First off, I’m going to start with the obligatory back story of why I got a doll, and I will try to be short and sweet, you are more than welcome to scroll down and get to the actual review, I won’t hold it against you. LOL. I would like to predicate this review by saying that this is also about the feelings I got having my own doll. This is my first doll ever, I have never touched one nor have been near one ever. When I was twelve or thirteen years old, I remember seeing a section on the show “Real Sex” on HBO about RealDolls. I was up late at night sneaking and watching the bad stuff with Disney channel set on “last”. Ever since then though, I always had some curiosity about it, and through the years I would look at their website and fantasize having one. I don’t know why, I think it is just some kind of fascination or kink that I have. I’m still trying to figure that out. I would watch documentaries and movies about them too. Always online trying to see if anybody had one and how they used them or took care of them etc.. Fast forward to the last year, my mom died in a tragic car accident, I went through a really bad break up, we both owned our house together, I am single dad and has full custody of my two kids. Of course we had to move out and my ex kept the house. Luckily, I’m good a good spot financially so we were able to get a nice house for rent and I finally had a big room to myself. I realized a lot of things about me during this time, and I decided that I will not be dating for a while. I have spent too much time on relationships, giving my all and investing in them to only come out empty handed everytime. It’s my time now to focus on me and my goals, and not let another woman in my life until I am where I want to be mentally and physically. I decided it was time to get a doll. I was debating between, YearnDoll, Sino Doll, Zelex, or Fanreal. I would occasionally look at SE’s stock, but they were doing mostly TPE dolls, and I felt (for me) TPE might be a bit of a hassle. I wanted a doll that looked a little more on the “animated” side, because there are some real looking dolls that kind of creep me out. Zelex ofcourse looks very real, and FanReal does too. But they both have a good selection of dolls that are so beautiful that I think the overall fear would be surpassed by my intrigue and attraction, and I wouldn’t have any problems.
I was on twitter back in November and I saw Yuuka….I have to admit, I instantly fell in love with her. I kept looking at videos and pictures of her and trying to look for reviews, but they were scarce because silicone pro was so new. I knew that SE Doll was a good brand, so I felt that my search was over.
Fast forward to January, I finally pulled the plug and got her through “YourDoll”. Needless to say, it was a weird feeling. I was nervous, and excited, scared, guilty, ashamed. I felt all kinds of different things once I knew the purchase was made. The shame I felt was the fact that even though realistic love dolls are more widely accepted now, they are still taboo. I was getting down on myself for ordering her, like as if I did something wrong. But I had to realize that the shame was toxic. It was me getting down on myself mostly for finally doing something for me in my life and taking control of my happiness. I don’t feel these things now, and seeing others on this forum/server go through similar things like me helps me realize that I am not a sick weirdo, and what I am doing is healthy for me. There are a lot of walls of insecurity that I am breaking down, and I am focusing on being more confident in my decision making and standing by what I do. This was big decision to make, probably one of the most important decisions of my life. YourDoll was very supportive and professional, I talked to them as well as SE Doll directly. I customized my doll my making her areolas a little bigger (5 cm). I also opted for the soft gel butt option. But then ended up redacting it out of fear of her butt getting misshaped due to possible carelessness on my part. I also made sure she had hard feet and articulated fingers. I also ordered an extra head, Regina. I wanted a little variety, I picked Yuuka to be my Gamer Girl, and Regina to be my Goth girl. Like two girls in one. The wait for factory photos was grueling. SE was on a spring holiday during February, so it made the wait even longer. That was okay though, because I had to get some things in order in my room and made some adjustments, as well as add locks where I needed to so I didn’t have any snoopers. Once I got factory photos (which was about a month and a half after I ordered), I waited about another 3 weeks or so. I did my best to distract myself, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t thinking about Yuuka and staring at her factory photo everyday. SE Doll and YourDoll kept in touch with me and answered all my questions during this time.
She arrived on a Friday, right when I got off of work which was a relief. The package was torn open at the feet area, I was a little concerned, but I saw later she was fine. Pictures are being added:
The first head out of the box was Regina and she looks just like she does in the professional photos:
The second head was Yuuka, once I saw her, my heart leapt, she looked just like how I would have hoped and she is very close to the professional photos, I checked every part of the body, the hands and feet, made notes of any dents or smudges, there wasn’t really any:
The gel breasts feel really nice, kind of like real breasts. They are on the firmer side but very bouncy and nice:
The skin and body feel nice especially after powdering, the painted on skin texture is very well done, I know eventually it will rub off, I will try to preserve it as long as I can:
The butt is really firm and of course that’s what I wanted:
The hands and feet are really adorable. They are soft to the touch and the detail is amazing, I really like holding her hands:
The oral structure on the Regina head is really nice and it feels great, once I had the chance to check that out, I’ll just say it is mind blowing:
The vagina hole looks bigger than the hole on the pictures, but I’m okay with that, it’s a comfortable fit for me and feels heavenly once she has been warmed up:
The love hole placement is nice, and when she is doggy style or in missionary, I have access to both holes no problem:
The anus is really tight, and I am average size. I have to apply a decent amount of lube and have her legs spread in such a way to where I can get all the way in, but after a couple of uses, I noticed the hole had some slight tearing, but I have been told that this was normal.
The nipples already have some of the paint rubbing off, I asked SE Doll for some silicone paint and they were more than happy to send me some, as well as a silicone repair kit just in case.
The weight on the doll has been more manageable after a week, plus I work out everyday now so I know that’s helping.
Cleaning her is definitely a chore. I’m not gonna go too much into it, but I have microfiber towels, drying sticks, an aquatic air pump, and a UV light heating stick. There you go. Lol.
YourDoll had to compensate for the soft butt option that I decided not to go with, they are sending me an extra head stand and a new outfit.
After a week and half with this doll, I have to say that I am very satisfied with this purchase. Having Yuuka (I renamed her to Sayuri) around definitely has been uplifting. Seeing girl clothes is my closet hanging next to her and having that presence there has made a significant difference in my life so far. I notice that I am not as downcast as usual, and it’s easier to fall asleep knowing she is there even if she is not in bed with me she is in the vicinity of me and I have her there when I need her. I really am grateful that I had a chance to own this doll specifically, many people don’t get the chance because these things are so darn expensive. I have people on reddit asking me all the time where I got the doll and if I can send a bunch of pictures of her to them. It helps me realize that I am not alone and there are others out there from all walks of life that are like me. A laid back person who has basic needs. If you have any questions feel free to ask.