A Tribute to Wetsuit - Video Added.

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A Tribute to Wetsuit - Video Added.

Post by GB01 »

A Tribute to Jo aka (Wetsuit), please feel free to add to the Tribute to Jo here, and any photos or links, or anything you new about our dear friend.
Here is a link to the Tribute at UK Lovedoll forum, sorry if you have to login to see the Pics: there i will get them here to as soon as i can, http://www.uklovedollforums.co.uk/forum ... php?t=1595

Well as most here know Jo lost his fight to cancer, anyway Jo's Funeral is today at 1pm, I want you all to know we at the forums, that is UK Love Doll Forum and The Doll Forum have sent flowers and a card at UK forum the card reads in Loving Memory of Jo from Bob and Liz and all Members at UK Lovedoll Forum.

Here is a little of what I know about Jo, first he was a dear friend, and was to us all here on the UK Love Doll Forum and at The Doll Forum where he was also very active.

He would came and go between the two forums and also to The Teddy Babe Forum making posts and threads and helping anyone in trouble and to answer any questions any had about dolls.

Even staying up late at night posting and checking the forums, one night I came on to the UK Lovedoll forum at 4am and found Jo still logged in, he told me he could not sleep so comes on the the forums and one could find him there at any time day or night.

I myself first got to know Jo on The Doll Forum, and of him posting on a thread when I was so ill, wishing me well and keeping me going throw a very bad time for me in my life.
I said then that if I got threw my illness I would start a forum within the UK for Members of the UK and there dolls, it is what we know now as the UK Lovedoll forum.

When it did get started one of the first members there was Jo (aka Wetsuit), he spent much time there making posts and threads, even before the forum got going and started to go interactive, he was one of the forums Founder Members and we have much to thank him for and helped to make it what it is today.

I think one of the jobs Jo had before he could not work due to a very bad motorbike accident that was not Jo's fault and left Jo fighting for his life at less than 40 and come close to losing his one leg was rewinding motors, Jo was a clever Guy and there was not much he could not put his hands to, I was told he wound the motors for the now London eye.

When I came on the forums his name would always be there, I miss seeing the name Wetsuit there so much, as I am sure all do too.
After a time I felt I new Jo, even never meeting him at that time and I started to think he would make a good Moderator on the forum, one day I asked Jo if he would like to take up the job and he said he would like to have a go.

He started as a Moderator and was soon Super Moderator, and also being a Moderator on our Tech forum we run as well, he posted on there as MrRipply and his love of old motorbikes there too.


He would take many photos of his dolls tinkling with his old bikes, and I well remember the photo of Jo's doll riding one of Jo's old motorbikes around the world for the add for the 2010 doll meet that also got printed on the t-shirts that are still around.


He was even made Administrator of the UK Love Doll Forum and having full control of the forums, just before falling so ill.
With all of the work that Jo did and being a friend to all he also became an Ambassador at The Doll Forum and a much loved Member at the Teddy Babe forum, the Dolls he loved, ending up with a number of dolls himself.


I first got to meet Jo when going there to buy his doll Justine for a friend name Timbo.


At that time Jo was finding it hard to move her around due the the trouble he had with the bad hip from the bike accident that had left Jo with many pins and joints scars that he was sensitive about, however his Brother told me that when on a beach a boy said to Jo how did he get all his scars, Jo said laughing that he got bitten by a big white shark.

Jo lived in Birmingham in a big block of flats, however he only had a small flat and out side a small Garage that he had full of old motorbikes and one could not move in there to work on them, so he rebuild them in the flat smuggling them in at night, banging and tapping in the day well the neighbours were at work and Jo was hard at it too, even making things for his dolls like the stands for them and suit of armor he made for his doll Antanasia, this armor is amazing work and he even made the boots and helmet for her.





