
Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Beautiful dolls have been on the market since 2011. They have a wide selection of TPE, silicone and fabric love dolls. They also allow their customers to order custom-made dolls in 3d technology. All the dolls that they sell are 100% original dolls made out of eco-friendly materials that are safe for humans. All dolls are inspected before shipment to the customers. The client is engaged in the development process to tailor the end product to his needs, by exchanging photos and further communication for every customizable detail. Beautiful dolls have the best prices for original dolls on the market. Just contact us, and find out for yourself!. Website: www.beautiful-dolls.com.
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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by Diaval »

jasdan wrote:Hi, it seems like both of you doing a lot of the talking in this thread own both a Beautiful Doll and a Textile Doll.

Do you have any thoughts to offer about pros/cons of each to you?

Who knows how I'll eventually feel about any doll I finally get (1st doll), though my primary interest is someone to hold at night, and as a way for intimacy (primarily missionary).

And do you have any thoughts about mods I should request for either doll, if I order one of them?
Hello, by chance I managed to stop by here today. I don't frequent the forums that much and really I only hop on once or twice a year now just to see if there are any changes in the sex doll market.

If you are looking into a Dagmar and have been following this thread, you will find out that both myself and my good buddy Privatetai, had nothing but trouble with these dolls. The joint and breast issues are very disheartening indeed. Next do familiarize yourself with brand names. The Dagmar doll is made by Happy Dolls and they have had a track record of problems with their 165cm series dolls. The smaller dolls do seem to have a better skeleton, but not by much. To keep the weight down, the dolls use a PVC skeleton rather than metal, but yet the joints are treated and dressed as if they were metal and this is where the problem lies. They wear prematurely. As of now, I have one bad shoulder joint and both elbows are gone on my Dagmar doll. The legs are still good. Privatetai had further troubles and the last I spoke with him, the doll is not posable any more.

I had voiced my issues with Beautiful Dolls and was pretty much blown off every time. It seems they are fast to answer when you want to buy something, but if you have a problem, they don't want to know you. Privatetai managed to get through to them to help with fixing a breast that had come loose, but that was after much badgering.

Textile Doll is both the seller and manufacturer and each doll is custom made in Europe...not China. Yuri is the main guy there and overall, this is a better company to deal with than Beautiful Dolls. Privatetai and many others had confirmed the build quality and so far, I have not heard of a joint breaking on a Textile doll. However, I have heard that the joints are not as solid and do not hold a pose as well as the Dagmar doll. Since Textile Doll does do custom work, during the covid hiatus, I came back here and had the bright idea to contact Textile Doll to make a new body for my Eryka.

So I talked to Yuri for a while, and had given him dimensions of Eryka's head. He had quoted me a figure of about $700 (including the shipping) just for a body and I would have to wait about 3 months for it.

I was very hesitant at first and while I was deciding, I had come upon a deal here on a complete Textile Doll which was located here in the United States...so I wouldn't have to wait 3 months either. So I ended up going that direction instead and purchased the doll and it was shipped to me for $500 complete.

The doll was named "Linda" and I had kept that name for a while before changing it to Lydia. Upon arrival I could tell the doll was much lighter than the Dagmar doll, about a good 10lbs lighter. I believe Eryka is about 34lbs, but Lydia is an easy 20 to 25 lbs. She is built better and the attention to details on the face was FAR superior to my Dagmar doll. However, there was the first downside, which I had known about. The face is made from hard plastic and not silicon or TPE, so kissing is very awkward. Also the face can become very cold to the touch.

The next thing was the joints. They were far more "spongier" than I had figured and while they can hold a position, they don't really lock into place and you cannot make the doll hold things. The joints are, however, much easier to move and it is easier to change positions with the doll due to that and the lighter weight. But another downside had presented itself, my Tomax insert didn't fit. The insert hole has a taper on it and it was too narrow for it. I had ended up buying a new insert, which is a Lilith Spiral Wave and that was the same length as the Tomax Venus, but it was about an inch less in diameter. That one fit better, but because of the length and the taper in the doll, it still never sits flush.

