I thought it would be helpful to share this experience of breast reshaping by injection, knowing that there have already been exchanges on TDF and french LDF on this subject, and that there are also videos.
I had to intervene on the breasts of my Xycolo 163cm, SB (small breasts) in organic silicone. A depression had formed over the months in the upper part of the breasts, above the nipple.
You can see that the depression is a little more pronounced on the left than on the right.
The objective is not to restructure or increase the volume of the breasts. It is to restore the original shape by remodeling the original curves of the upper part of the breasts. However, during this procedure, I added a little more material than necessary to compensate for the possibility that the filling material might shrink, which did not happen in the end. So the final breasts are a little larger after the injection, I would say an extra cup size, but not much more.
The equipment used is composed of the two-component liquid silicone supplied by Xycolo, and a syringe with a large gauge needle, used in the kitchen for injecting meats.
The needle provided has two holes in the end. I have not seen any particular advantage or disadvantage to this feature for injecting silicone.
The liquid silicone is prepared before the procedure by simple mixing in a container. It takes several hours to set after mixing, which leaves time for the injections to be carried out with complete peace of mind. A test carried out a few days before the operation showed that a gelatinous and sticky mass was obtained overnight. I kept this sample and a few months later it retained its consistency.
Several successive injections were necessary, with different approaches: nipple, superior-internal point, superior-external point. The three points are represented on the following picture in an approximate way:
The goal was to try to inject the silicone in the hollow areas, so as to fill them without creating visible convexities. This is certainly the most delicate aspect of this type of procedure.
On two occasions, a slight leakage of the silicone through the injection hole occurred when it was injected with too much pressure. Immediate wiping was sufficient to remove this excess without leaving any traces. In particular, it was not necessary to clean the soiled areas with a solvent.
The total amount of liquid silicone injected (minus the minimal losses) was about 100ml (50ml for each breast).
The following picture shows the final result, i.e. the state when it was decided to stop the injections (4 per breast), the final aspect being considered optimal with regard to the desired goal.
We can see :
- A disappearance of the concavities, which was sought after;
- A slight asymmetry of volume of the breasts, but the angle of the shot may have accentuated this compared to reality;
- A slight convexity of the right breast in its superior-external part, probably due to a small excess of liquid;
- A clearer filling of the top of the breast on the right than on the left.
- Almost no visibility of the injection sites. This was one of the points I feared before the operation, and it is a good surprise.
There are many testimonies of breast deformation on the forums: by hollowing, sagging, loss of volume...etc. And this, as much on silicone dolls as on TPE dolls.
As far as my doll is concerned, the manufacturer had warned me that this could happen, and had offered to send me liquid silicone in order to avoid any eventuality.
If, in addition to the correction of these spontaneous deformations, one adds the need for aesthetic improvement of otherwise flawless breasts, first and foremost the wish to gain in cup size, the exchanges and documents concerning interventions of the type presented here, i.e. those based on an injection, excluding surgical interventions requiring partial or total incision of the breast, are quite numerous.
More rare are the precise, documented and illustrated descriptions of the initial state, the method used and the results obtained. This is what motivated the writing of this article.
The choice of the method was based on the advice of the manufacturer (and tutorials : see at to PS), on the supply by him of cold-curing two-component liquid silicone, and on a recent and comprehensive video of the known DO "surgeon" Mishka Valentino, published on YouTube in May 2022 :
One point must be emphasized: the techniques, and especially the injected products, vary according to the material, silicone or TPE, of the doll's body. This article is not intended to be an exhaustive review of the methods, so we will not go any further in the comparison.
We will not evoke either the complex case of the breasts which comprise a gel implant, and which require other methods of injection or surgery.
We can however note an incredible diversity of injection products quoted or shown in posts or videos: air, different gels (like the one used by M.Valentino based on aloe), liquid or semi-liquid silicones, slimes, different viscous products (read on TDF: "fluid acrylic of artist quality", "latex acrylic"...), and even water!
Not to mention the fancy and baseless proposals like physiological serum!
For a silicone doll, the method using the injection of cold-curing silicone undoubtedly allows to reduce the risk of a later unfavourable evolution.
The hollows being mostly visible when the doll is standing, I proceeded with the injections in this position. It is possible that the lying position is also valid, even preferable, but I have no proof of this. On the other hand, after the injections, the doll was laid down, the breasts were kneaded in order to distribute the injected silicone as well as possible before its polymerization, and the doll was left to rest in this position during one night.
Controlling the correct amount to be injected is not easy. Given that the injection points quickly become invisible, I would recommend, rather than injecting large quantities, to multiply the injections of small quantities, and to move the needle.
The preparation of the breast recommended by the manufacturer consists of kneading the breast in order to separate the superficial layer of silicone from the deeper layer, and to free a space for the injection of liquid or air (since both methods are visible in the short tutorial videos). The fact that convexities were created during the first injections, requiring massage and then reinjection, may be related to the fact that the initial mixing was not careful enough. It is not certain that this preparation is to be carried out on all the silicone dolls. It is preferable, before launching out, to ask the opinion of the manufacturer or a confirmed technician on this point.
All in all, it is a fairly simple procedure to perform and without other risk, if the product is well adapted, than to obtain a less satisfactory modelling than the one expected. In the case of my doll, the result is quite satisfactory, but if it were to be done again, it would be preferable to try to better control the injections, using, as indicated above, more limited quantities and multiple injection points.
I add three small tutorial videos that were provided to me by Xycolo, who gave me permission to publish them (thanks to Monica)