FINALLY!! A Hot Wet Pussy!! (Completely Literal)

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FINALLY!! A Hot Wet Pussy!! (Completely Literal)

Post by MannyCan »

As many people has complained, Doll Sweet (DS) dolls look amazing, are very durable, have HIGH HIGH build quality ... BUT are unfortunately not very suited for sex. The DS163+ in particular, I've found to fall flat miserably in this department. But I'm not one to give up .. not on a doll that I've already found a place in my heart for. I've given Reetzia and Nadia their own psyche and their own nature.
viewtopic.php?f=143&t=86851 (Reetzia's Intro Post)
viewtopic.php?f=143&t=86709 (Nadia's Intro Post)
Its not in my personality to give up on one of my own.

To that end .. I've embarked upon my quest to create my own custom PERFECT PUFFY PUSSY!!

My first design goal was that this new insert would be
Secure for Intercourse

This means that it doesn't shift around inside the doll insert cavity. This is the number one complaint I have about the existing DS insert. It hugs me more than it hugs the doll cavity. So I end up pulling it out during intercourse. Its .. the worst. It feels like putting on the biggest and thickest condom you've every tried - and you can't fill or feel your partner at all. Major Major let down. These two pictures are the original poorly fitting inserts (that come from DS).
01D - DS163 Poor Design.JPG
01D - DS163 Poor Design.JPG (169.1 KiB) Viewed 11910 times
01C - DS163 Poor Design.JPG
01C - DS163 Poor Design.JPG (157.59 KiB) Viewed 11909 times
By making an insert that perfectly aligns to the cavity walls, I expect that it will be much harder to dislodge the insert during intercourse. I match the interior of the doll's cavity perfectly because I casted the inside of my DS163+.
01B - DS163 Cavity.JPG
01B - DS163 Cavity.JPG (159.39 KiB) Viewed 11910 times
You can see how I did it here in this post:

Next, I wanted a
Much Prettier Design
I'm not an artist or have any formal understanding of anatomy - so I'm not going to apologize for how the sculpt came out. This is literally the second attempt at making my own custom insert. And literally the second time I've worked with clay on ANYTHING since kindergarten. All I can say is that I believe its better than the original insert that I paid good money for.
02 - SculptB.JPG
02 - SculptB.JPG (190.01 KiB) Viewed 11910 times
The original sculpt (left) was damaged during the molding process. But I keep it in case I want to start over (a lot of it was salvageable).

I took inspiration from many, many, many places. In fact my folder for .. um .. reference genitalia .. is overflowing. I know I wanted a clean genitalia, plump and slightly swollen to simulate a stimulated woman, ready for sex. I dislike the long stringy labia minora (pussy lips, some people call it "roast beef"); opting for a set of smooth swollen labia major and mons pubis (venus mounds). It reminds me of a woman in their early 20's; cleanly waxed and sexually uninhibited. My main inspiration came from Victoria Valeski primarily because of certain anatomical affinities.

Particularly, she has a pronounced Fourchette that I think is attractive and accentuates the perineum.
02B - Fourchette.JPG
02B - Fourchette.JPG (281.88 KiB) Viewed 11909 times
I hope the mods will allow this mosaic - its there to show a specific anatomical reference as most people won't know what a Fourchette is (my guess). Else see here:

As you can see above, I created the custom insert with Transition Flanges to help with color matching - since color matching in small batches is near-impossible, I felt I needed a way of transitioning the body color to this orifice so it looks natural. I have yet to test this since I haven't gotten my doll out in about 6 months now. (I've been doing this all using the reference cavity only). But at my first chance .. likely this weekend or next .. I'm going to get her out and test the insert inside the doll (instead of just in the reference cavity that I've created). That's likely when we'll get an update on this project. At this point in my development, I need to see what modifications I need to make before my next design iteration anyways. So before anyone gets too critical, remember that right now I've been working in complete absence of my doll (long story that I won't get into right now). But a surgeon can only do so much with the actual patient. If the razor thin edges help the color transition, then I'll keep it. Otherwise, I may nix this feature to ease the production process.