Another thing I had noticed was that the doll is much shorter than advertised. While also being touted as a 165cm doll, it is more like 160cm. It is definitely a couple inches shorter than my Dagmar doll. However, unlike the latter, the Textile Doll can be fitted with high heels and I can easily make up the difference. I ended up liking the slightly shorter height as I was able to put the doll in a cedar closet and Eryka doesn't fit in there.

In terms of the skin fabric, both dolls are about the same. However, the body form is much more realistic with the Dagmar doll and she "fills out" a small size top very well. (I have a C cup Dagmar). My Dagmar, I had found out that she was two different sizes, a small on top and a medium on the bottom.

Another reason for buying the Textile Doll was that I was under the impression that most of Eryka's clothing would fit on her. Well, I was partially right. Being smaller in size overall, most of Eryka's clothing does fit, but rather loosely. The arms are thinner overall and the torso is shorter.

The Textile Doll while having exaggerated dimensions and is very shapely, she really doesn't conform to a specific size. I would gather that children's clothing would probably fit her better and tighter.

The boobs feel a bit more stiff than on the Dagmar Doll and they are bigger than my preference, but remember, I bought the doll second hand, so I didn't have a choice there.

The Dagmar Doll's lower leg shape annoyed me as her calves look a bit like cankles. There is no really nice shape to them. With Lydia, from the front, her legs don't look too much better, but from behind in the doggy position, if I look down her leg, the calf shape can readily be seen. Her butt and upper thigh area is shaped nicer too. For the doggy position, the Textile Doll wins by a long shot. But overall and for photography purposes, I still like the Dagmar Doll for that.

For overall feel, I am going to say that the Dagmar Doll was better overall for sex and the Textile Doll is definitely better for cuddling, because you don't have to move the doll aside and get out of the bed to position the legs correctly and then get back in the bed to test the position. With the Textile Doll, you can move the joints right where you are.

From what I gather, the joints on the Textile Doll feel like they are made from wire ties and are not actual hinges. That could be a reason why they have good longevity. But the downside is that they do not hold their pose.

I am going to say that had Happy Dolls paid better attention to the skeleton, they would be the perfect choice for a fabric doll and mainly due to silicone implants and the silicon head to make the doll more realistic looking and feeling. But the bad skeleton is a deal breaker, unfortunately. That being said, the Textile Doll is a better value, but be prepared to buy special clothing for her. Worse, you can't buy clothes beforehand because what if you get a variance in the size like I did? So you have to wait until she arrives.

Really, I can go on and on about this and much of my experiences with Eryka are documented here. I have not posted much with Lydia as I really have not been with her a lot either. Over the past couple years, I had developed some health issues and one is a much reduced libido. I had Lydia out just recently, but it was mainly to cuddle with.

I do come by here time to time to see if there is anything new on the doll scene, but so far I have not come across anything. Anything TPE or Silicone is much too heavy (and expensive) for me. I also don't like the fact that those dolls are cold to the touch (unless you warm them up). Fabric is where it is at for me, but sadly, the pickings are still very slim.

I hope that helps you out some, but I would avoid Beautiful Dolls for a purchase at all costs. There is another seller here that sells Happy Dolls, but I forget the name. They are much better and stand by what they sell. They will fight for you. The fellow I bought the Textile Doll from bought his Dagmar there and they actually helped him get the doll replaced, while not for free, but at a greatly reduced cost. Beautiful Dolls wouldn't even have the decency to answer my messages and sadly, I have nothing good to say about a company that does that. So I do plaster bad feedback on them whenever I can. You best dealings would be with Textile Doll, but then again, things change over time and perhaps some other purchase opportunities might have cropped up while I was away. Just do your due diligence and do your homework and read every review you can on a potential purchase BEFORE buying it.

