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looking to learn more

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 9:20 pm
by JM_atx
Hi I am new to dolls and have admired them ever since I have seen my friends Dolls by accident. I went over one day and we sat outside talking for awhile. well I guess he forgot he had her sitting on the table when we walked inside. (we had been drinking in the garage) After looking at her and talking to him about her, he explained how things changed for him because she was in his life. in our many talks he turned me on to TDF and told me to I can get a lot of info from here about owning and caring for dolls. and well here I am. I guess I am not really sure what kind of questions to ask or what really I should be looking for or looking out for. any hints or tips?

Re: looking to learn more

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 9:40 pm
by Rock13
If you're curious about dolls and the doll lifestyle, your friend seems like a good resource. As for the forum, you can work your way down through the many subforums and look for topic titles that seem interesting. You can also click on "unread posts" at the upper right whenever you visit and that'll show what's been happening here lately.

Re: looking to learn more

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 6:04 am
by gogodolls
Welcome to the TDF JM! :multi:

There are so many interesting and informative threads here, take a look around and you'll surely find several that will interest you! :crazyeyes:

If there's any info you can't find, don't hesitate to ask questions! There are always veterans who are happy to answer them. :?: :idea:
Cheers! :glou:

Re: looking to learn more

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 6:33 am
by DocWen
Hi, JM_atx!

I think that the first thing to realize is that the vast (and I mean VAST majority) of the posters here are friendly, helpful and kind. Oh, sure. You'll find one or two who rub you the wrong way, but even that is rare. So don't be afraid to ask whatever question pops into your head. We all want to help. From relative newbs like me to the seasoned Companion of Dolls like Rock13.

What you have that many don't is first hand knowledge of dolls. By that, I mean: You've seen one "in the wild" and know how heavy they can be (assuming your friend will let you pick her up. :) ) You're one step up!

The second is to search the forum. I find that, for me, the easiest way to search is to use the Advanced Search at the top right of the page between FAQ and Chat. That way you can narrow down your searches to specific brands or titles of posts or what have you.

So lurk, search and ask away!

Welcome to a Brave New World. Relax and enjoy.