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Please welcome Akina, my WM 158 cm with head #53

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:07 pm
by Mystere
After barely two weeks my lovely Akina arrived today. I managed to catch the Fedex truck as I was out running. I literally was sprinting to make sure I caught the truck before it left my house, it was like the ending of some lame love story. :lol: And who knew that Fedex delivered at 7:00 AM on Saturdays? Anyway, here she is!
Akina's favorite picture.
Akina's favorite picture.
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I placed the order December 30 and it was delivered January 14 after barely two weeks. Jeff at Booty Call Dolls is the man. He was incredible to work with, friendly, patient, and always quick to reply to PM's or emails. I would definitely purchase from him again.

Now here is my one day of doll ownership review: unboxing went well, everything was in order. I took my sweet time unwrapping all the tape and packaging, which I must say they did a phenomenal job of. Akina was very secure and well protected. Her factory scent was a non-issue, it's there but as many have said it's kind of pleasant. Getting her out of the box was a chore, and wowee nothing prepares you for the weight of a doll! I'm guessing she's somewhere in the 65-75 lb range, I'll be sure to confirm this later. Overall she's in very good shape. The TPE feels and looks amazing. And I can lose myself just looking into her eyes. Not to mention kissing her cute little mouth. But she had a few minor issues coming out of the box: bent eyelashes, crease on one of her elbows, and one foot seems loose. Other than that, Akina is in great shape. Her skin is free of blemishes, her joints all work very well, and she is a joy just to be around. I can't comment on the standing feet yet as I only attempted using them briefly before laying her back down. Her wig on the other hand, not my favorite. Talk about a tangled mess of something. But clearly there is a learning curve and this was my first day ever dealing with a wig.

Cleanup went smoothly. I wrapped up her metal pieces and moved her to the bathtub. She received two successive sponge baths with soft soap, warm water, and white microfiber towels. Soap, rinse, pat dry, repeat. Then the really fun part, oil bath. :D I gave her a good rub down with regular plain old Johnson's baby oil, and she soaked it up within 30 minutes or so. Still have to powder her tonight so more to look forward to. Here's some more photos from the day. I'm so happy she's here!
Box was in good shape.
Box was in good shape.
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Everything's here.
Everything's here.
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Skip if you're into feet!
Skip if you're into feet!
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Here she is, fully awake.
Here she is, fully awake.
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Up on the bed, ouch my back.
Up on the bed, ouch my back.
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"Can I have my blanket, it's cold in Oregon."
"Can I have my blanket, it's cold in Oregon."
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Okay but now it's bath time.
Okay but now it's bath time.
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Prepped and ready.
Prepped and ready.
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Re: Please welcome Akina, my WM 158 cm with head #53

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:14 pm
by Mystere
Photos continued:

Re: Please welcome Akina, my WM 158 cm with head #53

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:19 pm
by Mystere
A few more of Akina's favorites. I promised we'd get some clothes on her tomorrow. :whistle:

Re: Please welcome Akina, my WM 158 cm with head #53

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:23 pm
by Gundam
Congratulations! She is beautiful.

Re: Please welcome Akina, my WM 158 cm with head #53

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:37 pm
by CF

Re: Please welcome Akina, my WM 158 cm with head #53

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 1:02 am
by samara78
What an attractive doll you have there

Re: Please welcome Akina, my WM 158 cm with head #53

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 1:06 am
by Anung Un Rama
:thumbs_up: Congradulations Mystere, definately worth the sprint home 8)


Re: Please welcome Akina, my WM 158 cm with head #53

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 1:13 am
by ILoveCoffee
Congrats, Mystere! She is very pretty and sexy! Hope you enjoy your honeymoon. A $4 detangling brush from Wally World will help lots in the wig department. Looks like you have her off to a good start.

Re: Please welcome Akina, my WM 158 cm with head #53

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:42 am
by nogamenolife
Wow she is amazing. Happy that FedEx delivers on Saturdays. Hope to see more pictures

Re: Please welcome Akina, my WM 158 cm with head #53

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 3:25 am
by Xephyr
Very nice girl. Congrats!

Re: Please welcome Akina, my WM 158 cm with head #53

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 3:30 am
by Sector_1
Congrats Mystere, glad she arrived safe and sound. Great pics! Do keep us all updated on how you both are getting on. Just one question if you'll indulge me, what skin colour did you oreder? I'm thinking of ordering a WM body at later date but I'm not too sure about their colours.

All the best,


Re: Please welcome Akina, my WM 158 cm with head #53

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 5:49 pm
by Mystere
Sleeping next to and then waking up with Akina there was...magical. Her presence was amazingly comforting. I've slept with a dakimakura for a couple of years and I don't know how to compare it. While the dakimakura is light, soft, and no risk of damage, Akina is lifelike, sexy, and adds so much more depth and dimension. The setup is a little tricky, making sure her feet are protected and her hands are placed in a safe position. There is no risk of her falling off the bed due to her weight. I did notice her factory scent was still a bit strong though, at least enough to prevent me falling asleep with my face resting near her skin. So I had to roll over for that. The TPE is very cold though. I noticed that wherever I touched her was a cold shock, but would eventually warm up (to use a terrible analogy much like sitting on a toilet seat). Being under the blankets also helped and I think I will look into getting her some warm pajamas. Simple things such as resting my leg against hers, draping my arm over her belly, or resting my head on her shoulder were all delightful. Overall, a great experience!
Good morning, Sunshine.
Good morning, Sunshine.
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Akina read all of your kind comments and wanted to thank you herself:

@Gundam thank you much *blush*
@CF thank you too!
@samara78 awww thank you, you are too kind
@Anung thank you! Mystere was so winded when he caught the Fedex guy, he gave the most hoarse "Good morning" I ever heard :lol:
@ILoveCoffee thank you, am just being me. Mystere bought me something called "The Detangler," I guess he has to figure out how to use it. :roll:
@nogamenolife you are very sweet. I am relieved for Saturday delivery too, it was much better than spending the weekend at the Fedex depot.
@Xephyr thank you! Naughty and nice, both good qualites. :wink:
@Sector_1 yes, my journey went surprisingly smooth. And my skin is considered natural or fair in color.

I have been through a lot, but once I get settled in I will look into getting my own doll account, that will be fun! Mystere says we have lots to do today: some more bathing (sure like I am not clean enough), trying on some clothes :multi: , and getting me weighed. And I think I will sign him up for hair brushing school. :lol:


Re: Please welcome Akina, my WM 158 cm with head #53

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 6:29 pm
by Slew
Mystere wrote:I literally was sprinting to make sure I caught the truck before it left my house, it was like the ending of some lame love story. :lol:

I'm only slightly embarrassed to admit that I cried. Thanks for the memories.

I'm sorry to hear about her loose foot. Hopefully, it won't prevent any important dance moves she's planning to show you.

Congratulations, Mystere. Akina's lovely and already seems to be developing a cute personality. Have fun!

Re: Please welcome Akina, my WM 158 cm with head #53

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 6:39 pm
by The Romantic
Congrats Mystere, she's beautiful. Buy satin jammies, both of you will be happy.

Re: Please welcome Akina, my WM 158 cm with head #53

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:24 pm
by jibjibjub
She looks great Mystere. Thank you for sharing the photos and your experience. I know you must be having a great time.