
9 months follow up of a newbie's rant/review of the Zelex 165 with head GE107

Zelex is a company specializing in the development and manufacture of ultra-realistic sex dolls. We have a professional R&D team whose purpose is to design high-quality sex toys to provide customers with a perfect experience. Each of our products is hand-drawn by the artist with a realistic shape and fine makeup. We guarantee the product quality is safe and has the test certificate from an authority. Website: www.zelexdoll.com
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9 months follow up of a newbie's rant/review of the Zelex 165 with head GE107

Post by Jugo »

I got my first doll in June last year. It is a Zelex 165 silicone with head GE107, designed before SLE and Impression series doll. My review and first impressions both of the doll and as a doll owner can be found here.

I have now put some mileage through her, so I thought it was time to do a follow up both of the doll itself and what I have learnt about being a doll owner.

About the doll:

The paint is rubbing off as can be seen from the fair areas in the pictures below. The paint is however not peeling except for two small spots on her back. From what I have understood, this happens with all dolls regardless of how many layers of magic paint the manufacturers claim to use. I think the proper solution to this problem would be to dye the silicone itself, or to make the outer layer of silicone translucent and put the paint under it. Some manufacturers dye the material used for the orifices, which in my opinion is a really good idea and I wish they could do it for the nipples as well. For now, since I don't use the doll for photography, my conclusion is to order my next doll without shading, only painted veins, nipples and crotch.
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The head is okay. The paint on the nose has rubbed off a bit, but it is not too noticeable. Eyelashes keeps coming loose which is annoying. I gave up on her teeth - since they are not attached to the gums, they fall down, which makes her look weird, so I took them out. The result is that her lips bend inwards when I kiss her which sucks.

Over all I think she has held up quite well. There are a few puncture marks, but nothing major. The orifices are a bit worn, but not too bad and I have not had to repair them. The fingers keeps poking pretty much whenever I touch her, so I have had to glue them many times. As I suspected the skeleton on the elbow (see my initial review) poked through, so I had to glue that as well. The feet has a few cuts, and the paint has rubbed off.
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The skeleton is now quite unevenly tightened and it has become quite difficult to bend her back and shoulders. The reason is the lack of mechanical advantage I had in the beginning when legs and arms still had stiff joints. The knees have become very loose, hence they have a tendency to give in whenever I stand her up if I don't lock them. The shoulders are completely loose, so the arms fall down if I let them go, see film below. It would be possible to reduce these problems quite easily by using brass rather than steel washers for the skeleton, but I have only seen one manufacturer doing this. To fix the problem completely it would be necessary to use spring washers, but this is as far as I know not yet available from any manufacturer. As far as I know Zelex now has better finger and neck joints, but I think the rest of the skeleton still is as bad as mine.
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Lessons learned:

Maintenance and cleaning
For the body I wipe her off with anti bacterial baby wipes as neede, and shower her every few months. I have however noticed that her joints become a bit stiff after showering, so I try to do it as seldom as possible.

I don't put body fluids inside her, instead I use a femdom - super convenient. In the beginning I tried using dry lube (corn starch) between the femdom and the doll, but it didn't work out for me. Instead I lube her up once a week which works fine as the lube contains a lot of preservatives (check shelf life - it is several years). I clean her out by placing her on the toilet and flush out the lube with an irrigator designed to clean the butthole on people, the black thing in the picture below, attached to to the shower hose (pretty crazy product, who would risk getting 4 bars of pressure up their butt, whatever, good product for dolls). The irrigator is a bit expensive (50 EUR) but super quick to use. I then dry her using drying sticks (the white thing in the picture) which is so much easier than the aquarium pump I used in the beginning. I got 4 drying sticks for 10 EUR including freight on Amazon. I just put one in each orifice and leave it until the next day.
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I stitched up a storage bag from the blanket the doll was delivered in which I pull over her whenever I put her away. I made a hole at the top of the bag for the hook. I keep her hanging from the garment rod in an IKEA closet next to my bed. It turns out the IKEA closets are not designed for dolls, dolls are too heavy, so what happened after a few months was that the bracket holding the rod broke in the middle of the night and the doll fell out from the closet and crashed to the floor next to my bed. Besides the excitement, the doll did no sustain any damage, perhaps luck but I also think my DIY storage bag helped protecting her. I had to repair the closet, where put a screw through the bracket and into the closet wall. It is holding up for now, but I've noticed that the doors have started to scrape against the frame of the closet, as if whole closet frame has started to warp from her weight. My plan now is to throw out the closet, hang her from the ceiling instead and place a curtain around her. The lesson learned here is to be prepared to spend some cash on storage if you are new to dolls.