Also, buying second hand does have some merits as these dolls plummet in value dramatically if not bought new. I lucked out in that I had followed the seller when he bought the Textile Doll and he only had her for a couple days before deciding that she wasn't right for him. So when he put the doll up for sale, I snatched her up.

By the way, if you are mainly looking for a doll to cuddle with and don't mind a couple loose joints, I could offer you Eryka, my Dagmar Doll. She has an original insert that was never used. I might throw in some clothes as well as I really have to get different outfits for Lydia. She is VERY clean and I had not done anything sexual wise outside of using an insert. I (as well as she) was always clothed when cuddling her as well as I was petrified of getting the skin dirty. She still stands very well as her leg joints are good, but as I said above, one shoulder joint is loosening up and her elbows are loose. If you are interested, then we have to discuss price and your location. Hopefully you are here in the United States as I am not looking to ship outside the country. Things get too expensive.

Either way, leave a note here and let me know what you end up doing. Just whatever you do, do yourself a favor and don't deal with Beautiful Dolls.

privatetai wrote:Unless they've improved the Beautiful Doll joints, there's no point even considering her cause she'll start breaking down in a couple of months and you'll have wasted alot of money.
For more detailed comparisons, check out my Cammy and Jewel reviews.
Privatetai good buddy! Long time no speak! I definitely agree as well. I actually came back here to see if there is anything going down in the fabric doll market, but you are here more than me and if you have heard nothing about Happy Dolls improving the joints on the Dagmar Doll, then more likely they have not improved them. I had left a note with the guy that had his replaced at a reduced cost, but he never got back to me on an update of his doll. I was hoping if he would tell me if the doll has been improved or not.

At any rate, as I mentioned to Jasdan above, I probably will end up selling Eryka off. I don't need two dolls and right now, my libido has slowed down and I really need to make some room here. Lydia fits inside of a cedar closet (Eryka will not fit in there) and so, that buys me time with setting up a closet here. So I am going to part with Eryka because I just fear her joints might get worse and the longer I wait, the less her value will be. I would be hoping that sometime in the future that the Dagmar doll's joints are fixed and that the doll has better longevity. Maybe then I would consider another purchase. Either that or until something totally new comes out.

As I mentioned above, things have been touch and go with Lydia. I had decided to make her my keeper because she is a bit smaller and I can store her better, she is better built and I can position her limbs faster and easier and she is overall lighter. I have gotten used to the plastic head and even though I don't kiss her as much as I did Eryka, she is still amazing to cuddle with. Also, in the doggy position, her calves are much nicer than Eryka's.

While Eryka is more of a photography doll over Lydia because I can pose her better for camera shots, it just boils down to what I needed a doll for and that is mainly a cuddling companion and while both dolls were good for that, there is just a bit more flexibility with Lydia's joints for that purpose. I find I don't have to get out of bed to reposition the joints properly (as not to damage them) as with Eryka. Lydia's joints I can just put into place very easily.

So yeah, it is time for an early spring cleaning, and some things have to go around here. I have been in my house for about 3 years now, and I haven't taken Eryka out of the box. Granted that is mainly because I don't have a place to put her as she will not fit into the cedar armoire as Lydia does.

Well, I hope all is well with you. With me, I have developed some issues and one stems out to having a low libido. I don't desire sex as much as when I first got into sex dolls and I felt this coming on about a couple years ago. Still, I do like to have a doll to cuddle with and as it was a couple weeks ago, I stayed home from work a couple days and I got Lydia out of the closet and cuddled with her fo hours each day.

Overall, Eryka is definitely better proportioned and holds her position better, but Lydia is definitely more 'flexible'. She is hard to pose for pictures, but she is great for cuddling.

How are things going with you?


