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Purchase: 168C SM Doll from Yourdoll

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:59 am
by MattSwims
Hi all, I am very excited to say I’ve purchased my first silicone doll from yourdoll. Link:

I have been a lurker for quite some time now. I have owned one other doll which was a WM TPE torso doll from silicone-sexy-doll. I greatly appreciated this doll, but have since been enamored by the realism of silicone, and I have decided to make the leap from TPE.

After months of research on this forum and the like, I feel like I know a relatively great deal on the different brands and what they have to offer. But, alas, I am giddy to round out my knowledge with the real thing. So I will be posting a comprehensive review here in this thread as soon as the doll arrives, which I have been told by Mia at yourdoll should be within 5-7 business days.

Before I go, I’ll give my reasons for going with the 168C model from SM doll. First, I’ll mention what I was looking for as well as the brands I considered. I wanted to maximize my dollars by finding that elusively perfect balance between realism and feel/function. Over time, I realized you really do have to chunk out some change to optimize for this trade off. And let me tell you, part of me wanted to just go overboard and cop a real doll body D (over 2x my budget), which I feel is a shining example of that balance as well as the inevitable diminishing returns on your dollar. But luckily, there were so many other more affordable high-end brands to consider.

I boiled my decision down to what imho are the brands that best target the aforementioned balance I was seeking. Keep in mind I filtered these brands out according to my own research and personal taste, so I do not mean to discount the many other great brands that are out their. These are just some of my personal favorites I encountered from researching and reading reviews:
SM Doll
Top Sino (RRS)

For me, this was the top 6. And maybe in another thread I might like to link my favorite dolls I found from each, which I believe I could not have gone wrong with.

But to sum this preliminary post up, I went with SM, because It seemed to me they give you the most bang for your buck, especially if you’re trying to stay in the $3-4k range. They use one of the softest silicone blends I have seen, have a reliably manufactured skeleton, offer the soft/gel options, textured skin, and still have realistic faces and bodies. In addition, just look at that ass on the 168C. Give me a break! (:

I am so excited for my doll to come in, and to contribute my honest review for the community. So with all that said, I will see you boys and girls again soon!! :multi: