
8 months wait for a broken Zelex neck and a tube of Silicone Lovers glue.

Zelex is a company specializing in the development and manufacture of ultra-realistic sex dolls. We have a professional R&D team whose purpose is to design high-quality sex toys to provide customers with a perfect experience. Each of our products is hand-drawn by the artist with a realistic shape and fine makeup. We guarantee the product quality is safe and has the test certificate from an authority. Website: www.zelexdoll.com
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8 months wait for a broken Zelex neck and a tube of Silicone Lovers glue.

Post by TheDudeAbides »

Despite posting on here around the time of my order I have held off writing anything about the saga to purchase my first doll as I didn’t want to add any unnecessary doubt about any brands here or overreact like a noob, however at this point I feel justified in sharing my experience in the hope it aids others and lets me vent a little.

My order with Silicone Lovers was placed on Dec 31st 2022, so even though I have tried my best to be concise it is still a very long post - if you choose to wade through this post maybe get a cold one now... Cheers!

My order was slightly more complicated than normal, not due to the doll itself but owing to the fact I live in Central America and needed to find a vendor who was happy to help with the importation processes. Shipping items like prosthetics or similar requires a permit from the health dept. here and as I am not a national I would ordinarily need a power of attorney to obtain the permit via UPS upon landing. I started discussing options with Louie at SL and he said he liked a challenge and would happy to help with the process. (This was Nov. ’22) He would check with Zelex to see if they would supply a delivery service as I was interested in a 170 Inspiration. At that time I was under the noob impression that I only had until the end of year to take advantage of the Holiday ‘promotion’ ie. 2 heads, gel this and that etc. as Danny advised they would keep it open a day or two longer for me. Zelex came back after several weeks saying they would ship Express, paying the customs charges etc. in advance for an additional $450. I still had a few questions re. makeup options but with only days until the promotion ended I took the plunge on the 31st Dec as communication had been good and their TDF rep. seemed solid.

I did not pay due to working out the best payment method and other questions relating to the spec. until Jan 25th 2023 - the ‘promotion’ had now changed into a New Years promo… humm maybe I didn’t need to rush after all.

My order was ‘custom’ in that I initially requested GE46-6 makeup on a GE95-2 head. Everything else were standard options. I requested an invoice in GBP (my PayPal is linked to a UK acc) but received a PayPal invoice in USD. Knowing that Chinese New Year was looming and there was already a backlog of orders from the holidays plus CV slowdown I paid the invoice in USD. I was surprised find another invoice the next day in my inbox for GBP. I emailed Louie and brought this to his attention and he said I had paid in full inc. shipping. He said he could see the USD payment and would investigate the GBP invoice.

The next day I see a factory photo on the forum for a 'Scarlett' head with GE46 make up on a light tan head and it doesn’t look how I imagined so I reach out to SL and request the custom makeup is cancelled and just go with the standard finish for both heads, except for a long blonde wig on the ‘95. I include photos to confirm. I receive a note that the factory has been informed. I also get my second ‘new order confirmation’ email. I think this is odd but put it down to a back end process at SL.

Weeks go past. I am told the order may be delayed due to CNL, it should be a little over a month, I am fine with that. I chase it up in March as I receive a payment reminder from PayPal for the GBP invoice. Danny will look into it. End of March I am asking where are the factory photos? 12 - 15 days away I am told. I chase them up again mid April and still no photos, they promise to check with the factory. I remind them of the PayPal invoice, again they will investigate. I receive a new ‘order confirmation email’. I email Nick and say I have a ‘new order email’ and he is confused as no new order has been placed. I request that he stops the message thread as when you get a new order note from SL it triggers new a stream of emails over the following week giving you ownership tips… helpful the first time, not so much the 3rd!

I finally receive a photo of one head (without eyes) GE94-2 to check my ‘custom’ eye makeup. The photo I supplied was of a standard GE94-2 so I was confused but said it looked good to me. In the background of the photo there is a GE95-2 with eye makeup being applied. I was never a huge fan of the heavy eyeshadow so take the opportunity to ask "if that is my GE95 in the background, please could you soften the eyeshadow to make it more subtle”. "We will inform the factory" is the response. I enquire about the PayPal GBP invoice as I receive another ‘unpaid’ demand from PP. The reply is that “Upper management is looking into it”

By the end of May I have seen many orders on TDF placed later the mine and being received. I am loosing faith in SL as I read others having difficulty communicating with them and the fact that they have not addressed the PP issue, plus I am still getting new order emails all giving me cause for concern. I note that I am running out of time to apply for a PayPal dispute for the Paid USD invoice so I reach out again complaining that I was promised full photos in 12-15 days at the end of March and that I would like to cancel the order and request a refund if I don’t get them by the end of the week.

I receive and apology and a note that the doll is ready, just a day or two more (yet more ‘new order emails’ flow in I am up to 12 batches now!). They say Zelex moved premises and had staffing issues that caused the delay. That may be, but why did they not reach out to me? Another 2 weeks and I do finally receive basic factory shots! The eye makeup is still standard on the ’95. The eyes are very dark on both so I request photos with light blue eyes on both and the long blonde wig I had previously requested. Nick says he will check what happened to the eyeshadow - though I never hear another word about it.

I now have two weeks until my PP dispute window expires. No new photos, no update about the eyeshadow, just the standard issue ‘new order’ emails and another demand from PP. I complain and say I have totally lost faith in SL at this point and the idea of attempting importation with them is just a nightmare for me with all the possible ramifications. Remember, for me it was always the importation that posed an obstacle as it could potentially involve a in person appointment at the health dept. office 5hrs drive away to release the item in a worst case scenario. I am getting quite anxious and feel I may have chosen the wrong vendors.

That Friday I get the long awaited photos with the new eyes and wig. The doll looks great. SL tell me Zelex will compensate me with free wigs. I have the weekend to make a decision; should I run the importation gauntlet or decline the doll and pursue a refund? Having waited this long a watched others take delivery (with ever growing doll envy) I decide to say if Zelex can get me a tracking number by the following Friday morning, my time, I will accept. Nick is confident Zelex will ship mid week but definitely by Friday. Wednesday passes with nothing, Friday morning arrives and I have 2 hours to make a PP claim or loose the option.

Frustratedly I write to both SL and Zelex saying I am now forced to make the PP claim. Please do not ship the package. I open a ‘item not received’ claim with PP and explain all the above and that I also have an erroneous GBP invoice outstanding.

The next morning I have a shipping conformation from UPS for the 1st of July and a note form Nick saying it was shipped on the 30th (even though both the UPS and SL own order tracking states the 1st July). The note also says the item has a "declared with a value of $650 and if customs contact me do not send them my invoice, contact SL for an invoice - :) ". I thought the whole point of me paying $450 was to get customs paid upfront and not attempt anything that would attract attention / damage my standing with the Hacienda! SL tell me Nick made a mistake and that it was probably confused with a TPE product! 1. Can someone please tell me what 51KG TPE product does Zelex make for $650? 2. IF it is a mistake how do I know what I ordered is now on route?! 3. Why the smilie emoji in the message for a mistake? I replay with this and am told it was a policy mistake and they have now amended their policy. Not wanting to risk being seen to attempt to defraud the customs and duties office here, I reach out to Zelex and request they contact UPS to return the item. I also contact UPS and explain there is a dispute open and to please return the item before it leaves Hong Kong. I don’t get a reply for Zelex. I will spare you the rest but to say the package arrived despite the best efforts from UPS: USA,UK,CA and HK!
Miraculously, the day after I file a dispute with PP the GBP invoice is cancelled by SL. Why did it take 6 months to work out how to do this?

The package arrives after 4 weeks in transit (the Hacienda never even stopped it! :drinking: ) It has obviously see some rough handling/been opened as you can see by the photos, but I have no choice but to accept it as it is signed for by a Mike Wils (similar, but not my name!) and left at a UPS hub. I do not have the funds nor documentation to return it in any case. Turns out the doll has been dropped on both the neck and the feet. The neck bolt is stuck at a slight-diagonal 90 degrees and the (hard silicone) foot has a puncture to the heal. There are also cuts and grazes to the thigh, both shoulders and neck. I'm not sure I received a doll with the gel butt option I ordered as it feels quite firm and others have described it as 'needable'.
That afternoon we experience very bad storms that take out the power and internet in my location for the next week. When I do get back online I see PayPal needs me to escalate to a claim or it will close the dispute. I say the item is received but it is damaged and attach photos. The next day PayPal closes the claim as the item was delivered and says I cannot open a claim for damage as the 180 days since purchase has now expired. LOL!

