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Delivery to the uk

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 3:01 pm
by Freddy123
Hi there I’ve not posted much on here but hope to more in the future I was after some advice is possible I’ve ordered a silo doll summer 2020 back in the beginning of November and I’ve still not received I’ve had several emails back and forth with Mig from sili doll and he has assured me she is on route but there no movement on the tracking just states the label has been printed what time scale should I realistically expect?!? I was really hoping on before Xmas as I’ve some time off but it’s looking strongly like I’m out of luck
Other people’s experience with orders to the uk would
Be much appreciated many thanks

Re: Delivery to the uk

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:39 pm
by Sili Doll
Dear Freddy123 and all,

Thanks for your post. We hope our reply finds all safe and well.

Whilst our marketed delivery time to the United States and the European Union have been stable at average 7-9 business days and 10-12 business days respectively, we have been experiencing an exceptional, out of control delay for our late shipments to the United Kingdom. The coming Brexit creates a certain level of uncertainty on doll shipments (customs wise) after 2020 and the logistic line used by our partner shipper (which comes with customs clearance and payment) have been facing a bottleneck over the past month, causing a logistic delay.

But please rest assured, the delay is of logistical nature only and customs clearance and payment to the United Kingdom (at our charge) have not been impacted and we guarantee that the doll will reach the delivery address. The actual delivery time to the United Kingdom have been stretched to about 7-8 weeks.

We feel very sorry for our customers in the United Kingdom for this exceptional out of control delay and have been chasing and following on a daily basis with our shipper and will email any update as soon as we receive it.

Please continue tracking the parcel using the UPS tracking number shared.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused and we wish you to stay well and safe!

Best holiday wishes too,

Mig and Sili Doll ®
SkinTech™ Japan & Korean TPE
The Real Best
World`s Softest Dolls