Strong on Sensation

No insert is useful if it doesn't feel good. Because a doll doesn't have muscles, she can't tighten her pussy around you during intercourse. All the sensation has to be by design from the get-go. So for that, I designed something with a lot of soft protrusions. I then 3D printed it and made several different iterations, improving it each time for better and better sensation.
03 - CAD_DesignB.jpg
03 - CAD_DesignB.jpg (359.47 KiB) Viewed 11909 times
It doesn't feel like a real female pussy .. flatly. It feels more like a really really .. REALLY .. good hand job. For me that's a marked improvement over what DS163 owners have today. Like .. worlds improved. Yeah .. I'd say it feel like an amazing hand job in the sensations. I gave it a shot in the dark and I'm happy with that as a random result.

The current version is still a tad tight. The silicone easily stretches to fit three to four fingers. It accommodates me if well lubricated. Its a sketch tight I admit.
09 - Stretch.JPG
09 - Stretch.JPG (126.18 KiB) Viewed 11909 times
But that can be a good thing if it stays in the doll cavity (still to be tested). I might make it a little larger. To be honest, the real estate in the DS163+ doll cavity isn't that much when you're engineering your own insert. So making it (the opening) too much larger will have its challenges. Ha! I complain that its too big for the stock insert. Then I complain its too small for my custom insert. I guess I just can't be pleased. :razz: I have to design a second half and an end-cap anyways because at present its not long enough for even me (and I consider myself a modest average gentleman). I want to design something that will be super easy to clean. This is already on a good path for that.

Lubrication Sacs
Here's where things get WET!!

One of the greatest joys when with a real female is playing with her pussy and feeling her get wet. I've commented before that this is part of the night that I actually allow myself into believing that I'm going to be getting laid. Before this point in my evening, I reserve any hope (having had it dashed on more than on occasion). But if (in real life) you're at the point where you're allowed to play with her pussy and you can feel her getting wet, this has always lead to intercourse (in my experience). So this feature allows the insert to "get wet" as you play with it. By stroking with medium pressure, this releases fluids into the orifice.
04 - Assembly.JPG
04 - Assembly.JPG (284.75 KiB) Viewed 11909 times
The fluids are pre-loaded by using a dental syringe that you can easily get off Amazon. ... B01H0H963W
05 - Ducts.jpg
05 - Ducts.jpg (149.6 KiB) Viewed 11909 times
Then she will be "ready and waiting" until you begin your night of passion. It doesn't just leak out. Intercourse should also be enough pressure to release lubrication during playtime. The extra lubrication as you thrust is one of my favorite sensations in real life. A water-based lubricant could additionally be heated in the microwave to piping hot. The silicone will still take it. I've checked (both with the silicone manufacturer and in real life). This was my first proof-of-concept that this works. And it did nicely. I can improve upon it. I'll do a demo of it when I have time to make a short video.

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FINALLY!! A Hot Wet Pussy!! (Completely Literal) Part II

Post by MannyCan »

Heat Inserts
This is where things get HOT!!

One of the most disappointing parts of being with a doll is the lack of any warmth. You can use a heating blanket for the body. But a cold pussy is like eating frozen pizza straight out of the freezer. I've used a USB heater. It "sort of" works. But honestly it was just clunky and takes me out of the mood. I dunno .. seeing in a wire hang out of my doll's pussy as I try to imagine she's a real partner .. just kinda messes it up for me. This feature allows the whole insert to warm up without any wires or batteries or hassle.
07 - Heat Inserts.JPG
07 - Heat Inserts.JPG (213.58 KiB) Viewed 11902 times
I'm using two click-heat reusable heat packs. They are amazing. If you've never seen one work, where is a link to understand more about the chemistry.
Its an awesome science/technology. Super inexpensive too.

