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Looking for a camera

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:32 am
by DanishDollLover
Hello doll fans :D

i am looking for a good camera for eks a canon eos 60d and my question is what lens should i buy to make good pictures with

DanishDollLover ;)

Re: Looking for a camera

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:31 pm
by Szalinski
The camera doesn't take the good pictures - you do.

That said, you will probably be better asking "What camera has the features I want/need ?" along with your wish list, of course.

Re: Looking for a camera

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:38 pm
by midiman
DanishDollLover wrote:Hello doll fans :D

i am looking for a good camera for eks a canon eos 60d and my question is what lens should i buy to make good pictures with

DanishDollLover ;)
A good general purpose lens would be something like a zoom lens 28-90mm which is great for close, medium and wide shots. There are many good deals out there on eBay for used lens. I bough two replacements for my original which I scratched.

However, picking up an additional 50mm makes for some great extreme closeup work as well as general closeup and portrait...
This is a 50mm

This is my 28-90mm

Hi-rez in my gallery.

Re: Looking for a camera

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:09 pm
by life-is-plastic
midiman is right ...

a 'standard' zoomlens will be very useful as it'll enable you to take in different angles (of view), but keep in mind that the zoomlenses that often come in the set haven't got a wide aperture (they're often f 3.5 - f 5.6 or there abouts), which mean your viewfinder will be a bit dark ... which is okay as long as you're outside with enough light, but thing get a bit different when you're getting inside and the light levels drop ... a f1.8 or even better a f 1.4 50mm will be very nice to shoot inside, as it's opening is much wider (gathers more light) and thus you'll have a brighter viewfinder and it will allow you to shoot at a lower sensitivity (iso). Mind you: taking pictures at f1.8 yield very shallow depth-of-field so you must be very precise where you focus! Btw: the Canon 60D is an excellent camera, whatever you want to photograph.

Re: Looking for a camera

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:54 pm
by Longshot
I’ve also come to realize that for Doll photography space is as important as camera equipment. For my Nikon D5100 I currently own ten lenses ranging from wide angle to long telephoto. Since I live in a small apartment the mid to long ranges lenses just aren’t of any use for Amber’s photo-shoots. The term “foot zoom” is used in conjunction with fixed length “prime lenses” and entails moving closer or farther away from a subject in order to frame it properly. This is fine when your not running into a wall when backing away.

My “go to” lens right now is my 24-70mm f/2.8 (which being an fx lens is equivilent to a 36-105mm on my dx body). I use my 10-24mm f/3.5 when looking for a wide angle perspective. Have both a 35mm f/1.8 and 50mm f/1.8 for low light conditions and my 85mm Micro Nikkor for any macro work.

Obviously my camera gear investment is not just for shooting photos of Amber and since the majority of photography is either done outdoors or on a table top studio space usually is not a factor.

I’d really love to have a photo studio in which to setup the proper lighting and setting when doing Amber’s photo-shoots. As an alternative to having elaborate sets for Amber’s shoots for my present project I’m using pictures of my recent Tahiti cruise and Photoshoping Amber into them. This will amount to a lot of extra work but will allow me to have more then just the same few boring backdrops that are available in my apartment. :multi:

Re: Looking for a camera

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:26 pm
by DanishDollLover
I think a 18-135 lens is a good lens for a start

i have still not got the camera yet cause i still need some money :cry: i hope i can soon buy it

Re: Looking for a camera

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:48 am
by Mechwizard
Don't discount Pentax. Their Kx or Kr DSLRs are good value, having all the features of more expensive cameras but potentially saving you hundreds. Pentax lenses are also backward compatible. The same lense that was used on a 1985 35mm SLR will fit the new cameras. What this gives you is a much larger pool of lenses that can be had very cheap on ebay. I bought a $1000 lense for $50. The only difference with the older lenses is that they won't self focus with the new camera, but just flick the switch to manual focus and keep on shooting.

Pentax also have a pedigree. They have always been camera makers unlike other companies such as Sony. So they work.

Re: Looking for a camera

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:08 pm
by life-is-plastic
Mechwizard wrote: Pentax also have a pedigree. They have always been camera makers unlike other companies such as Sony. So they work.
Indeed, Asahi Pentax goes back a long way ... Sony took over Minolta, and that's where Sony's Alpha-series DSLRs are coming from :)

Re: Looking for a camera

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:16 pm
by Longshot
Nikon has announced the release of their new D800 FX dslr! With 36 mega pixels I just GOT TO HAVE this! Unfortunately it probably won’t be available in the U.S. for several more months. My last three lens purchases were all FX with just this baby in mind. I spent the last hour on the Nikon web site going through the data and specs. Check out these sample images.

On the second one of the wedding bride when you do a close-up of her eye you can see a reflection of the photographer on her eye lens. :multi: :multi: