Irontech 168 plump

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Irontech 168 plump

Post by Babilio »

I had only seen real expensive dolls before (I was always mesmerized by the idea of having one) but one night I started searching more about dolls and landed on this forum and started looking into TPE. I became a little overwhelmed looking at brands and heads. So many beautiful ones! but I saw the Hellen head from Irontech and loved her features. I started researching the trusted vendors and saw SRSD. Then I saw they had "ready to ship" listings and saw the Irontech Hellen there, lovely as ever. I was really looking forward to dressing my doll with different options, so I was looking for a big doll with realistic features. Truth be told I understimated the weight but in the end I am happy I went with the 168 plump body. From what I was reading I was expecting to wait 3 to 4 weeks for a doll to arrive. When I saw ready to ship, I thought it would probably be 2 - 3 weeks. The people in the chat on the website were very knowledgeable and helpful, they walked me through the options and I put the order late at night on Thursday.

I was thinking it would take several days to prepare the order for shipping but in a couple of days they sent me the pics below showing my doll with the options I picked and I was thrilled. The next day they sent me a tracking number and it said it would be arriving on Friday. I thought there was no way that it would make it all the way here in one week after I ordered. I was frantically checking flights and tracking updates, I was so excited but skeptical. On Friday, just one week after I put the order my order was out for delivery.

Timeliness was really important for me and that is why I chose the ready to ship option, I already had planned to take some days off work for a holiday staycation but when I saw that my doll could arrive so early, I was really looking forward to using that time for my honeymoon with Vickie --that is what I named her. So when SRDS was able to bring her to me in one week that was amazing! I used my holidays to connect with her, shop for clothings and take pictures. We had an amazing honeymoon together and I feel so close to her. All thanks to the timeliness of SRDS.

I will be opening another threads with her pictures. I didn't do unboxing pictures but here are the factory pics. The doll arrived so fast and I was lucky because she arrived in mint state.

Thank you SRSD for your service!!! I rate it 5 stars. This was my first doll, so I cannot compare to other doll vendors but compared to any other thing I have bought the service was objectively great. I honestly doubt many vendors can get you a high quality doll to your door in a week and during the holiday craziness, even Amazon managed to mess up her clothing shipping but my dear Vickie got here so fast and she was every bit I dreamed of.
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