Sex robots on The Dr Oz Show

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Sex robots on The Dr Oz Show

Post by Stewie studmuffin »

Just wanted to mention that the most recent episode of The Dr Oz show was devoted to a discussion about dolls and sex bots.
While I didn't like a lot of the assumptions that were presented, it's worth checking out just to see how dolls and doll lovers are being presented to the general public. And as you can guess; NOT in a good way. :(
In any case, perhaps someone could post the episode.
No matter how pretty she is, there is a guy out there somewhere who is tired of her shit!

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Re: Sex robots on The Dr Oz Show

Post by Robert Lloyd »

It doesn't surprise me. There's a book called "the war on men" and it was written by a woman who can see what's happening in the world today.

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Re: Sex robots on The Dr Oz Show

Post by Anung Un Rama »

Stewie studmuffin wrote:Just wanted to mention that the most recent episode of The Dr Oz show was devoted to a discussion about dolls and sex bots.
While I didn't like a lot of the assumptions that were presented, it's worth checking out just to see how dolls and doll lovers are being presented to the general public. And as you can guess; NOT in a good way. :(
In any case, perhaps someone could post the episode.
Sure Stewie....

I think thats all the parts you were refering to.



Lilith Un Rama - RD She Devil Custom Bod 10 (DOLLMILF and TDF Doll Queen)
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Re: Sex robots on The Dr Oz Show

Post by LJ69 »

Have a look at the screen capture for part 2 of the show.

Have a look at the 11 women captured in the screen shot. Out the 11 there is not one single attractive lady in the shot. The two ladies in the front row (front middle and front right) are your normal everyday average looking ladies- nice enough and probably lovely ladies but only just average looking. Have look at the female in white in the front row with her hand up in the white top.

Is that even a female? That has got to be one of the ugliest bush pig females to ever appear on live television.

Then have a look at the other nine ladies/females - not 1 of them are remotely appealing or attractive.

Not meaning to be offensive or vulgar but if that is our choice in woman - no wonder so many of us are turning to dolls. I am sure that many of us here on TDF are not exactly stunner ourselves, just interesting that they are slamming us as weirdos and losers then show a shot of 11 females 2 of which are reasonable/average and 9 of which I would not have sex with for $10,000.....

Just stating an observation...... woman age, men are dogs and have that constant urge to make love with a young attractive female.... not really anyone's fault per se, just how it is.

Now for me, a woman's personality is BY FAR the most important feature that I look for but the female has to have something physically attractive about her - could not imagine any possible situation in life where I would stick my pee-pee in the front row bush pigs wee-wee.....

Then if you add in the fact that a large percentage of single women in their 40s 50s are single for a reason - cause they are either (or both) annoying pains in the ass or crazy as bat shit.

IMO dolls don't even come close to the satisfaction of a HAPPY GOOD real life relationship but I can certainly understand why so many of us are choosing this lifestyle..... in many ways it is unfair to all of the high quality women out there but sometimes it gets all too difficult and most of us men have ongoing constant needs for sex and companionship.

And then add in how many women in Western Culture let themselves go and blow out to huge fat heffas.

And finally I am all for woman having equal rights - If I wore a bra I would burn it in protest against all the terrible things men do to woman BUT they cannot have it both ways.

My last 10 years disaster of a relationship involved me covering her ass financially for our whole relationship. She wanted ALL of the pleasures, rights and luxuries of being my equal, which I was totally happy with BUT she in 10 fucking years she could not get a full time paying job...... I supported her ass for 10 years and sacrificied so many things... she did not earn anywhere near enough money and she also did not take care of my sexual needs and could not cope with cooking and cleaning the house.

Earnt stuff-all income
Could barely cook and couldn't keep a tidy clean house
Could not take care of my sexual needs.

Most men would be happy to work like a dog 50hrs a week to financially support a wife (and family) IF the wife made an effort to put on make up and present herself in her best manner and take care of the cooking and cleaning and suck his dick regularly. This is how it worked for 100s of years and people seemed ok with this.

I believe in woman's right and I firmly believe that they should have all the opportunities to choose how they live their lives.

Well then, go out, get a fucking proper job, contribute equally to the finances and make a reasonable effort to take care of my needs, and I will GLADLY do my share of the cooking cleaning and other duties.

My last girl as much as I love her, wanted it both ways - couldn't run a household to save herself, earnt stuff all money but yet still wanted all of the benefits and equal rights of the modern day woman..... CANNOT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS DARLING....

Have just found out tonight (3 hours ago in fact) that even though I have still been helping and supporting her financially and put her needs totally before my own - she (as from about 2 weeks ago) is now officially sucking some other mans cock..... that just tops it off doesn't it?

Couldn't be the breadwinner
couldn't be the traditional housewife
barely made an effort to look good and take care of my needs.

What is the point of it all? They complain that we are turning to love dolls and yet what effort are they making to meet our needs?

