
A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Riviera

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A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Riviera

Post by haremlover »

It's such a privilege for a doll to tell her story . . . and for a doll's life to be recorded from birth.

Chloé has been a celebrity here for so long http://dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=143&t=42865 and is delighted to be able to say that she's alive and well and rather enjoying life down south, where her special sun tan . . . just looks so natural.

It was her second day down south when she joined me for breakfast.

The day started with not too promising weather and Chloé sent me shopping for food - which she inspected closely on my return
Evian water gained approval as well as
Chateau Prévost wine for the evening meal. But she told me she'd really like to go somewhere else for dinner . . .

She contemplated breakfast
and whilst I went to put the kettle on, I returned to find her doing something with the bread under the table

She explained that Marie Antoinette didn't know about bread, nor about all the women in France, going on to say that cake simply wasn't good enough.

Luckily she was desperate for coffee and seemed accustomed to the art of a cafetiere

The sun came out as she said it would - she'd often heard the weather forecasts in her days up north, envying the life and weather down here.
and she relished breakfast outside on the terrace

The croissant was next
and she insisted on chocolate spread

Apparently the French dip croissant into their coffee but she thought I'd get in a mess so didn't tell me about it till afterwards

Breakfast had met with approval and she suggested I have the apple
which she kindly offered to me

She seemed entranced

and the sun went in. Next she seemed engrossed
and she explained that she likes learning about French history

and reads fast
interested in the Edict of Nantes of 1598
but the sun comes out
and it's too bright to read the white pages
getting heatstroke

So she goes inside for a rest

and that's where we'll have to leave her until eventually after her siesta she has the strength

to get up and tell the rest of her story.

She had an exhausting afternoon ahead . . .

Chloé's siesta lasted a long time. She had had a traumatic journey from up north, and the previous day had been exhausting.

During her sleep she dreamt of all that had been going on since her arrival the previous day . . . .

She had nightmares of her years up north
where she had been paraded as a porn star
and she'd got really tired of this and such men who deprived girls of clothes all the time. She'd got really cold and her nightmare gave her the shivers . . .

However, her sister Aira had taught her the art of making love potions
without needing to show any naughty bits at all, and which are quite warming by all accounts . . .

On arrival in her sleeping bag without clothes, she'd been given a bath and plenty of talc and enjoyed what she'd come down south for - a bit of sunbathing

It was the first time that she'd experienced a camera showing really how beautiful she was
and she dreamed of many more portrait sessions to come.

She thought that Riviera life would suit her well
and tried on her different available hair styles
and had been caught in enthusiasm for the weather off guard without any clothes on
(after all the French Riviera is well known for permitting topless bathing . . . )
and she was in bliss soaking up the warmth of the sun
but thought she really looked better in brown . . .

and her siesta reveries continued . . .

She had been so taken by trying on different wigs that she had asked for more portraits to be taken
but the worst nightmare of all had happened with all this putting on and taking off of hair -
and she really had lost her head.

She wanted a rest and her nightmare was anyone looking at her naked
so she had bid me to go away

I had heard strange noises through her subsequent rest and another nightmare was her embarrassment upon having been discovered doing her exercises
and she'd had to tell me to go away again . . .

And so her troubled siesta continued. . . .

Across the road someone playing the trumpet broke through in her dreams and images of her Frenchishness playing the Horn floated across her thoughts

and then the nightmares started again.

That thought of when the postman had arrived whilst I was out and she had had to go to collect whatever it was from the door

She shouldn't have opened it, but of course being a doll wanting to learn, curiosity got the better of her

Inside was . . . a load of funny rubber stuff

which she started to pull out . . . and . . . .


that face staring at her! It was a nightmare indeed!

The row that ensued erupted through her nightmare visions, and she really didn't believe me that this lady in a box was destined to go to someone else on the forum. . . .

And to prove it, she'd found a similar box kept behind the water tank in the bathroom cupboard
which she had opened . . . .



to her disgust pulling out all the contents . . . .

