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Website... Advice will be appreciated. :)

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 1:54 pm
by beautifuldolls
We are currently working on changing our website to a more aesthetically pleasing one. It's about time. We are bombarded with work and our loved ones serious health issues, but we want to take care of this as fast as we possibly can so you can browse our website with more pleasure. Nobody can give us a better advice than you dear TDF people! What type of changes would you like to see on the page UI design wise? Let us know! :glou:

Have a great day!

Re: Website... Advice will be appreciated. :)

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 2:10 pm
by Billiam
I don't see anything wrong with your site. If you're looking for a better esthetic maybe try a more erotic color pallet like you see here

I'd worry about your family first tho.

Re: Website... Advice will be appreciated. :)

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 2:36 pm
by beautifuldolls
Billiam wrote: Tue Jun 20, 2023 2:10 pm I don't see anything wrong with your site. If you're looking for a better esthetic maybe try a more erotic color pallet like you see here

I'd worry about your family first tho.
That always comes first.

Thank you for the link!

Re: Website... Advice will be appreciated. :)

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 3:16 pm
by toddjy
How about stop limiting the number of dolls on a page to 12. Particularly when you have at least one row of other suggestions below that. I should not have to click next page, next page, next page to see all the dolls. If you do have to limit the number of dolls per page, make it 50.

Re: Website... Advice will be appreciated. :)

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 2:00 am
by DocMoriarty
I basically like your website because it is clean white and not as overloaded others. Since I couldn't checkout my doll order due to lack of transport options to Germany I'd work on the functional side though. Also missing options on the Happy Doll 165cm Dagmar page like cup size, extra inserts or blank head should be added but I understand keeping up with all the details of 100ths of dolls is certainly not easy.

On a side note:
I also wish that Happy Dolls would add some more "normal" eyes options for the fabric heads since not everyone really likes the anime view but also doesn't want a hybrid doll.

Re: Website... Advice will be appreciated. :)

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 9:59 am
by GotDolls
Initial load slow, took about 15 seconds.

Gaah, popups. I fxxxing hate popups with a passion. No I don't want to sign up before I've even looked through the site. No I don't want to chat. Make them easily accessible sidebar gadgets instead.

Carousel is spinning too quickly and no visible means to stop it or slow it down. Some carousels stop the auto-spin when you click next/prev, this one doesn't.

Carousel items are different heights and the rest of the content annoyingly scrolls up and down to keep up with this.

Shop by category - you can't click on the image to get through to the category, you specifically have to click the View Now button, if you can catch up with it with your mouse while it's darting all over the screen following the constantly resizing carousel. No way I'd be able to use the site if I was using MouseKeys.

Finally got through to one, then back to the main page for another 18 second load time and that Sign Up popup again. OK let's see if "don't show this popup again" checkbox works... Yes, it seems to. But lots of other sites don't require this; once the popup is dismissed it just doesn't show again.

If the carousel is scrolled off the top of the page, the visible content "vibrates" each time the carousel resizes. Suggestion: either put the carousel in a fixed-height div or just make all images the same height.

Search returns some odd results. For example search for "miki" includes this page: ... -1435.html

"In Stock" is two words, not one. Fast Delivery icon takes up more than half the screen. Twelve of fourteen dolls visible. Then a row of three "New". Also not a fan of small numbers of cards before having to click Next.

Oh, you have a doll called "Ashamed". Interesting choice.

"Add to cart" opens an unnecessary popup.

Feature > Featured took about 30 seconds to load. Switch from grid view to list view took another 33 seconds.

Changed to Sort By Price low to high, took over 60 seconds and switched back to grid view.

Suggestion on the height dropdown: list all individual heights, not ranges. Because sometimes I'm specifically interested in the 162cm dolls and not the 163cm or 161cm ones.

Pick 151-163 and I'm now on an "Advanced Search" page with an "Items starting with" dropdown listing A-Z0-9. Odd. Selected G as eeverything begins with a number so was expecting no results - but got lots of dolls beginning G. All in 151-163 range though, but I'm not sure if that's a coincidence.

Feature - Sale, clicked on one at random (Sibyl) and got "Custom 404 Error Page with Site Map Sample Text ... Put your custom "page not found" message here. You can change this text in the Define Pages Editor located under Tools in the Admin." Link FYI is index.php?main_page=_info&cPath=40_142_149&products_id=1181

All these page load times are really annoying though. If I was actually doll shopping instead of having some fun looking for bugs I'd have gone to another site by now.

Re: Website... Advice will be appreciated. :)

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 6:46 pm
by JCnine
I wish more vendors did a "faces" section. List every head by vendor along with the head identification number. Then link to all the galleries of that particular face. It would be a lot better than trying to hunt down all the photos manually!

Re: Website... Advice will be appreciated. :)

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 8:33 pm
by Ztar073
I browsed on a android tablet and any choice I made was slow to load. Don't have that issue at other vendor sites

Re: Website... Advice will be appreciated. :)

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 7:12 pm
by beautifuldolls
Thank you all for the amazing ideas.