
Natsumi Unboxing Overall Review Lots of Pics (Irontech 160cm Silicone)

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Natsumi Unboxing Overall Review Lots of Pics (Irontech 160cm Silicone)

Post by Pussy69 »

Intro - Thank You Sue:
I'm going to start this out by giving my thanks and appreciation to Sue from RoseMaryDoll for the wonderful service she supported me with. Seeing her name pop up on here at TDF reassures
her reliance and hard working support to many doll lovers. Thank you Sue I could have not gotten Natsumi without your help.
To those who haven't seen the finalized factory photos can check this thread here for more details of my companion.

The FedEx Experience:
At last my precious queen has arrived at my door step on June 7th, 2023 the wait is finally over. Luckily for me the FedEx guy helped me get the box into my house
after that I was pretty much dragging it slowly all the way to my room. So at least the fear of being at work while the box would still be outside overnight never happen.
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Minor dents on the box/The Opening:
Nothing too major the box is very thick and took a few beatings which is expected from a long international travel
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P.S I didn't have to sign anything this note I left in my doll order was a result of 1st doll jitters I was so worried if I was at work missing the doll shipment.
Now for the Infamous New Irontech mummified doll packaging
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This is how Irontech secures their dolls now as the top foam padding is actually shaped for your doll on top

Goodies from RosemaryDoll & Irontech:
Irontech items are 2 movable jaw heads + additional 3 wigs, instruction guide, head connectors, heating rod, hair brush, T-shirt & lace dress, Irrigator
RoseMaryDoll sent me a free black/white bikini (will use for photos soon) irrigator, and drying stick and a free doll hook
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Birth of Natsumi out of box:
Once again I have to praise Irontech for their upmost secure packaging I found no damages on the body and even saw how well
protected the neck was to prevent being bent. Touching her body for the first time was very heart pounding she was silky soft right out of the box after a long travel journey.
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Before I continue sharing pics I want to talk about the "Penetration" experience
Ok so its a given every new doll will be tight, I'm about 7inches long fully erected lubed or with condom. So basically I found it harder to or at least less sensational
with a condom considering how tight she is and it seems like the condom itself absorbs with water-lube with each thrust making it feel kinda dry. So going raw on her is my best choice
I will say that my 1st time was incredible, I don't know what Irontech did with her vagina walls, but it seems shes capable of giving off her own water-lube it really felt like I was being sucked in.
This could be the work of the softer vagina option I chose, but yeah the 1st time will always be amazing so make sure you enjoy it as much as you can don't bother with a condom.

I did her in the missionary position which honestly is the easiest I can do based on weight, but no matter what position you do those legs gotta be spread apart or you'll have a very difficult time
getting into the entrance. I actually broke her doll hymen lol being massive in there. But shes slowly adapting to my size. I don't think I'll ever do anal since that's even more tighter for me
I could end up tearing her if forced in even with lube.

Breast: Her beautiful gel H-cup breast are just magnificent to play with I honestly think any IT owner with a 160 series will say the same. However I don't like putting her in positions that can
cause pressure on them like doggystyle, so I don't see myself doing that unfortunately just only for photo shooting since it will be quick. I have her wearing a bra at all times now to make sure they dont deform from gravity.

Butt: The gel butt is very soft to the outer touch, but firm overall so there's not much jiggle like the gel breast, but its enough to make you cum from a buttjob
which honestly that might be my main position with her instead of penetrating I want to preserve her vagina as much as possible. Now I will say that having a thin condom on for this is freaken amazing to the sensational feeling with water-lube coated on. Having her sit hotdogging back & forth was wonderful, but again shes heavy so its like bench pressing laying flat on the bed.

Fingers: The hard articulated fingers seem to be very sturdy so far I have her wearing long satin gloves to protect them and the nails, so make sure to cover them up in bed or sex play
Feet: Same thing in terms of protecting them, but with socks they aren't hard like the fingers ofc, but shes doing fine standing since they are standing feet.

BodyArt: Its definitely visible up close IRL, but I don't expect them to last forever which is fine hopefully putting clothes over the detail bits may help them last longer. However cleaning/powdering
will eventually remove it overtime.