I can't speak for dressing and living with a doll. She is either in the bed or in the closet, and I only carry her to the restroom. What I have learnt however it that it takes a very long time to get used to positioning and manoeuvrering the doll during fun time. The doll does not cooperate one bit, and it takes a lot of focus to change her position (in the beginning you basically have to take a break for a few minutes). My advise is to not expect a great experience until after a while. It took me almost 6 months until I could do cow girl for example, but now I am slowly working through averbeck70's list of sex positions with her.

My doll weighs 35 kg. In the beginning I found it quite hard to carry her around, but now I no longer find her heavy. A very positive experience is that she has given me a physical revival and I am no stronger and fitter with more vitality than before I got her - I guess plenty of sex has that effect on people :D.

I live in the northern part of Europe. The major problem I have had during the winter is that she becomes very cold. I've tried electric blankets, but it is not good enough. My conclusion is that I will never buy a doll without heating again. I have found one manufacturer that offers heating with multiple sensors to give an even and constant body temperature for their dolls.

Doll experience
I have not developed feelings towards the doll. I have barely named it, but her name is more a joke than a real name. Before I got her I was a bit worried that I would fall in love with her and that it would cause problems for me, but luckily that hasn't happened. What has happened however is that I have started to dislike removing her head, which is not something I anticipated before I got her. This is something I've heard other doll owner say as well. I also feel sorry for her whenever I poker her fingers which is also a bit funny. Another thing is that I've started referring to the doll as "her" rather than "it".

Updated short list
I read through the short list of things to look out for from my old review, and there are a few things that I found annoying and important back then that I've gotten used to now. One thing is her small head, it doesn't bother me any longer. Now I think it looks just fine and I have learnt how to attach the wig so that it doesn't fall off. Another thing I've gotten used to is her tiny feet. Her weight is fine, 40 kg would probably also be fine, but 30 kg is probably the best. Less than 25 kg would be too little, it is actually quite nice to roll her on top of me and feel her weight (and tits) against me. Other things have proven to be much more annoying such as not having hard hands and ugly and hard orifices. I also keep getting annoyed by her fat thighs and short torso.

My current short list looks like this:
  • Mold can grow more easily inside dolls TPE compared to silicone dolls - choose silicone.
  • A lot of people seem break their first doll, sturdy dolls are good.
  • Paint fade on TPE dolls, while it seems to be prone to crack or rubs off on silicone dolls. Unpainted silicone dolls are probably the best (body, not head).
  • TPE contain mineral oil, which may be bad for my health.
  • It is easier to clean a head than a body after use, but get two heads one for oral and one for kissing.
  • It is hard to pick a doll without any prior practical experience, hence my first pick may not be the best - no longer applies to me, but it was a good idea to buy a cheap first doll.
  • Excellent LHP.
  • Movable jaw and ROS, but make sure you can close the mouth completely.
  • Hard hands. Regular hands are squishy, which kind of ruins the mood and they are also easy to poke.
  • Hard feet. Bolts are unpractical since they damage the floor this is particularly annoying when you want to bathe or shower the doll. Regular feet are also squishy especially since the toes are boneless.
  • Length of torso compared to legs, MTV at least 70 cm.
  • Narrow hips and relatively thin thighs.
  • Soft orifices.
  • Around 30 kg in weight
  • A face which is not expressionless.
  • Glued in teeth.
  • A vagina that does not gape when you spread the legs.
  • Implanted but relatively short hair could be nice, but not if it falls out.
  • Shrugging shoulders are not important if you only use the doll for sex and never dress it, in fact it can be a bit annoying.
  • Heating
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to put them here or PM me.


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Re: 9 months follow up of a newbie's rant/review of the Zelex 165 with head GE107

Post by dashingdan »

Thank you so much for posting your comprehensive and detailed review. I was about to take the plunge and purchase my first doll, after much extensive research and comparison of the myriad of premium dolls. After learning about your negative experiences with your doll, as well as many other occurences I've read of bad joints and torn silicone, it seems there is a glaring quality issue with these dolls. Although they are visually stunning and probably feel life like, the probability of ending up with a broken and torn doll, is not worth the expense and effort. Not to mention the problems associated with hiding, storing and cleaning. I am disappointed, but thankful that I didn't throw my money away on a defective technology. Maybe one day they will design a doll that can withstand normal use and bring long-term joy to all sex doll owners.

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Re: 9 months follow up of a newbie's rant/review of the Zelex 165 with head GE107

Post by b33 »

Does she have the newer style EXP skeleton or the older EVO?

Jugo wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:04 am I got my first doll in June last year. It is a Zelex 165 silicone with head GE107, designed before SLE and Impression series doll. My review and first impressions both of the doll and as a doll owner can be found here.

I have now put some mileage through her, so I thought it was time to do a follow up both of the doll itself and what I have learnt about being a doll owner.

About the doll:

The paint is rubbing off as can be seen from the fair areas in the pictures below. The paint is however not peeling except for two small spots on her back. From what I have understood, this happens with all dolls regardless of how many layers of magic paint the manufacturers claim to use. I think the proper solution to this problem would be to dye the silicone itself, or to make the outer layer of silicone translucent and put the paint under it. Some manufacturers dye the material used for the orifices, which in my opinion is a really good idea and I wish they could do it for the nipples as well. For now, since I don't use the doll for photography, my conclusion is to order my next doll without shading, only painted veins, nipples and crotch.


The head is okay. The paint on the nose has rubbed off a bit, but it is not too noticeable. Eyelashes keeps coming loose which is annoying. I gave up on her teeth - since they are not attached to the gums, they fall down, which makes her look weird, so I took them out. The result is that her lips bend inwards when I kiss her which sucks.

Over all I think she has held up quite well. There are a few puncture marks, but nothing major. The orifices are a bit worn, but not too bad and I have not had to repair them. The fingers keeps poking pretty much whenever I touch her, so I have had to glue them many times. As I suspected the skeleton on the elbow (see my initial review) poked through, so I had to glue that as well. The feet has a few cuts, and the paint has rubbed off.


The skeleton is now quite unevenly tightened and it has become quite difficult to bend her back and shoulders. The reason is the lack of mechanical advantage I had in the beginning when legs and arms still had stiff joints. The knees have become very loose, hence they have a tendency to give in whenever I stand her up if I don't lock them. The shoulders are completely loose, so the arms fall down if I let them go, see film below. It would be possible to reduce these problems quite easily by using brass rather than steel washers for the skeleton, but I have only seen one manufacturer doing this. To fix the problem completely it would be necessary to use spring washers, but this is as far as I know not yet available from any manufacturer. As far as I know Zelex now has better finger and neck joints, but I think the rest of the skeleton still is as bad as mine.


Lessons learned:

Maintenance and cleaning
For the body I wipe her off with anti bacterial baby wipes as neede, and shower her every few months. I have however noticed that her joints become a bit stiff after showering, so I try to do it as seldom as possible.

I don't put body fluids inside her, instead I use a femdom - super convenient. In the beginning I tried using dry lube (corn starch) between the femdom and the doll, but it didn't work out for me. Instead I lube her up once a week which works fine as the lube contains a lot of preservatives (check shelf life - it is several years). I clean her out by placing her on the toilet and flush out the lube with an irrigator designed to clean the butthole on people, the black thing in the picture below, attached to to the shower hose (pretty crazy product, who would risk getting 4 bars of pressure up their butt, whatever, good product for dolls). The irrigator is a bit expensive (50 EUR) but super quick to use. I then dry her using drying sticks (the white thing in the picture) which is so much easier than the aquarium pump I used in the beginning. I got 4 drying sticks for 10 EUR including freight on Amazon. I just put one in each orifice and leave it until the next day.


I stitched up a storage bag from the blanket the doll was delivered in which I pull over her whenever I put her away. I made a hole at the top of the bag for the hook. I keep her hanging from the garment rod in an IKEA closet next to my bed. It turns out the IKEA closets are not designed for dolls, dolls are too heavy, so what happened after a few months was that the bracket holding the rod broke in the middle of the night and the doll fell out from the closet and crashed to the floor next to my bed. Besides the excitement, the doll did no sustain any damage, perhaps luck but I also think my DIY storage bag helped protecting her. I had to repair the closet, where put a screw through the bracket and into the closet wall. It is holding up for now, but I've noticed that the doors have started to scrape against the frame of the closet, as if whole closet frame has started to warp from her weight. My plan now is to throw out the closet, hang her from the ceiling instead and place a curtain around her. The lesson learned here is to be prepared to spend some cash on storage if you are new to dolls.

I can't speak for dressing and living with a doll. She is either in the bed or in the closet, and I only carry her to the restroom. What I have learnt however it that it takes a very long time to get used to positioning and manoeuvrering the doll during fun time. The doll does not cooperate one bit, and it takes a lot of focus to change her position (in the beginning you basically have to take a break for a few minutes). My advise is to not expect a great experience until after a while. It took me almost 6 months until I could do cow girl for example, but now I am slowly working through averbeck70's list of sex positions with her.

My doll weighs 35 kg. In the beginning I found it quite hard to carry her around, but now I no longer find her heavy. A very positive experience is that she has given me a physical revival and I am no stronger and fitter with more vitality than before I got her - I guess plenty of sex has that effect on people :D.

I live in the northern part of Europe. The major problem I have had during the winter is that she becomes very cold. I've tried electric blankets, but it is not good enough. My conclusion is that I will never buy a doll without heating again. I have found one manufacturer that offers heating with multiple sensors to give an even and constant body temperature for their dolls.

Doll experience
I have not developed feelings towards the doll. I have barely named it, but her name is more a joke than a real name. Before I got her I was a bit worried that I would fall in love with her and that it would cause problems for me, but luckily that hasn't happened. What has happened however is that I have started to dislike removing her head, which is not something I anticipated before I got her. This is something I've heard other doll owner say as well. I also feel sorry for her whenever I poker her fingers which is also a bit funny. Another thing is that I've started referring to the doll as "her" rather than "it".

Updated short list
I read through the short list of things to look out for from my old review, and there are a few things that I found annoying and important back then that I've gotten used to now. One thing is her small head, it doesn't bother me any longer. Now I think it looks just fine and I have learnt how to attach the wig so that it doesn't fall off. Another thing I've gotten used to is her tiny feet. Her weight is fine, 40 kg would probably also be fine, but 30 kg is probably the best. Less than 25 kg would be too little, it is actually quite nice to roll her on top of me and feel her weight (and tits) against me. Other things have proven to be much more annoying such as not having hard hands and ugly and hard orifices. I also keep getting annoyed by her fat thighs and short torso.