I do my best to free and manoeuvre the neck bolt with the hanging hook but it is pinched so tight I can feel the metal flex as I apply force. I am concerned if I attempt any more leverage it will bend or snap entirely.
I submit a damage report to SL and send photos. They tell me to “massage” the damaged areas and they will send a tube of glue. I am also sent a video of how to straighten the neck.

I have sent a video of me attempting to straighten the neck and more photos of the damage as after all this trouble a tube of glue and a beat up doll is laughable. To me if Zelex were a car it would be comparable to decent sports car or similar. Would I be happy if I bought a new Porsche, only to take delivery with the front and back caved in and upholstery torn, then when I complain they send me a bodywork repair video and a tube of glue? Nope, I would not. Just because dolls are still considered relatively niche items does't mean we should tolerate broken merchandise upon delivery.

There was no additional packaging (this doll was not bolted - for better or worse who knows) for my additional $450 and they knew they were sending to a new ‘untested’ location. I have requested a refund or a voucher for a replacement torso that I could redeem sometime in the future when Zelex sorts out their packaging, as I fear if another was sent as it stands it would meet a similar fate. It's been several days and I have had no response from SL, I don't know if Zelex is aware of any of this.

I just want the whole sorry farce to end! I am now on my 21st ’new order received’ message thread, with a brand new thread started for the tube of repair silicone they have sent!!

I read positive things about SL on here and maybe I just fell through the gaps somehow, but for me, this has definitely been the worse customer experience of my life.
I don’t blame Zelex as the product that was dispatched is of great quality, but they absolutely have to get to grips with the packaging, especially when dealing with more irregular locations where extended warehousing is a possibility. It’s a real shame after all this time and money I can’t even see what she looked like assembled.

If you made it this far thanks for letting me share my tale of woe with you! It was at least helpful to speak about it. I hope to one day become an active member of this community as from my lurking over the past 8 months I know you are a considerate, passionate and interesting group of people with a wide range of creative talents. For now though, I will go back to “massaging the cuts and grazes” until my glue turns up!

NB. Zelex kindly included 2 sets of blue eyes and 2 wigs as free gifts - plus there was no charge from SL for the glue!
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Re: 8 months wait for a broken Zelex neck and a tube of Silicone Lovers glue.

Post by Stocking_Hunter »


You sir are a saint to have put up with all of this.

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Re: 8 months wait for a broken Zelex neck and a tube of Silicone Lovers glue.

Post by goofy_dr_love »

We learn from mistakes, next time if not received in 2 months open dispute. I could also advise to try talk directly to manufacturers here on TDF next time you want to order if they got active staff on TDF.
I am sure by now you learned a lot and a lot of information you gain about dolls and vendors. We all got a story to tell don't worry, i have my own with my first silicone doll which i couldn't even use other then display clothes on her in my room ... and ended in the trash. Next was 2 wm dolls which came without the options i ordered but i paid for and here is not wm fault but vendors. Sad stories but true.
Life goes on. Hope your next is more luck.
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Re: 8 months wait for a broken Zelex neck and a tube of Silicone Lovers glue.

Post by Taeyeon »

Hello TheDudeAbides,

it is so sad doll delivery story ;_;
Vendor did not give good customer treatment and give you so bad experience >.<
From stories of others I often feel that vendors only pass messages between customer and factory and increase confusions.
You are right to feel angry! I always talked to factories directly.
I wish you can fix injury of doll soon~ You can do it! She will be so nice^^

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Re: 8 months wait for a broken Zelex neck and a tube of Silicone Lovers glue.

Post by TheDudeAbides »

@StockingHunter - LOL! A saint I am not - however Jungle living does develop one's patience even though this has truly tested me.

@goofy_dr_love - Yes it all adds to life's rich tapestry. I read a lot of good things on here about SL and Zelex during that time and maybe I am guilty of not wanting to write off all the research and communication I had done and calling it sooner. Perhaps I was a fool for even attempting it living where I do. That being said, many on here have advised to only use a vendor and that factories don't want personal interact with customers so you pick your lane I guess...

@Taeyeon - Thanks. I appreciate the support from a TDF Doll Mentor!

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Re: 8 months wait for a broken Zelex neck and a tube of Silicone Lovers glue.

