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DS 145- Fei Saki Heads

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 12:55 pm
by kabuki
Took advantage of the holiday special on 145 bodies and splurged a bit for a second head. Entire process took 17 calendar days since the initial deposit until the email stating the doll manufacturing has been completed. Since I find hard to navigate and use, and since I ordered a configuration not available on, the entire transaction was handled via email with John from DS, who was very helpful in clarifying all parts of my order.

The order:
doll body:145minus | head:Fei | eyes:Blue | skin:LPink | joint:Tight | finger:Bones | nails:Nail | pubes:NoFur | wigs:GShort | package:Carton
the extra head: Saki, with Brown eyes, black wig.

1899 (145cm holiday special) + 500 (discounted extra head) + 499 (shipping to US, Boston area) x 1.044 (paypal fee) = $3025.51

I opted for paypal since my bank is dumb and I did not want to deal with the hassle and fees. There was an extra 4.4% charge to cover paypal fees, but since I used a credit card that gives me 1.5% cashback on any purchase, it mostly balanced the would-be cost of 2 transfers + currency conversion + my time, had I used the bank transfer method.

Choosing a skin tone was probably the most difficult decision in this purchase, since the yellow skin looks like a nice tan in natural light, and the white skin would make me want to dress her as a sexy goth. Multiple threads on TDF helped by showing how the skin tones look under outdoor and indoor lighting. I ultimately chose the light pink skin because the photography setting would be indoors under fairly cold artificial light, so the low kelvin effect on the pink skin would not make it look too pink, but closer to whitish pink (as shown in the photos below). I probably stressed out about this too much! :mrgreen:

Head choice was the second hardest decision, since I find the majority of DS heads to be gorgeous. I wanted to get heads that I felt were underrepresented on TDF, and could give a range of personality/expressiveness. Fei reminded me of the beautiful Sandy head, but more Russian in shape and less "bed me ASAP" in expression. Saki reminds me of the YouYi head but looking quite pensive without the smile, and perhaps a bit like Jiayi but with fuller eyebrows and more European-looking eyes.

I got the 145- because the other 145's look unnaturally large-breasted to me, and what can I say? I'm an ass man. I could not pass up this deal at this price. If the 168cm ever goes on sale, I will hopefully be able to purchase, though my back and wallet might be angry. As doll tech advances, a 168cm with some robotic touches like face tracking, internal heating, and hip movement.

John explained that DS does not offer real hair (planted) eyebrows anymore due to "planted eyebrow is easy loss, and painted eyebrow is more realism." TDF user and DS aficionado haremlover further elaborated, "My Thera is the only one with planted eyebrows - and the problem is that the hairs do fall out. I've stuck a few back in. But the printed ones are excellent and don't fall out!" Initially I was disappointed as I was hoping for more realism, but their reassurance allowed me to proceed undaunted. The pictures of the Fei head on artetokio's site show the doll with blue/gray eyes, which is no longer offered by DS since they switched eye suppliers. I opted for the current blue instead, and it looks very good in the initial pictures.

In several posts, haremlover has stated the value of Permatex for repairing torn silicone as a functional glue. It's an alternative to silpoxy, and you have to wipe areas to be glued with acetone first in order to achieve proper adhesion. I ordered some Permatex for the future, as DS John stated "we have the repair kits for free, but I am sorry for that there is no any shipping company can take liquild form China." Not that I expect any issues, but might as well get it.

Without further adieu, here are some of the pictures DS John sent me using his cell phone. From the background of the pics, they are quite busy over at DS.












I had a laugh at that last picture, the doll head peeking out on the top shelf looked funny to me. 8O
I'll update with an unboxing once I receive the doll.

Thanks to all of you who have helped advise me on my purchase over PM and in threads, and to TDF management for providing a place for doll culture & community. <3

Re: Jan 2016: DS 145- with two heads

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:00 pm
by kabuki
One day after final payment, shipping details email was sent to me. DHL for the doll heads, UPS for the body.


Re: Jan 2016: DS 145- with two heads

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:48 pm
by kabuki
Just came home from picking up the heads package at the local DHL office, did an unboxing video and my fingers still smell from that new silicone mixture. The silicone is quite different than my other doll's and will take a bit to get used to. The detail on the head is spot-on, and as people say it's even more beautiful in real life, I hoped to capture that on video with some 360 degree angles.

So behold, my first unboxing video (be gentle) :mrgreen:

Re: Jan 2016: DS 145- with two heads

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:48 pm
by kabuki
Mr-Smith wrote: I have always wondered what this head would look like on 145 cm doll, but always worried it would be too small.
sture sold a 145cm doll with Fei head on this forum a while ago, it was the old silicone but you can get the idea for it here:

You can rest assured that I will be taking a lot of pictures... in fact I have my tripod set up right now, taking pictures of the Saki head to get it into this month's photography contest! I also used my macro lens to create this overview of the insert:

Re: Jan 2016: DS 145- with two heads

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:38 pm
by edyedy
Be careful with those inserts Kabuki, they're fragile. I've ripped one already, just removing it. Someone suggested powdering it and the doll's, umm, front-lower orifice before putting it in place. It can also be a bit of chore getting it, umm, up there (for want of a better way to put that).

Re: Jan 2016: DS 145- with two heads

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 6:57 pm
by kabuki
@edyedy thanks for the tip, I will definitely be careful. DS has a tutorial on their page here:
I'm not positive, but the doll/insert the DS video shows might be the old silicone blend. With the new super-soft silicone, I know that I will be powdering the insert and the hole to avoid friction tears from insertion/removal of the insert.