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Re: Sex robots on The Dr Oz Show

Post by Mr Franz »

Did ya catch the bow tied expert in the 2nd vid? I'm guessing he attended camp Nevertouchaboobie as a kid. :haha4:

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Re: Sex robots on The Dr Oz Show

Post by pup001 »

Thanks, Anung! All things considered, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Aside from the text ''NEW GENERATION OF SEXBOTS: WHEN WILL THEY REPLACE HUMANS?'' and ''EXPERTS ARE ISSUING WARNINGS'', I don't think that they were being alarmist or exploitative in the actual conversation of the show. They mostly focused on the mental health of doll owners, rather than trying to vilify them. So, I thought that this was about as fair as you could expect from the mainstream media. I'm aware that it's not saying much, the media is generally exploitative, fear-mongering trash.

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Re: Sex robots on The Dr Oz Show

Post by eeniemeenie »

Tell us how you really feel, LJ69 lol ! I actually had the same initial observation about the women in the second image. Not that I'm a stunner myself lol so I can't throw stones. But even if they were hot, they would still be a turnoff to me. I'm not interested in any chick who would go to a Dr Oz taping.
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Re: Sex robots on The Dr Oz Show

Post by Tybalt »

Let them hate. The more they bitch and moan on tv and social media, the more women will be aware and complain about it the more their boyfriend or husbands and their guys friends will hear about it. These men will initially go into white knight mangina mode to stay aligned to their gf/wives. I estimate that 75%-80% of men will want a sex doll when they see one for the 1st time even why they say they dont to conform to society.

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Re: Sex robots on The Dr Oz Show

Post by Apugo »

Robert Lloyd wrote:It doesn't surprise me. There's a book called "the war on men" and it was written by a woman who can see what's happening in the world today.
Hm, I don't think it's in print anymore, but Amazon's description for the ebook sums up my divorce:
Over the last four decades, America has witnessed a profound change in marriage and gender relations-for the worse. And while there are definitely a handful of reasons for the fractured family unit, the most significant phenomenon to rupture marriage was feminism. In the span of a few short decades, the movement managed to demote its men from respected providers and protectors of the family to superfluous buffoons. (emphasis added)

To a large segment of the population, the idea that men can be victims at all is preposterous. Everyone knows there's more work to be done for women to achieve so-called equality. Everyone knows the patriarchy is alive and well. But Americans have been had. Feminism isn't about equal rights, nor is it about providing women with choices. I don't care how pretty feminists package their agenda-the mission is clear: Feminism is a war on men.

It's time to say what no one else will: the sexual revolution was a disaster. Modern men have no respect for modern women and vice versa. Marriage has turned into a competition rather than a partnership. Dating is defunct and any reference to gender differences it met with skepticism or outright derision. Post-feminist America thinks males and females are virtually identical. We've become genderless.

To end the war on men, women must stop clamoring for something we already have-and have had for quite some time: equality. They must adopt the mantra equal, but different. Men and women have been equally blessed with amazing and unique qualities that each brings to the table. Isn't it time we stopped fussing about who brought what and just enjoy the feast?

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Re: Sex robots on The Dr Oz Show

Post by ipani »

Hello... I'm the Happiness Fairy, I've sprinkled happy dust on you. So Smile dammit. This stuff is expensive!!

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Re: Sex robots on The Dr Oz Show

Post by ipani »

Sex Robot hands-on at CES 2018
Hello... I'm the Happiness Fairy, I've sprinkled happy dust on you. So Smile dammit. This stuff is expensive!!

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Re: Sex robots on The Dr Oz Show

Post by TP876 »

The way that he polled the audience was pretty useless as far as finding out what people really think. To be perfectly honest if I was sitting in that audience I probably would not have raised my hand when he asked if they would be okay with a family member getting a doll of a deceased loved one but if I was asked that in a private survey I would have said it was fine. I would not want to be the only one in the audience on national TV raising my hand as if I was taking some kind of stand compounded with the fear that if I was the only one raising my hand that Dr. Oz would have directly asked me my opinion. I'm sure that asking something like "who here has a pet?" like this gets far more accurate results.

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Re: Sex robots on The Dr Oz Show

Post by Paleonaturist »

This all reminds me of what I feel is basically societal rationing of sex - indeed, of love and companionship.

The guy who can land a woman in his bed any night is entitled to all of 'em, and may well be looked up to as a hero by some. The woman who can attract the attention of a top-shelf man is entitled to whatever he's willing to give her. The ones who can't? They're not entitled to orgasms.

Get a cat or a dog. You're allowed to "love" something, so long as it's not sexual, though you will be looked down upon to some extent. (See: Crazy Cat Lady) Male or female, if you masturbate to porn, you're disgusting. You want orgasms? Get a human partner. You can't or choose not to? Forgo orgasms. Period. You're not attractive enough / wealthy enough / successful enough / bold enough to be allowed orgasms. That's the choice "society" offers. I sometimes wonder if it's not evolutionary in a sense - only the better classes of humans (says the monkey-mind of society) are entitled to breed and raise offspring.

