Care and maintenance of TPE

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Care and maintenance of TPE

Post by jm6o8u »

I thought I would start this new post to have a post where
we can't learn how to care for TPE dolls.
I would like to know best ways to care for TPE dolls before I jump in
to that arena.
Anyone with experience caring for TPE please post here.
Would like as detailed as you can be.
The inevitable always happens anyone who has repaired their doll
please post how you did it.

Thank you JM.

Thank you thank you DollAfficionado for posting this
The Big 3 for proper maintenance of a TPE doll are:

1. Keep the doll well-powdered all the time. Perform at least monthly powderings at a minimum; however, more frequent powederings are strongly recommended especially if you use the doll frequently.

2. Keep the doll dry. Soap and water are fine for cleaning, but afterwards you want to make sure that all surfaces, interior and exterior, are made to be completely dry. This includes completely drying up any bodily fluids. Water can work its way into the TPE pores over time which can cause issues such as mold and damage to structural integrity over time.

3. Keep all the doll's orifices exposed to room air when the doll is not in use. This will prevent water vapor from becoming trapped in a cavity where mold can quickly grow. Never store the doll with the insert in the pussy cavity. Place a pen shaft or similar object in the doll's mouth during storage in order to vent the oral cavity to room air.

There are many other care directives, but these are the care directives for protecting the actual TPE material from mold and degradation. Damage to the TPE material will inevitably occur after enough time; however, by following these directives, you can maximize the doll's lifespan.
Here are some that I found in repair and maintain. ... 23&start=0

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Re: Care and maintenance of TPE

Post by DollAfficionado »

You're welcome.
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Re: Care and maintenance of TPE

Post by zaijie508 »

Thank for sharing.I found a link may be helpful: ... -sex-toys/

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Re: Care and maintenance of TPE

Post by jm6o8u »

zaijie508 your first post! Thank you.
Welcome to the doll form.


TPE = Thermoplastic Elastomers

TPR = Thermoplastic Rubber


TPE, sometimes referred as TPR, are polymers (made of two or more
molecules) that are composed of thermoplastic and elastomers. The
difference between TPE and TPR is that TPE is a modification from
SEBS (Styrene-Ethylene-Butadiene-Styrene), while TPR is made of SBS
(Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene). If I continue here, I’ll probably be
getting into the science aspect of it which I’m totally not familiar
with. However, while TPE and TPR are sometimes confused with each other,
they could be quite different sometimes.

Sadly, it’s hard for consumers to see the differences. As the sex toy
industries are not regulated, it’s hard for us consumers to even actually
know if a toy is made of TPE, TPR or even jelly. So a toy could be totally
made of jelly, but the company could still mark it as TPR. Hence, how is
it even possible for us to know which toy is made of what?

According to Lilly, during a twitter conversation, she thinks that “TPE
can be visually more similar to silicone [while] TPR looks [more] like
gel”. However, this is solely based on her personal opinion & observations.

As for jelly, well TPE and TPR have many qualities that are similar to it.
But I personally think that the biggest difference is that TPE and TPR
don’t have the awful smell jelly toy has due to being phthalate-free 1

•Often Phthalate-free
•Life-like feel
•No odor
•Smooth/Soft (not tacky)

•Might be blended with other materials
•More expensive than jelly toys

How does it feel? Is this material the right choice for me?

TPE and TPR feel smooth and soft, but they can also feel very tacky
depending on how it is blend. Sometimes it can be as tacky as a jelly
toy while other times it can be as smooth as a silicone toy. They could
also feel life-like compared to toys made of ABS plastic. However, how
hard the material is will totally depend on the manufacturer as we never
really know what’s actually blended in all those chemicals. One example
I can think of right now is Fleshlight VS TPR/TPE vibrators & dildos. If
you have ever felt a male masturbator by Fleshlight, you will notice how
soft the material is. However, it is rare to see that kind of softness in
a vibrator or dildo that is made of TPE or TPR. So the feeling of TPE/TPR
may vary depending on how the manufacturers are blending the material.

If you’re a fan of jelly toys, but is concerned about your health, TPR &
TPE could be an alternative. They are often phthalate-free and don’t have
all the chemicals smoking out of the toy. Sadly again, TPE & TPR are porous,
so it won’t be possible to share the toy with someone else. It will also
not be possible to use the same toy (if possible and if the toy allows it)
through both the vagina or anally.

Is TPE/TPR durable?