Jo was big into guns and his Brother showed me an amazing gun one that Jo had made himself, he also had bows and arrows and was very good at Archery.


he also had corssbows and was a first class marksman with them too.
His Brother told me that if you could beat him, Jo would not give up, going on into the night till he had got even with you.


Jo loved photography and on the walls were photos of his dolls, he I think wining the photo contests over at TDF three times, one with his Teddy Babe in a blue wetsuit, that was fitting to his forum user name.


He made a number of animated videos of his dolls playing musical instruments, and also of himself riding his old motorbikes around the roads and small lanes, even after the bike accident he still loved riding them.

He also had many musical instruments and he had them hanging on the walls within the flat.


He also he had a set of elec: drums with head phones so he did not get trouble with the neighbours.


As some of you know Jo named it the Wetsuit mansion, well he was right in one way, it sure was a mansion and he needed it as he did have 5 dolls and many old motorbikes, at the end he had five Teddy Babes, two of them Vampires, a subject that he also new a lot about.
He new a lot about the Teddy Babe dolls and could answer most anything about them as in fact he could about most dolls.
Anyway, I wanted Jo to be sure he wanted to let Justine his silicone doll go and he insured me he was happy that Justine would be going to a good home and a Guy that he new would Love and care for her, so I am sure that is what he would want for his Teddy Babe dolls too.
He said he would still see her on the forums and that would make him very happy knowing someone like Timbo would also have the joy of Justine as Jo did.
Many post were made with Justine by Timbo and Jo and Timbo became great friends, but never met, Timbo wanted Jo's doll to be in everything we did here at G., and she was in many Mags: and in posts, threads and all over the internet, even being on Tv.


Just before the first UK doll meet, he was very keen to want to be a part of it and meet all of you.
He spent much of his time posting and arranging the first UK doll meet, working with The Doll Forum also, and wanting to come over to me and help in getting it all up and running.
I new that Jo by now found it hard to get about and with the bad hip we then new he had, we now know he was in great pain a lot of his time.
Anyway there was no way in the world this was going to stop him coming over to help, he wanted to come and camp out and I told Jo I would put him up or find a B&B, he was having none of that and told me he was bringing his tent camping kit sat nav laptop fishing rod, guitar and Dolly.

And in fact he was not coming by car with all this, but coming on his old motorbike and happy to come miles and miles from Birmingham to me to help with the UK doll meet for us all.
My Wife was worrying about him coming all this way and who to expect, me and my wife kept a look out for him and right on time we could see a blue and gleaming chrome motorbike coming, loaded up to the hilt with what I could only say was the entire flat he lived in.


A big Guy much like me, loaded up with all his gear, he had the lot, saddle bags on the sides, a big shoulder bag on his back with dolly inside, guitar on his back also sticking up over his head, his fishing rod, sleeping bag and tent all strapped to the bike, even all his camping gear and laptop, food for the weekend, even after I told him not too, but that was Jo, he gave but expected little in return.

After getting Jo off the bike and most of the gear, not a easy job, he wanted to show us Dolly and get her out for air, dolly sat watching well Jo put up the tent on the lawn, I could tell that she had been camping with Jo before.


Anyway after Wisey had cooked Jo some food, and he had a good look round, and Dolly had met up with Justine again after a long time, we had some beers and a chat.
The next day was spent going to places to check them out for the doll meet, Jo was thinking about the working coal mine and he had told me that his family had been in coal mining at one time, We set of in the 4x4 to the working mine with Jo's doll and my doll Katie.


I could see that Jo was finding it hard to walk but he was determined to walk round the mine, and even go down the mine shaft and to walk through the dark tunnels of the mine.
He had a great time and I could see he was happy and this was on the list of places for the first UK doll meet in 2010, next we went round some local castles some being Goodrich, where Jo got the crossbow for his doll to go with her suit of armor.
Jo wanted to make this look like the real one, but pastway before he could do it.
Next on to Longtown that you can find photos of with Jo's doll in her suit of armor up in the Castle tower.