Overall I love this woman to death lol she sleeps with me every night nice and tugged, I also made sure to put her wig into a ponytail so that it doesn't get everywhere while we sleep.
Shes very beautiful its kinda hard to leave for work now lol

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Re: Natsumi Unboxing Overall Review Lots of Pics (Irontech 160cm Silicone)

Post by Pussy69 »

To be continued-
Here are the beautiful movable jaw heads of the same model 1 with implanted hair and the other for wigs
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I will say the heads or rather the face were abit sticky which is why I realized I was fighting the hairs covering her face
So to my new doll lovers out there make sure you clean your dolls and powder them so that they wont be a hair magnet.

Ok so before we get into the real sauce and meat of this I have to talk about the "WEIGHT"
All caps here b/c this doll weight is no joke lol. I wore myself out all Saturday moving, posing, and cleaning her for this review
so I'm going to hold off till next weekend to photoshoot the other 2 wigs with casual wear. So for now it will be 1 wig and the implanted hair

1st wig Irontech J4:
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Butt & Doggystyle Upgraded LHP:
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Re: Natsumi Unboxing Overall Review Lots of Pics (Irontech 160cm Silicone)

Post by Pussy69 »

To be continued -
Implanted Hair Photos:
This head specifically will only be used for photo shooting or when shes just sitting all day. Implanted hair is very delicate and should not be moved too often.
The hair was also made into a ponytail which was very thoughtful of Irontech I love it like that anyway it does give her that JAV actress appeal when I put it to the side of shoulder.
This head does make the body even heavier so if you ever do consider implanted hair with this body type beware your adding more weight since its hard silicone.
Anyway more pic spam, I apologize to the ppl with slow connection too many pics can cause long loading.
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Butt & Doggystyle Upgraded LHP:
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More pics will come soon this week I want to give you guys more time for inputs so stay tune doll lovers. Will update the first post for more details on the experience ;)

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Re: Natsumi Unboxing Overall Review Lots of Pics (Irontech 160cm Silicone)

Post by sanyav »

Great doll! I have the same doll, only with the head of Celine, and to my regret, six months later, the breasts began to deflate ...

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Re: Natsumi Unboxing Overall Review Lots of Pics (Irontech 160cm Silicone)

Post by Pussy69 »

sanyav wrote: Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:34 am Great doll! I have the same doll, only with the head of Celine, and to my regret, six months later, the breasts began to deflate ...
Yeah thats my main concern I always find myself checking the shape of them too. Hopefully the bra will make a difference to that since it prevents the gel from
sloshing around or hang to the side.

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Re: Natsumi Unboxing Overall Review Lots of Pics (Irontech 160cm Silicone)

Post by Aglooka »

What a beautiful lady . Glad she arrived safely and you are enjoying her

It seems that she start providing fun as soon as she was unboxed !

That protective pad for a secure shipping is TOP ,and should be standard from all brands
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Re: Natsumi Unboxing Overall Review Lots of Pics (Irontech 160cm Silicone)

Post by jimbilba »

My gosh, she looks so realistic, congratulations! I'm now convinced I should also consider buying a doll from the brand Irontech! Coulnd't find on what website did you buy it?

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Re: Natsumi Unboxing Overall Review Lots of Pics (Irontech 160cm Silicone)

Post by Pussy69 »

jimbilba wrote: Mon Jun 12, 2023 7:39 am My gosh, she looks so realistic, congratulations! I'm now convinced I should also consider buying a doll from the brand Irontech! Coulnd't find on what website did you buy it?
I ordered from Rosemarydoll Natsumi is fully customized but she uses the 160cm mold from Irontech’s silicone super series. I have to warn you tho shes pretty heavy to move around. I’d say she’s more companion than fully sex use. So you might want to get something lighter that will enable more sex positions with ease.

Definitely agree there on the secure packaging since this can make it much more safe when ordering dolls with ultra soft skin and soft breast/butt. I avoided those options due to the fear of the shipment damage but this was before IT updated their packaging.