Post by Minino_777 »

Sad story. But reality is - most of these vendors are useless parasites. It all comes down to efforts from Zelex, delivery companies and customer himself.

I ordered a doll with dedicated van delivery, paid extra 200 pounds for it. They simply forgot about it and offered me a UPS dropoff. Then when doll came I figured out it has soft feet instead of hard, this was supposed to be checked by vendor in their warehouse, I paid extra money for what they call "superior checks". They reported the doll was up to spec, and their purchase contract is designed to prevent returns after you receive the box.

I'm sure there are lots of untold stories like this. This is a wild market. Most of the time you just send money and hope/pray everything will be fine, as there are no legal mechanism to deal with these parasites, and it also could be very intimidating for people to go public about it.

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Re: 8 months wait for a broken Zelex neck and a tube of Silicone Lovers glue.

Post by goofy_dr_love »

Minino_777 wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 5:08 pm Sad story. But reality is - most of these vendors are useless parasites. It all comes down to efforts from Zelex, delivery companies and customer himself.

I ordered a doll with dedicated van delivery, paid extra 200 pounds for it. They simply forgot about it and offered me a UPS dropoff. Then when doll came I figured out it has soft feet instead of hard, this was supposed to be checked by vendor in their warehouse, I paid extra money for what they call "superior checks". They reported the doll was up to spec, and their purchase contract is designed to prevent returns after you receive the box.

I'm sure there are lots of untold stories like this. This is a wild market. Most of the time you just send money and hope/pray everything will be fine, as there are no legal mechanism to deal with these parasites, and it also could be very intimidating for people to go public about it.
I bet 50 quids is Cloud Climax :drinking:
Review - LoveNestle Vanesssa torso viewtopic.php?t=170013
starpery 148 F Wayne - silicone - review viewtopic.php?t=173241
Dolls i own:
CST doll 150 F Cherry - silicone
Happy doll 168cm E Elf - fabric
Tayu 151 E+ Peach - silicone - review viewtopic.php?t=173737
Wish list:
Elsa babe 148cm L DHR009 silicone
SE doll 155 F 068SO-2 Silicone
Tayu 161cm F Katniss silicone

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Re: 8 months wait for a broken Zelex neck and a tube of Silicone Lovers glue.

Post by TheDudeAbides »

Minino_777 wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 5:08 pm Sad story. But reality is - most of these vendors are useless parasites. It all comes down to efforts from Zelex, delivery companies and customer himself.

I ordered a doll with dedicated van delivery, paid extra 200 pounds for it. They simply forgot about it and offered me a UPS dropoff. Then when doll came I figured out it has soft feet instead of hard, this was supposed to be checked by vendor in their warehouse, I paid extra money for what they call "superior checks". They reported the doll was up to spec, and their purchase contract is designed to prevent returns after you receive the box.

I'm sure there are lots of untold stories like this. This is a wild market. Most of the time you just send money and hope/pray everything will be fine, as there are no legal mechanism to deal with these parasites, and it also could be very intimidating for people to go public about it.
Sorry to hear you had a similar experience. I agree with you, but maybe as this industry grows and becomes more established the factories will be able to better support direct orders and have dedicated customer support. Apple made it work for them! In my case I feel a lot of the problems stemmed from having too many people involved in the process. Cheers!

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Re: 8 months wait for a broken Zelex neck and a tube of Silicone Lovers glue.

Post by informalproblem »

Holy shit. Well, I've used YourDoll twice before and Mia has been great with customer service. I've also spoken with Jeff from BCD and Jacky with --Non-verified Vendor--. I've never given SL a chance, but I've read some horror stories, and do not understand how they are still listed here.

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Re: 8 months wait for a broken Zelex neck and a tube of Silicone Lovers glue.

Post by selobl »

Thank you for taking the time to write this up.

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Re: 8 months wait for a broken Zelex neck and a tube of Silicone Lovers glue.

Post by john1972 »

All of that is shipping damage ..
The doll companies should have insurance on these.
Who ever delivered that put that poor doll and the box through hell.
In fact I would not be a bit surprised if the doll was actually trying to slide out of
the box at one point ..
The shipper should have to pay for full replacement ..

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Re: 8 months wait for a broken Zelex neck and a tube of Silicone Lovers glue.

