thermoplastic elastomer by nature wants to return to it's original formed state. It also is too rubber like of a material to allow for friction-less sliding a thin piece under another. If you look across the board at all manufacturers from WMdolls, to 1AM, none have done this because it cannot be done

Re: The Newest Released Doll--Sleeping Beauty

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:37 am
by timetraveler1
sorry didn't see where they said that part , although i agree and see where the original tpe material could not be done , i disagree that it could not be done , it would have to just be done in a different way for instance a a plastic bulb shaped inner socket with the eye mount that fits into empty eye socket area's the eyelid it's self wouldn't even have to have silicone or tpe material on it but rather be a molded plastic and painted to match the doll head skin , and have eye lashes attached .
it could be actually done . toy kid dolls are made similar , but do not have a tpe face .

Re: The Newest Released Doll--Sleeping Beauty

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:12 pm
by ORdoll
timetraveler1 wrote:sorry didn't see where they said that part , although i agree and see where the original tpe material could not be done , i disagree that it could not be done , it would have to just be done in a different way for instance a a plastic bulb shaped inner socket with the eye mount that fits into empty eye socket area's the eyelid it's self wouldn't even have to have silicone or tpe material on it but rather be a molded plastic and painted to match the doll head skin , and have eye lashes attached .
it could be actually done . toy kid dolls are made similar , but do not have a tpe face .
We need time to test possible way to make open and close eyelid that perfect match to the head.

Re: The Newest Released Doll--Sleeping Beauty

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:16 pm
by dollguy13
timetraveler1 wrote:sorry didn't see where they said that part , although i agree and see where the original tpe material could not be done , i disagree that it could not be done , it would have to just be done in a different way for instance a a plastic bulb shaped inner socket with the eye mount that fits into empty eye socket area's the eyelid it's self wouldn't even have to have silicone or tpe material on it but rather be a molded plastic and painted to match the doll head skin , and have eye lashes attached .
it could be actually done . toy kid dolls are made similar , but do not have a tpe face .
You mean those plastic molded eyelids where one slides shut while the other is open :? I see the function they might add but the eyelid is one of my favorite areas to add makeup; which I can do to TPE but not plastic.

My attraction to the TPE doll is the affordable price and beauty they bring along with play. Should I want a doll with a lot of features I'll go for the pricey silicone doll although not even most silicone dolls offer that as a feature.

Re: The Newest Released Doll--Sleeping Beauty

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 9:27 am
by timetraveler1
if that is the case ordoll could offer it as an option extra cost (depending on the price for closing eye lids ) if these can be done as i mentioned they could be simply inserted in already molded socket spaces ( i am not sure if ordolls have a complete eyeball , if so the special molded eye sockets with built in eyes and eyelids could be inserted into the same area as "fixed " eyes like they have now .
Just a thought , that way only people order that head or eyes wiuld get them , and others could have regular eyes . their was a oral tpe head ( i might have sent a copy of the link in the past to ordoll ) that was acttually made of tpe and had closing eyes . )
here is the link i found it .
but i think if ordoll tries they can make the eyes and eyelids look even better then this one . ordoll has done some great work on creating things ! :D

Re: The Newest Released Doll--Sleeping Beauty

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 9:05 pm
by ORdoll
timetraveler1 wrote:if that is the case ordoll could offer it as an option extra cost (depending on the price for closing eye lids ) if these can be done as i mentioned they could be simply inserted in already molded socket spaces ( i am not sure if ordolls have a complete eyeball , if so the special molded eye sockets with built in eyes and eyelids could be inserted into the same area as "fixed " eyes like they have now .
Just a thought , that way only people order that head or eyes wiuld get them , and others could have regular eyes . their was a oral tpe head ( i might have sent a copy of the link in the past to ordoll ) that was acttually made of tpe and had closing eyes . )
here is the link i found it .
but i think if ordoll tries they can make the eyes and eyelids look even better then this one . ordoll has done some great work on creating things ! :D
Thanks, we received some suggestions from Forum. We will try to do the best.

Re: The Newest Released Doll--Sleeping Beauty

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 11:29 am
by timetraveler1
Ordoll , i wish i was able to work in your research and development team ! :D :wink: but regardless i am glad you are open to idea's from people , and i know you will do your best ! :D

Re: The Newest Released Doll--Sleeping Beauty

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:13 pm
by camadoll
Hi. I'm a new member, found this site purely by luck. This model was the one that absolutely astounded me. I saw one posted for sale on ebay. For a first time buyer, can I get input on whether or not a sleeping doll would be appropriate as a first doll? I've read that heads can be interchanged relatively easily? So would getting a different body and the closed eyes head be an option?

Re: The Newest Released Doll--Sleeping Beauty

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:45 pm
by ORdoll
camadoll wrote:Hi. I'm a new member, found this site purely by luck. This model was the one that absolutely astounded me. I saw one posted for sale on ebay. For a first time buyer, can I get input on whether or not a sleeping doll would be appropriate as a first doll? I've read that heads can be interchanged relatively easily? So would getting a different body and the closed eyes head be an option?

I always suggest buy doll direct from manufacturer, There are many sellers steal our pictures and seller very bad quality doll. I have received so many those compliant and even received doll that not made by our company.

If you really like sleeping beauty, she is good to buy as your first doll. You can buy additional head (cheap to order two head together)to replace if you like to. All our doll body are match our doll head.

If you have more questions, please email me at: