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Re: Doll latex old but sturdy

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 1:55 pm
by Dr Latex McPeggin
Man do I mis my old Leatha Weapons Doll... I got rid of her when I met my wife as I was not sure how she would react and also because I had let me ex have sex with the doll as well and would never want to keep a toy that I had used with another gal...

Re: Doll latex old but sturdy

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 6:07 pm
by HonkyDonky
Is she for sale?

Re: Doll latex old but sturdy

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:21 am
by briviant
Hélas non, je la garde précieusement. Bon courage pour en trouver une autre, elles sont maintenant rares.

Alas no, I keep it preciously. Good luck to find another, they are now rare.

Re: Doll latex old but sturdy

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 8:41 am
by briviant
Mise en avant de sa poitrine avec ses formes généreuses

Highlighting her chest with her generous curve
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Re: Doll latex old but sturdy

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 9:45 am
by briviant
Ma poupée à un profil idéal pour jouer avec elle, ses seins sont moyen mais de bonne proportion, une douceur très agréable du latex. Vous pouvez vous appuyer dessus sans soucis car elle d’une grande solidité. Maintenant elle a 17 ans.
Le visage sans être de première beauté est néanmoins assez beau. La forme de la bouche peu surprendre un peu, il a été construit pour être utilisable contrairement à beaucoup d’autres poupées.
Ses atouts sont un profil harmonieux et une douceur incomparable car elle est 100% en latex. L’épaisseur du latex lui confère une grande solidité. A ce jour, elle à 17 ans d’âge et toujours en bon état. Je suis arrivé à la maintenir dans un état et, je l’espère, encore pendant de nombreuses années.
Effectivement c’est sexy, ce maillot de bain mini ! Il met parfaitement ma poupée en valeur. Les lignes harmonieuses du corps sont bien mises en évidence.

my doll to an ideal to play with her profile, her breasts are average but good proportion, a very nice smooth latex. You can rely on it without worries because she a great strength. Now she's 17.
The face without being first beauty, however, is quite beautiful. The shape of the mouth little surprise a bit, it was built to be usable, unlike many other dolls.
His assets are a harmonious profile and a soft feeling because it is 100% LaTeX. The thickness of the latex gives it great strength. So far, she's 17 years old and still in good condition. I got to keep it in a State and, I hope, still for many years.
Indeed it is sexy, this mini swimsuit! He perfectly puts my doll in value. The harmonious lines of the body are well highlighted.

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Re: Doll latex old but sturdy

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 12:27 pm
by briviant
Encore une photo avec ce maillot de bain mini ! Il met parfaitement ma poupée en valeur. Les lignes harmonieuses du corps sont bien mises en évidence.

Another photo with this mini swimsuit! It perfectly puts my doll in value. The harmonious lines of the body are well highlighted.

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Re: Doll latex old but sturdy

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 11:24 am
by briviant
Ma poupée à un profil idéal pour jouer avec elle, ses seins sont moyen mais de bonne proportion, une douceur très agréable du latex. Vous pouvez vous appuyer dessus sans soucis car elle d’une grande solidité. Maintenant elle a 17 ans.

my doll to an ideal to play with her profile, her breasts are average but good proportion, a very nice smooth latex. You can rely on it without worries because she a great strength. Now she's 17.

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Re: Doll latex old but sturdy

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 2:32 pm
by briviant
Mise en avant de sa poitrine avec ses formes généreuses

Highlighting her chest with her generous curves

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Re: Doll latex old but sturdy

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:48 pm
by Cobra47
Not bad she is nice jaja but now you can change with best quality

Re: Doll latex old but sturdy

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 12:04 pm
by briviant

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Re: Doll latex old but sturdy

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:34 am
by briviant
Un petit plongeon dans la piscine avant de reprendre les cours
A bientôt

A small dip in the pool before resuming classes
See you soon

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Re: Doll latex old but sturdy

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 2:11 am
by solitaryman1424
Look like the latex doll forum is dead, only you and me on here in looks like a month. How is the old girl holding up I stuffed one of the letha I have made with foam rubber, I hope she lasts a long time.

Re: Doll latex old but sturdy

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 2:17 am
by solitaryman1424
I should said stuffed with foam rubber, can't go flat. Believe it or not I have orginal vitel hygiene from the 80's i'll try to post some pictures.

Re: Doll latex old but sturdy

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 2:21 am
by solitaryman1424
These are the pictures of the doll.

Re: Doll latex old but sturdy

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 4:11 pm
by briviant
Bonjour solitaryman1424,
Oui, effectivement plus beaucoup de message sur le forum. Même moi je ne poste plus beaucoup, lassitude certainement. Pour ma part, j’ai pratiquement abandonné le forum. Ma poupé est toujour en bon état, elle a plus de 22 ans d’existence, ces poupées en latex étaient vraiment de très bonne qualité. Bon courage à tous..

Hello solitaryman1424,
Yes, actually not much message on the forum. Even I don't post much anymore, weariness certainly. For my part, I have practically given up on the forum. My doll is still in good condition, it is over 22 years old, these latex dolls were really very good quality. Good luck to all..
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