My current short list looks like this:
  • Mold can grow more easily inside dolls TPE compared to silicone dolls - choose silicone.
  • A lot of people seem break their first doll, sturdy dolls are good.
  • Paint fade on TPE dolls, while it seems to be prone to crack or rubs off on silicone dolls. Unpainted silicone dolls are probably the best (body, not head).
  • TPE contain mineral oil, which may be bad for my health.
  • It is easier to clean a head than a body after use, but get two heads one for oral and one for kissing.
  • It is hard to pick a doll without any prior practical experience, hence my first pick may not be the best - no longer applies to me, but it was a good idea to buy a cheap first doll.
  • Excellent LHP.
  • Movable jaw and ROS, but make sure you can close the mouth completely.
  • Hard hands. Regular hands are squishy, which kind of ruins the mood and they are also easy to poke.
  • Hard feet. Bolts are unpractical since they damage the floor this is particularly annoying when you want to bathe or shower the doll. Regular feet are also squishy especially since the toes are boneless.
  • Length of torso compared to legs, MTV at least 70 cm.
  • Narrow hips and relatively thin thighs.
  • Soft orifices.
  • Around 30 kg in weight
  • A face which is not expressionless.
  • Glued in teeth.
  • A vagina that does not gape when you spread the legs.
  • Implanted but relatively short hair could be nice, but not if it falls out.
  • Shrugging shoulders are not important if you only use the doll for sex and never dress it, in fact it can be a bit annoying.
  • Heating
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to put them here or PM me.

Kaley 3.0 Zelex X165 GE94-2 head
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Re: 9 months follow up of a newbie's rant/review of the Zelex 165 with head GE107

Post by johnmagicnl »

What a great review. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
I recognize almost everything you mention after owning my first doll for about a year now.
Even the Ikea closet problem. :D :D :D

About the sex, It will take a few months indeed to learn, but after that, the sex is great.
I do own a TPE doll, and her love holes are perfect.
I did ordered an SLE doll, but from what I read here, I am pretty sure that I keep using the TPE for sex instead of the SLE.

The thing that bothered me most, is the cold body in the winter. I tried a few things, and ended up building a closet just for heating.
I do not have any experience with heated dolls, but if it really works, than that will defenitly on my list for the next doll.
Zelex SLE 172 +201 head

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Re: 9 months follow up of a newbie's rant/review of the Zelex 165 with head GE107

Post by Jugo »

b33 wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 1:29 pm Does she have the newer style EXP skeleton or the older EVO?
Older EVO, and correct me if i'm wrong, but I think they have quite a lot in common. As far as I've seen Zelex only upgraded the hands and the neck joint, I think the rest of the EXP skeleton inherited the EVO components.

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Re: 9 months follow up of a newbie's rant/review of the Zelex 165 with head GE107

Post by Jugo »

dashingdan wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 11:58 am Thank you so much for posting your comprehensive and detailed review. I was about to take the plunge and purchase my first doll, after much extensive research and comparison of the myriad of premium dolls. After learning about your negative experiences with your doll, as well as many other occurences I've read of bad joints and torn silicone, it seems there is a glaring quality issue with these dolls. Although they are visually stunning and probably feel life like, the probability of ending up with a broken and torn doll, is not worth the expense and effort. Not to mention the problems associated with hiding, storing and cleaning. I am disappointed, but thankful that I didn't throw my money away on a defective technology. Maybe one day they will design a doll that can withstand normal use and bring long-term joy to all sex doll owners.
Not sure if your read to the end of the previous review I posted half a year ago, you can find it here, but I still stand by what I said back then, this is by far the most fun toy I have ever bought. I have been xxxxxxx this doll pretty hard probably around 90 times by now, and it is still standing, so despite all my whining, I think Zelex makes quite good products, and now with the SLE series, they have fixed many of the shortcomings of this model. So my advise is to go ahead and by a doll, cause they are really fun, but don't buy an expensive first doll, cause the chases that you will make the wrong decision on some crucial feature specific to your circumstances is very high.

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Re: 9 months follow up of a newbie's rant/review of the Zelex 165 with head GE107

Post by Jugo »

johnmagicnl wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 1:54 pm What a great review. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
I recognize almost everything you mention after owning my first doll for about a year now.
Even the Ikea closet problem. :D :D :D

About the sex, It will take a few months indeed to learn, but after that, the sex is great.
I do own a TPE doll, and her love holes are perfect.
I did ordered an SLE doll, but from what I read here, I am pretty sure that I keep using the TPE for sex instead of the SLE.

The thing that bothered me most, is the cold body in the winter. I tried a few things, and ended up building a closet just for heating.
I do not have any experience with heated dolls, but if it really works, than that will defenitly on my list for the next doll.
Thanks, no problem.

