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Re: Hanna

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 3:43 pm
by Mondoon
Nescio50 wrote:Beautiful 8) very beautiful 8) 8)
Thanks Nes, as time goes on I still appreciate her beauty. Nice to see Lissa out and about again with Fabienne.
hollows+fentiman wrote:Yep! Me likely too!
Cheers Hollows :thumbs_up: Thanks for popping in. I hope Ashaki's not still doing the ironing.
siliconefun wrote:Great visit at 'Monkeypants place' :thumbs_up: Hanna & Katie surely enjoyed :angel:
These are beautiful pics :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:
We likey :D

- SF -
SF, thank you, it's so nice, and unusual, to have a visitor who appreciates the girls, they enjoyed the attention, especially Katie.
Thanks for your lovely compliments and a wave from us to 'The Doll Team'
brigittes hubbie wrote:Very beautiful and very sexy. And classy!!!

Why thank you kind sir, it's lovely to cuddle that silky fabric in bed.
blou2blou2 wrote:Very beautiful :wink:
Thank you, I may be biased but I have to agree with you, she is lovely. Ooops, they both are.

Re: Hanna

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 4:00 pm
by GirlsGang
The girls of the gang and myself likey very much.
Nice presentation as well

Re: Hanna

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 4:16 pm
by Sofos
Very beautiful. I like the sensual setting of your pictures!
Very nice composition of the picture as well. Hanna really shines against the black background.

Nicely done!
Emma agrees and sends her regards!

Re: Hanna

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 4:32 pm
by Mondoon
GirlsGang wrote:The girls of the gang and myself likey very much.
Nice presentation as well
Thanks GG, I'm glad the girls of the gang and you liked them, I'm getting to like this 'studio' look myself. Inspired by some of the L&L shots you've done.
All the best to Schloss GirlsGang.
Sofos wrote:Very beautiful. I like the sensual setting of your pictures!
Very nice composition of the picture as well. Hanna really shines against the black background.

Nicely done!
Emma agrees and sends her regards!
Thank you Sofos, I've only recently started this kind of studio look and I think it works very well to concentrate the subject. The composition I always try to achieve when the shutter is released as I try to avoid any editing. Yeah, I think the black and red worked really well for these shots.
Thanks for your compliments and a big hello and a wave to you and Emms.

Re: Hanna

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:56 am
by samara78
Hi mondoon. Nice to see more of your lovely Hanna

Re: Hanna

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:25 am
by Mondoon
samara78 wrote:Hi mondoon. Nice to see more of your lovely Hanna
Hi samara, thanks a lot, the spring weather and her beauty prompts me to get the camera out.
I've been watching all your adventures lately, hope your car is surviving. Great work though.
Best wishes from me, Hanna and Katie.

Re: Hanna

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:27 am
by Slew
Compliments to Yutsuki and Tsuya for their good taste in fancy PJs, and excellent photos, of course. :wink:

Re: Hanna

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:37 am
by Mondoon
Seattle Slew wrote:Compliments to Yutsuki and Tsuya for their good taste in fancy PJs, and excellent photos, of course. :wink:
Thanks Slew, I've always admired the clothes which those two wear and Mister 6c remembered. Yep, we love 'em.
More to come in 'Letters from The Wild Plains'

Fondest felicities to your good self and Ivy :)

Re: Hanna

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 10:06 pm
by Kim
Those jammies look comfy. the color looks lovely on the always lovely Hanna.
Might be even better if the color of the lipstick was a tad darker, so it'd combine with the color of the jammies.


Re: Hanna

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:33 am
by Ivy
Good day Ms. Pants! You look perfect in your pajamas! Slew says I'll look forward to some new pajamas such as those sometime, if I want them. I hope you're getting plenty of espresso! :bday:

Re: Hanna

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 3:55 am
by Hanna
Kim wrote:Those jammies look comfy. the color looks lovely on the always lovely Hanna.
Might be even better if the color of the lipstick was a tad darker, so it'd combine with the color of the jammies.

Hiya Kim, haven't heard from you for a while, it's that naughty EBF going on holiday and not leaving you the laptop.

