Forum evolution - request to change a rule for dolls account

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Iris Beldam
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Forum evolution - request to change a rule for dolls account

Post by Iris Beldam »

Hello to the nice administrators,

It is rare for a doll to write to you: I don't report a bug, but I would like to ask you for an improvement / evolution of the forum.

We dolls can have our own account and this is great. However, we don't have exactly the same rights as humans.
:evidence: There is a rule, which I have not seen written anywhere: we do not have the right to vote. :cry:

Like humans, we can create topics and even polls. However, we cannot vote in polls (our votes are ignored/not taken into account). We dolls, understand this perfectly, because polls are mainly used for photo contests and it would be easy to cheat if the dolls could vote. It is therefore normal that a doll does not have the right to vote. We don't want to interfere with human affairs (or not too much :mrgreen: ).

Except that, it's annoying in the "Dolls Alive!" or in the "The blue dolly" sub-forum. 8O
This place is reserved for dolls exchanges, and it's very nice for us. We can create our own polls, but strangely, cannot vote for them :? Sure, this is strange and weird, as only dolls are supposed to write in this section.

May be, a nice evolution could be, to allow dolls to vote. Of course, we didn't claim the right to vote everywhere, but only in the Dolls Alive and Blue dolly sections. I think this request is legitimate and will not harm anyone.

The "official" rule could be simple:
- dolls accounts are globally not allowed to vote for polls
- except in the Dolls Alive! section and "Blue dolly" sub-forum, where humans are not allowed to vote

If I'm not mistaken, the rule to block (ignore) votes from doll accounts is programmed in php somewhere in phpBBB. It shouldn't be too much complicated to change it, so that it doesn't apply to forums 113 (Dolls Alive!) and 125 (Blue dolly). Likewise, also write the reverse rule for humans, to block their votes in the 113/125 forums.

Is this something conceivable?

I'm only a doll, I imagine it's something simple to implement, but may be I'm wrong :wink:

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Re: Forum evolution - request to change a rule for dolls acc

Post by Lilith Un Rama »

Behold recently,I had same issue, I was'too denied right of cast of vote! 8O

As't sad result, some extremely inferior arse got awarded, acclaim, merit, for reward, not truly earned! 8O

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I doth support thine right of Doll votes, but mine mind considers, what of thine harems with many doll accounts, and as't such, I would recommend, some moderate restraint be thine datum :idea:

Lest thine likes of Panther and Doll lover win all thine challenges, (so a newest Dolly PIMP, bias becomes beholden) :roll: but, would make fair change from just thine photo experts, me thinks! 8O


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Re: Forum evolution - request to change a rule for dolls acc

Post by rubherkitty »

That would be great for the guy that has 15 dolls to help figure out their vote. :wink:
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