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Re: Natsumi Unboxing Overall Review Lots of Pics (Irontech 160cm Silicone)

Post by Pussy69 »

Here are some sexy.... inspection videos of her.
Oral - Gel Breast - Puffy lips ;).mp4
(99.85 MiB) Downloaded 593 times
Gel Butt Physics.mp4
(99.23 MiB) Downloaded 491 times
New hair look in ponytail with Scunci.mp4
(99.05 MiB) Downloaded 273 times
thats the same wig in all 3 videos btw Irontech (J4)
The JAV Milf look
Implanted hair ponytail on shoulder.png
Implanted hair ponytail on shoulder.png (571.67 KiB) Viewed 8430 times
Cleaning/Sex products I bought after she arrived - I went a bit overboard, but making sure she has everything needed for future use.
Nastumi IMG_0429Unboxing.png
Nastumi IMG_0429Unboxing.png (525.25 KiB) Viewed 8430 times

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Re: Natsumi Unboxing Overall Review Lots of Pics (Irontech 160cm Silicone)

Post by foofighter12 »

Absolutely gorgeous doll; the breasts look incredible. I originally considered the IT 165CM, but the body on the IT 160CM looks very tempting despite the weight. By the way, how is the LHP? I know you got the new version.

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Re: Natsumi Unboxing Overall Review Lots of Pics (Irontech 160cm Silicone)

Post by soggybenis »

Such an amazing sculpt, I believe the 67cm torso is based off this model? I'm not in the situation right now for a full size doll but i would buy that torso in a heartbeat if it had thighs, and it's not in my budget to get it custom. I'll keep enjoying this body vicariously from posters like you! Have fun!

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Re: Natsumi Unboxing Overall Review Lots of Pics (Irontech 160cm Silicone)

Post by Pussy69 »

foofighter12 wrote: Mon Jun 12, 2023 12:40 pm Absolutely gorgeous doll; the breasts look incredible. I originally considered the IT 165CM, but the body on the IT 160CM looks very tempting despite the weight. By the way, how is the LHP? I know you got the new version.
The new LHP looks and feels very accurate and the details of realism toward the vagina mound lips and anus are remarkable.
But the holes themselves are tight, although I only had her a few days and penetrated 2 times so far.
It’s not a bad thing she’s tight once your inside, it was just challenging to get the tip in the 1st time we did it lol. You definitely don’t want to go in dry b/c that new doll hymen will block you like a gate wall lol.

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Re: Natsumi Unboxing Overall Review Lots of Pics (Irontech 160cm Silicone)

Post by Phossil »

Awesome review Pussy69! And thanks for showing us the lhp.

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Re: Natsumi Unboxing Overall Review Lots of Pics (Irontech 160cm Silicone)

Post by mathieu242 »

This was a fantastic review, thank you! She is really beautiful; I can only imagine how much fun you're having with her :D

Also, please be careful with your back when moving her around! I can't believe how many photos you snapped of her in a doggy position. My new doll is 10 lbs lighter than yours and I know how much of a workout it can be lol.

I've been looking pretty seriously at the IT 160 for awhile now. Aside from the amazingly huge breasts her body type on a real woman is something I'm always attracted to. I think the term BBW is overused sometimes on this forum and can actually be kind of demeaning to a lot of women's body types. She's short and has womanly curves, which I find very natural, and also which I find really, really sexy. :D

Congrats, and enjoy the summer of love
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Meet Kristina (Starpery 165G Silicone) viewtopic.php?t=163445

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Re: Natsumi Unboxing Overall Review Lots of Pics (Irontech 160cm Silicone)

Post by Pussy69 »

mathieu242 wrote: Sat Jun 17, 2023 12:07 am This was a fantastic review, thank you! She is really beautiful; I can only imagine how much fun you're having with her :D

Also, please be careful with your back when moving her around! I can't believe how many photos you snapped of her in a doggy position. My new doll is 10 lbs lighter than yours and I know how much of a workout it can be lol.

I've been looking pretty seriously at the IT 160 for awhile now. Aside from the amazingly huge breasts her body type on a real woman is something I'm always attracted to. I think the term BBW is overused sometimes on this forum and can actually be kind of demeaning to a lot of women's body types. She's short and has womanly curves, which I find very natural, and also which I find really, really sexy. :D

Congrats, and enjoy the summer of love
Thank you :) I may do more pics of her during this weekend since I haven't shown the other 2 wigs yet. But yeah she seems more heavy than advertised, if I learned anything about moving her
around or sex positions her legs are a key importance and need to be spread apart to access her entrance. I'm definitely having fun with her despite our wrestling struggles tho I finally managed to get her to do the cowgirl position with the breasts smothering my face lol :o.
I have to agree shes not really a BBW her body sculpt for that matter is too lean to be one - not thicker enough - she just has a wide waist pretty much an XL size, but she can wear a L too.
She came out so well done in her factory photos b/c I specified to IT to make her a more natural Asian woman and the heads alone justified their results.

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