Claire Marie is December's CoverDoll

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Post by rentell »

And wasnt it just worth all the effort, they are very best doll photo's I have ever seen. 8O :D :wink:

Congratulations on making Coverdoll, DaveC and Claire Marie a richly deserved cover too I must say.

And not a tit or bum in sight :lol: :lol: :lol:

A thunderous round of applause from Rentell and the goyls

:thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:

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Post by pygmalion2 »

Congratulations on your Coverdoll pictures. Just love what that slightly square jaw does to the face 4. ClaireMarie is a truely unique doll. :wink: Mark and the Synthetiks

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Post by Everhard »

Claire does it again! What a unique and beautiful doll! There's something about a woman wearing headgear, whether a hat, tied up hair, or feathers. (As an amateur evolutionary psychologist, I am somewhat baffled by why we males find such things attractive -- but I am the biggest sucker for all those accoutrements that women wear...)

The lighting and the gold backdrops make the blue stand out, but without overwhelming the visual impact of Claire herself.

And, yes, Kharn's V-babe this month is outstanding also. What an artist!

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Post by DaveC »

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all the kind comments! It really makes the effort worthwhile.

I took the pictures in my back garden and as I wanted it to look more like a theatre than a garden I waited until nightfall to take the pictures. I started at 8:00pm and finished at 3:30am the following morning. Needless to say, I was exhausted and suffering from mild hypothermia by the time I had finished.

On top of that, I had my studio lights (2 x 500W lamps) and the disco lights illuminating the garden, which obviously drew the attention of my neighbors. They peeked out of an upstairs window, but quickly closed the curtains when I spotted them. They probably think I was performing some kind of sacrificial ceremony. 8O Anyway, they don’t mention it, when I speak to them.

It is my fault that Claire hasn’t been a CoverDoll before. I wanted to practice my photography until I was sure I could come up to the standards set by all the other contributors I so admire.

Anyway, thanks again. I’m sure Claire is blushing. :D



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Post by Viking1 »

Dave -

Truly amazing pictures. I'll bet your neighbors thought she was a real woman.....they probably think you are a professional model photgrapher and she is the human model.
Is there a secret to getting her to be able to stand up?

Congrats again!


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Post by stacy718 »


Wow...I really mean it Dave, wow. I am speechless. Claire Marie is a goddess, and her beauty is only enhanced with your fabulous photography. Damn you're good.

Where in bloody hell is my doll !!! I am inspired by your pictures.....ppfffttt...All ready to photograph without a model.... :cry:

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Post by peter_girth »

rentell wrote:And not a tit or bum in sight :lol: :lol: :lol:
You didn't look very close, did you?? ;^) Great pix.
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Post by PBShelley »

Hi DaveC and the exquisite Marie Claire,

Your efforts have certainly been worthwhile, as your work on this shoot has made this month's issue of Coverdoll the best yet (IMHO) 8)

Your posing is remarkable, and really makes Claire look human. What a lovely shoot! Thanks for all your effort; I know how time-consuming and difficult it is to get a good yield from the many many photos you must have taken.


(And just tell the neighbors you are a mad scientist; I'm sure they'll understand the late-night lighting and leave you alone as well :razz: )

Thanks again,
PBShelley and Lily
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Post by DaveC »

Hi folks, thanks again for the kind words.

Stacy, I do hope Noco arrives soon. You must have the patience of a saint. I’d be tearing my hair out by now (what little I have left). I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you (and Claire’s).

Thanks Peter_Girth. Yes, I think Rentell might have missed some of the pictures on the end. Or perhaps he is being kind to spare Clare’s blushes. I’ve quite often thought I’d reached the end of the set of pictures in CoverDoll, only to realise there are more if I keep clicking the arrow on the end of the picture strip. As a rule, there are at least 20 pictures in a CoverDoll shoot.

PBS, thanks for the suggestion. However, having a naked woman in my back garden at 1:00am is, I fear, too surreal, even for a mad scientist. I hope it won’t be long before Lily graces the cover of CoverDoll.

Viking, I certainly hope your suggestion is right. As for getting Claire Marie to stand, this picture might help to explain my method. It was taken for another garden shoot I did last year but the method is exactly the same:- ... ?cat=10013

I use a boxing stand to support her and just crop it out of the picture to make it look as if she’s standing by herself. One point to note is that all the Face X dolls are supplied with an eye-bolt screwed into the back of their neck, which is used to hang then when being stored. I use this neck bolt to suspend her for the pictures. I’m not sure if Mia is sufficiently new to have this feature.

In addition, suspending directly from the neck-bolt makes the doll tilt forward, giving an unrealistic pose. I’ve fixed this by making a bracket to attach to the neck-bolt, which puts the lift over her centre of gravity.

Midnight has used a similar bracket with his girls, to great effect.



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Post by Slim »

DaveC wrote:Many of the most beautiful dolls have been featured in this publication in the past, and I am grateful that Kharn (who runs the site with Britti_Lover) has deemed Claire good enough to appear on the cover.
Congratulations Dave! Claire Marie surely belongs to the category of the most beautiful dolls and as a coverdoll your Claire is fully in her element. She really looks to enjoy it very much. But what can I say about this? Well, this is the best doll photo shoot I’ve seen so far and Claire never looked better. :razz: :razz: :razz: It just doesn’t get any better than this! :roll: Simply unequalled! Claire Marie is such an amazingly breathtaking angel. I love her awesome outfit. And your back garden really looks like a theatre. :o Choosing my favorite photos from this photo shoot is way too hard for me. :( They’re ALL my favorites! :D Thank you very much, Dave and Claire Marie! :wink:
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Post by rentell »

Yer right DaveC, there is tits and bums, but WHAT tits and bums :!: Nicely done, I always forget that our dolls have such nice feet as you have ably shown us all as well.

As you said I just had to keep clicking :roll:

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Post by Wanda »


Missed this thread somehow, but just want to say that Claire is gorgeous, and especially that the photo of you two together that you put in the gallery is charming. The look that Claire is giving you....if I saw that on a real woman at party, I would know that she was very proud of you, very possessive of you...and very much in love with you.

Lucky guy.

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