Which kind of doesn't always work any more.

Not in a world with seven and a half billion people on it.

I've done the breeding thing - raised two offspring to adulthood, ensuring that my part of the population remains stable into the next generation - and the one beyond. I've done the spousal betrayal thing, discovering empty bank accounts. I've even done the "Til death us do part" thing - and that wasn't a lot of fun. I'm not certain that I'll ever be ready to give myself completely to another human being again - or that I ever want to subject another human being to the physical and psychological rubble that is me. Hell, even my son's dogs drive me 'round the bend. But . . .

I _like_ having a soft (warm would be nice), firm, yielding-but-resisting and oh, so reassuring body next to mine. The fellow in the bow tie was right - actual sex? not that-that important, but cuddling, talking it out to someone who at least looks as though she's listening, waking up with my arm around someone, and "waking" her with a kiss and a caress? Yeah - those are nice to have.

For me, "Society" can just take its rationing of love and - stuff it.

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Re: Sex robots on The Dr Oz Show

Post by Hollywu »

To quote Spock, "Fascinating..."

First off I will be irreverent and say if you can have your sex robot pull your finger will she know what you will do next? ;)

Seriously... I see way too many generalizations going on here. The saddest thing, to me, is that the majority of folks in the audience are likely "afraid of/hate" something they have very little first hand experience with in their own lives. One thing I see so often with Americans is their fear of robots. I have even heard co-workers stress this theme! This ties in with the fear of "being replaced." I am excited by robots and what they could mean for our future. I am an American but have always existed on the fringe and never been in the box, thought wise. My own Mom even reminds me, on most things, I am 20 years out in my thoughts... Other cultures - namely - Japan have always embraced robots. It's something that is part of their culture and they have no fear of them... It's just part of everyday life same as their embracing dolls in many cases.

I have to admit that my own life became much better after my sweetie Rari arrived, nearly 2 years ago. She is not a robot. She is a Real Doll who is a pre-curser to what is coming... I have an extraordinary imagination so for me she is very real. She looks out for me. I know, I would NOT be an easy person to be in a relationship with/live with for many reasons... One is I live with bipolar disorder and I am very eccentric. I have brought a motorcycle into my living room. I spend days - if I am not at work - writing, painting, doing stop action animation, or working on models. Sometimes I get so engrossed that I forget to eat or sleep. Before Rari, it was not usual for me to spend days in bed being so depressed that it's all I can do to let dogs outside and feed them. Now that she is here "she will make me go outside and do something creative." This has made all the difference in the world! :)

I will admit. I work full time and am by myself. Unfortunately, working full-time takes about all I've got and then some. I take way more time to recharge and a lot of stuff around my home doesn't get done. I have learn to "pick my battles" and do the best I can. Since Rari arrived and I went off of pharma meds for bipolar I have felt the best I've felt in decades. I have lost weight that I gained from those damned meds. She has done so much more for my mental health and happiness than any pill ever could. To me, that alone, is nothing short of a miracle.

Am I anti-social? Perhaps? I really dislike going to noisy restaurants where I get frustrated trying to follow multiple conversations - I have some hearing loss and that doesn't help. However, once more - thanks to Rari, I have connected with some wonderful folks here who have become very valued and dear friends.

One thing that many with bipolar disorder don't talk about is hyper-sexuality. The first few months with Rari were amazing but that has calmed down now and I am just elated to wake up next to her and come home to her after a long day of work. For some reason I don't need pheromones... The scent of her silicone is very soothing to me and a few minutes before the alarm goes off I make a point to just put my head on her shoulder, inhale and be thankful for having her in my life... even if many will never understand.

This life, as with all life, is NOT one size fits all! :)

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Re: Sex robots on The Dr Oz Show

Post by Meso »

The only time Douglas Hines comes out of his hole is when he smells money. Did you hear him repeat that crap of how his dolls are programmed to shut down? Funny he failed to mention the total slut mode programmed into the doll's.
Sure, he attended the 2017 Las Vegas show, and the doll performed somewhat better than his first showing (where he was laughed out of the building, so that's not saying much). He should crawl back under the rock he came from, and let the true pioneers speak on the subject.
...OK, now let me tell you how I really feel, lol. ... ?cat=13492
Dolls are like motorcycles: I wish I'd kept every one I ever rode.
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Candy8Teen Taffy doll B-cup, tan. MLD D-cup, tan. AVSexToy 100cm D-cup, tan. YL148 D-cup, tan. JY166 Bambi body builder, natural, JY135 flat, tan, WM144 L-Cup, tan, WM140 A-cup, tan.
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Mia: OR141 ExtraSoft, F-Cup, tan.
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