Totally agree about the sex, it takes some time to get it right, but after that it sure is fun.

I've read about other TDF members building heating closets, seems to work pretty well. Unfortunately it is not an option for me as I often sleep with her in the bed, and I want her to stay warm throughout the night. Be careful if you buy heating, it seems many manufacturers offer heating without temperature control, so it is only good for heating up the doll, not maintain a steady temperature.

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Re: 9 months follow up of a newbie's rant/review of the Zelex 165 with head GE107

Post by johnmagicnl »

Jugo wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 3:30 pm
johnmagicnl wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 1:54 pm What a great review. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
I recognize almost everything you mention after owning my first doll for about a year now.
Even the Ikea closet problem. :D :D :D

About the sex, It will take a few months indeed to learn, but after that, the sex is great.
I do own a TPE doll, and her love holes are perfect.
I did ordered an SLE doll, but from what I read here, I am pretty sure that I keep using the TPE for sex instead of the SLE.

The thing that bothered me most, is the cold body in the winter. I tried a few things, and ended up building a closet just for heating.
I do not have any experience with heated dolls, but if it really works, than that will defenitly on my list for the next doll.
Thanks, no problem.

Totally agree about the sex, it takes some time to get it right, but after that it sure is fun.

I've read about other TDF members building heating closets, seems to work pretty well. Unfortunately it is not an option for me as I often sleep with her in the bed, and I want her to stay warm throughout the night. Be careful if you buy heating, it seems many manufacturers offer heating without temperature control, so it is only good for heating up the doll, not maintain a steady temperature.
Thanks for the tip on temperature control. :thumbs_up:

About the heating closet...I put her in about an hour before bed time.
She is warmed up very well, and not only the surface. So she will keep the heat a long way, as long as she wil stay under the blankets.
The fun is better than ever with a heated doll.
In fact, it works so well for me that even when I wake up somewere in the midlle of the night, she is still warm.
But...this is a TPE doll, so I am looking forward to see how an SLE doll will keep the heat...
Zelex SLE 172 +201 head

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Re: 9 months follow up of a newbie's rant/review of the Zelex 165 with head GE107

Post by Gaijin »

Thank you so much for this update/review. We get so many unboxing and initial impressions, but rarely follow-up reviews like this. For those of us looking for a doll to last us many years, this is excellent information to know.

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Re: 9 months follow up of a newbie's rant/review of the Zelex 165 with head GE107

Post by Jugo »

Gaijin wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 4:08 pm Thank you so much for this update/review. We get so many unboxing and initial impressions, but rarely follow-up reviews like this. For those of us looking for a doll to last us many years, this is excellent information to know.
No problem, I totally agree, we need more follow up reviews :D

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Re: 9 months follow up of a newbie's rant/review of the Zelex 165 with head GE107

Post by Roosko »


Thanks for that read, Im looking to buy my first doll and I reckon it will be this one as I want it to be as real life like as it can be https://siliconelovers.com/collections/ ... ne-heather

There are alot of extras you can buy, I absolutely will definitely get the heated option now from your advice but what about the removable vagina? And the automatic cleaning machine or the suckable vagina….any advice would be greatly appreciated

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Re: 9 months follow up of a newbie's rant/review of the Zelex 165 with head GE107

Post by b33 »

I do think the EXP skeleton is quite a bit different than the older EVO, my understanding is the neck and wrists are ball joint but it also adds double jointed elbows, which I've had on other dolls which are really nice, better shoulder movement, the shoulder mobility on my EVO skeleton sucks, and the waste joint is supposed to be more flexible. I'm sure there are some parts that are the same. I was just curious as to what skeleton your doll had because of the loose joints which is a problem that I ended up having with mine.I was able to fix but it was a bummer, thanks for the review there needs to be more of these long-term reviews out there. I was actually planning on doing a one-year update on my Zelex X165 today, so keep up the good work.

