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Review of my purchase of a Top-Sino with SDC

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 5:41 pm
by RuggerBug
Overall I had a great experience with ordering my Top-Sino from Sex Doll Canada. Nothing in life is without it's hiccups, but the professional staff at SDC really went the extra 50kms, up hill, both ways.

I ordered the Top-Sino Miyou Blue with all the soft options. Decided to go with the defaults on the looks, which is pretty amazing to look at. I'd probably go with a darker skin tone next purchase since the default seems really pale to me, but that's personal preference.

It took 2 months for her to be made and shipped and she got here before the Chinese holiday. When she arrived I was pretty impressed with the packing. The whole box was solid foam formed to her with her head in a plastic shell with spacers to keep her head stable and safe. She was well protected even with the simple cardboard box.

Once I got her out I noticed a couple issues that put me off. I wanted to make sure I was identifying actual issues and not confusing it with buyers remorse, so I waited a bit and let her hang around the office in different outfits. I had the money to burn and only spend what I won't miss, but she is an expensive one.

The seams took me by surprise and looked more pronounced than I expected. Her butt and belly were as hard as her back even though I ordered the soft options for both. I expect them to be as soft as her thighs which felt nice to squeeze. Her breasts were pretty great feeling under and side boob, almost real. The top part of her breasts was a little stiffer than expected, but I am assuming that might be for durability, they are big ones. Even the wife likes to grab a feel, but she prefers the TPE gels.

After sitting on it for a bit, I contacted SDC with my concerns. I thought maybe the seams were a defect since features were missing from the order. They were really helpful and asked for photos so they could really give me their best opinion. After their review they explained it is common for silicone and they looked like they were normal from my many photos. They also provided links to posts and images so I could see for myself, which I was thankful for, and they really are no different than others you can see posted around.

Usually customer service, after the sale is made and have your money, only provide lip-service at best or totally shrug you off if there is an issue. Not with SDC. They really went that extra step to not only share their expertise, they backed it up with references or examples and were very clear in their communication. You actually matter as a customer, they put real value into you. You can feel it with how they communicate and take time to understand the issue and provide clear answers. They are even honest when they don't have an answer and let you know they are looking into it. And surprisingly they get back to you with a detailed answer because they actually are good to their word.

I really don't notice the seams anymore except at odd angles. Even then, they aren't as bad as I first thought. I think the surprise of them amplified by the couple of missing options made them seem worse to me. Ack, a pun...

As for her, I gotta say Sino can make a decent piece of art. She is beautifully sculpted and painted. She looks so real at times it amazes me. My first doll was a WMDoll and she's great, but she looks like a toy next to the Top-Sino. Admittedly the WMDoll has a much better feeling boobs, the Sino has the looks and the feel is more realistic since her whole body doesn't squish to the skeleton when you squeeze her. Just have to check your expectations. If only you could get TPE boobs on a Silicone...

The standing feet with no bolts are also beautiful and actually are much better quality than I expected. I have had her standing in socks, even barefoot on carpet for days and they still look just as good as when I lifted her out of the box. I wouldn't scuff them or drag her around though. I honestly am impressed with how well the function and look. The are pretty solid but have some flex and are sculpted very detailed. They are also a realistic size so finding shoes won't be as challenging.

Her hands have one of the main reasons I opted for a Top-Sino, the finger bones. I know a few other brands offer them but this with the possibility of standing feet without bolts and that pouty face... She had me. The finger bones were important to me because all the wires in my WMDoll have snapped from posing her. It was unavoidable. It's like bending a wire coat hanger repeatedly. Doesn't matter if it is days between bends, they all add up and eventually they snap and you get floppy finger. My dolls are more a display piece and fun to dress up and pose and having a natural finger placement adds so much to the look. So I had to make sure my next doll had possible fingers so I could avoid the issue all together. They articulate well and the skeleton as a whole is very nice to work with. They are also durable, she had a fall and her fingers survived. I do not recommend drop tests though, I am pretty sure I got lucky. Her hands also look realistic. Her fingers have limitations on how they articulate but you have to expect limits on artificial bones and joints. She is pretty close on all accounts though with how flexible she is.

All in all I think the Top-Sino is a decent work of art. She really is. There are small ways they can improve her but the dolls from all companies are evolving pretty quickly it seems. If I had a wish-list I'd like them to find a way to make the seams even less pronounced, for the upper breast to be as soft as the under and side (that would make them perfect and a decent competition for TPE gels), I'd add in more head and body options but some new ones popped up recently so they have that covered pretty well.

For my Top-Sino I'd give a 4.5/5, I cannot get over the missing options for the soft belly and butt even if it doesn't impact my experience. It was on the invoice it should be in the doll. But that a side, she is beautiful and fun to play with. The quality is really top notch. I'd buy another one, but I would take more time to ensure I see more factory video/photos of what options I had picked be demonstrated. I am sure the rush before the holiday probably played a part and mistakes do happen. I believe I am probably the exception but with that much money you definitely need to take the time and review whats important to you before she leaves the factory and I'd say that about any doll, not just Sino.

I feel I got my moneys worth from her and that is saying a lot since she is expensive. But that is from someone that uses her as a display piece and more of an action figure (doll) and not her intended purpose. I can't really give any input on how well the experience feels, but from the hugs and dressing her, I doubt it'd be dissapointing. I am actually tempted...

SDC was with me all the way answering every question with as much information they could pack in. What felt like a possible loss turned out to be one of the best customer experiences I have ever had. It is so hard to put into words how professional and intelligent they all are at SDC. I am sure when I say customer support, anyone reading that title alone probably had an instant thought of a negative experience. Either they don't care, don't know, or just couldn't be assed with your problems. I got the exact opposite experience. Even with an issue and an imperfect experience, I had the best experience with any company I have ever dealt with in any industry.

It is an easy solid 5/5 for SDC, I'd like to give them more. I can see why they have such solid reviews and there is no question in who has all my future business and a solid recommendation to anyone who has doubts on who to deal with. As I said above, they value you. You actually have value to them even after they have your money. They are a rare gem and I am kind of glad in a way I had flaws so I could really get to know the true value of them as a company.