Rules Of Conduct

  1. Definitions of terms used in our rules:
    TDF : The Doll Forum
    Erotic : a quality that causes sexual feelings, as well as a philosophical contemplation concerning the aesthetics of sexual desire, sensuality, and romantic love.
    Pornography : media containing the explicit depiction of sexual activity intended to arouse sexual desire.
    Post : any content added by the member via TDF forum discussions and private messaging. #
  2. 1. Content posted at TDF

    1. Only dolls may appear in pornographic media. Dolls with faces or bodies that have childlike features are prohibited. Humans showing real or manufactured sexual organs are prohibited on TDF. Humans may only appear if clothed.
      *, **, or *** (depending on seriousness of the photo)

      Nude doll images for the purpose of showing the features of a doll are allowed in our general forum but cannot portray masturbation or sexual acts. Masturbation or sexual acts can be portrayed only in the Members Only areas. Ejaculate - simulated or real - is not allowed.

      Content deemed inappropriate for our social standards and reputation will be removed.

      Links to images or videos are allowed only if they meet our above rules and definitions. The Mature URL tag is no longer required in member only sections.
      Cartoons and jokes fall under the same rules.

      *Note: Owing to the fact that this is a subjective rather than objective issue, members will not be penalized in borderline cases nor for any previously posted photos that may now be deemed in violation of this rule. #
  3. 1a. Non-participating Manufacturer Products

    1. Free membership at TDF is paid for by supporting or participating manufacturers who are here to chat with you and to participate in mediation services for better buyer protection. Purchasing dolls from non-supporting manufacturers undermines our free member system and buyer benefits because non-participating manufacturers contribute nothing towards our free member website and do not participate in our mediation services or forum discussions with members.
      Therefore we limit exposure for non-participating and unlisted doll manufacturers to designated member only forums. Members comprise approximately 28% of our total visitors. We suggest that members who wish to buy dolls from non-participating brands and want to have more exposure, do their part by lobbying the manufacturers they buy from to participate at TDF so that both the membership and the manufacturer get 100% exposure to forum traffic and buyer benefits. Essentially if manufacturers don't care enough to be at our dedicated website and participate in our screening, interactive forums, and buyer protection mediation programs they don't belong here.
      Furthermore, we do not allow promotion of or linking to non-participating doll brand websites in any forum. Promotion is defined as any manufacturer information or posts with the obvious intention of encouraging or connecting members to a non-participating brand. Posts that provide sales information and links where to purchase, and reviews and discussions about the brand, manufacturer or vendor will be removed. Photo shoots are allowed as long as the photos do not highlight brand logos, or brand names or links. But a reminder that unsupported brand posts are only allowed in designated Member Only Forums.

      Miniature Adult Dolls, Latex Inflatable Love Dolls and Vinyl Inflatable Love Dolls, Non-Participating Manufacturers - Members Only

      The following link is a link to our Manufacturers and Sellers Sections: viewforum.php?f=68
      If the manufacturer of the doll you wish to post does not appear in one of these three categories, it is considered as a Non-participating manufacturer:
      Love Doll Manufacturers - Americas and Europe, Love Doll Manufacturers - Asia, Original Design Manufacturers - ODM

      Please be aware that some vendors offer dolls that are not supported on this website nor do they qualify for our free buyer protection mediation service. Be sure to check if you wish to post about the doll you buy at TDF without restrictions or you wish to use our buyer mediation services should things not work out to your satisfaction. #
  4. 2. Stay legal

    1. Stay legal! If the law doesn't allow it, we don't either! Use common sense and be courteous. Make our community a pleasant place for everyone.
      *** #
  5. 3. Demeaning or derogatory statements

    1. No demeaning or derogatory statements targeting members, management, or the forum in general in any sections including chat and in PMs targeted at members.
      **, *** for severe violations #
    2. 3a) Posts with an obvious intention of insulting or hurting the feelings of any member or forum management, are not allowed. Common sense and courtesy apply. i.e. If you want to post a negative review or comment about a doll do not do so in the announcement thread of a member who just received that doll. If you want to promote a manufacturer/vendor do so in the Dolls In General or in that manufacturer/vendor's forum and not in a competing manufacturer/vendor's forum. Try to keep your comments 'objective' rather than 'subjective' when posting critique. If you do not like the looks of something, be polite - don't be rude. Simply say it does not appeal to you. #
    3. 3b) No demeaning or derogatory posts regarding race, gender, sexual preference, politics, religion or country of origin. Also, no postings or signature lines involving party or governmental politics, religion, or pedophilia. Again, common sense applies. We are here to discuss dolls and share common interests related to them. There are plenty of other forums for other discussion subjects, i.e. if you wish to talk about government issues go to another forum that allows such. #
    4. 3c) In an effort to keep order and avoid inflammatory situations, we ask that all grievances and complaints be sent privately to a forum manager. This is a private forum. However, we also strive to accommodate the members and welcome suggestions. Members creating inflammatory threads that become disruptive to the forum and its members will be subject suspension at management's discretion. #
    5. 3d) Unless business/industry related (as in journalists & manufacturers/vendors), the posting of member real names or private information is strictly forbidden unless it has already been posted by the member himself. Also it is forbidden for members to post photos that would reveal the identity of ANY TDF member, unless they have the permission of that member. Photos taken at TDF member meets are for the use and distribution of those attending the meet and not meant to be shared publicly without prior consent if they reveal identities. *** #
  6. 4. Off-topic content