I took Jo up on top of the black Mountains he got out taking in the view, I new what he was thinking, he did not have to say anything, Jo new that the world was a great place and every day was most precious to him.
Next day we checked out the venue for the meet and checked out the food and drink, Jo is a Guinnes man, and he downed a couple of pints before moving on, checking out the old prirey where Jo also wanted to photo dolly in the suit of armor when he came to the meet, and downing one more pint of Gunnes.
The weekend was soon over and we had little time to do all we wanted, by this time Jo had become a Dear friend, and a part of the family here at G. and his dolls also.

Will after the bike loading was over, and I can say he had a place for everything, he set off for home, the next time we would meet would be the UK doll meet 2010 and I can tell you that was something Jo wanted so much and to meet you all.
He made good time getting back and sending me a PM that he had got back ok and that he could not wait till he could meet you all at the meet in that coming November of 2010.

After that things went down hill for Jo, his hip was getting worse and he was in great pain, but he was not going to miss the UK doll meet and meeting you all, not for anything and again he came on the bike with Antanasia his vampire doll one of the very first I think.
This time there was rain and we had to dry Jo out and all his kit by a big heater we have here, getting wet for Jo was all part of the fun as long as dolly was dry Jo was happy.

Not only did he have his doll but all her suit of armor and fighting gear.


His guitar and amplifier too, yes Jo loved music and could play most instruments, even the drums, he would play the ones I have here and loved it as he could make as much sound as he liked.
He played for us at the UK doll meet last year, with Midi playing too, the two of them are great together, and I know that Jo loved meeting you all and all your dolls.



It is what he wanted most, and wanted to meet more of you this year, but sadly he can not, we will all remember him for the joy he gave to us all, and he will never be forgotten.

Jo's dolls, Jo's Brother wanted me and and Wisey to have Jo's dolls and that may have been his wish and me and Wisey want to look after them for Jo for as long as we can, and you will still see them within threads and posts at UKLDF and TDF.



Me Midi and Kharn want to do a photo shoot for Jo with his dolls at the next UK doll meet, there has been money given to the Macmillen nurses who looked after Jo, anyone wanting to give in the name of Jo is welcome too.
They do a wonderful job and Jo's Family are very much in support of them.

Anyway I hope this will be a fitting Tribute to Jo as we all know as Wetsuit.
Rest in peace Dear friend Jo, (aka Wetsuit).

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Re: A Tribute to Wetsuit.

Post by itsme »

Wetsuit :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:
He will be missed by us.
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Re: A Tribute to Wetsuit.

Post by B3F11dolly »

I can't add much as I must admit that I didn't know Wetsuit much. I saw he was logged in often, he posted a lot and good and helpful things, but somehow our pathes never crossed much more than that, so I never really got to know the person behind the avatar. I wouldn't have know his real name or such. In general he seemed to be a very nice fellow from the bit that I knew him, that was already easy to see. But as I said, I never got to know him closer. Sad thing is, now he is gone, so I had to learn more from your excellent tribute. Wetsuit won't be forgotten, even by those like me who didn't know much.


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Re: A Tribute to Wetsuit.

Post by Everhard »

A good memorial to Wetsuit. Thanks for taking on his dolls.

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Re: A Tribute to Wetsuit.

Post by hanuman37 »

I always envied Wetsuit his creativity and skill, and his beautiful dolls too! He was a wonderful guy, always pleasant, friendly and enthusiastic. He is sorely missed.

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Re: A Tribute to Wetsuit.

