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Sex Dolls Have Invaded the Venice Film Festival!

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 11:20 am
by SexDollAmerica
Folks, friends, Doll Forum members and Sex Doll enthusiast alike, it's finally happened. Some time ago Sex Doll Canada and Sex Doll America sponsored an upcoming film about a young boy in war torn Iraq who stumbles across a sex doll left behind by the US Army. I am beyond happy to say that the film has finally made it's debut and has a wider release on the horizon. "Hanging Gardens", directed by Ahmed Yassin Al Daradji is heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time, a genuine piece of art that puts Sex Dolls ever more into the mainstream. Not only have us here at Sex Doll Canada and Sex Doll America celebrated the films artistic achievements but the larger Venice Film Curators have as well! "Hanging Gardens" took home the "Premio Fondazione Fai Persona Lavoro Ambiente" Award following the films premier! I can't express my excitement for the larger doll community to experience this film, it makes me proud to be in this community and I hope it does the same for you. Check out the trailer for "Hanging Gardens" Below!


Plot Synopsis:
Brothers As’ad and Taha barely scrape a living as rubbish pickers in ‘Hanging Gardens’—the local nickname for Baghdad’s smouldering dumps—yet they make the most of what they have.
Then one day, As’ad discovers an American sex doll. When he brings the taboo item home and presents her as a thing of beauty, Taha assaults his little brother for ruining their reputation. As’ad retreats to Hanging Gardens to make a new home for himself and his miraculous find.
When As’ad and his friend, Amir, discover the doll can speak, they teach her the language of seduction in Arabic and set her to work. Business rockets, raising their profile lucratively with local teens and dangerously with the local patriarch’s enforcers.
As’ad questions their exploitation of the doll, yet before he can save her from further degradation, she’s kidnapped. As’ad and Amir go after the prime suspect, only to discover that he’s turned informant.
The patriarch has As’ad and Amir kidnapped so that he can exact his own cruel and humiliating punishments. As’ad survives to complete the journey he began and reconcile himself to the choices he’s made on his own terms.

Re: Sex Dolls Have Invaded the Venice Film Festival!

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 9:30 am
by Bobby_K68
Very compelling!