    1. The open forum is for non-doll topics, however, in an effort to reduce friction between members, TDF does not allow political or religious discussions. Off topic posts will be removed.
      * #
  7. 5. Disruptive posting

    1. Members who establish a pattern of disruptive posting, evidenced to be bashing, or trolling our community will be subject to suspension or termination at the discretion of management. #
  8. 6. Grievances

    1. Wherever possible, members should attempt to resolve grievances with other members and/or forum management through private messages. #
  9. 7. Spam and abuse

    1. No spamming, cross posting, or links requiring registration in order to enter or display the link. Members may have only ONE member account, but may also have accounts for their dolls which must bear their respective doll names. Please notify an admin if you set up a doll account so that he/she may tag it as such.
      * or ** depending on specific case below, *** for commercial spam #
    2. 7a) Our definition of spam consists of unsolicited commercial offers¹, links to external sites with the goal of generating traffic to commercial websites¹, the use of an affiliate tag in a URL¹, and/or starting multiple threads or multiple posts that have the effect of pushing all other people's posts or threads off of the front page. This includes private messages, avatars¹, signatures¹, posts without any content other than a URL, and those made just to lead members elsewhere.
      ¹: This does not apply to manufacturers/vendors listed at TDF or to posts that announce redesigns or contests of our partner sites. ** or *** #
    3. 7b) Signatures containing manufacturer/vendor logos, contact info and/or direct advertising for a doll manufacturer/vendor are not to be used while posting in other manufacturer/vendor threads. The signature must be turned off for those posts. Only manufacturers, vendors and their affiliates may have these kinds of signatures. The maximum pixel size for a signature graphic is 600W x 120H. (warning or ** for repeated offences) #
    4. 7c) Any links to images or sites requiring registration and/or login (such as Yahoo or eBay) must include a notice that registration and/or login is needed. Other than that, if you create a link to an object such as a photograph, the photograph should display for all members or the link should take you there without requiring registration and/or login or site permissions. * #
    5. 7d) Posts and Private messages may not contain URL only links nor be designed to draw traffic to another website. They must add content or further discussion. Any links to other competing forum threads must contain enough content from the thread to give the TDF reader a good feel for what they will be linking to. When linking an offsite gallery, you must also show at least one photo from the gallery in your post that is being linked to or your post will be removed. Links to personal websites and web blogs are allowed if it is relevant to the thread topic or contained in your signature line, but must also conform to the above requirements. * #
    6. 7e) No links are allowed to websites that are known to be targeting, trolling, or bashing doll owners, members, management, or the forum in general in any sections including chat and in PMs targeted at members. #
    7. 7f) All cross posts will be removed by the moderators. Definition of cross posting - Starting the same thread or topic in multiple forums at TDF. * #
  10. 8. Harassing

    1. No uninvited sexually oriented, offensive or repeated harassing in public posts and/or private messages to any forum member. If you are asked to stop contacting a member, you must stop.
      ** or *** depending on the severity of the offense #
  11. 9. Automated downloads, viruses or malicious code

    1. Automated AI Programs for reading and posting, as well as bots and web harvesters are not permitted on TDF in any form with the exception of reading and posting assist programs for the physically challenged, visually or hearing impaired. Postings containing viruses or malicious code will result in termination of your account.
      *** #
  12. 10. Claims

    1. Do not post unsupported claims regarding people or products. If you have an opinion make sure you state that it is your opinion AND support that opinion with hard facts or evidence, preferably by an established authority if it is not based on firsthand experience. Even opinions can be damaging to businesses and subject to lawsuits.
      (Note above in Rule 3 that the use of a member's real name is strictly forbidden, even by the owning member. The only exception to this is when the name is business and/or industry related as in manufacturers/vendors and journalists.)

      Any negative statements about products and product safety MUST be backed up by hard evidence. i.e. Reporting adverse reactions that a user has had to a product is allowed, however, the user cannot claim the product is unsafe without scientific proof by a recognized authority. General discussions about the specific chemicals and the products that contain them are OK, however, any statement that a particular product is unsafe must be accompanied by corroborating evidence. If you can't print it in the newspaper without fear of being sued, don't post it here. Be sure to let people know when you are giving your opinion. #
  13. 11. Manufacturers, vendors and their affiliates

    1. Manufacturers, their affiliates and Vendors are prohibited from commenting in other manufacturer/vendor forums and threads started by other manufacturers/vendors, without the specific permission of those other manufacturers/vendors, with the exceptions of congratulatory and thank you posts. Manufacturers, their affiliates and Vendors are also prohibited from sending unsolicited commercial offers by private messages, unless those said manufacturers, affiliates and vendors are already conducting business with the for said parties. #
  14. 12. Comparison of competing brands

    1. Those wishing to discuss or compare competing doll brands should do so in the Dolls In General forum and not that of a specific manufacturer/vendor used in the comparison. #
  15. Disclaimer

    1. The Owner and Management of this site reserve the right to edit, delete or nullify the posts, pictures or memberships of anyone whom they deem unfit, for any reason or reasons. Membership is a privilege, not a right. The Owner always has the final word. Management will remove any posts they deem are against the best interests of the community as a whole. Any members who have been banned from this website are no longer welcome and subsequent enrollment or account setup will be considered as trespassing. #
  16. Penalty System

    1. * Warning only

      ** Possible moderated posting or time-out depending on the number and/or severity of offenses

      *** Mandatory forum ban

      All penalties are the discretion of Forum Management.

      NOTE: Members may be given an opportunity to voluntarily correct their own offending post and avoid penalty. #