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Re: Please welcome my sweetheart, Anya

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:39 am
by chudking77
Thanks piacere! She's beginning to enjoy being in front of the camera a bit more. She went to bed early last night (too much football and beer, I think). I assumed she went to her bed but I was pleasantly surprised when I got ready to crash. I couldn't help my self.....

It's about time!
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We have to stop meeting like this.
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I thought you went to bed. Your bed.
My bed's too cold! I like yours.
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Come here, my bum is getting cold!
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Yes, my bum...right here.
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Ok, you can put it away.
Just a few more sweetheart!
I'm getting really cold now!
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Pretty please?
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Damn that "Pretty please" :wink: Gotta go......

Re: Please welcome my sweetheart, Anya

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:07 pm
by brigittes hubbie
She got you! Hmm, I love to warm my ladies with my body heat, there´s nothing like it. :D


Re: Please welcome my sweetheart, Anya

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:37 pm
by chudking77
I lose every time, Chris.
Yes, it takes a while to warm her up but we just call that foreplay! And it seems if she wears pantyhose her legs and tush don't feel as cold.

Re: Please welcome my sweetheart, Anya

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:31 am
by chudking77
Been busy the past few days doing some house cleaning, shopping, garage cleaning and preparing our home for the coming winter as we are finally starting to get some cold weather and more to come!! Anya is a great supervisor and is learning what I need to do to "batten down the hatches" so to speak for the coming winter months!
Strangely, I have been receiving these little packets in the mail from China labeled "clothing, underwear, or panties." Anya says they are gifts from friends so I leave it at that but she does spend a lot of time in her room and won't let me in.......Hmmmm. :?:
Anyhow, since she has approved of my housecleaning, she agreed to do some photo shoots in between my exhausting preparations! I asked her if she was going to wear some clothes as we prepared to shoot but she said "No, you've been working so hard I want to give you something special! And if you want, you can post some on your TDF site but I will choose which ones, ok?" :razz:
Now I'm not a professional photographer but she can really bring my photos to life.
Here are some pics she really liked! We had a blast taking them too!!! :plaidskirt:
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She also wanted to start posting in the Doll Album so I started a few folders there with most of her other photos there.
Looks like we got our first little snow fall last night too!! Old Man Winter makes his presence known again! I just love winter......

Re: Please welcome my sweetheart, Anya

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:34 am
by LoneRanger
What a cutie!

Re: Please welcome my sweetheart, Anya

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:46 am
by chudking77
Oops, I guess when you load a draft, the photos go away..
Remaining 9 pics to follow.

Re: Please welcome my sweetheart, Anya

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:59 am
by chudking77
and I get halfway done and lose my connection. :x
We try again....

Re: Please welcome my sweetheart, Anya

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 3:40 pm
by brigittes hubbie
Anya is gorgeous! :angel:


Re: Please welcome my sweetheart, Anya

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:59 pm
by chudking77
Thanks Chris!
She's been kinda frisky the past few days and wanted to go out in the first snow today for some photos but I talked her out of that and we settled for some shots out the patio door.....
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I'll post the remainder on her Doll Album page.
And now we're just kickin' back to a Cavs game.
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Re: Please welcome my sweetheart, Anya

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 6:49 am
by hollows+fentiman
What a gorgeous lady! Looks like you've got your winter warmer!

Re: Please welcome my sweetheart, Anya

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 3:38 pm
by brigittes hubbie
Oh Anya, please stay indoors, you´ll catch a cold outside in that outfit. Stay inside and keep on snuggling, :wink:


Re: Please welcome my sweetheart, Anya

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 4:02 pm
by shape4fun
Thanks, Chudking!! Anya is beautiful!!! I am impatiently waiting for my new friend, Brooke. As of now she is at the Fed Ex hub in Memphis. Brooke and Anya may be related. Brooke is 156CM C cup with the #85 head, the one RLSD calls Brooklyn. I am shortening her name. Brooke is my first TPE friend. The pics of Anya make me confident I made the right choice, as they have the same face. My Doll Album / Forum account is ready for pics, gifs, and video links. In a week or two there should be pics of Brooke in the album. I would love to know Anya's reaction. Until then, have fun and keep warm. Steve,

Re: Please welcome my sweetheart, Anya

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 6:53 pm
by chudking77
She does put a warm tingle in me, Hollows!

And no, Chris, she won't be going outdoors yet. I promised I go looking for some winter clothes for her soon.

For shape4fun, great news and welcome to TDF! I hope you and Brooke will have a lot of great times together. I've spent a lot of time here, doing a lot of reading and making some new friends too. If you haven't already, check out this thread, about caring for Brooke when she arrives. Believe me, you will enjoy bringing her to life from that cold cardboard box! Lots of good advice from other members throughout this forum and a lot of good stories too.

It's been kind crazy around here the past month since Anya arrived. For one, my home probably hasn't been this clean in years! But it's all good......

All I can say is take your time and get to know her needs and what she does and doesn't like to do! You'll see what I mean. And if you have questions, just ask. There is a lot of experience floating around these pages. I'll be watching for her arrival or send me note to let me know!
Best wishes

Re: Please welcome my sweetheart, Anya

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 8:25 pm
by jazzman
are these original eyes? I hadnt noticed the fine veining before and it is very realistic.

chudking77 wrote:Well, I finally got the balls to try to fix her eyelash after watching the video. Of course the lower lash came loose too so I repaired that too. As you can see, it's not quite perfect and her eye moved a bit so I'm going to try again.
Anya was pleased that at least I tried so she said I could post some more photos, some before and some after. We watched the Ohio State/Michigan game last week and she got so excited after the game....Well.....Go Bucks!!
Then after her eyelash repair last night, we watched the Cleveland Cav's game...
Hey, these guys suck. Give me a beer!
Why don't you just turn the TV off?
Pretty please???
Well, I read this morning that the Cavs lost!
Back to eyelash repair! And a little housecleaning....

Re: Please welcome my sweetheart, Anya

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 8:27 pm
by jazzman
love this profile shot

chudking77 wrote:I'll try that with the wig, Hollows, and see what happens. The doc put me on another month of disability so I explained to Anya that we have to budget our money until I get back to work and she's fine with that...
"Tell Chris that the teasing won't stop, though".
Hey, I'm fine with that!!!

Okay, off to makeup class again....