Post by TheDudeAbides »

informalproblem wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 6:03 pm Holy shit. Well, I've used YourDoll twice before and Mia has been great with customer service. I've also spoken with Jeff from BCD and Jacky with --Non-verified Vendor--. I've never given SL a chance, but I've read some horror stories, and do not understand how they are still listed here.
Over the course of the year I have seen the names you mentioned come up time and again as trusted suppliers, unfortunately for me I was not aware of them at the beginning of all this. If I ever get the money and gumption together in the future maybe I will reach out to them. Cheers.

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Re: 8 months wait for a broken Zelex neck and a tube of Silicone Lovers glue.

Post by Pussy69 »

Yeah this deserves another doll replacement, but the issue is the vendor. The lack of communication alone prevents a new body replacement, which is extremely important
before and after we purchase a doll. I'm still fairly new with my 1st doll, but somehow I made this habit of doing a direct contact to the manufacture about my doll orders just to see their response/reflection if they received anything from my vendor. Which so far is going smoothly via Rosemary with my 2nd doll order this time from Doll's Castle - took 3 days to get a response, but they apologized being late/notified me the doll is in production.

I'm not comparing anything I'm just pointing out that we customers need comfort in knowing if our dolls are in the works. Kinda wish manufacturers would just email us that they received our order from said vendor to help relieve the confusion and stress, but everything starts with a good vendor.

But back to the topic this looks like a case of bad vendor communication since the wait extended longer than it should have almost as if they were hoping you forgot the doll -
ppl call this the "Ghosting Treatment." Or they knew about Paypal's dispute process and were trying to count your days away. As for the shipment man... these unboxing stories are getting scary
it definitely looks like someone opened the box b4 you even had a chance if the vagina insert was out of its bag and that box took a massive beating - someone was angry at work.
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Re: 8 months wait for a broken Zelex neck and a tube of Silicone Lovers glue.

Post by TheDudeAbides »

john1972 wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 7:40 pm All of that is shipping damage ..
The doll companies should have insurance on these.
Who ever delivered that put that poor doll and the box through hell.
In fact I would not be a bit surprised if the doll was actually trying to slide out of
the box at one point ..
The shipper should have to pay for full replacement ..
Thanks John1972 - I hate to think what happened en-route. From the angle of the damage to the bolt I feel she was dropped at the end of a carry so that she slid on her neck. UPS has not taken care of the merchandise no doubt, however I had many long detailed conversations with SL explaining the situation and what would be required. They said “we like a challenge”; after 6 months to get the doll ready to ship and the extra $450 to see her off safely I fail to see anything different from what I typically see on these threads with regards to packaging. I don’t lay the blame entirely at the feet of UPS. It’s more a buffet of negligence form my perspective!

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Re: 8 months wait for a broken Zelex neck and a tube of Silicone Lovers glue.

Post by TheDudeAbides »

Pussy69 wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 9:58 pm Yeah this deserves another doll replacement, but the issue is the vendor. The lack of communication alone prevents a new body replacement, which is extremely important
before and after we purchase a doll. I'm still fairly new with my 1st doll, but somehow I made this habit of doing a direct contact to the manufacture about my doll orders just to see their response/reflection if they received anything from my vendor. Which so far is going smoothly via Rosemary with my 2nd doll order this time from Doll's Castle - took 3 days to get a response, but they apologized being late/notified me the doll is in production.

I'm not comparing anything I'm just pointing out that we customers need comfort in knowing if our dolls are in the works. Kinda wish manufacturers would just email us that they received our order from said vendor to help relieve the confusion and stress, but everything starts with a good vendor.

But back to the topic this looks like a case of bad vendor communication since the wait extended longer than it should have almost as if they were hoping you forgot the doll -
ppl call this the "Ghosting Treatment." Or they knew about Paypal's dispute process and were trying to count your days away. As for the shipment man... these unboxing stories are getting scary
it definitely looks like someone opened the box b4 you even had a chance if the vagina insert was out of its bag and that box took a massive beating - someone was angry at work.
Thanks for the insights Pussy69. I would do things differently for sure if I had my time again - I hope my post gives 1st time purchasers some food for thought. I did reach out to Zelex along the way (for the sake of keeping the post as clear as I could I omitted some of the developments) but never received a reply. Maybe my location put me in a Spam folder - who knows? I have a 120mb email folder for SL solely related to this purchase, so lack to comms. was not the issue IMO. Too much? Maybe. Cheers!

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