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HR 158cm Super Breast Sue - Review

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 10:10 pm
by some_random_dude
Hi Everyone,

So, this is my review of HR 158cm Super Breast Sue. I bought it in stock from Joy at Beautiful Dolls. Joy was good and responsive, no issues there.

First the Good
The TPE is less smelly than other brands. This is my fourth doll, I already owned a a WM161-G and 172-G and a Irontech 163cm Plus (my favorite so far) and the TPE is way less smelly. It is also a bit more sticky than other dolls I had.
She also looks really natural for a huge boob doll. It doesn't look out of place like I first believed it would. The breasts are full and very well placed. You can see that it was a doll built around boobs and not the other way around.
I liked the Sue face, very feminine.

Second is the Bad
LHP is bad.
Chinese and their need for tiny feet always bothers me. Not only looks weird but in this case it makes the doll completely unable to stand up. Impossible to balance with 50 pounds of boobs hanging (gel option), so no standing for this one.
She is surprisingly heavy for her size. Apart from boobs she is very skinny, the butt even looks weird because it's trying to be plump while in reality being skinny, the butt feels very unrealistic.
Clothing is also really difficult for this one for obvious reasons.

Lastly is the Ugly
Now, this one made me regret my purchase and is the reason I would not recommend this doll for anyone. First a disclaimer. I don't think this is the case, but I could be given a bad unit where the skeleton was not centered correctly. Joy says it is not the case and I somewhat believe her. But it could be that the reason this doll was being a bit cheaper ($1250 in stock unit) was that it was defective.

Here is my issue:
It's impossible to interact from behind. Everything else that was bad and I mentioned before I could live with, but this one is a huge deal breaker for me. I repeat this one you can do it from behind. The metal skeleton is too close to the back making it impossible to use it in doggy or any other position that will approach from the flank. Really the only option is missionary. It's almost like being married to a Mormon wife. It's awful it completely ruined for me and it's the only doll I ever had that remains in the closet for months at a time. My Irontech 163 plus I would visit 3-4 times a week. The badonkadonk on that one would sing hallelujah every time I approached from the rear and I just feel like I completely missed that experience with the HR 158.

Anyways, that was my experience, and I would most definitely not buying from HR ever again.

Re: HR 158cm Super Breast Sue - Review

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 7:14 pm
by KiCk_U_First
Thanks for your review. I'm also considering HR 158 lately.
I just found a LHP-modified version of HR 158 on HR's official website :

AND this is the original version :

So, I'm wondering which version yours is?

Re: HR 158cm Super Breast Sue - Review

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 12:48 pm
by Shylon
Thanks for the review. This helps! 🙏

Re: HR 158cm Super Breast Sue - Review

Posted: Sun May 05, 2024 3:49 pm
by Shiny-J
I have the same doll. I think her body looks great as the massive breasts were the main selling point, but doggy style is rather difficult. It’s pretty much missionary only and legs almost pinned behind her head.