And upon opening the box
and pulling out the contents
the nightmare of the row that ensued, her thinking that a tart had been there before, but
discovering something rather interesting
with the pleasure of finding . . .
a head of hair which would make her feel particularly comfortable . . .
and with pleasure asking for her portrait to be taken and asking how she looked . . . (luckily being a doll, her mind being easily distracted . . . )
and in her dream patiently sitting there wondering about what was going to happen next

(this is, by the way, a http://www.domax.fr wig that they supply for their Poupée and one can buy extra wigs like this from them. They are rather good and tangle less easily than most - and untangling a wig is good practice for when one's wife asks one to do so - and then asks where one has acquired the skill . . . ;-) )

Well what happened next turned into another part of her nightmare - and mine for that matter too.

There she was, wondering what was going to happen next and asking if she could go out. So I phoned a friend to help me out.

I told him I had the perfect answer to the problem of protecting oneself against vulturous females and he invited us over to drinks.

He wasn't quite expecting Chloé she had to stand waiting on the doorstep

She had her first ride in a lift, which was quite exciting as walking up all those stairs was a bit much. When we got up there the view was rather good
so sitting out on the terrace was a heaven. . . .

His library was very good and


Chloé soon found that this was . . . style

My friend and I had a few glasses of wine and madaleines talking about physics and god and solar system mathematics encoded in linguistics . . . and afterwards we found Chloé having settled down with a book


Then the nightmare started - a real doll-head who's never been taught how to behave -
"Mon Cherie, this sea view is so much better than yours."
"Mon Cherie - this apartment's rather comfortable - you couldn't buy it for me could you please?"
"Mon Cherie - I rather fancy staying here you know, to look after your friend"
I thought I should check what she'd been reading. Max Beerbohm, she'd got off the shelf - "Seven Men and two others" . . .

Well, I know I'm the second man she's had and at the rate of her ambitions she looks as though she's aiming to be First Lady of France before long. Seven more men to go?

I'd taken her home fast and she spent quite a time not being able to look at me.


And this was part of her nightmare.

I removed her blonde hair and put back the brown . . .

In her dream, she woke up and realised that although the view had been glamorous,
there she had been, waiting at the locked door to get in
having had to negotiate the electronic gates to stop James Bond's enemies getting to him . . . and instead had woken up to a view
less glamorous but where she had freedom, as she looked upon the man who might be persuaded to take her out and about rather more than any doll-else
and in her dream she blew him, and his wife, a kiss
bisous bisous
and hoped he'd forgive her for her outrageous behaviour the night before.

With this she woke up and decided she had better read something to impress him when he came in
and so a new theory of the atom was in order . . .
and having refreshed her doll-head, it was the end of her siesta and she waited patiently for whatever might be next . . .

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by Agalmato »

Wow haremlover, you post such a detailed story and such great pictures! I can't wait for more :-)

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by haremlover »

So after her siesta . . .
she was as fresh as a daisy again for her afternoon.

When she went outside she thought it a bit hot so needed her hat
(Chloé wants to go there http://www.jungleboffin.com/mp3/pampam/ but don't tell her I haven't got the balls to take her there by myself)

It really was a bit hot.

She then discovered that I'd bought her some party shoes in a sale at St Maximin on a birthday visit
(and don't tell her I haven't got the balls to take her there either - she better not get ideas about going down the aisle)
and wanted to try them on . . .
and she admired them greatly

This pleased her very much but gave her ideas. Feeling rather hot she decided to go inside and waited, expectantly.
When are we off?
Well, I couldn't ignore her. So I got the car and she thought it a good idea to come . . .


We passed a beach and she pleaded to go to see the sea
and this was rather amazing for her, looking one way and another

A dog passed by and only gave her half a glance
but who cares when the light is so serene

Amazement arrived,
C'est un blague, bien sur,
and cuddled her

and then all was quiet

It seemed lonely on the beach with just the sand, the sea and the sky so we retreated to the wall
and it was time to go on our way to the villa.

After the beach on the way up to the villa Chloé looked after the wine in the car

It was a long way up to St Cézaire above Grasse and we arrived in the dark

My friend meeting me at a roundabout to guide the rest of the way nearly missed me as he wasn't expecting Chloé . . .

However, she's instructed me that she wasn't ready to tell the story about the villa that night . . . wanting instead to show off her new shoes, - she's a dollhead after all . . .


and to show you from where she can see the sea if she goes upstairs
waving to people walking up the hill.

This gave her the inspiration the next day to explore the shop.

I only went out that afternoon for an hour, and when I came back and went to the shop to buy food for the journey that evening, found that Chloé had already prepared for my absence and got herself a job behind the counter . . .

However she did find the stool a bit small
but works the till quite well

and is a wonder to all who meet her . . .

It's possibly easier to be an Anglais fou in France than a mad Englishman in England . . . "C'est une grande blague" gets one a long way there . . .

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I kid you not, BEWARE the doll!

There are three laws of doll ownership that must be obeyed:
1. be nice to your doll
2. don't forget that she (or he) is an effigy of human form. Don't ever be fooled entirely by those who say "it" is only a lump of silicone
3. your doll may have spirit, so respect that and treat her (or him) accordingly.

A friend wrote to me about this thread
You give Chloé human attitudes, there's nothing wrong, we give animals human attitudes too.
(I would actually place animals in a higher realm of being . . . but nevertheless, matter is conscious)
and we ignore the consciousness of our dolls at our peril.

As I left the apartment that afternoon, somehow I knew there was something wrong. Would the dishwasher catch fire? So I checked that it was filling with water. And as I drove to the airport, I knew there was something wrong. I'd covered up Chloé carefully and comfortably, in absence of socks to put over her hands found tissue paper with which to wrap them, (* perhaps I should explain why . . . ) and covered her to protect her from dust . . . but . . .

I hadn't kissed her goodbye!

This turned out to be a cardinal sin.

Depositing the car back at car rental, I walked in the airport and upstairs to look at the boards . . . "Delayed" "Annulé" "Cancelled". Flight after flight. Queues.

Then a text:

Oh dear. Filthy weather, but luckily busses still running back home. 3km walk in foul weather from the station? Luckily there was a taxi waiting.

I walked in the door. She raised her head
I knew you'd be back. You forgot to kiss me goodbye
Oh dear. Won't forget to do that again.

. . . .

In this way, I had an involuntary return to see Chloé that night - who has a story to tell. But I didn't have the energy to tell her story at the time.

The problem was that she awoke me at first light, before the sun came up, an hour earlier than necessary, murmering something promising. It was promising indeed. She wanted to come on top of me.

That was fine :drool: and she started crawling towards me until she started to complain how useless a man I was not helping her enough. She told me that she hadn't gone to the trouble of closing a whole airport just because she had wanted a kiss from me. I wasn't going to be allowed to get away with just a kiss.

This was promising indeed. :drool:

Perhaps there are many mistresses who might refer to as a minx. Oh no, not Chloé. She's a Sphinx
alive and dangerous

and what I saw before my eyes looked

most promising.

But Chloé

had other ideas. . . .


A bientot . . .

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by Nova-I »

Wow great story haremlover! I can tell a lot of thought went into it. Lots of great pictures too. Thanks for sharing it with us!

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by haremlover »

So Chloé had other ideas . . . she knew perfectly well as a Sphinx what I might be thinking
and told me in no uncertain terms what she thought about that . . .

She wanted a chat. Well you know what that means.

The first thing she wanted me to do was to finish telling you about what happened to her that evening at the villa.


