Introducing Xycolo

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Re: Introducing Xycolo

by Dollstudio » Sun Dec 04, 2022 9:12 am


updated head list by Xycolo:
XYcolo Heads 20221204 .jpg
XYcolo Heads 20221204 .jpg (1.38 MiB) Viewed 1280 times

Re: Introducing Xycolo

by Dollstudio » Mon Sep 13, 2021 10:42 am


just a quick reminder that Xycolo is running a 2nd head for free promotion until September 25th.

To give you an idea how Xycolo heads can look like:
jessie-delage-fabrice.jpg (217.65 KiB) Viewed 1771 times
This is Jessie, photographed by Delage Fabrice (picture borrowed from ... 69698?s=20, @delagefabrice1 on Twitter is definitely worth following).

Jessie is a Xycolo 'Vala' head.



Re: Introducing Xycolo

by Dollstudio » Sun Nov 17, 2019 10:08 pm


problem solved, kind of…

Quick solution for standing Xycolo style: Metal bar (front) and screw (heel):
Standing_01_01.jpg (242.31 KiB) Viewed 2799 times
Standing_01_02.jpg (209.98 KiB) Viewed 2799 times
So as of today, Xycolo has the aequivalent for 'standing with screws'.

It's free of charge.


Re: Introducing Xycolo

by Booty Call Dolls » Tue Nov 12, 2019 7:06 am

@dxc: As I mentioned in Weekly summary 29/2019, about 95% of my customers want standing capability. Customers not wanting standing capability are a pronounced exception. I don't know if other vendors have similar stats,
We are about the same. Could be even higher
And pretty close to that for non-Asian faces too

Re: Introducing Xycolo

by tommie987654321 » Sun Nov 10, 2019 2:59 am

Gorgeous sexy doll :thumbs_up:

Re: Introducing Xycolo

by Rider77 » Sun Nov 10, 2019 1:38 am

Dollstudio wrote:
xycolo-xc-153aa-body-style-yumi-head-0017.jpg (60.58 KiB) Viewed 2915 times
Wow, this models makes me quake a bit. good job Xycolo

Re: Introducing Xycolo

by Dollstudio » Tue Nov 05, 2019 3:24 pm


some more picture with ›Yumi‹ head and Body B (~153 cm, ~23 kg):
xycolo-xc-153aa-body-style-yumi-head-0001.jpg (280.81 KiB) Viewed 2966 times
xycolo-xc-153aa-body-style-yumi-head-0005.jpg (201.05 KiB) Viewed 2966 times
xycolo-xc-153aa-body-style-yumi-head-0008.jpg (266.73 KiB) Viewed 2966 times
At the picture above, please take a look at the position of the legs. As far as I can tell, so far there are no so many (non-BJD) dolls out there which can kneel like this.
xycolo-xc-153aa-body-style-yumi-head-0014.jpg (255.25 KiB) Viewed 2966 times
xycolo-xc-153aa-body-style-yumi-head-0017.jpg (268.54 KiB) Viewed 2966 times
xycolo-xc-153aa-body-style-yumi-head-0018.jpg (208.43 KiB) Viewed 2966 times

Re: Introducing Xycolo

by avante » Mon Nov 04, 2019 11:59 am

Thanks for elaborating. That's damn unfortunate tho! Really would prefer foot bolts over hanging hooks / stand needed myself. Quick follow up: is this like common for silicon tho? *to be not standing without some form of hook?

Re: Introducing Xycolo

by Dollstudio » Mon Nov 04, 2019 11:49 am

@avante: Currently, Xycolo dolls do not have officially supported standing capability.

Similar to Doll Sweet, there is not option for standing with bolts.

Similar to Doll Sweet, the officially supported approach for upright positioning is the hanging system. For DS you would use the hang kit, for Xycolo you would use the back hook option, both together with a doll stand or some other device to put the hook onto. For both manufacturers, hanging with head attached is possible this way.

The unsupported variant would be to try to make the doll stand on her own feet. That might or might not work, and most certainly it is not an option for long-term standing (display)or even storage.


Re: Introducing Xycolo

by avante » Mon Nov 04, 2019 11:12 am

@Sandro, about the standing option (again not knowing much of silicon) but are all these non-standing aka there is still foot bolts in standing option dolls?
Also kinda wonder about that 'black hook' where the head connects on the skeleton; what is its function?