Jugo wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 2:52 pm
b33 wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 1:29 pm Does she have the newer style EXP skeleton or the older EVO?
Older EVO, and correct me if i'm wrong, but I think they have quite a lot in common. As far as I've seen Zelex only upgraded the hands and the neck joint, I think the rest of the EXP skeleton is inherited the EVO components.
Kaley 3.0 Zelex X165 GE94-2 head
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Re: 9 months follow up of a newbie's rant/review of the Zelex 165 with head GE107

Post by H_N_Franku »

A follow up review is fantastic, buddy! The more reviews I read, the more I'm starting to think that dolls aren't the best at first impressions :lol: . It also doesn't help that you have to level up your skills like a fucking hentai protagonist to get the most enjoyment. But, seems like they win you over at the end :glou:.

I must say though, most of your review seemed really on the fence on first read - to outright disliking. If I didn't read the last part of your reviews I'd have no idea where you stood.
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Re: 9 months follow up of a newbie's rant/review of the Zelex 165 with head GE107

Post by Jugo »

Roosko wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 6:08 pm Hello

Thanks for that read, Im looking to buy my first doll and I reckon it will be this one as I want it to be as real life like as it can be https://siliconelovers.com/collections/ ... ne-heather

There are alot of extras you can buy, I absolutely will definitely get the heated option now from your advice but what about the removable vagina? And the automatic cleaning machine or the suckable vagina….any advice would be greatly appreciated
It's a very nice model :thumbs_up: I have been keeping my eye on that brand myself. My main concern about that brand is that the built in vags are reported to be hard and the gape is too big for my liking. From what I've seen, removable vags gape even worse in general than the built in ones does, but there are definitely advantages such as being able to toss the insert if it's not to ones liking and simply replace it with a sleeve. From a cleaning perspective, I don't think removables are superior to built ins. This is second hand information though as I have never owned one myself, but I have read testimonials from other TDF members who have done the switch. It is not that much of a hassle with a built in once you have found a good cleaning routine. I am personally weary about machinery especially new designs. I don't think they are ready yet, also if it breaks you may end up with fluid inside the doll where it can't be removed. Also auto sucking and removable vags are as far as I know mutually exclusive.

Good luck on your hunt.

EDIT: i found a illustrative image of what a removable can look like when you spread the legs (this is a Zelex Impression):

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Re: 9 months follow up of a newbie's rant/review of the Zelex 165 with head GE107

Post by Jugo »

b33 wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 8:47 pm I do think the EXP skeleton is quite a bit different than the older EVO, my understanding is the neck and wrists are ball joint but it also adds double jointed elbows, which I've had on other dolls which are really nice, better shoulder movement, the shoulder mobility on my EVO skeleton sucks, and the waste joint is supposed to be more flexible. I'm sure there are some parts that are the same. I was just curious as to what skeleton your doll had because of the loose joints which is a problem that I ended up having with mine.I was able to fix but it was a bummer, thanks for the review there needs to be more of these long-term reviews out there. I was actually planning on doing a one-year update on my Zelex X165 today, so keep up the good work.

Jugo wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 2:52 pm
b33 wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 1:29 pm Does she have the newer style EXP skeleton or the older EVO?
Older EVO, and correct me if i'm wrong, but I think they have quite a lot in common. As far as I've seen Zelex only upgraded the hands and the neck joint, I think the rest of the EXP skeleton is inherited the EVO components.
Great, thank you for sharing that information. Double joints makes a difference when it comes to how quickly they become loose since the pressure is spread over a larger surface area, so it should help. From what I've seen (look at the videos produced by Coreros), all manufacturers buy the skeleton joints from the same source but some have their own welding departments. There are several simple and relatively inexpensive things that the manufacturers could do to improve skeleton durability. The main one is to use brass washers, as brass against steel does not wear down the surfaces and is self lubricating. IT has understood this but they are the only ones as far as I know. I also wish they could make quadrupple geared knees so that the dolls could reach their buttocks with their heels.

I read your follow up, thanks, I will probably have to cut mine open and tighten the joints as well, not looking forward to it though. Did you have to make an incision from both sides?

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