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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by privatetai »

thanks been going good, though I have not had a lot of time with my girls, my girlfriend came to Canada and stayed with me for six months and now I am in California visiting her, so things has been very busy. Sorry to hear about the health issues, I hope they are nothing overly dramatic or serious?
Meet my girls:

Naudia: WM168-G cup BBW:

Stephanie: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Kitty:

Hope: Starpery BBW Big Amy:

Jewel: BBW Textile Doll:

Cammy: Dagmar doll from Beautiful Dolls:

Sarah: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Mia doll:

Oceania: Valentina Girls Palomina BBW doll:

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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by TallLassLover »

Great and informative thread, I'm thinking of purchasing a 165 Dagmar as I've been having so many issues with my TPE doll that I bought last year. I just have a couple questions though
Diaval wrote: Sat Mar 05, 2022 12:33 pmThe smaller dolls do seem to have a better skeleton, but not by much. To keep the weight down, the dolls use a PVC skeleton rather than metal, but yet the joints are treated and dressed as if they were metal and this is where the problem lies.
There's a teardown thread here - viewtopic.php?p=1583714&hilit=Fabric and as far as I know it has a metal skeleton? As well as the site I'm looking at listing it as such - is the Dagmar definitely metal or PVC?
Diaval wrote: Sat Mar 05, 2022 12:33 pmI hope that helps you out some, but I would avoid Beautiful Dolls for a purchase at all costs. There is another seller here that sells Happy Dolls, but I forget the name.
Doll Studio? As that's where I'm looking to get it from - https://uk.dollstudio.org/products/doll ... oll/ha-165

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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by Hagbard2 »

MyRobotDoll also sells them, and they have quite an extensive information section on them as well.

In the end, they all get the Happy Doll from the same supplier in China, so I'm not sure it matters.

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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by Joe 90 »

This doll is wonderful, amazing.. :eeek:
The Puppeteer...
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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by Diaval »

TallLassLover wrote: Sat Apr 02, 2022 9:22 pm Great and informative thread, I'm thinking of purchasing a 165 Dagmar as I've been having so many issues with my TPE doll that I bought last year. I just have a couple questions though
Diaval wrote: Sat Mar 05, 2022 12:33 pmThe smaller dolls do seem to have a better skeleton, but not by much. To keep the weight down, the dolls use a PVC skeleton rather than metal, but yet the joints are treated and dressed as if they were metal and this is where the problem lies.
There's a teardown thread here - viewtopic.php?p=1583714&hilit=Fabric and as far as I know it has a metal skeleton? As well as the site I'm looking at listing it as such - is the Dagmar definitely metal or PVC?
Diaval wrote: Sat Mar 05, 2022 12:33 pmI hope that helps you out some, but I would avoid Beautiful Dolls for a purchase at all costs. There is another seller here that sells Happy Dolls, but I forget the name.
Doll Studio? As that's where I'm looking to get it from - https://uk.dollstudio.org/products/doll ... oll/ha-165
Sorry for the late response, but I only login here a few times a year. To answer your question, there was someone that did a tear down of a Dagmar Doll to attempt to repair the joints. It is a PVC pipe skeleton with metal bolts. They flatten the end of the PVC pipe down and then attach it to the other pipe with a bolt. Needless to say, the metal washers on plastic does wear it down rather quickly. What they should have done is put metal fittings on the PVC ends and have the flat part metal, then this would be sandwiched between washers and then the nut and bolt. It is fabricating the part that attaches to the PVC part that could up the production costs quite a bit.

No it wasn't Doll Studio.

Hope that answers your questions.

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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by Diaval »

Joe 90 wrote: Sat May 21, 2022 5:33 pm This doll is wonderful, amazing.. :eeek:
Thank you. I did become very involved with dressing her and using her as a modeling doll, but then I started to get problems with the arms and shoulder joints. As it stands now, only one shoulder is still tight. The other three arm joints are all loose and don't hold a pose any longer. The leg joints are all fine, but I barely move the legs on her. In fact, she is currently in storage as I had bought another doll. While that doll is better made, it has soft joints and as such, she isn't suited for posing.

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