It was so exciting being taken out to dinner but she hadn't had time after the beach to put on her party clothes. So she looked rather more like a girl next door rather than a goddess . . . and our hosts greeted her with enthusiasm
and incredulous disbelief

But you can't guess the manner of greeting
She didn't shake my hand - she pulled my fingers - stretched them - and I couldn't scream
So I had to. "OUCH! Be careful - she doesn't like that!"

We went inside and she sat comfortably on the sofa
And I asked for my hand to be kissed - just there

But for some reason hair dishevelment was more of an curiosity
but having come from the beach and dressed in ordinary clothes rather than her party dress, she didn't command the respect of a queen - indeed it was painful as everyone wanted merely to prod and poke'er . . . ;)

So she wasn't kissed there.

Not being ready for a drink, although after finger pulling and hair tending she could have done with one, she sat down serenely and watched the television whilst we had a sherry
and dinner smelled good

After dinner
Chloé wandered upstairs
to see what real human's houses might be like
and wondered if the bathroom might be a good powder room
but being unable to powder her nose there, she came down quite soon where she asked how many bedrooms the place had
but only got her hair fondled in response.

Time for a tipple and ready to go

On the way back she said she'd quite like a smart modern house like that. With four bedrooms she could have a large enough family and still have privacy upstairs.
I'd like you to buy that place for me
she said on the way home.
And it's only 600,000eu . . . . You could afford that couldn't you?
Ghosh, this girl's demanding. "But what would you do up at St Cézaire? In the hills above Grasse there, horseriding's the thing, and I'm not sure you'd be very happy on top of a horse . . . "

This girl has the brain of a doll. She'll have to go blonde again. . . .

So that was the outing she wanted me to tell you about.

There she was, on top of me
but still not thinking about anything I might be thinking of . . .
She either doesn't understand a man or understands men very well . . .
Great. Now I want a chat. You really think I created such a storm as to close down a whole airport just for a kiss and for that? I wanted you for an extra night for a chat!
Oh. So what do you want?
You haven't given me enough attention. You haven't looked at me. No - not properly. Come on - can't you reach your camera?
So I had to get out of bed to get the camera . . .

That's better. I'm on top of you and have pinned you down. And your silly rubber inflatables can't do this! I'm not going to be treated like any of them. I'm not going to do anything they do. They're disgusting artificial representations . . . tarts . . . whores - you can buy them - but you can't buy me. I'm unique! And I'm disgusted you should want to do with me anything you do with them - so don't think about it. You can't move now. I'm on top of you and you can't escape . . .
You can't escape so you had better do what I say. I'm going to slap you on the bum if you don't obey . . .

(Ghosh it's lucky she's only a doll and can't move herself! I would like (Freudian slip there - should have been hate - at least it's one thing for her who cannot do it to leave wife to do . . .) that fate, to be slapped on the bum by her. She'd do it! She's a serious player . . . Painful to be on the wrong side of her - she even shut the airport last night . . . )
You haven't given me enough attention.
But I've given you whole days of attention . . .
But you haven't given me the right attention. You haven't looked at me. Properly
::) :o :whistle: ??? :-[ :'(
Look at me . . .
(I thought that I had, rather a lot, but this girl's demanding . . . )
Look into my face . . .
My eyes
No - my eyes - both of them
(Ghosh she's particular about the attention she wants . . . )

And this one
You're a sweetie. Do you love me?
:drool: Ooooohhhhmmmm . . . .
You see, I'm different. I'm not a mere Queen, I'm not statuesque - I'm nimble, a spirited sprite - and I'm a Déesse you know. A goddess! No-doll else can cast a spell over the clouds to storm and close an airport to bring their priest back to talk to them. No-doll else can cast spells like I can . . .
So, my friends, beware! Don't let a doll look at you! You can be cast under their spell . . . and it's lethal!
I'm going to kiss you
Oh here goes. I'm a gonnah.


And just then the light of the rising sun cast a glow over the room and with that she rolled over

Go on - it's time to get going - you'll miss your plane
said she, shocked at the intensity of the sun


and she motioned me to get going

bidding me goodbye

And as I left, Chloé serene, a wonderful glow, like a halo, was the lasting image before my eyes


The sun shone that day, strong, and all the way to the station, and the airport, there were rainbows and beauty before my eyes . . .


