Could really use some advice right now.
- kornflakes89
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Could really use some advice right now.
I've had my Kimber for ten days now, I'm not in any way unsatisfied with the doll herself, I've got nothing but good things to say about her and the Kimber company.
So here's the thing. The first days went OK, aside from my underestimating the weight and overestimating my ability to handle it, things were good. I had sex with her twice and that felt great, but then came the cleaning process and this was already after getting the package in and lifting her out of the box and setting her up. I figured that I'd get used to the weight after a while and things would be fine. Next couple of days I moved her around a lot and trying to get used to carrying her for short distances, that didn't go very well, so I decided to just leave her laying on my bed and only moving her around when I needed to and it was fine.
Fast forward to just earlier today when I had sex with her again, which again, felt great. But then came the after sex cleaning process...yeah.
I've been sitting in my chair for the past several hours and I started seriously thinking about things and decided that I just can't handle this. Almost my entire body aches like hell, I just got over a really bad spout of feeling nauseous (Like, bad headache, feeling dizzy like the entire room is spinning around me and dry heaving), in general, I just feel physically and mentally drained.
Again, nothing wrong with the doll herself, this is a me problem.
I'm seriously considering selling her to someone on here that's capable of taking care of her the way I'm physically unable to. One part of me thinks that I should just tough it out and deal with it, the other part of me says that that's just my incredibly stubborn side talking and that I should accept that she's just too heavy for me and that I can't physically or mentally handle that.
Now my mind is kind of racing. If I do decide to sell her, I wouldn't know the first thing about it. I've got no idea how to create a shipping label or how to package her up for it, I don't know how shipping costs are done (Like, I don't know whether I'd have to pay to ship it out, or if the buyer would pay for it and I don't have to do anything.) and then there's just my general anxiety, like would someone actually buy her or am I going to just be stuck in my current situation, then there's the fact that I still live with my parents so I'd have to either make sure I've got the house to myself when UPS or something comes to pick up the package (which is practically impossible to predict) or come up with a convincing lie if I don't have the house to myself. Like, I'm just a whirlwind of anxiety right now.
- gonestill77
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Re: Could really use some advice right now.

First thing is to calm down. This is not worth a panic attack over.
When I got my first doll, I was not prepared for the weight. She weighs 60 pounds and that is a lot in dead weight and such a long package for the uninitiated.
It took me 2 weeks to get used to moving her. During that 2 weeks, I was sore and everytime I moved her I was winded and sweating buckets. I was 39 when I got my first doll and out of shape. After 2 weeks, it got easier to move her and pose her.
I have a built in lady. Look in my signature for my video cleaning tutorial for some ideas for easy ways to clean her.
I say stick it out. It will wip your ass into shape and you will like it more when you can move her easier and better.

Lucinda- 2015 DS 163 plus
Eves thread
Lucinda's thread viewtopic.php?f=143&t=128707
My doll cleaning and drying video viewtopic.php?f=7&t=127010
Eve and Lucinda's thread viewtopic.php?f=87&t=129480
Eve and Lucinda's dirty movies. viewtopic.php?f=87&t=126968
Re: Could really use some advice right now.

- kornflakes89
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Re: Could really use some advice right now.
But honestly, I don't really think that's going to make a huge difference.
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Re: Could really use some advice right now.
One counterintuitive piece of advice I can offer might be to try spending time with her NOT having sex. Lay with her, cuddle, hold hands, look into her pretty eyes. Get to know her, if you haven’t much. I know not everyone is like me, but for me sex is only a small part of the value my doll offers.
And female condoms, used properly, basically reduce cleanup to a five minute process that doesn’t involve moving her an inch. I think they’re worth a try before you give up. I (or many others) would be happy to explain the details if you’re interested.
One great thing about dolls is that they’re infinitely patient. There’s no pressure. Take a few days off from her if you need...she’ll be right there waiting for you when you get back.
- kornflakes89
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Re: Could really use some advice right now.
I think it's more about how I didn't really think it through if I could handle the weight or the kind of strain it would put my body through. Hell, up until ten days ago, I didn't even know that feeling nauseous after doing some heavy lifting was a normal thing.
That and with the fact that I've already had my back aching, which probably comes from nearly 20 years of not standing or sitting up straight, I think I'm taking more of a "Nip it in the bud" type of attitude and just want to sell her and get it over with before my stubbornness ends up leading me to doing something stupid and damaging my back more than it already might be.
Re: Could really use some advice right now.
Re: Could really use some advice right now.
Is not the same but I felt similar when recovering from bad swine flu.. feel okay sitting around, but walk across the house for a drink, or try to move a doll, fatigue and nausea hit like a truck.
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Re: Could really use some advice right now.
- kornflakes89
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Re: Could really use some advice right now.
@notaflyingtoy: Well from what I read it apparently is normal, something about the blood from around your stomach moving to your arms or something. Maybe that was all BS though.
But yeah, my mind still isn't completely made up either way. I think I'm just going to wait a couple more weeks and then see how I'm feeling.
- gonestill77
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Re: Could really use some advice right now.
kornflakes89 wrote:@Eu fodo bonecas: Yeah I'm certain I don't have the covid, I didn't even leave my house until the 7th and I've had asthma since I was a kid so if I had it, I'd know it.
@notaflyingtoy: Well from what I read it apparently is normal, something about the blood from around your stomach moving to your arms or something. Maybe that was all BS though.
But yeah, my mind still isn't completely made up either way. I think I'm just going to wait a couple more weeks and then see how I'm feeling.

Please do give it some more time.
You seem to enjoy your doll except for moving her around. Hopefully you will get used to it and be able to move forward with her still being around.
A big heavy doll can be intimidating.
Do you do bridal carry? If not, you may want to try. I find that is the easiest way to pick them up and carry them wherever.
Also, before moving her, make sure you have a clear path and make sure you have a clear space to put her before you even pick her up to move her.
Do you have a rolling chair of some sort?
Did you check out my cleaning and drying video? It is a very easy method and requires very little moving of the doll.

Lucinda- 2015 DS 163 plus
Eves thread
Lucinda's thread viewtopic.php?f=143&t=128707
My doll cleaning and drying video viewtopic.php?f=7&t=127010
Eve and Lucinda's thread viewtopic.php?f=87&t=129480
Eve and Lucinda's dirty movies. viewtopic.php?f=87&t=126968
- kornflakes89
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Re: Could really use some advice right now.
Nope, no rolling chair, don't even have a desk, my TV sits on a storage trunk and my PC sits on a piece of wood I set on top of two milk crates, keyboard sits on a folding stool and my mouse is on the box of an Xbox 360 and I've got one of those rocking gaming chairs with speakers built into it. But hey, it works, set a duffle bag in front of me with a pillow on top, lean back and put my feet up, I actually like this better than a desk lol.
Re: Could really use some advice right now.

- kornflakes89
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Re: Could really use some advice right now.
Re: Could really use some advice right now.
Might be a sugar low, aka hypo. I find if I have some cornflakes for breakfast, wait a couple of hours then go for a walk, that can often prompt one.kornflakes89 wrote:I just got over a really bad spout of feeling nauseous (Like, bad headache, feeling dizzy like the entire room is spinning around me and dry heaving)
You don't have to be diabetic to have hypos. I've had them all my life.