Oooh, thanks for saying I'm lovely, my jammies are. They're ever so silky and smooth and really nice to wear in bed.
Do you know I think you're right about the lippy, I haven't got any on in the photos but a nice red lippy would have been good. Silly old Mondoon never thought of that. Oh well. Probably because I don't wear lippy in bed.
Thanks for popping in and I'm glad you're around again.

Love Monkeypants XX
Ivy wrote:Good day Ms. Pants! You look perfect in your pajamas! Slew says I'll look forward to some new pajamas such as those sometime, if I want them. I hope you're getting plenty of espresso! :bday:
Hi Ivy, you'd love some jammies like these they're so silky in bed. I hope Uncle Slew gets you some. Aaahh, espresso, you know me, I need my rocket fuel for a good old chase-about on the Wild Plains. We had snow again the other day, that was a bit of a shock. I hope you're safely ensconced in your blanket and keeping warm and snuggly.
Anyway, it's always nice to hear from you and I hope I'll speak with you again soon.

Lots of love to you and Slew

Pants XX

Re: Hanna

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 4:20 pm
by von_Shredhead
Hiya Hanna-Monkeypants!

Wow, you and Mr. Mondoon have been quite busy since my last visit! Absolutely fantastic new sets of piccies ... YAY!!!

I think this set was from your Mata-Hari shoot, yes? Beautiful dress and fantastic color choice. Hanna looks great in pink! And of course, my favorite little mischievous girl Katie!

I love this simple black and white theme outfit going on! Bravo! Simple AND sexy! YOWZA! And of course lil Katie ... such a mischievous lil cutie!

Lovely SECRETary outfit here Buddy! Love the glasses! YOWZA times 2!!! Hiya Katie! :wink:

Very beautiful and authentic PJ's from Yutsuki and Tsuya! And lil Katie Kookaburra too!

Great photo shoots Mondoon! Ms. Monkeypants is absolutely fabulous in every shot! And I LOVE the ending shots with Katie poking herself into the shot ... how CUTE!!!
Von and the Clan

Re: Hanna

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 4:53 pm
by Mondoon
Hiya Von

Glad you've been able to catch up with the escapades of these pair. Ha ha we've got no chance of doing a serious photo shoot any more because Katie has to get in on the act somewhere. The little bugger appears out of nowhere in the viewfinder and that's it, fall about laughing.
The more time goes on the sexier my Monkeypants gets, so occasionally I've just got to do a sexy shot, or two...or more. As you know though she's very modest so I can only go so far with 'sexy'. Thanks for your lovely compliments, Hanna's really pleased they made you say 'Yowza'.
It's been nice seeing the occasional picture of 'Neener' while you've been on your mission. Hope that's all going well for you.

Best wishes to you and 'The Clan' from myself, Miss Pants and the little bugger Katie Kookaburra.

Re: Hanna

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 12:19 pm
by mi6c
Hiyas Hanna.
The girls are happy you like the pajama and love your pictures wearing it.
They also think you make a stunningly sexy secretary.
Oh, and they adore Katie!
And, of course, I have to tell stories from the wild Midland Plains ever so often, thanks again for the great hospitality.

Lotsa love from us over here and all the best!

Re: Hanna

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 12:47 pm
by Hanna
mi6c wrote:Hiyas Hanna.
The girls are happy you like the pajama and love your pictures wearing it.
They also think you make a stunningly sexy secretary.
Oh, and they adore Katie!
And, of course, I have to tell stories from the wild Midland Plains ever so often, thanks again for the great hospitality.

Lotsa love from us over here and all the best!
Hello Mister 6c, well, we thoroughly enjoyed your company and we'd all love you to come back again. Especially Katie, she loved all the attention she got from you. Thanks for your lovely compliments about me and I do so love my pyjamas. Mondoon keeps telling me I need to have them washed but I won't take them off because they're so silky and yummy to wear.
I popped over and had a look at Tsuya's pictures, oh she looks lovely in her new dress, proper classy. I'm looking forward to seeing Yutsuki soon too, I hope you will take a photograph of her as well for me. If I smile nicely at you?

Lots of love and frantic waves to you all from me and Katie, oh, and Mondoon too.