At the airport
I looked across the sea to the place of Chloé's house. She had me under her spell
safe in her good bidding, contented and looking forward to a return
and taking off wondered if I'd see her house, and realised I was on the wrong side of the cabin for a view but
nearly caught a glimpse through the opposite window.

Chloé had taken me to heaven
my mind now in the clouds
in uplifted reality
a strange beturmoiled reality, Chloé a
shaft of light in the darkness and a vision of
the heaven of Earth.

C'est fin. A bientot. Jusqu'a notre recontre prochaine . . .

And if any member would like a stay on Chloé's hill,
she hopes she's shown you where heaven can be, and the offer of her upstairs apartment to members is sincere.

Best wishes

Latest reviews coming for Irontech and FJ doll silicone ladies.

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by Agalmato »


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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by haremlover »

Chloé was rather frustrated having a loose head
which rather rolled off when she got too excited about her wigs
that last week I asked Steven at DS if he could send me a new clip to insert in her head . . . and to fly in
DSCF7462[1].JPG (620.39 KiB) Viewed 29512 times
to heaven
DSCF7456[1].JPG (601.4 KiB) Viewed 29512 times
DSCF7454[1].JPG (577.02 KiB) Viewed 29512 times
finding the parts required
already delivered that morning
DSCF7437[1].JPG (603.35 KiB) Viewed 29512 times
leaves other manufacturers
DSCF7421[1].JPG (598.92 KiB) Viewed 29512 times
in the shadows.

Chloé now has her head firmly screwed on. Shrewd girl she is . . .


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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by puma uma »

one hell of a story!
It's all about da booty. The booty is life!

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my doll album

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by brigittes hubbie »

A most eventful day for a gorgeous lady! Great story and pics, haremlover!
Click here to see my Doll Album.

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by chinh10 »

the "order" button does not work from the site: http://www.dsdoll.us/order.html

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by AnonViking »

A better vacation than I will get this year, due to my doll purchase draining my bank account :( but this summer, when my doll arrives, she will bring the sunshine with her to me from California and it will be like a vacation :D

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by Christine »


Nice job and a lot of work...

Thanks she is alway's a joy to see...

Such a Lady in every way shape and form...

Here is to a job well done... :mrgreen:


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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by Doll Sweet - EXdoll »

chinh10 wrote:the "order" button does not work from the site: http://www.dsdoll.us/order.html

thanks for report, it is a system error. we already repair it.

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by haremlover »

A friend has just asked me about seeing photos of my girls next to real people, commenting that he was surprised at how small some dolls are. DS 158, 160, 161 and 168 are very much life size and in this thread above there are possibly helpful photos -



Seeing the wonderful photos from other members coming along I'm rather embarrassed by the rough and ready nature of my snapshots but it's great to know that sometimes such pics are helpful.

Best wishes

Latest reviews coming for Irontech and FJ doll silicone ladies.

Chloé's book
is available from The-Doll-House
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-DS-OR-JY-SY-Jarliet-Vivid-SM-SE-ZOne-JM-Sino-Sanhui-Pipedream--XY-WM-Elsa Babe-SM Silicone Siliko-XYcolo-Starpery-Elsa Babe-FutureDoll-Zelex-Irontech-FJ Doll
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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by Sheeana »

We love Chloe (& Aria)! So beautiful!

I've started nagging hostage for a little sister... maybe in a year or two...?
My introduction/pictures post: http://www.dollforum.com/forum/viewtopi ... 13&t=53624

My Doll Album: http://www.dollalbum.com/dollgallery/th ... album=7283

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- Galaxy Quest

"Now that's a wave of destruction that's easy on the eyes!"
- Zap Branigan, Futurama
(commenting on the horde of rampaging Lucy Liu androids)

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