As you can see, the surface temperature is 20 degrees lower than when you're inside with the heat packs active.
08 - Heat Active.JPG
08 - Heat Active.JPG (295.59 KiB) Viewed 11902 times
The click-heat packs only last about 20 minutes however (because of their small size). But the heat stays for about 30 minutes. I'm usually done with my first session by then. Its easy enough to reload for a second session if needed.

One thing I didn't "design", but ended up "just doing" is making the insert two toned. One is opaque and the back end is transparent. This made it easier to work with. You know how far to push in the heat-packs, and I think it would help for cleaning (not sure but makes sense). It looks cool and I think it just makes it easier for me to work with (as a designer/engineer).
06 - DualTone.JPG
06 - DualTone.JPG (159.62 KiB) Viewed 11902 times
Finally, last but not least. I felt that my custom insert should Show Some Love to my DS163+. I get so down on her because of the poor insert design. But I've felt her groan and sorrow at not being able to be a good partner for me. That was the inspiration for this story: viewtopic.php?f=143&t=98247

I literally did all this work not for me (I get laid in real life 3-4 times a week). I honestly did it for my doll. I just felt bad that despite being one of the most beautiful sex dolls you can buy, she can never fulfill her true purpose properly. Somehow I felt sad because of this. Some may feel that being designed for sex is somehow a form of subjugation. Its not for me to debate that here. Its not a bad discourse. This just isn't the post for it.

Just felt that somehow by making this for her, I honored her and her makers; completing a needed last step to fulfillment. So to commemorate her as a doll (and not a substandard object), I included a design aspect where the clitoris is actually a beautiful gem. In this case I used a nose stud hidden under the clitoris hood. Whenever I look at it, it want it to remind her that she's something valued in my life. Not something that was made and then abandoned by her makers. Its the closest thing to love I can express to an inanimate object. And (I can't explain why but) it feels right.
10 - Gemstone.jpg
10 - Gemstone.jpg (152.85 KiB) Viewed 11902 times
Different heads (my Reetzia and my Nadia) will have different color themes. And if I get another DS Head (I'm looking for a nice blonde), then she will also have her own personalized clitoris.

... Well .. that's all I got for now. I hope to continue developing this as I really love the look of the DS163+ - Just Look:
Nadia_01.jpg (286.06 KiB) Viewed 11902 times
Nadia_02.JPG (98.07 KiB) Viewed 11902 times
Nadia_03.jpg (209.01 KiB) Viewed 11902 times
Reetzia_01.JPG (192.98 KiB) Viewed 11902 times
Reetzia_02.JPG (80.09 KiB) Viewed 11902 times
The doll is hot as hell. She's always deserved a worthy pussy. And I'm giving her one.
Please post a comment. Its appreciated.
- MannyCan

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Re: FINALLY!! A Hot Wet Pussy!! (Completely Literal)

Post by haremlover »


That's attention to detail beyond the call of duty. One of the manufacturers should take you on as designer.

Best wishes

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Re: FINALLY!! A Hot Wet Pussy!! (Completely Literal)

Post by AGL »

Wow MannyCan, you're really pulling out all the stops with these inserts - well done! :thumbs_up:

I've always hated the insert on my DS145D - it looks awful, and is pretty much unusable for sex. I bought a larger insert from DS made for their larger series dolls, which is much better, but not nearly as nice as what you've come up with. I wish I had the dedication to make something like this for mine.

BTW, ever think of making one that would get wet enough to self lubricate? I'm guessing that the wet pussy isn't enough in of itself for full lubrication, is it?

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Re: FINALLY!! A Hot Wet Pussy!! (Completely Literal)

Post by Rider77 »

Wow, amazing work!

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Re: FINALLY!! A Hot Wet Pussy!! (Completely Literal)

Post by MannyCan »

AGL wrote:BTW, ever think of making one that would get wet enough to self lubricate? I'm guessing that the wet pussy isn't enough in of itself for full lubrication, is it?
One thing I'm thinking about is making the lubrication sac larger. If you notice the shape, its designed that way specifically so that I can still pull it out of the mold when casting the silicone. Its made to "gradually" stretch the silicone so it can pop out after the silicone cures. I'm using Ecoflex-0020 which is super soft and stretchy. So I might be able to make the sac a little bigger.

If I could engineer a way to occupy the whole venus mound then it would like be enough fluids to get her totally self-lubricated. I'd have to think about how to do that, but its been on my mind (likely using multiple materials).

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Re: FINALLY!! A Hot Wet Pussy!! (Completely Literal)

Post by curiousswede »

Christmas came early this year for you, MannyCan! :haha4:

Freaking awesome work. I am curious as where you inject the lube in the custom-made insert where it stays before it is "squeezed" out through the ducts? I assume this would only also be recommended to silicone-based dolls and NOT TPE-based ones?

If that custom-made insert design holds up long-term it should be the standard for silicone-based dolls with inserts. Being able to prepare your gal so you can just insert when you feel like it, would make things so much more realistic or at least spontaneous! :mrgreen:

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Re: FINALLY!! A Hot Wet Pussy!! (Completely Literal)

Post by TheIQF++ »

That is a great design and smart solution for heating without wires. :thumbs_up:
When using a USB warmer it does take a while and look unnatural with wires hanging out.
One method to warm some lube in a syringe (or injector made for this purpose) is by submerging it in warm water. It tends to dry out so you'd have to keep applying it as needed. It would be great if your lubrication sacs kept things wet by slowly adding more overtime. Even if it is just enough to keep things going this would be a game changer. I hope you can get this idea to work because it is pretty clever. I'm hoping everything does not squirt in on the first pump - but honestly that would not be so bad - imagine being able to time the release with a more forceful thrust... 8O

The looks of the thing is just great and makes you want to try it out! :) Everyone wants to get the pussy they dream of. Styling it after a favorite porn star is just great. The pussy of the young lady in the pics you posted is certainly desirable to me. :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: 8O

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Re: FINALLY!! A Hot Wet Pussy!! (Completely Literal)

Post by MannyCan »

haremlover wrote:WOW!

That's attention to detail beyond the call of duty. One of the manufacturers should take you on as designer.

Best wishes

Thank you Harem!! Your feedback is very appreciated. And I draw a lot of inspiration from your love of dolls!

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Re: FINALLY!! A Hot Wet Pussy!! (Completely Literal)

Post by NorthBase »

We need more people like you! great work!

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Re: FINALLY!! A Hot Wet Pussy!! (Completely Literal)

Post by matt gloss »

Wonderful thankyou :thumbs_up:

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Re: FINALLY!! A Hot Wet Pussy!! (Completely Literal)

Post by adelea »

Warming and self-lubricating, that is a total gamechanger right there.

Amazing work Manny!

And the design of the pussy itself is quite attractive, who doesnt love a pretty pussy :)

It is certainly an aesthetic improvement over those original pictures you posted, and with more functionality to boot. A win-win.

Hats off to you, sir!

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Re: FINALLY!! A Hot Wet Pussy!! (Completely Literal)

Post by stones »

Brilliant. These features are well thought out and designed!

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Re: FINALLY!! A Hot Wet Pussy!! (Completely Literal)

Post by Maviarab »

Holy Christ ae have gone way beyond even your own previous modifications. Ansolutely fantastic mate!

This made me sad though:
I just felt bad that despite being one of the most beautiful sex dolls you can buy, she can never fulfill her true purpose properly.
And it's not just's 98% of dolls that are perfect for company, utterly rubbish for what they are actually sold for....

Keep us updated please...look forward to hearing more. Now, if you don't mind...I need to go and google Victoria ;)


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Re: FINALLY!! A Hot Wet Pussy!! (Completely Literal)

Post by gunsmithcat »

wow amazing work.... really.... you should sell those
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