Post by Aileron429 »

Jo was a very kind soul. We shared a few interests in common, mainly music, musical instruments and of course Teddy Babes. He was always quite generous with encouragement and compliments, although we never got to meet in person I knew I was communicating with someone who was very real and down to Earth. The last few PM's we exchanged focused of course on his health particularly his pain management. Throughout all this Jo was still working on his hobbies, this last project had him restoring A 1930's Banjoli mandolin he had found on E-bay, here are some pics he sent my way, the top shot is of a successful project completed earlier and the bottom pic shows the banjoli on the left in need for repair. One of the reasons I'm sharing this is at no point did Jo complain or even offer that this project would not reach its completion. We were just bandying about ideas of what might work to repair the frame of the instrument. In the last PM I sent I asked if it would be OK if I sent along some gifts I had just ordered from Japan, I would need his address which he kindly provided. Due to my procrastination I never sent that package, something I deeply regret as he really would have enjoyed what I planned to send. The point is Folks don't take anything for granted, that's the lesson I learned from this great guy I never met but admired more than he ever knew. I already miss him.

Peace to Everyone,

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Re: A Tribute to Wetsuit.

Post by kharn »

Thanks Bob for posting such a beautiful memorial tribute to Jo :D

It still hasn't sunk in that we'll never see him again, all I can do is remember the happy times we had when we first meet back last November at the UK meet. here's a photo of Jo meeting Alektra, with his amazing little doll Antanasia. I couldn't believe the amount of detail he had gone to whiles making the suit of Armour for her, as shown above in Bob's post.
wales_300.jpg (119.68 KiB) Viewed 13316 times
I met Jo again last Christmas and he was in pain but also in high spirits and looking forward to going into hospital for his hip operation. Unfortunately this was not to be.

Our life on this world is short and no one knows when his or her time will come to leave, so we must Cherish ever moment we have with our family and friends.

Rest in peace Jo, you are gone from this world but not forgot and will live on in our hearts and memories.

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Re: A Tribute to Wetsuit.

Post by Abyss »

Great Tribute :) Thanks for sharing it with us.

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Re: A Tribute to Wetsuit.

Post by midiman »

Thanks Gibb, for posting this fine tribute. I don't know what I can add that has not already been, except that I miss him and will miss his presence at the UK meet in June :(

But this is such a great way to remember and honor him.

I do like this photo, though. He was always so cheerful despite the pain he was experiencing.

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Re: A Tribute to Wetsuit.

Post by Doll Knight XIX »

This is an outstanding tribute to Wetsuit, and though I'm sad to say that I did not get a chance to know him, I am crying as I write this. It is so sad to lose such an active and dedicated member to TDF and to the UK Love Doll Forum. It is nothing short of a tragedy. However, I am happy that Wetsuit's memory will live and on the UK Love Doll Forum as well as on here, and that his dolls have found a lovely new home. I am sure Wetsuit would be happy. Still... I wish I'd have gotten a chance to know him. :cry:

Requiesce in pace, Wetsuit.
We will start anew, on here, soon. We can't wait!

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Re: A Tribute to Wetsuit.

Post by Ursa_Major »

Thanks for a wonderful tribute to Wetsuit.

I met him on several occasions and as has been mentioned before he was always cheerful despite the pain he had to live with. He was a man of many talents and was always ready to offer advice to other doll owners. I remember when I got my first Teddy Babe he gave me advice on clothes and wigs and he also helped me to get both of my TBDs.

I considered him a good friend and he will be missed by all those who knew him.

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Re: A Tribute to Wetsuit.

Post by dave7311 »

:wink: 'very touching indeed! :)
'Thank You for sharing!"

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Re: A Tribute to Wetsuit.

Post by 1jayjay »

A vey fine and a very fitting eulogy indeed G..

I sadly never came across wetsuit but I still have an excellent photo of his Boy Toy saved, and have read and admired a lot of his posts.

Gone but not forgotten. RIP Wetsuit.

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Re: A Tribute to Wetsuit.

Post by Wahoo1 »

Alas, I too never knew him. Respect for sticking to the motorcycles :) He lived his life to the fullest from the looks of it.
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Re: A Tribute to Wetsuit.

Post by midiman »

I presented this at the 2012 UK Doll Lovers Meet. We shot the video at the 2011 meet. Some faces have been blurred in this version.
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