Re: Introducing Xycolo

by matt gloss » Sun Nov 03, 2019 9:56 am

:multi: :multi: :multi:

Re: Introducing Xycolo

by Dollstudio » Sun Nov 03, 2019 9:08 am


let's take a look at Body B (~153 cm); pictures below with ›Yumi‹ head:

Black lingerie…
xycolo-xc-153aa-body-yumi-head-8945.jpg (203.13 KiB) Viewed 3856 times
xycolo-xc-153aa-body-yumi-head-8962.jpg (200.31 KiB) Viewed 3856 times
xycolo-xc-153aa-body-yumi-head-8971.jpg (224.1 KiB) Viewed 3856 times
xycolo-xc-153aa-body-yumi-head-8974.jpg (215.89 KiB) Viewed 3856 times
xycolo-xc-153aa-body-yumi-head-8979.jpg (215.75 KiB) Viewed 3856 times
xycolo-xc-153aa-body-yumi-head-9000.jpg (151.94 KiB) Viewed 3856 times
… and white lingerie:
xycolo-xc-153aa-body-yumi-head-9029.jpg (221.5 KiB) Viewed 3856 times
xycolo-xc-153aa-body-yumi-head-9036.jpg (203.25 KiB) Viewed 3856 times
xycolo-xc-153aa-body-yumi-head-9031.jpg (197.57 KiB) Viewed 3856 times
xycolo-xc-153aa-body-yumi-head-9022.jpg (189.32 KiB) Viewed 3856 times
Sandro ... 13185?s=20 ... 33472?s=20

Re: Introducing Xycolo

by avante » Sat Nov 02, 2019 1:21 pm

Gotta add, after reading the whole thread -after the first picture scan of my 1st post- :

+FREAKING NICE skeleton; did not properly register the bolts and nuts; but that also is a MAJOR improvement.
+For once an actual detailed picture showing all the movement and stuff: chapeau! (and esp. great for first time owners).
-With the skeleton, your design leaves me with just one 'annoyance' : the tiny feet! I really wised in the least doll feet be a size 5 aka 100 times easier to shop for.
+That naked body (1st on page 1) : great to actually see shoulders sticking out + detail! Def. improvement in realism.
-Not loving how the insert looks, to me a minus (the visible transition a bit, and the color differences in a major way in some other pic).
+The looks of the lady parts is rather nice tho.
+Placement seem rather decent too. Always nice if a manufacturer understands this is a MAJOR plus in selling a sexdoll. Seems obvious, but not all seem to understand this is what there customers want.
+Hot shots of the girl with the umbrella; esp. proportions look quite good to me. I'd hit that ;).
+Great breast squish video; it really stuns me some brands that have been on her for ages, have jet to show this or their skeleton design.
+As Sandro mentioned (thanks for doing all this man btw); the openness in general and esp. about the skeleton too is just perfect in one word.
+The weight validation : 100% support this. Actually wont need the pic, as long as we know we can trust the figures. Since we all know damn near all other manufacturers seem to be unable to weight a doll correctly (or measure her height and everything else), it's nice to see one that actually does provide true weight numbers.
-Then I finished the thread, and started looking for the price for one of these...and awww man, I can offert it, shit it's probably worth it price-wise, but it's to much for me still. But in the least I'm persuaded to look into silicon again :P.

So why this long post : just really want to 'congratulate and approve' of this fresh business mindstate/approach Xycolo is bringing to the table. Actually for once I feel positive of the state of the doll industry lol normally I'm bashing all over her about these 10's of things TPE doll owners have to put up with, simply because manufactures just are not putting enough R&D in, and then you come across this thread and realize there is still some hope for humanity ;).

@Areon; interesting thoughts too gotta say, and I also LOL'd at wire discussion to getting phalanges. Tho I do kinda see what you mean regarding those bones, mostly the thumb part, but guess we'll have to see how it functions 'in the flesh'. EDIT: Kinda what Sandro said later, I see now. The elbow and shoulder part, dont really see the issue; you mean with like folding of the silicon?

@Sandro, about the standing option (again not knowing much of silicon) but are all these non-standing aka there is still foot bolts in standing option dolls?
Also kinda wonder about that 'black hook' where the head connects on the skeleton; what is its function?

Re: Introducing Xycolo

by avante » Sat Nov 02, 2019 12:35 pm

WOW seeing that skeleton and all the movement it'll offer filled my heart with joy; to see one of these manufacturers actually try (and succeeding from the looks of it!) to put out a really functioning skeleton! Bet it would be very nice to know your doll fingers wont break by default as with these TPE dolls (not really familiar with silicon dolls at all).

Anyways : probs for achieving this Xycolo :thumbs_up: If I were into silicon this would be a MAJOR reason for choosing your brand. I've never really considered silicon myself tho, might look into the pros and cons vs tpe again but I know I like TPE so to cut it short, just wondering Xycolo : are you planning to make TPE dolls too in the near future too??

BTW I just saw the models on DS; first off: they look pretty nice in general! Did notice tho that (to be expected of course) the weight is much lower for same body stats. So you're producing dolls that would be like 35kg in TPE, with several kg's I'd love a tad bit thicker body bringing her up to about 35kg, to have esp. more realistic waist and maybe bit bigger under-breast and legs. Then you'd have nice options for guys wanting small weight dolls and guys who can handle a bit more weight and looking for most realism aka 'normal/curvy fit woman' measurements.

Re: Introducing Xycolo

by Pip-Doll88 » Thu Oct 31, 2019 2:51 pm

It looks abit narrow but if its soft then i think it'll be good.

This might be a time where i'd might consider a insert rather than built-in, since the insert is on the outside and it still looks good.