Much more durable than a jelly toys, but not as durable as pure silicone.
They have a high tear-resistance, and they could last about a year or so
depending on how well you take care of the toy.


TPR & TPE could be fairly easy to clean. However, since they are porous,
they can’t be sterilized.

•Antibacterial soap and water
•Mild soap and water
•Toy cleaner

•10% bleach solution
•Rubbing alcohol

IMPORTANT! Alcohol, bleach or dish soap will break down the material.
Please avoid them at all cost.

TPE & TPR are normally porous materials 2. They can’t be sanitized so
sharing among partners will not be possible without the use of condoms.

Additionally, storing a TPE/TPR toy can be quite easy as long as they
are kept away from heat as well as jelly rubber toys. I will always
advise to put toys in a plastic (Ziploc) bag.

Depending on the blend, some TPE/TPR toys can be recycled!

Definitely DO NOT use oil-based lube with TPE/TPR toys. Water-based is
always the safest as silicone-based lube might not work out very well
with the toy (depending on how the toy is blended).

Here are some toys made out of TPE!
If there’s information you’d like to add, please let me know!

1.This is only if the toy is made of quality TPE and TPR. But then again,
we never know…
2.There are exceptions. Apparently, there is a medical grade TPR/TPE which
are non-porous.

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Re: Care and maintenance of TPE

Post by slowburn »

i don't have any tips but was actually seeking some myself - what's the best way to dry a TPE doll after cleaning? any special towel? thank you.

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Re: Care and maintenance of TPE

Post by jm6o8u »

slowburn2015 as far as I know no special towel needed.
I would recommend padding dry not rubbing.
I do not have a TPE doll yet that is why I started this thread.
I want to know all about them before I buy one.
I've read good points and bad points on the fence so far.

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Re: Care and maintenance of TPE

Post by DollAfficionado »

Dry the doll as much as possible with a micro-fiber towel, and the place a fan at the entrance to any wet cavities in order to dry up the residual moisture. Leaving cavities moist can lead to mold and other issues, so make sure that all surfaces are completely dry before you put the doll away.
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Re: Care and maintenance of TPE

Post by Akrasiel »

Thanks for the great information. New to TPE and plan on placing and order soon, so this will go really far with my care and maintenance :)

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Re: Care and maintenance of TPE

Post by sigmeister »

Thanks jm6o8u - I have some mould discolouring on my TPE and note that you sate no bleach

However on another posting it is indicate "You must soak paper towel in bleach. Put paper towel on area of mold. It takes several hours and applications."

I want to treat the mould so would appreciate any clarification/help


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Re: Care and maintenance of TPE

Post by DollAfficionado »

On the bleach or no bleach issue:

Bleach is not good for the TPE material; however, mold is even worse for the TPE material and renders the doll an unusable health hazard. Although you will cause damage to the TPE material, you really have no choice but to do so if you develop an extreme case of mold. Just don't use bleach for routine maintenance, and in the future, 1. Make sure all interior and exterior surfaces are made to be completely dry, and 2. Always remove the insert prior to putting the doll away.
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Re: Care and maintenance of TPE

Post by keeneye »

as you cansee in youtube a tech demonstrates stretching the tpe vagina big time so i open it with one hand/ three fingers and use the blow dryer on no heat just high air and she is dry to the touch in no time... dont be afraid to get two fingers up to the end of the channel to test for dryness and if in a hurry i us the white glove finger tip to absorb the mosture there. i saw elsewhere they said to put an empty pen in the mouth to alow ventalation if stored a while..

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Re: Care and maintenance of TPE

Post by Endril »
This is my video of my Kimberly ear tare repair.

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Re: Care and maintenance of TPE

Post by thelionking »

Always store your TPE doll on something soft and cushiony (like polyuthrane foam) and never put dark colored clothing on her (because of staining). If you must put dark clothing on her for taking pictures make sure it's brief and have some painter's solvent ready just in case staining occurs. If staining occurs, remove immediately with painter's solvent.

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Re: Care and maintenance of TPE

Post by EightiesKiddd »

So, the consensus seems that a TPE doll ought be cleaned with water and mild anti-bacterial soap, with an emphasis on proper drying. Can anyone name some specific brands of mild anti-bacterial soap that I can buy in Canada?

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Re: Care and maintenance of TPE

Post by DollAfficionado »

I use Dawn brand liquid which is intended for dishes. If it's available in Canada, get that or just import a dozen bottles. It has lots and lots of good uses in addition to dishes and dolls.
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