George (bless) at XS put this great tutorial together for inserting the insert with the powder process. The video is for TPE dolls, though the same principle applies:

The doll body arrived just moments ago, duty fee was $24.44. I'm not sure why there was variation to what others had to pay, but it was just a couple bucks so no biggie. Setting up to do the unboxing video for the body, very excited!!

@lucky I'm looking forward to having the dolls' personalities speak to me once they're assembled. So we shall see :)
The first photo so far was from the Saki head, submitted last night to the January 2016 category A contest for Light and Shadow:
I just have the heads in on my new DS 145, and the body is coming towards the end of the week and I didn't want to miss alottafun's photo challenge! So I went with a macro lens and diffused flash, and didn't wipe away any of the dust from her new unpowdered skin. It gave her skin a sandy look, as if she just came in from a day at the beach, so I didn't clean it up much in post.

Since she arrived during the first snowstorm of the year, I'm naming her Xue ("薛"), which is Chinese for snow.

Re: Jan 2016: DS 145- with two heads

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 11:19 pm
by kabuki
Unboxing the body was split into 2 videos, hoping this helps prospective buyers (hi lurkers!):

The first video shows a slight discoloration on the right kneecap, I'm not sure what that's from but it hopefully will go away eventually. Tomorrow I'm taking work off early, getting home, breaking out the corn starch, and turning the lights off.

HONEYMOON TIME! :multi: :mrgreen:

Re: Jan 2016: DS 145- with two heads

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:29 pm
by kabuki
So you guys weren't kidding, that new silicone sure is soft. Feels great, but as I was cleaning it out, it really doesn't like to be stretched beyond its limits! I used Permatex to seal up the split, and it's curing right now. Gotta be more careful with those inserts!

The honeymoon continues... 0X

Re: Jan 2016: DS 145- with two heads

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:07 pm
by edyedy
kabuki wrote:Hey edyedy, nothing much new to report, besides about an hour after the videos were all done, I haven't been able to take her out and spend time with her. So much for the honeymoon period! DS warns that the eye sockets are extremely delicate. Did you do repairs? Man, this silicone is soft.

If I ever do get around to replacing the eye mechanisms, I will definitely do an in-depth video of the process. Hope to get a few hours to myself and the dolls this weekend before we have guests over... the guestroom is the dollroom when unoccupied, and when guests are sleeping over we have the dolls stored up in the attic. Musical chairs!
Sounds like a project to me, to get the attic converted into a girl's room! :) Joking aside, I have a finished attic myself that I'm thinking of turning into Jiho's room.

I went back and sorted her eye out...I had left it kind of bulging, for want of a better description, when I posted my last message. At the back of the socket there is a square recess. The eye itself, as you'll know from your extra set, has a square projection. When inserting the new eye, make sure you have the projection and recess lined up, or else the eye will bulge and you'll be fiddling around with it to get it'll want to spend as little time as possible getting that eye into position, to limit any chance of damaging the socket.

Here are a couple of photos of the damage to mine.

Warning for those who are squeamish about eye balls.

Damage to the eye socket (note that I'm pulling the eye open with my fingers)
20160203_195348.jpg (96.21 KiB) Viewed 4780 times
Fortunately not too evident when the eye is relaxed (i.e. not pulling it open with my fingers) but I need to repair this incase it gets worse.
20160203_195224.jpg (99 KiB) Viewed 4780 times

Re: Jan 2016: DS 145- with two heads

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:00 pm
by kabuki
Thanks for posting those pics. I am going to wait as long as possible to switch the eyes over. Brown on the Saki head and blue on Fei looks awesome, so there's no rush to switch it up.

I have found time for a few intimate sessions with the doll since last posting, and I found that using one of my onaholes from Magic Eyes or Toysheart works better than the insert it came with, by a LOT. A stand-alone onahole just has more structure, and anyone who's seen my video on the insert or held one for yourself, you know how floppy it is due to the extreme softness of the material. The DS insert is ribbed inside, but I can't feel much of it. The TPE onaholes are thicker and fit more snugly into the doll's "port." Switching from a doll that has a built-in to the insert, this just feels more integrated and I don't see the gaps between the insert and the port's inner walls when I spread the legs open. Upon removing the onahole, the silicone port is a bit stretched, however it seems to be an accommodating organ (just like the real thing!) and reverts back to normal after a few hours.

Also happy to report that the stain on the knee did disappear almost completely, and I can't even tell it's there anymore. Quite pleased so far. Will report back with pictures, when I have time for a photoshoot!

Re: Jan 2016: DS 145- with two heads

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 10:43 pm
by kabuki
This video is specifically for DS dolls, but you might be able to adapt this 5 minute project to your needs.

Standard eyebolt ring is M6 (6mm / 0.24") and supports 140lbs. Search ebay for "M6 Eye Bolt" and you can find one for cheap there. This screws into the neck rod of the doll.

The mounting hook can be pretty much anything you have around, I chose one that has a weight capacity of 70lbs, which should cover the majority of dolls out there.

Total cost: under $10

Re: Jan 2016: DS 145- with two heads

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 11:10 pm
by kabuki
Can't believe it's been a year already! I made this review video, hope this helps people considering a 145-. :)

To comment on this review or that lady please go here: